In the world, of course, it is extremely common that the truth
arouses hatred and that someone who tells the truth is regarded
as an enemy” (Luther’s
Works 26:423). Then, he adds, this shouldn’t happen “among
Christians.” In his other commentary he notes that Biblical
truth is “harsh” (LW
27:305). Nevertheless, he goes on to say that this verse about
harsh truth is a “beautiful example of teaching the truth” for
it inflicts “the wound in such a way that you also know how to
alleviate and heal it…. Thus God, too, puts lightning into the
rain and breaks up gloomy clouds and a dark sky into fruitful
showers.” Søren Kierkegaard believed this too, writing in his
Discourses (1847) –
“Use all of the ability granted to you… to win people – but woe
to you if you win them in such a way that you leave out the
terror” (KW 17:175).
From this I’ve learned the importance of seeing
lightning, or terror, as well as fruitful showers, in every
Bible verse I’ve ever taught about or preached on. So if you’ve
been upset with me for being that way, blame Saint Paul, Jon
Nelson, Luther and Kierkegaard.
This harsh truth is so difficult because it avoids
“paltry things” and instead “jabs the soul” with “hard knots” (LW
23:402, 12:225, 21:62). Like what? Only Jesus saves us from the
wrath of God (Acts 4:12, John 14:6, Romans 5:9). The love of
money is evil (1 Timothy 6:10). Only the Lord’s Supper grants
life (John 6:53). Faith is a fight (1 Timothy 6:12). We should
think more highly of others than of ourselves (Philippians 2:3).
And hell is horrible and lasts forever and most go there
(Matthew 22:14, 25:46). Harsh, indeed!
Pastor Marshall