Sermon 1 Repent! Luke
3:12 December
17, 2006 Sisters
and brothers in Christ,
grace and peace to
you in the name of God the Father , Son (X)
and Holy Spirit. Amen. Luke
3:12 tells us today to repent. “Bear fruit that befits repentance,”
it says. This word is the scratched record of the Bible – calling us
over and over again to repent. Repent, repent, it says. And
we need this repetition – annoying though it may be – because we
think we can do without it. So the Bible hammers away at us about
repenting. And this is good for we must not be like the people of old
who stumbled after righteousness saying, “I am innocent,… I have not
sinned” (Jeremiah 2:35), and didn’t repent! Pushing Repentance Therefore
“repent,” Jesus says, “and believe in the Gospel” (Mark 1:15).
“Repent,” he says, or “you will all likewise perish” (Luke
13:3). “Repent and come to know the truth” (2 Timothy 2:25). “Be
zealous and repent” (Revelation 3:19). And
before Jesus we heard, “Acknowledge your guilt,… O faithless
children” (Jeremiah 3:13-14). “Confess” your transgressions to the
Lord (Psalm 32:5). Say to the Lord, “Against you have I sinned, and
done what is evil in your sight” (Psalm 51:4). “Repent and turn from
all your transgressions” (Ezekiel 18:30). So
early and late we hear: Repent, repent, repent! No
wonder, then, that Martin Luther argued in the first of his famous
Ninety-Five Theses (1517) that “the entire life of believers” must
be “one of repentance” (Luther’s
Works 31:25)! And so Lutherans down through the generations have
been taught that true faith grows only by repenting, or abiding “in
the terrors of a conscience that feels God’s wrath against our sin”
[The Book of Concord, ed. Tappert (Fortress, 1959) p. 126]. Even During Advent And
so in Advent this is also true – during these days before the twelve
day celebration of Christmas. For in Advent we are to prepare ourselves
by repenting [see my “Advent Wretchedness,” The
Bride of Christ 25 (Advent 2000) 3-6]. For repenting helps us
worship the Lord “in spirit and truth” (John 4:24) and with
“reverence and awe, for the Lord is a consuming fire” (Hebrews
12.28-29). One
of our local television stations has announced that the Christmas Season
runs from December 1-25! But that’s not our message. This holy season
lasts from Christmas Eve to Epiphany Day, January 6! For
the days of Advent aren’t for a string of winter parties – brimming
full of alcohol and pastries. They instead are for repenting. In church
we hear from Repenting Properly Now
if that were to happen, what would this repenting look like? Surely it
would include more than simply saying you’re sorry so you can escape
punishment [see my “Only the Remorse of Judas,” The
Bride of Christ 19 (Pasha
1995) 26-31]. Remember
St. Peter when he repented. He “wept bitterly” – bitterly, mind
you (Matthew 26:75)! So shame is clearly at the heart of repentance.
That’s its indelible mark. So it’s not just being remorseful or
sorry. Therefore we’re told, “Be ashamed… and bear your
disgrace” (Ezekiel 16:52). This is because your sinful deeds dishonor
God, your creator and redeemer – who is the source of “every good…
and perfect gift” (James 1:17)! And it is just this shame that makes
“a broken spirit… and a contrite heart” (Psalm 51:17) [see my
“Breaking Our Hearts,” Logia 8 (Trinity 1999) 59-60]. For in our distress we wonder: How
could we bring such dishonor on the One who has done so much for us?
This makes our guilt unbearable. And so we too weep bitterly. Luther
has it right, therefore. “Repentance,” he says, “consists mostly
in your acknowledging that God is right… that we are all…
condemned” (LW 51:318). So he’s right and we’re wrong! That’s
repentance in a nutshell. Mark this well. For
this is as it should be since God’s thoughts are not our thoughts,
neither are his ways our ways. “For as the heavens are higher than the
earth,” so are his ways higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). And so as
one tightly argued and insightful recent study puts it, “we have no
more rightful place in God’s household than worms… do in ours”
[Marilyn McCord Adams, Horrendous
Evils and the Goodness of God (Cornell University Press, 1999) p.
94]! This clearly makes our ways and God’s way incommensurable – or
playing in quite different leagues! Our Incommensurable Book This
incommensurability is well expressed in 1 Thessalonians 2:13. There we
read that the Bible is “the word of God which… is not… the word of
men, but… is really the word of God.” This verse claims the
preposterous, namely that the Bible is the actual word of God! Or as the
old Latin Bible has it, vere
verbum Dei. The Bible therefore is the vere
verbum Dei – something worldly eyes can’t ever see (1
Corinthians 2:11-15). This
truth certainly cannot be proved on the basis of argument and evidence
alone. For on those grounds the Bible is but another human classic like
Homer’s Odyssey or
Shakespeare’s Hamlet. But
remember, we cannot stand in judgment of God – for his ways are
incommensurable with ours. From
this we see that repentance makes us buckle under the weight of divine
Biblical revelation. It stops us from judging God’s Word. For this
Word is to judge and correct us instead (2 Timothy 3:16). And here are
six ways that it does so. Quit Fitting In First,
in Romans 12:2 – a book which Luther thought was “truly the purest
Gospel,” one that “every Christian should know… by heart” (LW
35:365) – we’re told to stop conforming to the world. It says we
should be transformed by the renewal of our minds and follow the will of
God revealed in his holy Word. This is because worldly ways are not
godly ways. But
our natural inclination is to do the opposite and fit in – to conform
to the prevailing cultural norms and dominant value system. But that
must stop. We must renounce (Luke 14:33) the sensuality, violence and
materialism of the world. Be not conformed, we’re told. Quit fitting
in. You weren’t made to be popular. Obedience to God is rather our
clarion call. Oh that we knew “how important God considers
obedience” to be (BC, p. 384)! So
be a godly maverick – and don’t conform to this world. March to the
beat of a different drummer. Know that if you’re trying to please
people, you’ll neither be able to serve the Lord (Galatians 1:10) nor
believe in him (John 5:44)! Know
instead that heaven is your rightful homeland and you’re but passing
through (Philippians 3:20; Psalm 119:19). Give up chasing fades and
fashions in styles and thought. Settle instead on those words of eternal
life that cannot be found anywhere else (John 6:68). Fight against
“every wind of doctrine” built on human “craftiness in deceitful
wiles” (Ephesians 4:l4). Be “steadfast and immovable” (1
Corinthians 15:58). Stand on “the foundation of the apostles and
prophets,” with Christ Jesus being “the cornerstone” (Ephesians
3:20). “Resist the devil, firm in your faith” (1 Peter 5:9)! Quit Being Tolerant Next
Acts 4:12 says the unimaginable – namely, that there’s no salvation
under any other name than that of Jesus Christ. So if we think there are
other ways to heaven, we’re deluded. Christ is the way, the truth and
the life (John 14:6). Belief in him is the only way to be rescued from
everlasting torment in hell (see my “For Christians Only,” under
publications at Martin
Luther therefore said that when Jesus Christ appeared on the scene, the
Pantheon shook – that ancient Roman temple dedicated to the peaceful
coexistence of all the gods. “Strife and discord” broke out, he
said. For Christ, “the real God,” went against theological
tolerance. And in return, worshippers at the Pantheon “raged and
stormed against him” (LW 34:213-214). So
be warned. Jesus says, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated
me before it hated you” (John 15:18). Therefore “Christians must be
armed and prepared for incessant attacks…. Let no body think that he
will have peace” (BC pp. 435, 429). We must therefore “give up the
hope of advancing Christ’s cause on earth in peace and pleasantness”
(LW 48:153). Now
this warning cannot be passed off lightly for “wherever Christ is,…
there must be opposition or it is not Christ” (LW 52:118 and 52:117,
119; 51:1-12)! So there’s no peaceful middle ground. Mark this
excluded middle well – for it’s shamefully and pervasively denied in
the church today. And this denial is the hallmark of false teaching
(Isaiah 30:9-14; 2 Peter 2:1-3). Quit Fooling Around Thirdly
Hebrews 12:28-29 says we are to worship the Lord God Almighty with
“reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire.” But we would
rather draw attention to ourselves in church – expressing ourselves
and enjoying ourselves. And so we balk at this holy Word of God. Lutherans,
however, can’t stand for this. We are to insist that keeping the
sabbath day holy isn’t about “entertainment” (BC, p. 378). It’s
rather about glorifying God alone (1 Corinthians 10:31). But
what about us? Well, our place in worship is to be repentant above all
else. In worship we are to disclose our secret sins and fall down before
the Lord (1 Corinthians 14:25)! Only then is God glorified in the proper
way. Only then are we put in our place and God exalted by our praises
(Psalm 22:3)! Quit Being Superficial Next
John 3:3 says we must be born again if we are to enter the This
trap leaves us “children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3) – “accursed
children” of the devil (2 Peter 2:14; John 8:44). For faith alone
can’t free us, since without works it’s dead (James 2:26). Mere
belief is useless – floating “on the heart like a goose on the
water.” It does nothing to fashion a different attitude and make us
“altogether new” human beings (LW 2:266-267). What
we need is to live a new life – one “worthy of the Gospel of
Christ” (Philippians 1:27; Colossians 3:1-17; 2 Peter 1:3-11). This
includes being ever so gradually “changed into Christ’s likeness”
(2 Corinthians 3:18) – based on a God-given power to become
“children of God” (John 1:12). “We receive fire and light,”
Luther said, “by which we are made new and different, and by which a
new judgment, new sensations, and new drives arise in us” (LW 26:375).
Our fingerprints don’t change, but our hearts do! We may look the
same, but our actions won’t stay the same. Transformation
must be our goal. We can’t ever lose sight of this – or stop
striving for it in “fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12) [see my
“Salvation Within Our Reach,” Lutheran
Forum 31 (Fall 1997) 18-21]. Nevertheless with Luther we must warn,
that though through our baptisms (LW 22:197-198) we are Christian in
name, true Christians are “few and far between” (LW 45:91)! Quit Being Pompous Fifthly
Philippians 2:3 says we are to count others better than ourselves! This
is especially tough on educated, prosperous Christians in the
industrialized world. Our gifts and achievements seem to make us tower
over others! But this can’t be. We mustn’t give in to this
temptation because humility is our calling – not self exaltation (Luke
18:14). We are to be servants of all (Mark 10:44). Jesus
taught that life does not consist in the “abundance of our
possessions” (Luke 12:15) – and that includes our talents, education
and achievements as well. He said everything that is exalted among us is
an abomination before God (Luke 16:15)! So
before the Lord God Almighty we stand naked. Our only righteousness is
what Christ covers us with (Isaiah 61:10; 1 Corinthians 1:30). This is
because essentially – that is, apart from all our superficial cultural
trappings – we are “wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked”
(Revelation 3:17). Therefore we cannot lord it over others, for only God
is good (Mark 10:42, 18). Quit Hoarding And
finally Mark 10:21 says give to the poor. We are to live frugal lives so
we will have enough to share with others. Life is not about building
bigger barns so we can hoard what we have for ourselves (Luke 12:16-21).
Loving and caring for others is the best way to live (1 Corinthians
12:31; Luke 10:29-37). We
must ever be mindful of the poor for they will always be with us (Mark
14:7). They are our life-long concern. We are to help them as best we
can by sharing from our wealth – wealth that has been graciously given
to us by God himself (Deuteronomy 8:17-19). We are to have a heart for
the poor. We are always to be looking for better ways to help them as we
are given opportunity according to our abilities. But
don’t be duped. Gullible Christians never help anyone. Instead with
Luther we must only help those who “bear the burden of work,” and
not the “hoboes who… suck us dry” (LW 17:287)! But this realism
must never make us jaded. For God watches over the poor and will “not
leave them unavenged” (BC, p. 398). So
be careful how you spend your money. God is testing you, “to see
whether you are willing to abide in His fear; to humble yourself before
Him. For very few do this; they become haughty because of their good
fortune” (LW 3:248). And remember the most common idol on earth is not
some religious statute or other, or even internet sex, but “money and
possessions” (BC, p. 365). For “the love of money is the root of all
evils” (1 Timothy 6:10). Risky
Preaching So
God’s right and you’re wrong. Feel this deeply. Quit fitting in,
fooling around at worship, hoarding your wealth and being tolerant,
pompous and superficial. For God is right and you are wrong. Repent of
your sin! Let these words strike you. For repentance is nothing but
“an earnest attack on the old man” (BC, p. 445). This
attack makes preaching repentance risky business – and as a result,
quite rare. Saying repentance “must hurt” us (LW 8:6) aggravates us
to no end. William Blake (1757-1827) gave this disgust classic
expression at the end of his poem, “The Garden of Love” [Complete Writings ( And
Priests in black gowns were
walking their rounds, And
binding with briars my
joys and desires. But
this belligerence is as it should be. For followers of Christ are “not
above” the Master (Matthew 10:24). So what Jesus said of himself must
be seconded by every preacher of repentance: “The world… hates me
because I testify of it that its works are evil” (John 7:7). That’s
the suffering of ministry (2 Timothy 4:5). Christ is Our Repentance Now
with all this condemnation, pain and riskiness, with all these demands
to quit, quit, quit, who could ever repent properly?
no sooner then we feel “forced to face the raw winds of exposure,”
we find ourselves diving again for “the nearest shelter” – just
like a “pheasant driven out of a covert” quickly scrambles for
another hiding place [James Arne Nestingen, “The Matthean Advent
Gospels,” Word & World 12
(Fall 1992) 406-412, p. 409]. In
the face of this cowardice and the unlikelihood of repenting, Luther
blurts out: “Christ…must be our repentance” (LW 40:345)! This
means he thinks Christ will repent for us! What
a shock! Surely this cannot be. We are the ones called to repent because
we are the ones who are supposed to do it. So Christ can’t possibly be
our repentance! Or so we think. But
remember our Lord’s magisterial words: “Apart from me you can do
nothing” (John 15:5)! Now this surely would also include the tough
work of repentance. And note also him saying he will help us carry our
load (Matthew 11:28-30). So surely he will help us carry the heavy load
of our repentance. Believe that! But
how does this work? How does Christ repent for us? In his explanation to
that first thesis on repentance from 1517, Luther writes: “True sorrow
must spring from the goodness and mercies of God, especially from the
wounds of Christ, so that man comes first of all to a sense of his own
ingratitude in view of divine goodness and thereupon to hatred of
himself and love of the kindness of God,…. yet without despair” (LW
31:160)! What
magnificent words! And at the center of it all are the very wounds of
Jesus. Our love for God’s kindness and our self-hatred – set free
from all despair – hinge on those wounds. In them the impossibility of
repenting graciously becomes a viable possibility. Saving Us From God’s Wrath Those
wounds of Christ do that by “stilling” God’s wrath for us (BC, p.
138). Jesus is crucified and punished in our place so that we, though
sinners, may be set free from all condemnation and punishment! For by
his poverty we “become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9). By his suffering
we are saved from the wrath of God (Romans 5:9)! “By his wounds you
are healed” (1 Peter 2:24). So
his death – ghastly though it may be – does not repel us (John
12:32). Rather it draws us to him – confessing our sins. His suffering
frees us from our hiding and self-protecting maneuvers. He draws us
sinner unto himself (Mark 2:17). For “if you see in… the wounds of
Christ… that God is so kindly disposed toward you that he even gives
his own Son for you, then your heart in turn must grow sweet… toward
God” (LW 44:38)! Forget this not! To
unbelief, however, this is foolishness. But to those who are being saved
it is the very “power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18). So
receive this Savior today. He is here for you, in the bread and the wine
of the holy sacrament, the mystery of the Lord’s Supper. Eat and drink
that Christ the Savior may abide in you, and you in him, that your faith
in him may grow (John 6:56). Then
give thanks to God for Jesus and your faith in him and set out from this
holy house to serve him – in decent living and love for one another. Fast Like Anna But
also be sure to bear fruit that befits repentance (Luke 3:8). On this
score be like Anna of old. While she worshipped in the temple she also
fasted (Luke 2:37). So do the same during Advent. Worship here and then
fast throughout the week. Be like Anna. Fast,
one and all. Deprive yourselves of the foods you delight in. It’s the
Lutheran thing to do (BC, p. 69)! It will help you repent. Though
fasting is not easy for us prosperous Americans, call on God and he will
help you. He will graciously see to it that fasting marks your days of
Advent. Amen. (based on the sermon as preached – with
some changes) |