photo credit Jim Bodeen, 2005 |
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall September 29, 1948 – November 9, 2021
that…. when we were created by God the Father and had received…
all kinds of good things, the devil… led us into disobedience… and all
evil. We lay under God’s wrath and displeasure, doomed to eternal
damnation, as we had deserved. There was… no help… for us until [the]
only… Son of God… had mercy on our misery… and came from heaven to
help us…. He snatched us poor, lost creatures from the jaws of hell, won
us… and restored us to the Father’s favor and grace…. How much it cost
Christ… to win us!... He suffered, died, and was buried that he might make
satisfaction for me and pay what I owed, not with silver and gold, but with
his own precious blood. Martin
Luther (1483-1546) The
Large Catechism (1529) II.28-31 [The
Book of Pastor Marshall's Day of Ordination June 25, 1979
"Rilke [1875-1926] in one of his letters said Christ is a
pointing, a finger pointing at something, and we are like dogs who
keep barking and lunging at the hand..." [Franz
Wright, "The New Jerusalem," p.
63 in Walking to ( Winner
of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, 2004.]
So Pastor Marshall would not want it said of him – as is was of the great John Milton – that "he was naturally a thinker for himself, confident of his own abilities, and disdainful of help or hindrance: he did not refuse admission to the thought or images of his predecessors, but he did not seek them." This is because in those predecessors Pastor Marshall finds power "to recall vagrant inattention, to stimulate sluggish indifference, and to rectify absurd misapprehension." [The Works of Samuel Johnson, ed. Arthur Murphy, 12
vols. (London: Bentley, 1823) 6:182, 97].
icon was presented to Pastor Marshall by
his children Susannah,
Ruth, and Anders on
November 28, 1994 in
Thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity on
the occasion of the forty-sixth
Anniversary of his Baptism on
which day is the commemoration of Saint
Gregory III, Bishop of
The iconoclastic controversy was at its
height when Emperor Leo III (727-741) enacted a prohibition of sacred images
and of their veneration in early January 730.
Pope Gregory opposed this prohibition, and on November 1, 731, held a
synod denouncing iconoclasm and excommunicated anyone destroying icons... He gave his full support and backing to
the missionary enterprises of St. Boniface (680-754) in
An oratory in St. Peter’s basilica, dedicated to Christ, the Virgin
Mary, and All the Saints, was built by him for housing relics of the saints;
here he was buried among splendid scared images, which affirmed the belief
of the pope and the and
J. N. D. Kelly, The
Life in Six Words
Pastor Marshall
"Unimagined delights sneaked in when heartbroken."
Dayton, Ohio
In Memoriam:
Gerhard O. Forde (1927-2005)
By Pastor Marshall In thanksgiving to God for my teacher, Dr. Forde, I remember some of his words: "It is hard for us to learn the lesson of creation.... We seek the secret behind the scenes, to wrest from creation the answer to our agony, to go on living as long as possible and at any cost..." ("Without a Card," 1975); "What chance do we really have other than the sheer generosity of God?" ("God's Rights," 1986); "The clothed God must conquer the naked God for us" (Theology Is for Proclamation, 1990); "Faith means precisely faith and not some sort of supernatural sight" (The Law-Gospel Debate, 1969); "[We] cannot live today on yesterday's faith" (Where God Meets Man, 1972); "Growth in Christian life... is... in forgetting oneself" (Justification By Faith, 1982); "Perhaps we need a sequel today [to J. B. Phillips, Your God Is Too Small] called something like Your God Is Too Nice!" ("The God Who Kills," 1998); "Self-esteem -- the current circumlocution for pride" (On Being a Theologian of the Cross, 1997); "The Word is not relevant to the 'Old Adam' as such.... It is something like the word, 'I love you,' spoken in a brothel" ("A Short Word," 1981); "The supposed scandal of our disunity is no greater than the scandal of our contrived unions!" (A More Radical Gospel, 2004); "[The office of ministry is like] the television show 'Mission Impossible' where the 'team' receives its instructions via a tape... that then announces that it will self-destruct in a number of seconds.... It seeks to set people free, that is, to get out of the way for the Christ it proclaims" ("Promoting Unity," 1989); "Where was [objectivity and stability] finally to be found [in the Old Synod]?.... The truth was that sinners were accepted in baptism and forgiven through the means of grace, and that was that.... The liturgy was chanted by the pastor and responded to with gusto by the people" ("The 'Old Synod,'" 1977); "My biggest fear in the present is that the eschatological two-age structure of theology is once again simply being lost.... Lost in an ecclesiology which threatens to substitute itself for the kingdom" ("The One Acted Upon," 1997); “[The most difficult problem is to explain how we live out the cross of Christ] because once you try to answer it you only make matters worse. I’m always reminded of the old joke about that. There was an old pastor on his deathbed, and he was sure that he was going to heaven because he hadn’t ever done a good work in his life” (“On Interviewing a Theologian of the Cross,” 2004) and "There is nothing you can do now but, as the words of the old hymn have it, 'climb Calvary's mournful mountain' and stand with your helpless arms at your side and tremble before 'that miracle of time, God's own sacrifice complete! It is finished; hear him cry; learn of Jesus Christ to die!" (The Captivation of the Will, 2005). Amen! [Revised and reprinted from the Memory Book at Luther Seminary’s website,
Burying a Demitted Christian By
Pastor Marshall
The pertinent rubric for the burial of the dead in the Lutheran
Book of Worship said by “certain omissions and choices of
alternative selections this service may be adapted for.... people
having no connection with the Church.”1
This meant what we were looking for should be possible.
The problem, however, remained:
Which omissions and choices would we make?
No concrete liturgical proposals were available to guide us.2
What follows is the liturgy I wrote with minor changes made
by my family. I offer it
as a model for anyone facing a situation like ours.
We used this liturgy at the new national cemetery in
In addition to our liturgical problem we also had a massive
theological one. We were
tempted to lie and say my father was a Christian when we knew he was
not. By telling this lie
we could then bury him in the church with the standard burial
liturgy. We could then
say he was at peace. We
would no longer have to fear he had gone from the frying pan into
the fire. Neither would
we sound judgmental.3
All of this tempted us to lie.
In the end we resisted this temptation as the liturgy below
A major reason for this was my father’s well known disdain
for Christianity. He
frequently and eloquently said how much he hated the Church and
despised the Bible. His
repartee on these matters was legendary and imposing!
He regularly ridiculed Christians for their beliefs and
practices. He was a true
unbeliever. He studied
and practiced Christianity for years and finally rejected it.
He had no regrets.
One reason this lie was to tempting was it made God look
better. We could then
say God’s love was so great that it even saves unbelievers!4
Then we would no longer have to endure Luther’s dark view
that “God himself cannot give heaven to him who does not believe.”5 But
Holy Scriptures would not grant our wishes.
Salvation must come “through faith” (Ephesians 2.8).
Furthermore God creates both weal and woe (Isaiah 45:7).6
He has a hard side which includes sending unbelievers to
hell. Indeed “he who
does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not
believed in the testimony that God has borne to his Son.
And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and
this life is in the Son. He
who has the Son has life, he who has not the Son of God has not life”
(1 John 5:10-11). This
is true even if the one on the short end of the stick is your
This lie further tempted us into hoping a trace of faith
remained that saved him. Maybe
a little faith still clung to the inside of his heart even after he
hardened it against Christ Jesus and demitted the faith! Or
maybe just as he died he started believing again.
These ideas raced around in our heads.
But they finally could not stand up against Biblical
teaching. Faith is more
muscular than that. It
is a “good fight” (1 Timothy 6:12).
It bears fruit and even “moves mountains” (Matthew
17:20). It has visible
manifestations. It
therefore does not “float on the heart like a goose on the water,”
as Luther mused. Rather
it is “vigorous and powerful,” even to the point of making “an
altogether new human being” by fashioning “a different mind and
different attitude.”8
This never even came close to happening for my father, as all
who knew him testify. He
had no Christian devotion. He
repeatedly and unrepentantly violated his marriage vows and reneged
on his parental obligations.
Some also wondered if my father was saved from hell by my
mother’s faith. But
this is a misunderstanding of 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 which only holds
hope for unbelieving husbands before they die.
The truth is there are no “second-hand” Christians.9
This is because everyone “must fight his own battle with
death by himself, alone.... Therefore every one must himself know
and be armed with the chief things which concern a Christian.”10
My family laments that to all appearances my father was not
so armed. He was an
excellent soldier but against the “last enemy” (1 Corinthians
15:26) he was willingly and foolishly defenseless.
He did not believe that “only when we take hold of
Christ... and believe that for his sake God is gracious to us” are
we rescued “from the jaws of hell.”11
Christians need to know what to say and pray when such people
die. The
Memorial Liturgy12
In the name of God the Father, Son X
and Holy Spirit.
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Let us pray: Heavenly
Father, you have authority over life and death, being God of the
spirits and Master of all flesh; you kill and make alive, you bring
down to the gates of hell and bring up to the glories of heaven; you
create the spirits of mortals within them and take to yourself the
souls of the saints and give rest.
Console us now who mourn the death of Robert Marshall; grant
to us all a good end, through your only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.13
Amen. Obituary14
Robert Irwin Marshall was born the fourth of five children to
Frederick William and Nellie Morris Marshall on May 28, 1918, in
Robert was baptized as a young child at the
On October 10, 1943 he married Eva R. Lien at
In June 1944 he left with the 96th Infantry
Division to fight in WW II in the Philippine Islands.
There he was awarded the Bronze Star for bravery.
In April 1945 he entered the battle of
By the end of 1945 they moved to
In November 1951 he was promoted to the
rank of Captain and left to fight in the Korean War as commander of
F Company in the 2nd Infantry Division.
In March 1952 he was wounded in Wejambu and awarded his
second Purple Heart. After
recovering from his injury he was back with Eva in
On September 25, 1957 Robert retired from the US Army in
He is survived by his wife Eva, his sister Edna of Hillside,
New Jersey, his four children, his eleven grandchildren, his two
great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews.
Truly no man can ransom himself or give to God the price of
his life.
We shall see that even
the wise die, the fool and the stupid alike must perish and leave
their wealth to others.
This is the fate of those who have foolish confidence, the
end of those who are pleased with themselves.
But God shall ransom my
soul from the power of death, for he will receive me.
Though while a man lives he counts himself happy, and though
he gets praise when he does well for himself, he will go to the
generation of his fathers who will never again see the light.
(Psalm 49:7-19)
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Let us pray: O
Lord our God, King of the Universe, we commend to your care Robert
Marshall, your child by Holy Baptism, whose earthly life has now
ended. We know that
faith in your dear Son, Christ Jesus, is the only way we have to
live with you in heavenly peace and joy.
Our hope is that Robert finally had this faith.
If he did not, give us strength to stand by your righteous
Amen. The
Old Testament Lesson
I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day.
That I have set before you life and death, blessing and
Therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may
Loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice, and cleaving to
him. (Deuteronomy
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God. The
Heavenly Father, for our loved one, Robert Marshall, son and
brother, husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather,
We give You thanks.
For his intelligence and charm, care and support, conviction
and accomplishments,
We give You thanks,
For his service in two wars, his courage under fire, his
strength and survival,
We give You thanks.
From our guilt over failing to commend to him adequately the
life in Christ,
Good Lord deliver us.
From our guilt over failing to pray for him enough that your
Holy Spirit enter him and soften his hardened heart,
Good Lord deliver us.
In our anger over his failure to be a good husband,
Give us Your peace.
In our sadness over his failure to be a good father,
father-in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather,
Good Lord comfort us.
In our fear that he despised the forgiveness of sins for
Jesus’ sake,
Keep us steadfast in
your word.15 The
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that
whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
For God sent his Son
into the world, not to condemn the word, but that the world might be
saved through him.
He who believes in him is not condemned; he who does not
believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the
name of the only Son of God.
And this is the
judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved
darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For every one who does evil hates the light, and does not
come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
But he who does what is
true comes to the light, that it may be clearly seen that his deeds
have been wrought in God....
He who believes in the Son has eternal life; he who does not
obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon
him. (John 3:16-21, 36)
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Let us pray: From
everlasting death and torment, deliver us, O Lord God.
In that awful day, when the heavens and earth are destroyed
by fire, and you come to judge all that you have made, have pity on
us for Jesus’ sake. Without
your dear Son, dread and trembling seize us when we ponder your
judgment and all-consuming wrath.
On that great and exceedingly bitter day, may our faith hold
fast in Jesus Christ, who died and rose for us.
Amen. The Benediction
Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our
Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the
eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his
will, working in you that which is pleasing in his sight, through
Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever.
(Hebrews 13:20-21)
Depart in peace.
In the name of Christ X our Lord.
Amen. ENDNOTES 1Lutheran
Book of Worship: Ministers Desk Edition. (Minneapolis:
Augsburg Publishing House, 1978), p. 37. 2The
Episcopal Church offers a burial liturgy for “One Who Does Not
Profess the Christian Faith” (The
Book of Occasional Services, New York: The Church Hymnal
Corporation, 1979, pp. 156-159).
None of the eight lessons or ten prayers listed, however,
express fear that the deceased was in jeopardy of being damned.
This omission makes this liturgy unusable and its
faithfulness suspect. 3In
“Judging One Another,” Lutheran Commentator 7 (March/April, 1994) 6, I propose six ways to
keep our judgments from being judgmental.
“First our judgment must use no double standard.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Next our standards for measurement must be more than personal
opinion. God’s will
and command must obtain. Third
our judgment must be revisable, for new information and
circumstances are always relevant.
Fourth our judgment must be corrective instead of vengeful
and mean-spirited. It is
to aim at improving the one judged.
That makes judgment loving.
Fifth it is to be deliberate.
Snap judgments about people are always poor.
Instead we should strive for balance and thoroughness.
And sixth our judgment should be communal.
This is the burden of the teaching in Matthew 18:15-20 and 1
Corinthians 5:1-13. We
must seek corroboration.” 4A
clear statement of this view is Jacques Ellul,
What I Believe, translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley (Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989), “How can we think that God can cease to
love the creation that he has made in his own image?
This would be a contradiction in terms.
God cannot cease to love.... It is unthinkable that there
should exist a place of suffering, of torment, of the domination of
evil, of beings that merely hate since their only function is to
torture. It is
astounding that Christian theology should not have seen at a glance
how impossible this idea is. Being
love, God cannot send to hell the creation.
This would be to cut off himself” (p. 190).
Unfortunately Ellul never considers Mark 9:48 where Jesus
says the unrighteous will go to hell where the “worm does not die
and the fire is not quenched.”
At that point “I have reached bedrock, and my spade is
turned,” to borrow a line from Wittgenstein [Philosophical Investigations, (1958) §217], which means we cannot
think any further, hoping thereby to undermine or change what this
verse clearly concludes. 5Martin Luther, Defense and
Explanation of All the Articles (1520), Luther’s
Works 32:76. 6On this dual nature of God
see my “Duplex Verba,” Pro
Ecclesia 3 (Fall, 1994) 395-396. 7Neither
could the fact he was baptized guarantee him salvation.
In the Large Catechism (1529), Luther shows how baptism degenerates into
an “unfruitful sign” (LC 4,73) when there is no faith to go with
it. In these cases one
has been “baptized in vain” [Lectures on Hebrews (1518), Luther’s
Works 29:138]. On
this catastrophe see my “Poisoning Baptism,” The
Bride of Christ (Lent-Easter, 1991) 9-13. 8Martin
Luther, Lectures on Genesis 6-14 (1535), Luther’s
Works 2:266. 9See
Søren Kierkegaard’s
Journals & Papers, translated and edited by Edna H. and
Howard V. Hong, in 7 volumes. (Bloomington:
Indiana University Press, 1967-78), §1441.
“A second-hand relationship to God is just as impossible
and just as nonsensical as falling in love at second-hand...” 10Martin
Luther, The First Sermon, Invocavit Sunday (March 9, 1522), Luther’s
Works 51:70. 11The
Book of 12The
italicized paragraphs and lines were read by those in attendance.
I read the rest. 13This
prayer is adapted from the “Prayer Book of Serapion, Bishop of
Thmuis in the first half of the fourth century” [Philip H.
Pfatteicher, Commentary on the
Lutheran Book of Worship, (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1990) p. 479]. 14Some
think obituaries have no place in burial liturgies.
If they function to draw attention away from God and glorify
the deceased, then I agree. Indeed,
how can we believe if we “do not seek the glory that comes from
the only God?” (John 5:44) In
this liturgy, however, the intent was to show how my father had “drifted
away from.... such a great salvation” (Hebrews 2:1-3).
When the obituary tries to expose the faith and works (James
2:17) of the deceased, then it belongs in the liturgy.
When Christians bury a demitted Christian, Matthew 7:16,
“You will know them by their fruits,” requires that an
obituary is included in the liturgy. 15This
litany was the most controversial part of the liturgy.
One grandchild said it was mean-spirited and “trashed
Grandpa Bob!” But the sequence of the petitions and the
confessional nature of the phrases, “our anger,” “our sadness”
and “our fear,” suggest something quite different. 16This
prayer is adapted from the “twelfth century responsory Libra
me, Domine” (Pfatteicher, Commentary,
p. 479). (Reprinted
from The Bride of Christ,
September 1998)
Pastor Marshall, in his mother's arms, on Easter 1949, in Bonner, Montana. His father is holding his sister Doreen.
Pastor Marshall in his father's arms at his first Christmas, 1948. |
![]() To read Pastor Marshall's blog, click on |
Church where Pastor Marshall was baptized in Bonner, Montana, 1948.
Ronald Frederick Marshall
Born: September 29, 1948, Missoula, MT (parents: Robert I. Marshall & Eva Lien Marshall), born second of four children – siblings: Doreen, Richard and Denise.
November 28, 1948, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Bonner, MT (The Rev.
Gordon V. Tollefson, 1914-1985).
May 31, 1964, Hope Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA (The Rev. Harold E.
Aalbue, 1916-1976).
Pastor Marshall, as a boy, all dressed up for church on a Sunday in 1955 in Tacoma, WA.
August 1, 1972 to Dr. Jane L. Harty, University Lutheran Church of Hope,
Minneapolis, MN (The Rev. John L. Drier). Children: Susannah (b. 1980),
Ruth (b. 1983) and Anders (b. 1986). (Dr. Harty has taught at Pacific
Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, Music Department since 1978.)
Lakeridge Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA, 1978-1979 (The Rev. Gordon E.
Coates, 1926-2005).
June 25, 1979, First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, Seattle, WA (The
Rev. Karl A. Ufer, 1913-1981).
HS Diploma (1967), graduated 13 out of 439, with perfect attendance, and
elected the boy "most likely to succeed," Stadium High School, Tacoma,
WA; BA in Philosophy (1971), magna
cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Washington State University, Pullman, WA;
Masters of Divinity (1975) Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN; MA in Religion
(1978) Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA.
Pastor at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, Seattle, WA since 1979;
Northwest Theological Union, Seattle University (1984-1992) part-time
instructor in Systematic Theology.
Non-Profit Boards:
West Seattle Food Bank (since 1996), West Seattle Helpline (since 1989,
co-founder and secretary); Music Northwest (since 2003, treasurer); West
Seattle Ministerial Association (since 1979, treasurer and past
Pastor Marshall with The Rev. Dr. Martin J. Heinecken (1902-1998), November 17, 1985, at the Kierkegaard Festival, First Lutheran Church of West Seattle.
Major Publications: “God and Worship,” Dialog 14 (Spring 1975) 134-143.
“Luther’s Two-Factor Hermeneutic,”
Lutheran Quarterly 28 (February 1976) 54-69.
“In Between Ayer and Adler: God in Contemporary Philosophy,”
Word & World 2 (Winter 1982) 69-81.
“Exploring Christian Unity,” The
Ecumenist 26 (March/April 1988) 33-37.
Deo Gloria: A History of First Lutheran Church of West Seattle from 1918
to 1988
(FLCWS, 1989) ii-xxi, 1-102.
Study Guide to “Roots and Branches: The Religious Heritage of Washington
(Church Council of Greater Seattle, 1990).
An Independent Monthly Review of the Northwest Washington Synod of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 1990-2002, editor and
“Poisoning Baptism,” The Bride of
Christ 15 (Lent-Easter 1991) 9-13, reprinted online under Baptism at
“Kierkegaard’s Heavenly Whores,”
Dialog 31 (Summer 1992) 227-230.
“Seek Simplicity and Distrust It: Paul R. Sponheim on Christian
Theology,” Dialog 31 (Winter
1992) 36-41.
“Kierkegaard’s Worshipping Geese,”
The Bride of Christ 17 (St. Michael & All Angels 1993) 8-15. “Deathly Evangelism,” Trinity Seminary Review 16 (Spring 1994) 29-42, enlarged and reprinted in The Bride of Christ (Pentecost, 1995) and posted online at Semper Reformanda, June 25, 1997.
“Only the Remorse of Judas,” The
Bride of Christ 19 (Pascha 1995) 26-31.
“School Prayers That Flunk Out,”
Dialog (Fall 1995) 310-312.
“Luther the Lumberjack,” Lutheran
Quarterly, New Series, 10 (Spring 1996) 107-110.
“Taking Up Snakes in Worship,” The
Bride of Christ 20 (Christ the King 1996) 20-23, 41.
“Bishopitis,” Pro Ecclesia 6
(Summer 1997) 264-267.
“Christ as a Sign of Contradiction,”
Pro Ecclesia 6 (Fall 1997)
“Salvation Within Our Reach,”
Lutheran Forum 31 (Fall 1997) 18-21.
“Praying in Jesus’ Name,” The
Bride of Christ 22 (Lent & Easter 1998) 3-7.
“Burying a Demitted Christian,”
The Bride of Christ 22 (Michaelmas 1998) 21-25, reprinted online
under Staff at
“Few Are Chosen,” Logia 8
(Eastertide 1999) 57-58.
“Debunking the Jesus Video Project,”
Lutheran Forum 33 (Winter
1999) 50-51, reprinted online under Movie Reviews at
“News From the Graveyard: Kierkegaard’s Analysis of Christian
Self-Hatred,” Pro Ecclesia 9 (Winter 2000) 19-42.
“Misconstruing Miracles,” Dialog
39 (Winter 2000) 297-298.
“Advent Wretchedness,” The Bride
of Christ 25 (December 2000) 3-6.
“What I Tell My Gay Friends,”
Forum Letter 30 (April 2001) 6-8, reprinted online under Weddings at
“Our Serpent of Salvation: The Offense of Jesus in John’s Gospel,”
Word & Word 21 (Fall 2001)
“Walking with Kierkegaard,”
Lutheran Forum 35 (Christmass 2001) 51-52, read online under Prayers
and Kierkegaard Videos at
“Psalmic Bishops,” Currents in
Theology and Mission 29 (February 2002) 40-44.
“Beneath God’s Righteous Frown,”
The Bride of Christ 26 (Pentecost 2002) 10-14.
“Kierkegaard’s Cure for Divorce,”
Søren Kierkegaard Newsletter, Number 44 (September 2002) 6-10,
reprinted online under Weddings at
“Consummatun Est,” Logia 11
(Reformation 2002) 59.
“Preaching Against the Cross,”
Lutheran Partners 19 (September/October 2003) 24-29.
“Somber Lutherans,” Lutheran Forum
38 (Easter 2004) 41-45, reprinted online under Publications at
“Kierkegaard’s Music Box: A Critique of Joakim Garff’s Biography on
Kierkegaard,” Lutheran Forum
39 (Fall 2005) 37-41.
“Kierkegaard’s Sesquicentennial,”
Lutheran Forum 40 (Pentecost 2006) 17-19.
“Getting Off on the Wrong Foot: A Critique of the ELCA Sexuality Study,”
Letter 36 (January 2007) 3-4.
“The Sickbed Preacher: Kierkegaard on Adversity and the Awakening of
Faith,” 219-249, vol. 17 in the
International Kierkegaard Commentary, ed. Robert L. Perkins, Mercer
University Press, 2007.
“Evangelical Lutheran Worship
and Universalism,” CrossAccent
15 (2007) 4-5.
“Eaten Alive: On Jonah for Kids,”
Touchstone 21 (April 2008) 22-26.
“Constraining the Berserk: Kierkegaard on Adler and the Ideal Pastor,”
35-66, vol. 24 in the
International Kierkegaard Commentary, ed. Robert L. Perkins, Mercer
University Press, 2008.
“Why I Teach the Qur’an,” The
Lutheran: Weekly E-newsletter, posted online, March 10, 2009.
"The Traversed Path
"Stand F
"Commemorating St. Søren Kierkegaard,
"Martin Luther as
Kierkegaard for the Church: Essays and Sermons, foreword b
Hunger Immortal: The First Thirty Years of the West Seattle Food
Bank 1983-2013
Pastor Marshall in Langley, W
Luther's Rose & Kierkegaard's Longing
Sewn by Bob Ayer
Given to Pastor Ron Marshall
Seattle, WA
February 6, 2011
The Property of Jesus
Bob Dylan’s Witness to Christ By
Pastor Marshall October 5th Anders
and I attended the Bob Dylan concert in You can mislead a
man, You can take hold of
his heart with your eyes. But there’s only one
authority, And that’s the
authority on high…. Jesus said, “Be
ready, For you know not the
hour in which I come.” He said, “He who is
not for Me is against Me,” Just so you know
where He’s coming from. But Bob Dylan, at
68, is mostly remembered as that 1960s folk singer who protested the war
in Viet Nam and other social ills with such songs as “Blowin’ in the
Wind” (1962), “The Times They Are A-Changin’” (1963), “Mr. Tambourine
Man” (1964), and “Like a Rolling Stone” (1965) – which
Stone magazine in 2004 called
the best song ever. Bono, in the 2008 citation
for the Rolling
Stone award of the “100
Greatest Singers of All Time,” said that Dylan's voice is “howling,
seducing, raging, indignant, jeering, imploring, begging, hectoring,
confessing, keening, wailing, soothing, conversational, crooning. It is
a voice like smoke, from cigar to incense, where it’s full of wonder and
worship.” Keening? That means lamenting. Dylan, however, is
more than a singer and musician. He’s also a film maker, painter (The
Drawn Blank Series, 1994) and poet. So he’s not stuck in the 1960s.
Just think of his recent string of prestigious awards – the Kennedy
Center’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 1997; three Grammy Awards in
1998, including Album of the Year for
Time Out of Mind (1997); the
Academy Award (Oscar) in 2001 for his song, “Things Have Changed,” from
the film Wonderboys; an
Honorary Doctorate of Music in 2004 from the University of St. Andrews,
Scotland; and the Pulitzer Prize Special Citation in 2008. And the Poet
Laureate of the United Kingdom, Andrew Motion, said his songs should be
studied along with the poems of the towering John Keats (1795-1821) in
the universities of the UK (The
London Times, September 22,
2007). To date, some twenty PhD dissertations have been written on
Dylan’s work and influence. Some eleven hundred books have also been
written about him over the last forty years. Dylan’s poems and
songs show the influences of Robert Burns (1759-1796), Jean Rimbaud
(1854-1891), and Dylan Thomas (1914-1953). His music sounds like the
blues singer, Robert Johnson (1911-1938), the folk singer, Woody Guthrie
(1912-1967), and the rock singer, Chuck Berry (1926- ). He has written
over 500 songs with nearly 60 million CDs sold, and has been performing
100 concerts a year since 1988 – on what he calls his
Never Ending Tour. In the
first volume of his autobiography, he says that his songs are “one long
funeral song” [Chronicles
(2004) p. 85]. In 2006 he began his acclaimed
Theme Time Radio Hour on the
XM satellite network – my favorite shows being
The Bible (No. 19),
The Devil (No. 14) and
Fools (No. 47). But it is his
Christian songs that mean the most to me (see my “Bob & God,”
Seattle Weekly, December 20,
1989, and “Dylan Lives,” First
Things, December 2006). In 2005 I collected (with Anders’ help) a 2
CD set of 27 of these songs (from the years 1962 to 1997) which I
entitled, Dylan Wake: Songs About
Belief, Benevolence and Blessings, Darkness, Death and Departures.
Two of my favorites come from the
Shot of Love album (1981). The first is about our predicament –
“Dead Man, Dead Man.” It reminds me of T. S. Eliot’s poem, “The Hollow
Men” (1925) (see also C. Ricks’
Dylan’s Vision of Sin, 2003): Uttering idle words
from a reprobate mind, Clinging to strange
promises, dying on the vine, Never bein’ able to
separate the good from the bad, Ooo, I can’t stand
it, I can’t stand it, It’s makin’ me feel
so sad. Dead man, dead man, When will you arise? Cobwebs in your mind, Dust upon your eyes. Luther shared these
sentiments. He said we were “spiritual lepers,” twisted up from within
by a “monster of self-righteousness” (Luther’s
Works 25:346; 26:310). In his autobiographical movie,
Masked & Anonymous (2003),
Dylan says that “man doesn’t know his own place” in the world, and that
we build “hospitals as shrines to the diseases we create.” And the second song
is “The Property of Jesus,” which also reflects Luther’s theology – this
time his claim that Christians should be bold, rebellious, and dangerous
– because we must never bow down to anyone (LW
23:399; 13:414; 27:44; 51:139) [see also
The Cambridge Companion to Bob
Dylan (2009) pp. 88, 97]. Dylan supposedly wrote this song against
Mick Jagger for mocking him when he became a Christian (see Oliver Trager,
Keys to the Rain, 2004): When the whip that’s
keeping you in line
doesn’t make him
jump, Say he’s hard-of-hearin’,
say that he’s a chump. Say he’s out of step
with reality as
you try to test his
nerve Because he doesn’t
pay no tribute to
the king that you
serve. He’s the property of
Jesus Resent him to the
bone You got something
better You’ve got a heart of
stone. Oh, and don’t miss
his “Little Drummer Boy” on
Christmas in the Heart (2009)!