APril –
May 2022
are three passion predictions in the Gospel of Luke.
Jesus told his disciples that the “Son of Man” would be
betrayed and put to death.
In two of these examples, Jesus included the promise that
on the third day the Son of Man will “rise again.”
In two of these predictions, Luke says the disciples
“understood nothing” about what Jesus had said.
(Lk 9.45; 18.34)
Perhaps their lack of comprehension might be blamed on the
ambiguity of Jesus referring to the Son of Man instead of
directly naming himself.
This lack of understanding didn’t get any easier after the
resurrection. On Easter the women at the empty tomb were
“perplexed” until their memories were jogged by mention of the
Son of Man rising on the third day.
On the road to Emmaus, a group of disciples were asked by
Jesus himself what they were discussing.
Cleopas began to tell the tragic life story of Jesus who
was “handed over to death and crucified.”
Were this not difficult enough to believe, Jesus himself
was reported to have been seen alive by the women at the empty
tomb. Now Jesus
becomes a teacher.
This is no longer the passion prediction but the passion
“‘Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these
things and then enter into his glory?’
Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he
interpreted to them the things about himself in all the
(Lk 24.26-27)
The question of necessity regarding both the crucifixion and the
resurrection of Jesus hangs in the air for us even as it did for
the early Christians.
In Luke’s sequel, Peter preaches this at Pentecost:
“This man, handed over to you according to the definite
plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed…But God
raised him up, having freed him from death.”
(Acts 2.23-24)
However perplexing the death and resurrection of Jesus
remains for us, keep in your heart that those events were God’s
plan, once for all, for the forgiveness of sins and the promise
of eternal life for all who believe.
A blessed Holy Week and Eastertide to you!
Reverend Philip Nesvig
President’s Report…by
Janine Douglass
During the month of April we continue our observation of the
season of Lent, culminating in the week of Holy Week, which
begins with Palm Sunday on April 10th and ends with the
celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection with the
Easter Eucharist on April 17th.
53:5, “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was
bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace
was upon Him, And by His stripes, we are healed.” (NKJV).
The work of the Council continues to focus on the
next steps for First Lutheran Church as we prepare for the
Call Process of a new Pastor. We are pleased to announce our
Interim Pastor is Pastor Neal Snider, who will lead our
worship services beginning Sunday, May 1st. This position is
part time/20 hours per week, and is effective until Dec.
31st, 2022. This can be lengthened or shortened as needed
with 30 days written notice. Job duties include leading
worship services, offering pastoral care, ministering to the
congregation during the time of transition and work with the
staff on day-to-day issues concerning the church. He comes
to us with a significant amount of transition work
experience and has an impressive resume. Please see more
details to follow in this issue of
The Messenger.
There is a sermon given by Pastor Snider from 2016 that can
be found online:
We will be holding a congregational Special Meeting
on Sunday, April 3rd, in person in the Parish Hall,
immediately following the 10:30 Liturgy. The purpose of this
meeting is to announce the slate of candidates from the
congregation for the four open positions for the Pastoral
Call Committee, and to take a vote by ballot. We hope
everyone can attend this important event. The two additional
members from the council have already been nominated and
elected to serve on the Call Committee during the March
Council meeting. Kathrine Young and Jeff Sagmoen have
accepted these two openings, and we are grateful for their
willingness to serve. In keeping with our constitution, the
seventh Call Committee position will be filled by myself:
the Church Council President.
The purpose of the seven-member Call Committee is to
gather information regarding potential candidates for the
role of Permanent Pastor. The
committee will review and make recommendations based on the
research and interview process. The ELCA will provide us
with names of potential candidates, based on the Ministry
Site Profile (MSP) we turn in, which gives them an idea of
what our priorities are as a congregation.
Sections I and II of the MSP are nearly complete,
thanks to the hard work of Dana Kahn and the whole Council.
Throughout the Call
Committee process, care will be taken to both provide
candidate information to and seek input from the
congregation. Once
the Call Committee finalizes their work, there will be
another Special Meeting of the congregation, to hold a vote
by ballot for the recommended candidate, resulting in a call
for our next Pastor.
On a final note, our weekly giving for the early part
of 2022 is seeing a pattern described as “bumpy”.
Week to week there
is a wide variability in giving with a budget deficit of
nearly $20,000. To
meet our budgeted projections our giving will need to
increase. Please prayerfully consider your tithe to the
church during this critical time of transition.
The Council remains committed to keeping the
congregation up to date as new information comes available
and we thank you for your continued prayers for our church
leadership during this Holy Season.


Up Our Load
In reading
Leviticus we are reminded of how much God expects us to give in
thanksgiving, detailed offerings of time, place, finances, etc.
Consider for instance
Leviticus 9:3-4 regarding the differences between sin offerings,
burnt offerings and peace offerings.
But thanks be to God that because Jesus suffered and died
for our sins and iniquities, he has helped relieve our
frustrations of following all these details from Leviticus, and
helps us focus on Jesus instead.
And when we focus on Jesus we have a good example to
follow in giving of ourselves to better glorify God in our
worship and tithe. So we
cannot take it easy. No,
God wants us to care for the poor and neglected.
And, we need to remember
them all year. Bringing
in donations year round is just the beginning.
We have the West Seattle Food Bank, the Helpline, Compass
Housing Alliance and Mary’s Place right within a 10 mile radius,
who are in constant need of food, clothes, housing items,
bedding, towels and monetary gifts.
Especially, in these
unsure times of pandemic, inclement weather, high prices,
strikes, and war.
So continue in your tithing to support our church and help the
poor – knowing that faith in Christ – and what he sacrificed for
us – will lighten your load (Matthew 11:28-29).
Jeff Sagmoen, Church Council
Biography of the Reverend Neal Snider…….
The Reverend
Snider hails from Pembina, North Dakota.
He graduated with a BA in Philosophy in 1957 from
Augsburg College in Minneapolis, continuing his education at
Augsburg Theological Seminary, from which he earned a Master of
Divinity degree in 1960.
He received a Master of Theology degree from Luther
Theological Seminary in St. Paul in 1984.
In December of 1958 he married Judy Fosse in Seattle.
They have three children, five grandchildren, and three
Pastor Snider has a wide range of experience as a parish pastor,
interim pastor, military chaplain, plus he has been a board
member on a number of Lutheran based organizations – from
mission boards, to childcare centers, and World Council of
Churches Assembly as an accredited observer.
His first call was to Westby Lutheran Parish in Westby, Montana
in 1960. In a
community of about 300, there were eight Lutheran congregations
within a 10 mile radius representing three different Lutheran
church bodies.
Pastor Snider was instrumental is reorganizing them into three
congregations. He
also served as a US Air Force auxiliary chaplain at Fortuna Air
Force Base in North Dakota.
Succeeding calls found him at First Lutheran Church in
Port Orchard, WA (1963-1969); US Navy Chaplain (1966-1967);
Northlake Lutheran Church, Kenmore, WA (1970-1971); Air Force
Chaplain in California and Thailand (1971-1972); St. John’s
Lutheran Church in Bellingham, WA (1973-1984); and US Army
Reserve Chaplain (1976-1995). He is the only chaplain in the
history of the US military to have served all three branches.
From January 1985 through February 1988 he served as an
interim pastor for Bethesda Lutheran in Eugene, OR, Christ
Lutheran Church in Edmonds, WA, and Prince of Peace Lutheran in
Sea-Tac, WA.
Pastor Snider served as Associate in Development for Trinity
Lutheran College from 1988-1994; Bethlehem Lutheran Church,
Marysville, WA (1994-2002); a brief interim position in
Shirmaref, AK; and part time interim positions at Victory
Lutheran Church, Mesa, AZ, St. John Lutheran Church in Boerne,
TX, and Santa Cruz Lutheran Church, Tucson, AZ, (2018-2022).
Pastor Snider has also been nominated for Bishop, ran as a
candidate for the US Congress, incorporated a business (Career
Assessment and Development Ministries) to assist pastors and
congregations with personnel matters, and created “Heritage
Tours” to assist with missionary travel.
Add to that seven published works with a couple more
ready to be submitted for publication, and you have an
individual with an amazing variety of experiences and talents.
We feel very blessed that Pastor Snider will be serving as our
Interim Pastor beginning May 1, 2022.
Larraine King, Secretary
With The
by Bob Baker
Wild Rapids & Salmon.
In 1805, Lewis and Clark canoed down the Snake and Columbia
rivers. In those days it was said that the rivers at times were
so thick with salmon you could walk across a river on the backs
of the salmon. Hearing that the Lewis and Clark expedition was
coming down river, Native Americans gathered down river from
turbulent rapids so they could salvage supplies because they
expected the expedition’s canoes would break apart in the wild
rapids. Raw untamed nature.
No Spillage.
Today you can float 465 miles from Lewiston, Idaho, to the
Pacific Ocean without spilling anything from your cup of coffee
or glass of wine. The rivers are now said to be a series of
engineered bathtubs, more regulated than your sink’s faucet.
Life & Limb.
The rivers themselves are no longer threats to life and limb.
However, you might suffer bodily harm if among some people you
say the wrong thing about salmon, irrigation, electricity, water
rights or the barging of products and produce. People become
passionate about these issues, to the point of being volatile
and explosive. Risky.
Rival Finalities.
In the Preface to A River Lost: The Life and Death of The
Columbia (revised edition, 2012), Blaine Harden writes, “a
clash of economic interests, biological imperatives, and
environmental values has been set in concrete. That clash
was the primary focus of A River Lost when I wrote the
book in the mid-1990s … [and] it remains the focus of this
revised edition” (p. 17) (italics added). Intense.
Listen To People.
Travel with Blaine Harden, a native of Moses Lake and now a
resident of Seattle, as he floats on a tug boat from Lewiston to
near the mouth of the Columbia, and as he drives 2,000 miles up,
down and around the Columbia River visiting, interviewing and
even living with people on both sides of the issues he
encounters. Meet the people, hear about their life experiences
and their expectations. Intimate.
Possibility of Bridges?
Join us Sunday, May 1st, at 3:30 as we discuss this
book about yesterday and today. How do these issues interface
with our Mission Statement which says, in
“In our congregation we: … Honor
entering into discussions over the great societal issues
of our day without avoiding controversy, so that we may
better understand our world and the minds of our membership on
these matters”?
Dangerous Book?
The Tacoma Public Library’s copy of this book is in a locked
room and may only be read while in that room! No check out
You Are Safe. We have been meeting via Zoom. You may
express yourself without risk of bodily harm!

Lifeboat. Imagine you and eight others are in a
lifeboat adrift on the cold ocean, short on food, water and
hope. Your ship exploded and sank three days ago. There has been
no sign of search planes or of any ship. Three long days. No
sign of other survivors. Hope dims.
Stranger. Then someone is spotted floating on
the waves. He is pulled aboard the lifeboat and heard to
whisper, “I am the Lord.”
Is he who he says he is? How would you know? Where did he come
from? What actually caused the ship to explode? Are you
survivors already in heaven, or are you in hell? What would you
think? What would you say? What would you do?
Book. Consider these questions, and no doubt
others, as you read The Stranger in the Lifeboat (2021)
by Mitchell David Albom, who also wrote Tuesdays With Morrie.
Then join our discussion Sunday, June 12th at 3 pm.

for April & May:
There is a Special Congregational Meeting set for April 3rd,
following the 10:30 am Holy Eucharist.
Please meet in the Parish Hall.
Masks are optional.
Don’t forget to sign in before finding a seat.
suggested donation for April is formula, baby food and
diapers. May is bar
soap, dental care, shampoo and toiletries.
Instruments of Change 2022:
Hybrid Gala and Auction,
Saturday, May 14, 2022,
at the Seattle Design Center or Your Own Home!
Whether you choose to attend this event at the beautiful Seattle
Design Center or prefer taking part from the comfort of your
home, both options will provide a fun and entertaining evening,
while supporting the West Seattle Food Bank’s mission.
Church Council: At the March
Church Council meeting it was decided to remove the requirement
to wear a mask while at church, in accordance with Gov. Inslee's
direction. If you
prefer to wear a mask, please feel free to do so.
The choice is up to you.
Desiring to move safely toward our pre-pandemic practices, we
will be distributing communion at the altar rail.
There are gold seals on the top of the rail; you may
kneel or stand in front of them and the bread and wine will be
brought to you as in the past.

Tuesday, May 31st
On this holy day we give thanks to God for the blessed words
between St. Mary and St. Elizabeth.
We also give thanks for the honor paid St. Mary by the
unborn St. John the Baptist, when he moved in the womb of his
mother, St. Elizabeth.
To prepare for this festival, study Luke 1:39-47 and Isaiah

Robert Schorn, Jane Harty and family, Kim Lim, Melanie Johnson,
Holly Petersen, Leah and Melissa Baker, Felicia Wells, Eileen &
Dave Nestoss, Kyra Stromberg, The Rev. Alan Gardner, The Rev.
Howard Fosser, Yuriko Nishimura,
Mary Ford, Andrea and Hayden Cantu, Dana Gallaher, Jeanne
Pantone, Kevan & Jackie Johnson, Eric Peterson, Gary Grape, Nita
Goedert, Mariss Ulmanis, Shirley & Glenn Graham, Karen Granger,
Mike Nacewicz, Mike Matsunaga, Bill & Margaret Whithumn, the
Robert Shull family, Mary Cardona, Nick Karlson, Angel Lynne,
Randy Price, Paul Sponheim, Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church
(Clarkesville, GA), the
Ceaicovschi Family in Moldova,
Yuri Karpyuk.
Pray for our professional health care providers:
Gina Allen, Janine Douglass, David Juhl, Dana Kahn, Dean
Riskedahl, Jane Collins
and all those
suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: C.J.
Christian, Joan
Olson, Bob & Mona Ayer, Gregg & Jeannine Lingle, Robert
Schorn, Nora Vanhala, Martin Nygaard, Lou Landino.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Shelley Bryan Wee, our
pulpit supply ministers The Reverend Philip Nesvig,
The Reverend
Douglas Lindsay and The Reverend
Horacio Castillo,
our interim pastor the Reverend Neal Snider, our choirmaster
Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew King, that they may be
strengthened in faith, love and the holy office to which they
have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances, and pray to
strengthen the stewardship of our congregation.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this Easter.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and for all
in Christ's church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation
El Camino de Emmaus,
in the Skagit Valley, that God may bless and strengthen their
ministry. Also,
pray for our parish and its ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Albrecht Dürer, painter, 1528; Dietrich Bonhoeffer, teacher,
1945; Saint Mark, Evangelist.
Pray for this poor, fallen human race that God would have mercy
on us all.
Pray for our planet, that it and the creatures on it would be
saved from destruction.
Pray for the people in Ukraine and surrounding countries as they
struggle with the war with Russia and overflow of refugees
because of it.
A Treasury of Prayers
during this Lenten season nourish us with your word of life and
make us one in love and prayer.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who
lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. Amen.
All the Saints I:862, altered]