Sermon 91
Honor the
Torn Curtain Mark 15:38
March 25,
Grace and
peace to you in the name of God the Father, Son (+) and Holy Spirit.
Today is the beginning of Holy Week – the best time of the year for
Christians. That’s because during this week we celebrate our redemption
in the death and resurrection of Jesus. And on today, Passion Sunday, we
have a summary of that week – with the recounting of the death of Jesus
on the cross. At the Death of Jesus
Did you notice
when you heard the long Gospel reading that
at the death of Jesus, the curtain in the temple was torn in two from
top to bottom? Not just torn, but torn in two, torn in two from top to
bottom. Do you think the Word wants you to pay attention to that? Yes, I
would say so. That’s why it stresses it not once, not twice, but three
So what are we to get from this correlation
– that at the death of Jesus the curtain in the temple is torn in two
from top to bottom? Well, our reading doesn’t say. Are we then left with
nothing to say? Not Lutherans! And that’s because Martin Luther
(1483–1546), who is the primary witness for Lutherans regarding the
heart and soul of Christianity, he knows why they’re put together. In
his commentary on this verse he says that during “the Passion of
Christ,… the synagogue came to an end” (Luther’s
Works 29:203). So that’s the point being made in Mark 15:38. The End of Judaism
But what are we to make of it? The curtain that’s torn is at the most
holy place in the Jewish Temple. So tearing it apart puts an end to the
holiness of Judaism according to Luther. It signals that Judaism is
ended and replaced by a new religion. And so we hear that “Christ is the
mediator of a new covenant” (Hebrews 9:15). At the cross this exchange
occurs – the new for the old.
Obsolete. Does Luther
dream this up? No, he gets it from passages like Hebrews 8:13 that says
the old covenant, or Judaism, is “obsolete.” This has to be said,
otherwise a new covenant wouldn’t have been necessary. So Luther is
following this verse and giving it weight when sizing up the torn temple
curtain in Mark 15:38.
Surpassed. But there
is more. He also is following 2 Corinthians 3:10 which says that the
splendor of the first covenant has been completely eclipsed by the
splendor of the second one. That means that Judaism has been “surpassed”
by Christianity. That exceeding signals the end of Judaism and the dawn
of Christianity.
Dead. At the end of
Luther’s commentary on Jonah he writes on the end of Judaism. He says
that it is “better and fairer that Judaism should die,” otherwise it
would mislead the whole world and bring it to “ruin” (LW
19:104). How so? Well, Judaism says that we are justified, saved or blessed by
doing works prescribed in God’s law. But the new revelation clearly
states that we are “justified by faith apart from works of the law”
(Romans 3:28).
But is it really that troubling? Aren’t we actually able to make
ourselves good through our good deeds? Taking a bag of food to the local
food bank isn’t that tough. Well, let’s assume that’s so. Does that
settle it? Not according to God. That’s because we have to deliver the
bag with the right attitude. We can’t feel proud when doing it. We can’t
take credit for it even. We must thank God for our good deeds otherwise
they’re nothing but filth (Isaiah 64:6). The hungry wouldn’t care about
our hearts – but God does. And it is our hearts that we cannot master (1
John 3:20). Not Abandoned
We are not left, however, with a tattered curtain in our laps as we
ponder the death of Judaism. No, Christianity replaces it and fills us
with joy. Christianity saves us and gives us purpose. And it is for all
(Acts 10:34–35). Even though the Jews have rejected it, it remains there
waiting for them. Even though they still trust in the law of God for
their salvation, Christ continues to call them away from the law – being
the end of the law (Romans 10:4) – and welcome them into his kingdom
(Colossians 1:13). He remains kind and faithful – even though they are
faithless (2 Timothy 2:13). Christ’s Sacrifice in Detail
Christ’s work for us to save us is finished (John 19:30) and cannot be
reversed. It lasts forever. We need to focus on that when we mourn the
loss of faith among the Jews – just as Paul did, when wishing he could
give to them all his place in heaven, which, however, was not his to
give (Romans 9:2–3). We must look to Christ that we may hope the Jews
will come to love and follow him.
And Christ is majestic! He
offered himself “without blemish to God” to save us from his wrath
(Hebrews 9:14; Romans 5:9). “Christ entered once for all into the Holy
Place,… thus securing an eternal redemption” for us (Hebrews 9:12).
Luther knew how this came to pass – and he preached on it repeatedly:
God’s eternal Son… stepped into our need and misery, Himself became a
man, and took such dread, eternal wrath on Himself, and for it He
offered His own body, life, and blood as an offering and payment for
sin. He… made satisfaction, and paid for us (LW
These are the key details in Christ's work for our redemption –
substitution, satisfaction, and payment. Without those details redemption
collapses. That’s because our gracious, loving God is also holy and just
and so the “just requirement of the law” (Romans 8:4) has to be
fulfilled or there is no redemption – no forgiveness of sins and
salvation from the fires of hell (Mark 9:48). This assurance is what we have in the Lord’s Supper – the new covenant made manifest. In this sacrament we know that God has not left us out but also forgiven us by his grace, through our faith (Ephesians 2:8). So come to the Altar and receive your salvation. This is what Christians do week after week, all their lives. Do Both!
Once we’ve seen our failures and heard the good news of Christ, then we
are ready to do good works in thanksgiving for our salvation – but not
in order to save ourselves by doing them. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says that
we should thank God in all circumstances. One thanksgiving we should
surely render on this Passion Sunday is for the Jews. Yes, for God’s
chosen people! But if their religion is a failure, why should we be
thankful for them? Well, because Romans 9:4–5 says the promises and the
law come from them, as does Jesus according to the flesh! So while
Judaism can’t save us it can provide for us the conditions which gave
rise to Christ Jesus our Lord. The Jews preserved the promise of the
Messiah – even if they rejected him in the end. They also preserved for
us the law which condemns us (Romans 7:13) and drives us to Christ for
deliverance (Romans 7:25) – neither of which save us from sin.
So we need to do two things and not just one. We have to hold Hebrews 8
together with Romans 9. We have to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Can we do that? Or will we only settle for one of the two – either
condemning Judaism and hating Jews; or loving Jews and letting Judaism
pass? No! We need both. We must reject Judaism and love the Jews. That’s
because we can’t save ourselves by being good; nor can we hate the Jews.
My father made anti-Semitic slurs when I was growing up. That was
horrible! It made for a poor home to grow up in. So love God’s chosen
ones as well as sound the death knell for Judaism. Do both!
But call on God to help you with that. And also thank God for Jesus, the
redeemer, who has saved us through faith in his sacrifice (instead of by
our efforts at being good). And finally pray to God that he would show
you the decent way to herald the end of Judaism by recalling and
honoring the torn temple curtain. Amen.
(printed as preached but with
some changes)