April 2018
Abide in the Easter Report
The report is clear and certain: “Jesus has risen” (Mark 16:6) –
therefore death no longer has dominion over him (Romans 6:9).
That means he can’t ever die again. But can we imagine that
happening? Scientifically we haven’t been able to bring someone
back after being dead for three days – never ever to die again.
So can we think through the mechanics of this?
Luther didn’t think we could. He thought it was “too high and
too big for us” (Luther’s
77:48). What then are we to do if we can’t figure this out
scientifically or even imaginatively? Luther thought our only
recourse is to stick to the report of his rising and hold on to
that and trust in it. That is because it is “sure and cannot
deceive.” So it is right for us to be “occupied with Scripture
and God’s Word, even if we do not always immediately understand
it or take it to heart as we should” (LW 77:49). Good advice, I
would say.
So during Easter this year, hold on to Luther’s words and the
Resurrection report so that these other famous words may dwell
in you richly: “He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also
with Jesus” (2 Corinthians 4:14).
Pastor Marshall

Why Luther Criticized
Religious Experiences
“Luther collapsed the distinction between the subjective
and the objective. For the sense of certainty as to
one’s own salvation, a sense which it is not altogether
unjust to label ‘subjective,’ was not to be achieved by
the traditionally subjective means of introspection and
examination of conscience…. This sense of certainty was
attained by an entirely objective and external
engagement with the saving promise of Christ. Experience
was the fruit of faith rather than its cause [TR 1.423].
For Luther, the focus of this mental operation was
empathically outside rather than inside the self. The
focus was Christ, not self. Through that focus on Christ
one attained inner peace by means of the realization
that Christ’s saving work applied to oneself – and that
this work, because it was God’s work, was utterly
certain and beyond all doubt.”
[Richard Rex,
The Making of Martin Luther
(Princeton University Press, 2017) p. 94.]
100 Years Ago
Our Parish Centennial
By Pastor Marshall
The Rev. Erick Berthan Slettedahl was our pastor when we
started our congregation. But he was not our full-time
resident pastor. That wouldn’t happen until Pastor Hans
Bernhard Wogter came on March 21, 1920. Until then,
Pastor Slettedahl served us part time. From 1914–1917 he
was the assistant superintendent for the Home Mission
board. Before that he was pastor at Denny Park Lutheran
Church downtown Seattle from 1909–1913. Anna Anderson
was in his congregation at that time and she was
probably the one who got him involved in West Seattle.
From 1917–1933 he was the pastor for the Seattle
Seaman’s Mission – so we shared him with them. Pastor
Slettedahl was born in Norway in 1855
and came to America in 1909. He died in Seattle in 1947
at the age of 92.
In his memoir,
Experiences in the Work of God’s Kingdom (1936), he
reports telling the Norwegian immigrants in Seattle:
“You people who have come from the mother church in
Norway have now gotten so far away that you no longer
want to listen to a sermon by a Lutheran pastor.” He is
remembered as being “quite oratorical, evangelical and
evangelistic. He could move audiences to tears…. Many
people were converted to Christ by [his] preaching….
Even when he was sick and dying at 92 in the hospital,
he would try to talk to the men around him about… Jesus
dying for them” [R. F. Marshall,
Deo Gloria: A
History of First Lutheran Church of West Seattle from
1918 to 1988 (1989) pp. 32–33].
were blessed to have Pastor Slettedahl as our founding
pastor. Be sure to thank God for him during this
centennial year – and more than once.

President’s Report…by
Bob Baker
Launching the
Anniversary Charity Fund
4, 3, 2, 1, Blast Off.
Yes, our Anniversary Charity Fund has launched. Sonja has put up
a thermometer graph in the lounge which displays our progress
toward the goal of $10,000.00 for charity we hope to
raise by September 23rd, the date we celebrate our congregation’s 100th
Anniversary. This thermometer shows we have already
raised over $1,000.00. Thank you for your generous
Rockets. At the March 13th meeting of the
Congregation Council some council members boosted this
launch by indicating their intended contribution to the
Anniversary Charity Fund. These individual contributions
total over $4,200.00. Other council members said they
wanted to talk it over with their spouse and would then
report their intentions at next month’s council meeting.
Our elected leaders are leading the way.
For Others. I am writing this to encourage your
participation. We still have a long way to go to reach
our goal. Yet the goal is not an end in itself. Several
worthwhile charities in our community and extended
community and their many needy clients (our neighbors)
stand to benefit from this fund. Such a focus is a
fitting and faithful way to celebrate and give thanks to
God for the 100 years of blessings we have had to
worship with Word and Sacrament at First Lutheran Church
of West Seattle. Thanks be to God!
Please keep the Mission and Ministry of our
congregation in your prayers.

“Street people in Seattle need a pastor too!” When the Rev. Bud
Palmberg heard that, he decided to give it a try. So in 1967 he
founded Operation Night Watch in Seattle. The beginning was slow
and rough – with a pastor or two getting hurt on the streets –
all of them volunteering to hang out on the streets and in the
bars from 10 pm to 4 am, three to four nights a week.
But by 1976 they were incorporated with the State of Washington.
And in 1999 they bought a shelter on 14th Avenue South and South
Main Street in Seattle (which they still own and operate). By
the next year they were providing meals from their first floor
kitchen and spots for 24 homeless men in the upstairs of their
Today there are some thirty local ministers and laypeople who
volunteer at Operation Night Watch. Pastor Rick Reynolds and Ben
Curtis oversee this ministry. Their mission is to make friends
with the street people and then help move them into housing,
treatment, employment and reconciliation with family and friends
– depending on what their specific needs are. And their budget
is now over one million dollars. Last year they gave out over
10,000 pairs of socks to homeless men and women.
We are excited that Operation Night Watch has been selected as
one of the agencies to receive money from our Anniversary
Charity Fund this year.

the West Seattle Helpline
By Senators Nelson, Wellman, Cleveland, Saldaña, McCoy,
Billig, Chase, and Liias
March 30, 2017
WHEREAS, Founded in 1989, the West Seattle Helpline has continued, year by
year, to embody its founding principle and enduring philosophy:
Neighbors helping neighbors; and
WHEREAS, The West Seattle Helpline is devoted to helping the most
vulnerable families and individuals throughout the city. Quoted
as often doing the "work that is left undone," the West Seattle
Helpline offers a range of services with the purpose of aiding
people through unforeseen hardships so that they may stand back
up on their feet and regain self-sufficiency; and
WHEREAS, Those who are unable to power their homes, maintain running water,
or in danger of ending up on the street, who have come to the
West Seattle Helpline, have been helped to ease their
circumstances, find hope, and see a light at the end of the
tunnel; and
WHEREAS, Those who have struggled to get to the doctor, a job interview, or
take their children to school, who have come to the West Seattle
Helpline, have been provided with transportation to get to where
they need to go, allowing them to take another step closer to
independence; and
WHEREAS, Those infants, children, teens, adults, and aspiring professionals
in such great need that even clothing has become a luxury, who
have come to the West Seattle Helpline, have left with a shirt
on their back, or a coat, or a tie, or a school uniform, etc.;
and because of the West Seattle Helpline's devoted service, they
have also left with more confidence in themselves and in their
capacity to regain stability; and
WHEREAS, With the help of the public and several community partners, the
West Seattle Helpline has spent thousands of dollars helping
numerous individuals and families; doing so while consistently
treating those members of the community with the utmost dignity
and respect required of a good neighbor; and
WHEREAS, It's great work has not gone unnoticed, and the West Seattle
Helpline recently won the 2016 Nonprofit of the Year award from
the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce; and
WHEREAS, The West Seattle Helpline will continue to be a beacon of goodwill
and unity throughout Seattle and the State of Washington and
will continue to inspire, amongst people, the principle of
neighbors helping neighbors;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate honor the
West Seattle Helpline and recognize all of the partners and
individuals who support it.
I, Hunter G. Goodman, Secretary of the Senate, do hereby certify that this
is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8615, adopted by the Senate
March 30, 2017
Secretary of the Senate
Resolution 8615
At the last Annual meeting our congregation passed what we are
calling a “stretch budget.”
It is a “stretch” because we are asking our congregation,
on average, to give more than it has in the past.
Our goal is to support our staff with reasonable salary
increases while maintaining enough money for much needed
maintenance of our building and continuing to meet all other
financial obligations of our church.
We are all aware that our
church needs money to pay for salaries, rent, utilities,
building maintenance, supplies and other expenses so please
consider the following as you search your heart for increased
giving to our most glorious church throughout 2018.
The apostle Paul urged Christians to diligently use their
God-given gifts [talents, time and money] to support the work of
the Church.
gifts that differ according to the grace given to us,
let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our
faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches,
in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his
exhortation; the
one who contributes, in generosity; the one who
leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with
Also this year is the 100th Anniversary of our church and we
have set a goal of raising $10,000 ($100 per year of the last
100 years) for select extended ministries.
Please reflect on the words of Apostle Paul for your
extra giving to our 100th Anniversary Charity Fund:
2 Corinthians 8:3
For they gave according to their means, as I can
testify, and beyond their means, of their own free
Finally, as our blessed Martin Luther said, “I have held many
things in my hand, and have lost them all; but whatever I have
placed in God’s hands that I still possess.”
Cary Natiello, Church Council
Stewardship 2018
Month (February)
Year to date (Jan-February)
At the last Annual meeting our congregation passed a “challenge
budget” or a “stretch budget.” One reason we consider it a
challenge or stretch budget is because we did the right thing—we
gave our staff salary adjustments. We did this while maintaining
budgeted expense levels for our other obligations like
utilities and
supplies. The salary
adjustments that we approved barely kept up with inflation and
our staff has only received two other modest salary adjustments
in the past 10 years. So, yes, our congregation did the right
thing and gave our staff salary adjustments.
The other reason it is a challenge or stretch budget is
because, in addition to salary adjustments, we
maintained a $1,100 monthly contribution to our major
maintenance reserve savings account. The council
considered reducing this amount but that would have been
irresponsible in light of near term major maintenance
needs. We have significant building maintenance
challenges ahead of us, both in the near term with
specific projects, and in the long term with an aging
building, and this modest amount we are saving each
month will quickly get used up. Nonetheless, again our
congregation did the right thing and maintained the
level of funding to the major maintenance reserve
savings account as in previous years.
Another reason this budget is a challenge or stretch
budget is that it requires increased congregational
giving to fully fund the budget.
The increase needed is not large – a net total of
approximately $183 per week over the course of the year
– nor is the level of the total budget extravagant (far from it).
In order to meet our challenge budget, if each giving
unit of the congregation increased their average weekly giving
by approximately $10 per week over our historical average, we
would rise to the challenge, and fully fund our stretch budget
for 2018. In order
to make it a reality, FLCWS needs that increased giving from the
congregation, and 2018’s budget, which funds important
priorities like a small staff salary increase and maintains our
maintenance expenditures and savings, relies on that increased
giving becoming a reality.
David King, Budget and Finance Committee Chair

Not everyday do we enjoy celebrating something that is 100 years
old. On September
23rd this Fall, First Lutheran Church of West Seattle will have
this momentous opportunity.
This day will be the culmination of nine months of events
that lead up to the celebratory liturgy and a dinner honoring
the first hundred years in the life of our parish.
On the subject of food,... an evening event is planned for
Sunday, September 23,
2018 to be held in The Skyline Ballroom at Salty’s
Restaurant on Alki.
This event will include appetizers, a 3 course dinner and a
program featuring Paul Dorpat, who is known for his column in
The Seattle Times,
“Now & Then,” where he features how places in the Seattle area
have physically changed or transformed over time.
The dinner will feature passed appetizers, a salad course, two
or three entrée choices, and cake for dessert.
There will be a No Host bar for beverages other than
coffee and tea. The
cost will be $75 per person.
We will also have a children’s entrée that will cost $30.
More details on these choices will be featured closer to
the date.
And speaking of dates,...
start planning for this event now!
With the summer schedule beginning in June, communication will
be reduced.
Bulletin inserts will periodically remind us of upcoming
deadlines and events, but:
the last day for signing up for, deciding on your entrée and
paying for the tickets will be Sunday, September 9, 2018,
which is the Sunday following the Labor Day weekend and school
starting, etc! So
mark your calendars.
Tickets (and entrée choices) will be available in May.
It’s going to be a great day so don’t miss it!!!!!!
First Lutheran Church of West Seattle
4105 California Avenue S.W.
Seattle, Washington 98116
March 20, 2018
Office of verger:
A New Program
A New Opportunity
worship in the ancient, historical patterns of Christians that
have been handed down through the centuries.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper at both of our Sunday
morning liturgies every week.
This is the way Christ wanted us to remember him on the
Lord’s Day.
prayer together is always liturgical, following the historical
forms of the church.
We read Holy Scriptures as they are appointed in the
Lectionary. The
sermon explains those readings in terms of Law and Gospel.
In this we rely on Martin Luther’s (1483-1546)
understanding of Christ’s mission and life.
hymns reinforce the scriptures read, proclaimed and prayed in
our worship. This
supports the solemnity of our praise to God the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit.
Vestments and traditional rituals also contribute to the
richness of worship.
All our corporate worship is offered within the
consecrated walls of our church which is deemed God’s holy and
sacred house of prayer.
PROGRAM: The Office of
At their
October meeting the Church Council established a worship
assistants guild to be made up of men and women who would be
instructed in how to perform a series of liturgical acts as
prescribed by historical protocol and
The Manual on the Liturgy
– Lutheran Book of Worship, Philip H. Peatteicher and Carlos
R. Messerli; Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, Minnesota
This group would be known by the historic title of Verger.
The office of
verger has its roots in the monasteries of Europe during the
middle ages, sharing certain similarities with the minor orders
of porter and acolyte.
Historically, vergers were responsible for the order and
upkeep of the house of worship including the care of the church
building, the furnishings and sacred relics, preparations for
the liturgies, conduct of the laity and the burial of the dead.
Historic records show vergers as early as the 12th century.
This practice eventually spread beyond the walls of the
monasteries and into the churches and cathedrals throughout
Today the Office of
Verger continues to function throughout Europe and Canada.
In America there are numerous churches and cathedrals
that have vergers. In
other denominations the work of the verger has been dispersed
among a variety of service groups (i.e.) acolytes,
altar guilds, ushers and maintenance staff.
Vergers at First Lutheran Church
A verger’s
role will be ceremonial only.
Their function will be to support and augment the acolyte
guild whenever needed, particularly at major festivals and other
liturgical celebrations when a larger number of assistants are
needed. It is
important to state here that it is not our intent to replace the
acolytes in their duties, only to augment the acolyte guild
whenever needed.
To be a member
of this guild will require a four (4) week period of
instruction. The
work of the verger will include:
crucifer, torchbearer, thurifer, bookbearer, lighting
candles, assisting with communion distribution, receiving the
offering, and ceremonial escort.
These responsibilities
include that of lector or worship leader, that work will still
be assigned to the deacon or subdeacon. The verger, like the
acolyte, will serve under the direction of the deacon.
Vergers will
be vested in cassock and cotta.
Over the years
the number of acolytes available to serve has varied greatly.
The current number of acolytes to draw from is small,
limiting us as to what we can do for major celebrations when
many are needed, for example Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Holy
Week, Easter, Pentecost, St. Mary’s and All Saints.
Having a group of men and women able to perform a variety
of liturgical acts will enable us to function at full capacity
for all occasions.
First Lutheran Church of West Seattle has a long
tradition of worship using the historic liturgical forms
of the church.
Establishing the Office of Verger enables us to
continue in that long tradition of supporting the
solemnity of our praise to God the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit, by contributing to the richness of our worship.
If you are interested and would like to participate in
this program please call the church office (935-6530)
and sign up.
Instruction will begin as soon as possible.
We would like to use the vergers during the
Christmas Season.
If you have
any questions please call the church office and ask for
With the Mind:
Readings in Contemporary Theology
3-5 pm in the Church Lounge, Saturday, April 28th
The book for
April is Culture and the
Death of God (2014) by Terry Eagleton (b. 1943), professor
of literature at the University of Notre Dame, and the
University of Lancaster, and the National University of Ireland.
In this book he first shows how intellectuals in the West, over
the last couple hundred years, have tried to end belief in God
and replace it with belief in our secular culture. Secondly, he
tries to show how this has failed. He ends his book saying: “The
New Testament has little or nothing to say of responsible
citizenship. It is not a ‘civilized’ document at all. It shows
no enthusiasm for social consensus. Since it holds that such
values are imminently to pass away [1 Corinthians 7:31], it is
not greatly taken with standards of civic excellence or codes of
good conduct. What it adds to common-or-garden morality is not
some supernatural support, but the grossly inconvenient news
that our forms of life must undergo radical dissolution if they
are to be reborn as just and compassionate communities” (pp.
A copy of this striking book is in the library. If you would
like to purchase one for yourself, contact Pastor Marshall. Feel
free to attend our meeting when we discuss how God has been
forced out of our world only to return in spite of people trying
to keep him away.

The 10th Annual
Instruments of Change
Benefit Dinner is
planned for Saturday evening, May 12th, this year.
There will be a Happy
Hour with games, Liquor Tasting and great items in our Silent
Then enjoy a 3-Course
dinner by Tuxedo and Tennis Shoes with a dessert dash.
This fundraising event is at the Seattle Design
5701 6th Ave S.
Tickets: $100 or $1,000 for a table.
Get your tickets ASAP on the W.S. Helpline web page to the very
popular Taste of West
Seattle. This
annual event planned for Thursday, May 24th, is in its 12th
year. This is a
true taste of what West Seattle has to offer in food, wine and
suggestion for April is baby food and infant formula.
Formula is expensive for young families and much
appreciated. Cash
donations are always welcome.
Designate your check to FLCWS with West Seattle Food
Compass Housing
Alliance needs new
or lightly used bath towels.
Donations can be left at the office.
Romans 7.11
Monthly Home Bible Study, April 2018, Number 302
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of
Scripture, let us join as a congregation in this home study. We
will study alone then
talk informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV translation.)
We need to support each other in this
difficult project. In 1851 Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is
"an extremely dangerous book....[because] it is an imperious
book... – it takes the whole man and may suddenly and radically
change... life on a prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because
we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans,
however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW
30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW 29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How
Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12). And don’t give up,
for as Luther said, we “have in Scripture enough to study for
all eternity” (LW
Week I.
Read Romans 7.11 noting the word
deceived. If God’s
commandments are involved in this deception, are they then bad?
On this read Romans 7.12 noting the word
good. How are those
commandments exempted from this deception? On this read Romans
7.11 noting the phrase sin
finding an opportunity. So sin is to blame and not God’s
law. But how is that? On this read Matthew 7.18 noting the line
nor can a bad tree bear
good fruit. What makes us good, then, if not our good deeds
or fruit? On this read Luke 8.15 noting the phrase
an honest and good heart.
What makes for one of those? On this read 1 Corinthians 10.31
noting the line do all to
the glory of God. Read also Colossians 3.17 noting the line
do everything… giving
thanks to God. So doing something good is only half of it.
We must also have the right mind when doing something good if it
is going to be good in God’s eyes. Do you agree? Are you glad
about this? If not, why not? What would the local food bank
Week II.
Read again Romans7.11 noting the same word
deceived. What are we
tricked into thinking through this deception? On this read
Romans 2.28 noting that a
real Jew is not a matter of doing something only
outwardly in just an
external or
physical way. What’s
lacking in such cases? On this read 2 Corinthians 5.12 noting
the contrast between
position and heart. So is it that an outward Jew lacks heart? On this read
Matthew 15.8 noting the superficiality of
lip service when
their hearts are far from
God. Notice here how
this honor isn’t good in and of itself – when the heart is
lacking! Same goes for giving a bag of food to the hungry. The
poor benefit from it alright, but we don’t, because God isn’t
impressed. What is it that pleases God and impresses him? On
this read Hebrews 11.6 noting the word
faith. Is faith a
matter of the heart? On this read Romans 10.10 noting the line a
man believes with his
heart. So while our sheer deeds of goodness may impress
people, God is looking for something more. On this read Isaiah
66.4 noting the words all, righteous,
deeds and
polluted. They lack an honest and good heart – they lack faith. Is
that too strict a view of good deeds? On that read Isaiah 55.9
noting the word higher.
Do you agree that this height should make that much moral
difference? Why or why not?
Week III.
Reread Romans 7.11 noting this time the word
killed. What sort of
death is this? On this read Luke 18.9 noting the phrase
trusted in themselves.
What’s wrong with that and why should it end? On this read
Jeremiah 17.5 noting the sequence from
trusting in ourselves
to turning away from
God. Can this be averted through intense caution? On this read
Matthew 26.41 noting the words
weak and
flesh. Read also Romans 7.18 noting the words
nothing and good. So does
trusting in ourselves lead automatically to leaving God behind –
regardless of how we try to block it? What then? On this read
John 15.5 noting the line
apart from me you can do nothing. Where does that leave us?
On this read Matthew 11.29 – 30 noting the words
take, learn and
rest. Does that settle
Week IV.
Read Romans 7.11 one last time noting again that word
killed. Is there any
joy in this death to our self-trust? On this read 2 Corinthians
6.10 noting the high wire act of balancing
sorrowful with
rejoicing. Can this be done, do you think? On this read 1
Corinthians 7.31 noting the line
as though they had no
dealings with the world. What does that attitude bring
about? On this read Philippians 4.13 noting the exclamation
I can do all things in him
who strengthens me. So what is the register of this joy when
it abides alongside our sorrowfulness? On this read John 16.33
noting how cheer
implies that the world’s been
overcome. Does that
mean that its measurements and capacities don’t pertain in this
case? If so, what follows? Read Philippians 4.7 noting the
phrase passes all
understanding. That given, what’s the most we can say? On
this read Romans 8.18 noting how our sorrow now fades when
compared with the joy coming in the next world and our life in
heaven. Are you impressed? How so, if at all?
Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made your
brothers and sisters through baptism.
Bob Baker, Matt Anderson, Dean Hard, Sam & Kevin Lawson, Kyra
Stromberg, Pete Morrison, Mia Schorn, Aasha Sagmoen & Ajani
Hammond, Melanie Johnson, Marlis Ormiston, Eileen Nestoss, Emma
Sagmoen, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Celia Balderston, The PLU
Lecturers, Tabitha Anderson, The Rev. Paul Smith, The Rev.
Howard Fosser, The Rev. Kevin Forquer, The Rev. Alan Gardner,
Ion & Galina Ceaicovschi, Nathan & Les Arkle, Chris & Margeen
Boyer, Elizabeth Banek, Jack & Sheila Feichtner, Joann Beckman,
Bob Coburn, John Quinn, Lawrence Johnson, Deanne Heflin, Julie &
Diane Sauter, Joann & Mary Jane Lakie, Cheryl Atwood, Martin
Nygaard, Jay Ford, Judy Earle, Susan Armbrewster, Paul & Marylou
Jensen, Larry Lawrence.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: Bob & Barbara Schorn, Joan Olson, Chuck & Doris Prescott,
C. J. Christian, Louis Koser, Anelma Meeks, Dorothy Ryder,
Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Nora Vanhala, Mildred Nikula,
Mary Goplerud.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Brian Kirby Unti, our
pastor Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor
Andrew King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and
the holy office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this April.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and for all
in Christ's church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation: El Camino de Emmaus in the
Skagit Valley that God may bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Albrecht Dürer, painter, 1528; Dietrich Bonhoeffer, teacher,
1945; Saint Mark, Evangelist; Catherine of Siena, teacher, 1380.
A Treasury of Prayers
O Everlasting God, let this mind be in
me which was also in Christ Jesus; that as he from his
loftiness stooped to the death of the cross, so may I in
my humbleness, humble myself – believing, obeying,
living and dying – that I may glorify you forever. In
Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
[For All
the Saints I:946, altered]