February 2012 |
Getting Ready to Celebrate
Lent begins on
Ash Wednesday, February 22. This is a time of repenting and
fasting – as we look forward to the celebration of our salvation
on Holy Week and Easter. Our salvation is from sin and for
righteous living – both now and in heaven after we die.
So what’s it
like to repent? Well, it includes admitting we have
sinned. But Psalm 51:17 adds that it’s also about having
a broken and contrite heart. The Lutheran Confessions
(1580) teach that this involves feeling “heartily sorry”
for our sins and being “terrified by the proclamation of
the law” (The Book of Concord, ed. T. Tappert, p.
559). |
emotional qualifications are rare among Christians (Luther’s
Works 32:35, 35:22), simply
because we don’t like feeling broken. We much prefer
being upbeat, jovial and light-hearted. During Lent, then, we
should carefully consider the Biblical words against the
superficial happiness that’s everywhere in the world (Luke
12:19; Ephesians 5:4).
That doesn’t mean,
however, that we should be sad sacks. Instead, during the forty
days of Lent, let us aspire to that heavenly joy that erupts
over the repentance of any single sinner (Luke 15:7).
President’s Report…
Matthew Kahn
February this
year brings the start of Lent.
It is time for fasting and self-reflection.
It is also a sort of New Years for FLCWS. While the
beginning of the Church calendar is marked by Advent, and the
secular calendar starts on January 1st, February is really the
start of the congregation’s New Year.
At last month’s Congregational meeting new officers and
church council members were selected and now they take their
places to help lead the Parish. New committees are formed and
new goals are put forward all with the singular focus to serve
Christ and spread His Word.
While not as fiscally as good as 2010, this last year we were
able to pay all of our bills and provide support to some of our
extended ministries. The Total General Budget Income for the
year was $228,877.57 which was down from 2010’s number of
$244,769.40. This is a decrease in General Budget Income of
9.3%. I have been
told that we should be thankful for this because other parishes
are down 25% - 33%. We had budgeted about $248,274 for Total
General Budget Receipts, but only were able to take in
$231,176.64 in Total General Budget Receipts. The budget gap was
filled by keeping expenses lower than we had estimated, and by
using a small cushion of cash we had from the previous December.
There is no such cushion going forward this year.
FLCWS is blessed with great staff and with members who sacrifice
their time and energy to help the Parish operate. I wish to
thank our church council members whose terms are expiring: Peter
Douglass, Jason Ross, and Louis Koser. I would also like to
thank Elizabeth Olsen who served as my Vice- President this past
year. I especially would like to thank Lynn Hopson who boldly
stepped up and faithfully served as our Parish’s treasurer this
past year. The
Treasurer is a difficult and critical position for any
organization. Lynn
performed her duties admirably and was committed to the
position, overcoming the great distances and the mess that is
Seattle traffic. We will miss all of our outgoing leaders.
I am thankful for our newest officers and council members,
Vice-President David King, Treasurer Janice Lundbeck, council
members Melanie Johnson, Earl Nelson, Jeff Sagmoen and Peter
Douglass. With
their dedication and guidance we will have a very successful
2012! I also want
to thank everyone who attended our Annual Congregational
Meeting. It is vital for any organization to have participates
who care so deeply about its cause.
I pray that as the New Year dawns FLCWS finds more members who
want to share in our classic worship of God and His creation.
Month (December)
Year to date (Jan-Dec)
$232, 390
Giving Obediently
The season of Lent which precedes Our Lord’s suffering and death
is a time of reflection, fasting, praying, and possibly giving
up something we normally enjoy and think we could not do without
– most often a favorite food. Giving
up something for Lent is something I do and each year; it is one
of two things I feel I indulge in the rest of the year and
should consider giving up. The
question is always should I give “it” up?
Will I give “it” up?
Can I give “it” up?
But it should not be an
inner conflict each year but a resounding “yes” that I should
give it up. “Yes” I can
give it up with God’s help, and “yes” I will give “it” up.
By giving up this item I
feel it draws me closer to God in preparing me for the pain,
suffering, and sacrifice that I know he went through for me when
he was crucified. It is
also the very least I can do for all I have been given from God
– the blessings of baptism, His steadfast love and forgiveness
for all my sins.
The hymn “Jesus calls us; Oer the Tumult” comes from our
Lutheran Book of Worship.
The last verse:
Jesus calls us! In
your mercy,
Savior, make us
hear your call,
Give our hearts to
your obedience,
Serve and love you
best of all.
This is my prayer.
Thanks be to God!!
Church Council
Extended Ministries Focus for February
For the month of February the Extended Ministries Committee is
asking that the congregation support
We can do that in 2 ways…..first we can add them to our
prayers, lifting their ministry to God on a daily basis.
And we can donate money to be used to purchase items for
the Health Kits that are needed around the world at times of
Lutheran World Relief was founded in 1945, by US
Lutherans, as a program to provide aid to those
devastated by the effects of World War II.
It is supported by both the ELCA and LCMS.
Its current mission is to provide aid areas that
have experience natural disasters around the world, most
recently in Japan, Sudan, Pakistan, and Haiti.

that is donated will be used to buy supplies for Health Kits,
that the Sunday School students will assemble later in the year.
We will be providing a detailed list in the spring of
needed supplies, but since they are quite specific and change as
the needs of the areas to be helped change, donating money at
this point will be the most useful action to take.
Please note on your $$$ donation that it is to go toward
these supplies.
Thank you for your generous support of our extended ministries
projects. Keep them
in your prayers.
-Larraine King, Church Council
The Presentation of Our Lord
Thursday, February 2nd we celebrate The Presentation of our
Lord at 11:45 am in the chapel with Holy Eucharist.
This feast day revolves around a prophecy in Luke 2:34-35
that relates a stirring story about Christ’s ministry.
It says he will be spoken against, and that he will cause
the rise and fall of many.
Honor God this day for the wisdom of this prophecy.
The Transfiguration
of Our Lord
The Last
Sunday in Epiphany, Sunday, February 19th, is the
Transfiguration of Our Lord.
On this day we behold the splendor of Christ surrounded
by the glory of God.
Study Mark 9:2-9 to
learn more about the time when Moses and Elijah appeared to
Jesus, and the mysterious cloud from which God’s voice tells us,
“This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!”
With the Mind:
Readings in Contemporary Theology
3-5 pm in the Church Lounge,
Saturday, February 26th.
The book for
February is Second Coming
(1980) by Walker Percy (1916-1990), winner of the National
Book Award in 1962. This book is about struggling with the
sadness of life – in light of the Christian faith. It takes up
the themes of parents and children, and why suicide looms so
large for some as the solution to life’s problems.
At the end of the book, the lead character, Will, finds another
broken wing, Allie, and marries her – and also finds God in the
process. “Will… thought about Allie,” Percy writes, and Will’s
heart “leapt with a secret joy…. Is she a gift and therefore a
sign of a giver? Could it be that the Lord is here, masquerading
behind this simple silly holy face?” (p. 360).
A copy of this important novel on true happiness is in the
church library. If you would like to purchase one for yourself,
contact Pastor Marshall. Feel free to attend our meeting when we
discuss what this book says is the best way to handle what makes
life sad.
is planning a luncheon for Tuesday, February 21st.
Sign up on the sheet that is posted in the lounge.
Also new trips are planned for this year. If you are
interested in going along, Evelyn Coy has information about
times and cost (938-4493).
suggestions for February are canned fruits & vegetables.
will start on Sunday, February 5th immediately following the
10:30 am liturgy, in room D.
If you know someone who is interested in the class,
suggest they talk with Pastor Marshall.
Suffering With Christ: A
Study on the Epistle of First Peter – In this eight week
class (from February 5th to March 25th) we will study the book
of First Peter – which has been a favorite of Lutherans for
Seattle Food
benefit & social hour: live music, guest speaker,
dinner, and a dessert auction at the Hall of Fauntleroy.
Friday, May 4, 2012, 6-9 pm.
Ron Sims will be key note speaker this year.
Save the date.
– Communion:
Those who are baptized in the name of God the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit and believe are welcome
to receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
If you are not able to walk up to communion
but would like to receive, contact the Parish Deacon
the liturgy.
Joshua 2.5
Monthly Home Bible Study,
February 2012, Number 228
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our
other regular study of Scripture, let us join as a congregation
in this home study. We will
study alone then talk
informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44).
We need to
support each other in this difficult project. In 1851
Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous
book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the
whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a
prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because
we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans,
however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW
30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How
Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
Week I.
Read Joshua 2.5 noting the line
I do not know. Who
says this? On this read Joshua 2.1 noting the name
Rahab. Why should we
care about her? On this read Matthew 1.1-16 noting the words
Christ and
Rahab. Why does the
genealogy of Christ matter? On this read Matthew 1.1 noting the
names David and
Abraham. Why does it
matter that Jesus comes from David and Abraham? On this read
Genesis 22.15-18 noting the words
all and
bless, and 2 Samuel
7.8-13 noting the words
David, kingdom
and forever. And what
is this blessing? On this read Act 7.17 and 52 noting the words
Righteous and
One, and Acts
13.22-23 noting the words
David, king,
Savior and
Jesus. And what is
this promise of salvation coming from Abraham and David? On this
read 1 Timothy 1.15 noting the words
save and
sinners, and 1
Timothy 2.5-6 noting the words
mediator and
ransom. Why does this
salvation matter? On this read Romans 5.1 and Colossians 1.20
noting the same word
peace. And why should we care about having this peace? On
this read Colossians 2.14 noting the phrase
us. So, are you now
convinced of the importance of Rahab? If so, why? Note finally
Hebrews 7.3 noting the words
without and
genealogy. Does this
conflict with
Matthew 1.1?
Why not? On this read Hebrews 7.3 again noting the line
priest for ever. How
does this differ – and so does not conflict with – Matthew 1.1
about Abraham and David?
Week II.
Read again Joshua 2.5 noting this same line
I do not know. What
is it that Rahab doesn’t know? On this read Joshua 2.1-6 noting
the words Joshua,
hid and
roof. Is it true that
Rahab doesn’t know about their whereabouts? Why is it that she
lies to her king’s men about these spies sent by Joshua to case
out Jericho in order to destroy it? On this read Joshua 2.9-13
noting the words know,
father and
mother. But why did
she have to lie to her king’s men in order to save her family
from what she thinks is sure destruction at the hands of the
Israelites? Wasn’t there any other way to go? Why didn’t she try
to broker a mass surrender on the part of her people? On this
read Joshua 2.11 noting the line
no courage left in any
man because of you. Why wasn’t that sufficient grounds for
planning to surrender? On this read Judges 11.1-33 noting the
words mighty,
great and
slaughter. Did Rahab
think her demoralized people would fight anyway like the
Ammonites, Amorites and Moabites would latter do? Is that why
she lied to them – because of their reckless endangerment of her
family? If so, was her approach justifiable? On what grounds?
Week III.
Reread Joshua 2.5 noting that same line
I do not know. So was
Rahab justified? On lying read Exodus 20.16 and Deuteronomy 5.20
noting the line against
your neighbor. Read also Colossians 3.9 against lying in
general. Does the Bible teach that all lying is bad – or is it
alright to lie to your enemies? Did the wise men lie to Herod
when they didn’t return to him after finding the Christ child
but went home by another
way as Matthew 2.12 says? Was that defensible? Was it right
for the midwives to lie about Moses in Exodus 1.15-20? How about
Samuel lying to King Saul in 1 Samuel 16.2-5? Or how about
Joseph lying about his identity and his brothers in Genesis
42.6-16? Isn’t it an irony that he demands
honesty from his
brothers in Genesis 42.19 when he doesn’t practice it himself?
And how about Abraham in Genesis 12.10-20 and 20.1-18 – both
times endangering his wife with his lies? Note also what we
might call the bad lies in Genesis 3.4-5 by Satan, 4.9 by Cain
and 27.18-24 by Jacob! So where does the Bible stand on lying?
Week IV.
Read Joshua 2.5 one last time noting the same line
I do not know.
Does Jesus also lie? On this read John 7.1-10 noting the
words not (with
yet being added in
the footnote), but
and private. And also
read Matthew 5.39 about
turning the cheek when slapped – but with Jesus not doing so
in John 18.23. What’s up? Are the two cases different because of
the witnessing in the second and the fact it was Jesus who was
struck? Explain your answer. Does Jesus clarify the rule against
lying? How so?
A Forgotten But Powerful Voice:
Dr. Kent S. Knutson, 1924-1973
By Pastor Marshall
Dr. Knutson was the presiding bishop of the ALC from 1971-1973.
In this column I continue to select passages from his most
famous book, The Shape of
the Question: The Mission of the Church in a Secular Age
(1972) for our mutual, considered evaluation. Here is what he
says in part about Jesus being both fully human and fully
creeds put]
the emphasis… on the
relation of the [two
natures] to the [single]
person [of
Christ] rather than
on the relation of the natures to each other in some direct way.
Is this a weakness? The Lutheran tradition said yes and
developed further a doctrine on how the divine nature
‘communicates’ its powers to the human nature without changing
the human nature…. [On
this view] God does
not change the human into something divine in his work. Human
remains human. Divine remains divine. Implications are that the
Bible does not become less human because God speaks to us
through it. The church does not become perfect or errorless
because there God dwells and feeds his people. The bread does
not turn into something supernatural because God’s presence is
mediated through it. We don’t become divine because God dwells
in us. Nature bears
grace. It does not become
grace. Nature retains its integrity. God retains his. Let God be
God! (pp. 68, 70). |
This communication of properties [communicatio
idiomatum] between the human and divine natures of Jesus,
“remained key to Luther’s Christology, for Christ’s person,
divine and human natures inseparable yet distinct in one person,
provides the foundation for understanding his work of the
salvation of sinners. That formed the heart of Luther’s call for
reform of public teaching” [R. Kolb,
Martin Luther: Confessor
of the Faith (2009) p. 117].
Enjoy the convenience of
electronic giving!
Thank you to those members that have
signed up for giving electronically.
If you have thought about it but
are still uncertain, I can answer any questions.
Just call or email me.
The process is completely safe – it
is the same as having your mortgage payment or insurance payment
automatically deducted from your checking account.
I handle all the paperwork locally
so your authorization form never leaves my possession.
If at any time you want to change
or cancel the automatic transactions, let me know and I will
immediately process the change.
Giving can also be done through our web page now!
Look for the blue button at the
bottom of the first page that says “Donate”.
(Teri Korsmo, Financial
Secretary, 206-932-7914, TLHK@comcast.net)
Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made your
brothers and sisters through baptism.
Jeannine Lingle, Connor Bisticas, Dorothy Ryder, Richard Hard,
Louis Koser, Rollie Storbakken, Agnes Arkle, Clara Anderson,
Pete Morrison, Mary Goplerud, Teri Korsmo, Bob Baker, Peggy
Wright, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Margaret Hard, Craig Purfeerst,
Rolf Sponheim, Robin Lantzy, Mona Elliot, Bob Smith, Tabitha
Anderson, David & Kay Thoreson, Gail Van Zandt, Cameron Lim,
Rosita Moe, Ion Ceaicovschi, Linda Anderson, Frank Rowlands,
Joyce Baker, Chris & Margeen Bowyer, Jim Cunningham, Dana Amori.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: Clara Anderson,
Agnes Arkle, C. J. Christian, Vera Gunnarson, Pat Hansen,
Margaret Hard, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Vivian Wheeler.
Pray for those who have suffered the death of a loved one:
Pray that God will bear their grief and lift their
hearts: Pray for
Olive Morrison, the Morrison family and friends on the death of
Alan Morrison, husband, father and grandfather.
Pray for our bishops Mark Hanson and Chris Boerger, our pastor
Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew
King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and the holy
office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this
February. Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and for
all in Christ's church to see and help those who are in
Pray for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emmaus in the Skagit Valley that God may
bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Martin Luther, Renewer of the Church, 1546; Saint Matthias,