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December 2014
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The Holy Incarnation
What we’re getting ready for during Advent is the Holy
Incarnation – regardless of what the merchandizers
tell us. But
what’s that? Well, it’s certainly not the birthday
of Jesus – because there never was a time when he wasn’t. For he
was there from the beginning, creating the world (John 1:2-3;
Colossians 1:16-17;
Hebrews 1:2). So what happened at the first Christmas,
if not the birth of Jesus?
Romans 8:3 tells us – God sent “his own Son in the
likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin
in the flesh.” So that’s it! At Christmas, God’s Son
took on sinful human flesh – that’s what happened at his
odd, unusual, miraculous, virginal non-birth, birth in
Bethlehem. And he did that in order “to be sin who knew
no sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21), so that he could bear “our
sins in his body” on the cross (1 Peter 2:24). And that
bearing of sins means being “punished” for them in our
place, as Luther repeatedly notes (Luther’s
17:224; 42:9; 26:279, 284 – as well as 13:323, 17:223,
22:167, 27:261, 28:264) – but which many Christians
scoff at today.
So ponder, pray and fast over these points during Advent
– Jesus taking on of sinful flesh in a non-birth, birth,
in order to be punished for our sins. That’s how you get
ready for Christmas.
Pastor Marshall

My Luther Teacher
Gerhard O. Forde (1927-2005)
By Pastor Marshall
Dr. Forde’s widow, Marianna Forde – herself a Yale PhD in
French Literature (74) – has just published a biography of
her husband, Gerhard
O. Forde: A Life. It is mostly an intellectual biography
– made up of her summaries of his major writings. One of my
favorite lines is: “In preaching a sermon, Gerhard thinks…
it is better not to start with a discussion of relevance and
get lost in that, but to lead from the text” (101). One
reason for this is that it is “never a safe place” to let
our salvation rest in our “own hands” [M. L. Nygard,
The Missiological
Implications of the Theology of Gerhard Forde (2011)
203]. That’s because Forde was “seized [by] a persuasion
respecting the sovereignty of a God who has acted supremely
in the death of the ‘Man of His Own Choosing’” [By
Faith Alone: Essays on Justification in Honor of Gerhard O.
Forde (2004) 289n].
I studied Luther with Dr. Forde
in the 1970s. A paper I wrote for one of those classes,
dated May 29, 1974, “Luther’s Two-Factor Hermeneutic,” was
later published in the first series of the
Lutheran Quarterly
28 (February 1976) 54-69. I still have that class paper with
Dr. Forde’s three pages of hand written comments. Included
in those comments he writes:

An excellent, well written and argued paper. The
research and notes are especially appreciated. At
least you show that there are a number of problems
that would have to be worked through carefully. As
indicated, however, there are several places, at
least, where I think I would differ…

One uses the same system as the scholastics and
attempts to best them only by the strength of his
assertions about grace. Luther would therefore, I
think, be against the multiplication of fictional
entities – which is why, I expect, he would make no
distinction between grace and salvation – and why, I
think, it would be a mistake to put what he is doing
in the camp of classical semantics as I understand
it – although I don’t confess to much expertise in
that direction. But there are, no doubt, further
problems that would have to be worked out here
relative to the distinction between thinking under
the law, and under the gospel. |
From among many biographical tidbits in Marianna’s wonderful
book, we read about – his guitar playing (41, 183), his
favorite boyhood hymn, “Jesu So Sweet, Jesu So Mild” (25),
his later love for A. E. Housman’s poem, ‘When I Was
One-and-Twenty” (11) and the hymn, “In the Bleak Midwinter”
(56) – as well as his gravestone epitaph: “In Christ Shall
All Be Made Alive” (225).
What We’re Supposed to Be
Shakespeare on Being Human
By Pastor Marshall
Once again I’m looking into
Harold Bloom’s,
Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human (1998) for
congenial secular clues for being truly human.
Last month I looked at Falstaff
(on exuberance) and the one before at Hamlet (on inner
turmoil). This month I want to note Shakespeare’s key female
character, Cleopatra. Her greatness is given by Octavius at
her death: “she looks like sleep, as she would catch another
Antony in her strong coil of grace” (Anthony
and Cleopatra V.ii.344-46). This catching coil stands
for the “estranging” “fascination” (569) at the heart of
humanity – when we’re at our best.
That luring quality – or
“vitality” (564) – corresponds to, I believe, the light that
we are to shine forth into the world (Matthew 6:14-16). We
are to be heralds or “ambassadors” of something greater than
ourselves (2 Corinthians 5:20) – which brightens the world
and is thereby fascinating. We must not cower under the
weight of this assignment – but see in it instead
why we “cumbereth”
the earth in the first place (Luke 13:7, KJV). In this role
there’s no room for humility (559) – as
Luther himself knew (LW 23:330).
Bloom sees a “quasi-divinity” in
this feature of Cleopatra (556) – and so too the Christian
is obligated to let the light of Christ himself (John 8:12)
shine through his or her life. This will stretch each and
every one of us – but that is as it should be (Philippians
3:13-14). But on the other hand, in as much as Cleopatra
constitutes “a great poem” in this play (559) – we must
not think that if
we only bring a little bit of fascination into the world,
we’re only failures (LW 24:233).
Be sure to share this with your
friends . . . and any public school teachers you may know.

President’s Report...by
Larraine King
These are just a sampling of the first lines of the Advent hymns
that appear in LBW #22-#38.
One thing the Advent hymns have in common is that they
emphasize action words.
So while Advent is a penitential season of preparation
and quiet prayerful study, it doesn’t mean we don’t take steps
to put our deepened and strengthened faith into action, made
practical. The book
of James chapter 2 verses 14 to 26 give lots of food for
thought. Combined
with studying and praying the Advent hymns, this makes a very
rich devotional preparation for the coming of Emmanuel.
Christmas liturgies during the Twelve Days of Christmas begin on
December 24th with the 11pm Christmas Eve service of lessons,
carols, and Holy Eucharist, include Christmas Day, and December
26th through December 28th.
Add them to your calendar.
You will be blessed as you focus on the meaning of the
Christmas season.
Sunday School students will celebrate Advent on Sunday December
14th at 9am in the parish hall with an Advent Faire.
They will make seasonal crafts and enjoy holiday goodies.
Everyone is welcome to join in and help.
We are
continuing our holiday food collection drive through the end of
December for the West Seattle Food Bank.
Hunger is always uncomfortable, but it is especially
painful during the holidays when everyone is emphasizing
reveling and celebrating with excess, and you’re not sure you
even have enough food to make a simple everyday meal.
We who have so much should make every effort to feel the
pain of those who have so little.
Our compassion for others should impel us to help
alleviate their misery.
So remember your food donations every time you go to the
grocery store and share your wealth when you come to worship!
Donations are being accepted
until December 14th for Compass Housing Alliance.
They are in need of
new sweatshirts
(sizes L, XL, & XXL in dark neutral colors with the tags on the
items), underwear, flip-flops, hats, scarves, and gloves.
Gift cards in denominations of $5 to $25 for fast food
restaurants, coffee shops, Target, grocery stores are also
needed. Small (i.e.
travel size) size new
toiletries are always needed.
Leave your donations in the office.
It is almost time for the 6th annual
St. Nicholas Faire.
On Sunday, December 7th from 4pm to 7pm, the parish hall will be
transformed and as we shop for gifts to give family and friends,
sip spiced cider, eat delicious food, and taste Maryhill wine,
we will be sharing our wealth with the West Seattle Food Bank
and the West Seattle Helpline.
One of the wonderful side benefits is that we get to have
a fun party that raises money for those in need.
Come and join the celebration!
The council continues to monitor and
deal with the growing budget shortage.
This is difficult for all of us.
We want to pay our staff well for the outstanding service
they provide. We
want to make sure our facility is in good repair and maintained
for the future prevention of problems.
And we want to extend our ministry by giving to those in
need. But this all
takes money to do a proper job of it.
And if the funds are not there, we are required to cut
expenses to make the books balance.
Please continue to pray about stewardship and your
personal giving to the church.
We are Christ’s presence in the world and each member is
needed to evidence the wholeness of His body.
Whatever each of can do to add a little extra to the
church funds, will make a difference.
There were some encouraging results
from the recent Pledge Card Drive.
There were 60 pledge cards sent out.
Of those 46 were returned, and of those returned, 45
member units pledged for 2015 a total of $165,044.
This is an increase from 2014 of $8,884 or just over $170
per week. This will
help the Budget and Finance Committee create a budget for 2015,
which will be reviewed and voted on at the annual meeting on
January 25, 2015.
Thank you to everyone who pledged for next year.
As we enter the Advent season and
prepare for Christmas, pray that our commitment and devotion to
our church will strengthen and grow.
Remember those who are in need, locally and around the
world. Donate
regularly to the Food Bank.
Give money to the Helpline, El Camino de Emmaus, the
Agape fund, and Gospel for Asia.
Find practical ways to help neighbors in your area who
are in need.
Pray to be a blessing in your community, wherever you are.
Sounds like a lot to do, but we must always remember what
our Lord has done for us, and live our lives from that vantage
point. We are the
Lord’s witnesses in this world.
Purpose to be faithful and true representatives of Jesus
Christ. Share the
love He inspires in us.
Give as He gave so freely to us.

Plumbing the Depths
Robert W. Jenson’s Metaphysics
By Pastor Marshall
In this column I continue to
explore Robert W. Jenson’s new book,
Theology as Revisionary
Metaphysics: Essays on God and Creation. This month I want
to deal with how he regards the basic distinction between the
Creator and his creatures.
Jenson begins by noting his
dissatisfaction with all of the traditional ways of construing
this distinction – infinity verses finitude, eternal verses
temporal (156), transcendent verses imminent (157), omnipotent
verses limited, and whether or not essence implies existence
Jenson wants to go beyond these
conceptual “pairings” (159) and stress instead the Biblical
story of creation. There we learn that “what is other than God
necessarily has God as its final and formal cause. Its being
must be participation in God who is Being… And moreover, its
salvation must be return to God, reunion of its shared being
with Being.” In this story we see our basic dependence on God
for our life and breath (Psalm 104:29)
Jenson sees a problem here: “an entity that… emanates from God
and so is drawn back to God, must if left to itself seek to melt
into God” (159) – which would be idolatry (161). As Creator,
God, however, “takes a certain preventative action” against this
melting back into himself (159). The way God does this is in
Christ Jesus, who is a “unitary agent who is… both Creator and
creature,” in whom we see “two very different agencies.”
Nevertheless, the “Gospels themselves depict only one” (160). If
we deviate from this union, it then is “blurred’ and we’ll have
to “posit some mediation between the two supposed agents,” which
leads us into a dreaded “middle realm.”
in the Bible story we cannot do this – we “cannot sort out what
God does and what creatures do so as to obtain two stories”
about the one incarnation (161). Christ must be our guide here,
for he alone is “not intimidated by foreign notions of the
difference between God and not-God’ – thereby stopping “our
desire to melt into God” and become idolatrous (161). Therefore,
Christ – who is fully divine and fully human – is our only true
protection and defense of the basic Biblical “difference between
Creator and creature.”
Use this argument when contemplating how this all gets mixed up
in Romans 1:24-25 – thanking God all the way for
Theology as Revisionist
Metaphysics. |
A Matter of the Heart

What shall I give him, poor as I
If I were a shepherd, I would
bring a lamb;
If I were a wise man, I would do
my part;
Yet what I can I give him ― Give
my heart.
-Christina Rossetti
“In the Bleak Mid-Winter”
These poignant words conclude a
moving Christmas poem by Christina Rossetti that has been set to
music as both a choral anthem and a Christmas carol.
What struck me when remembering it recently, was what
does it mean to “…give my heart”?
And isn’t stewardship really a matter of the heart?
We each bring our unique gifts to the altar along with
our tithes – like the shepherd would bring a lamb and the wise
man his expertise.
But more importantly, what is behind our gift?
Where is our heart?
Do we give because we are taught and encouraged to do so?
Or do we give because we are so moved by what our Savior
did for each of us that we just can’t help ourselves as an
expression of our thanksgiving to God?
Do we give because we are afraid of negative consequences
if we do not give?
Or do we give because Jesus Christ has changed our hearts, and
we have become new creatures in Christ?
Jesus tells us that where our treasure is there will our
heart be also.
Let’s examine our hearts and learn what they hold near
and dear, and then let our gratitude for all of our heavenly
Father’s blessings impel us to share our treasures generously
and without reservation.
Church Council
the Mind: Readings in Contemporary Theology
pm in the Church Lounge, Saturday, December 27th
The book for December is
The Reason for God:
Belief in an Age of Skepticism (2008), by Timothy Keller, a
prominent Presbyterian minister in New York City. This book
gives orthodox (xiv) reasons for believing in God – which has
made him the most successful evangelists on the east coast. He
believes his arguments are needed in a world that is “both more
religious and less religious at the same time” (x, xvi). He also
notes that our doubts cannot be ignored (for blind faith is bad,
xix) because “faith without some doubts is like a human body
without any antibodies in it” (xvii). For an example, see how he
opposes the supposed unfairness of hell, in light of Romans 1:24
A copy of this fascinating little
book on overcoming doubt is in the church library. If you would
like to purchase one for yourself, contact Pastor Marshall. Feel
free to attend our meeting when we discuss how to combat doubt
in our Christian lives.
Compass Housing
is in need of Christmas gift items for their housing
centers for both men and women. Listed here are the
items we will be collecting over the next couple of
weeks: gift cards in $5 to $25 increments for fast food
restaurants, coffee shops, Target and grocery stores;
sweatshirts (L, XL, XXL sizes with the tags on),
underwear, flip-flops, hats, scarves and gloves (in dark
neutral colors).
toiletries in small sizes are always needed. Please
leave your donations at the office. The items collected
will be delivered after Sunday, December 14th.
December 20th, 3-5 pm.
Friday, December 26th, meet at Christo’s on Alki at 5:00
pm for a no host meal.
Then go caroling, to shut-ins in the
Everyone is welcome to come along.
Please sign up on the list that is posted in the
suggested donation for December is holiday foods.
And, don’t forget to bring a can of food to the
St. Nicholas Faire!
The new chart will be up toward the end of the
month. Sign
up early for the best choice of dates.
Also, we still need a couple more people to sign
up for our beautiful Christmas flower display.
next Koran Class starts on Thursday, January 8th.
Call the office if you plan to attend.

Sunday, December
7th from 4pm to 7pm
In a less than a week we will be gathering in
the “transformed” Parish Hall to celebrate St. Nicholas Day by
hosting an event to commemorate the generous spirit of St.
Nicholas. His many
acts of charity are legendary.
All proceeds from this Faire will be donated to the West
Seattle Food Bank and the West Seattle Helpline.
Here’s a sampling of the gift baskets that
will be available to bid on…….
Children’s activity books
& wine
Bubbles & water balloons
Hello Kitty
Cocktail glasses & shaker
Sounders gear
Pasta & BBQ
Seahawks stuff
Teen & tween novels
Christmas china
Holiday coffee & tea
Cars & Planes
Maryhill award winning wines
Plus gift certificates to many local
restaurants and businesses like JAKS, Elliott Bay Pub & Brewery,
Caffe Ladro, Husky Deli, Junction Hardware, NW Art & Frame,
Curious Kidstuff, Metropolitan Market, QFC, Safeway, West
Seattle Nursery, Great Harvest Bakery, Trader Joe’s, Starbucks,
Pier 1 Imports, Barnes & Noble, Target, ETC!!!
But in order for it to be a
success, we need every member to participate and commit to
helping in some manner.
The sign-up sheets were in the hall between classrooms C
& D during the month of November.
If you missed them and still are able to help in some
way, please contact me (Larraine 206-937-6740).
We have tried to make contributing approachable and
within reach. There are a variety of ways each of us can help,
from money donations (make checks payable to First Lutheran
Church of West Seattle, and note it be given to the St. Nicholas
Faire), homemade baked goods, apple cider, and help during the
But the most important
way to support this event is to come and bring your family,
friends and neighbors, and do your Christmas shopping.
The St. Nicholas
Faire has a dual purpose – it benefits two very deserving
extended ministries, and it allows us to have a “party” together
with family and friends – while supporting our neighbors in need
in our community.
Now that’s a WIN! WIN!
So please plan to come and join in the celebration.
It’s going to be a great time.
Don’t miss it!
Larraine King, Church Council
Extended Ministries for December
We have one simple message this month…….
Your Donation of Food
Please Bring One Item
Per Person
Every Sunday
Season of Electronic Giving
This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported
First Lutheran Church of West Seattle this past year with
their time, talent and financial contributions and look forward
to support from all of our members in the year ahead. If you
need a convenient way to make regular offerings or if you plan
to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we
encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the
pace of life speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may
find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions.
Contact the church office for more information.
Genesis 3:24
Monthly Home Bible Study, December 2014, Number 262
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as
a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone then talk
informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV translation.)
We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851
Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous
book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the
whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a
prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because
we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans,
however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW
30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How
Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
Week I.
Read Genesis 3.24 noting the word
guard. Why does the
entry to the tree of life in paradise have to be guarded? On
this read Genesis 2.17 noting the words
eat and
die. Is this guard at
the entry way, then, part of the punishment for disobeying God?
If so, how so? On this read Deuteronomy 13.6-9 noting the line
nor shall your eye pity
him. This means no second chances – and so the entry must be
shut, barred and guarded. Is this overly cruel and harsh? On
this read Romans 11.22 noting the words
severity and
fallen. Read also
Hebrews 9.27 noting the line
die once, and after that
comes judgment. Once warned, then, is apparently enough –
then punishment kicks in with no exceptions. So if paradise is
closed shut like this, is all hope then taken away? On this read
1 Peter 1.3-5 noting the words
guarded and
faith. Here we see
that the hope from paradise gives way to the hope that is in
heaven. On this read Philippians 4:20-21 noting the words
heaven and
Week II.
Read again Genesis 3.24 noting the line
a flaming sword which
turned every way. Why are these theatrics used? On this read
John 3.19 noting the words
love and
darkness. This
defiant love won’t take no for an answer. Read also on this
Hebrews 3.13 noting the words
deceitfulness and
sin. This verse also
helps us see the defiance in sin. Read as well Genesis 32.26
noting the words not
and unless. All
sinners struggle with God like this – making demands of him. Why
do we think we can prevail against the Almighty God – and force
our way back into paradise? On this read John 12.28-29 noting
the play between the two opposing words
thundered and
angel. So is it
because God isn’t obvious that we feel free to struggle with him
and push against his will and ways in the world? On this read
Exodus 7.1-13 noting the words
same and
listen. Why isn’t God
clearer? On this read Romans 1.20 noting the word
clearly, and 2
Corinthians 4.4 noting the word
blinded. So whose
fault is it that God isn’t obvious?
Week III.
Reread Genesis 3.24 noting the line
he drove man out.
Were we forced out of paradise or did we want to get away ,any
way, and explore new territories? On this read Genesis 3.8
noting the word hid.
This looks like Adam and Eve liked being in paradise and didn’t
want to leave – or at least not get caught, which would mean
that they would have to leave. On this possibility, read Luke
12.19 noting the word
ample and ease.
Because of that proclivity in us, paradise would be a congenial
place for Adam and Eve to live. So what was it like to be thrown
out of paradise? On this read Matthew 25.1-13 noting the words
shut and
open. Here is a
picture of excitement and disappointment, wisdom and
foolishness, feasting and sorrow, welcoming and missing out. For
another such picture, read Matthew 7.21-23 noting the words
declare and
depart. Why shouldn’t
we be able to stay if we want to? On this read Hebrews 10.26-31
noting the words fearful,
vengeance and
repay. What requires
this severity? On this read Romans 7.12 noting the line
the law is holy… just and
good – anything but forgiving. Does that explain it?
Week IV.
Read Genesis 3.24 one last time noting the line
the tree of life.
What does this tree give? On this read Revelation 22.1-2 noting
the words leaves and
healing. What do
these leaves heal? On this read Revelation 21.4 noting the words
pain and
death. What kind of
life is this where death and pain are all gone? On this read
John 10.10 noting the word
abundantly. What is
this like? On this read John 5.26 noting the line
life in himself. What
does that mean? On this read Romans 6.9 noting the line
death no longer has
dominion. When that dominion is gone, life is made
irrepressible and resilient. On this life, see John 17.3 noting
the line this is eternal
life [knowing] the only true God. Is this tree still in
Eden? On this read John 11.25 noting the
I am expression. Is
Jesus its replacement?

Please join us!
Christmas Eve
December 24, 2014
11:00 pm A Liturgy of Lessons,
Carols & Holy Eucharist
Christmas Day
December 25, 2014
10:30 am The Holy
Nativity of Our Lord, Festival Eucharist, nave
St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr
December 26, 2014
11:45 am Holy Eucharist,
St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
December 27, 2014
11:45 am Holy Eucharist, chapel
The Holy Innocents, Martyrs
December 28, 2014
8:00 am Holy Eucharist,
10:30 am Holy Eucharist, nave
To end the
12 days of Christmas
be sure to join us on –
The Day of Epiphany
January 6, 2015
11:45 am Holy Eucharist,
Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made your
brothers and sisters through baptism.
Dorothy Ryder, Emma Sagmoen, Evelyn Coy, Sam, Nancy, Kim and
Kevin Lawson, Jim Coile, Kyra Stromberg, Nora Vanhala, Mary
Goplerud, Michael Nestoss, Cynthia Natiello, Clara Anderson,
Leah Baker, Peggy & Bill Wright & Wendy, Bob & Barbara Schorn,
Cameron Lim, Ion Ceaicovschi, Luke Bowen, Tabitha Anderson,
Kendel Jones and her Family, Robin Kaufman, Rosita & Jim Moe,
Dano, Karen & W. Erick, John Bertelsen, Marie & Rick Collins,
Karen Klein, Dee Grenier, The Rev. Bill Hampton, Jeanie Goodwin,
Lauren Kinney, Judy Earle, Jeff & Dolly Shale, Nicky & Thomas
Alvord, Kristine and Ové Varik, Ken Sharp, Jack Garon, Brian
Mangon, James Stojack, Dee Grenier, The Johnny Tarrant family
and those suffering from and fighting the Ebola virus.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give
them joy: Clara
Anderson, Donna Apman, Pat Hansen, C. J. Christian, Louis Koser,
Anelma Meeks, Dorothy Ryder, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor,
Nora Vanhala, Vivian Wheeler, Peggy & Bill Wright.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Brian Kirby Unti, our
pastor Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor
Andrew King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and
the holy office to which they have been called.
Pray that
God would give us hearts which find joy in service and in
celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this Advent &
Christmas. Pray for
the mercy of God for these people, and for all in Christ's
church to see and help those who are in distress.
for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emaus in the Skagit Valley that God may
bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.
that God will bless you through the lives of the saints: Saint
Thomas, Apostle; Saint Stephen, Deacon and Martyr; Saint John,
Apostle and Evangelist; and The Holy Innocents, Martyrs.
Treasury of Prayers
Dear Lord God, I offer up to you my money.
It scares me, for it does not speak about all that it hides in
its creases – all the poor fellows who killed themselves for it
to have a little pleasure with it. It paid for both a baptismal
party somewhere and also the death of a child in some mother’s
womb. Thank you, Lord, for all the joy it provides, and grant
your forgiveness for all of the harm it has also done. In Jesus’
name I pray. Amen.
All the Saints
(ALPB, 1994-1996) 4 vols.,
IV:1158, altered]