February 2019
1 Corinthians 14:8
“There is no real joy in this world
except that which the Word brings when
it is believed.”
Here is another Bible verse that I want to cover
that has been important to me as I continue to
give thanks in 2019 for my 40 years in the
ordained ministry. This one comes from the Rev.
Dr. Martin J. Heinecken (1902–1998), long time
professor of theology at the Lutheran seminary
in Philadelphia. He told me he that he kept it
on his desk and would contemplate it daily
before going to lecture to the seminarians. The
verse is 1 Corinthians 14:8 and it says
“if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who can
get ready for battle?”
This verse is about not beating around
the bush or mincing words or “mumbling” – as
Luther put it (Luther’s
21:9). It’s about diligently fighting the good
fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12).
Luther once wrote that preachers are
afraid to be clear – especially about what’s
contentious in Christianity. It’s too dangerous.
They’re afraid of offending people and getting
fired. So they prevaricate instead of blasting
forth on their bugles – or as Luther said, they
“put their whistles into their pockets” (LW
21:63). After quoting this in a sermon, Alida
Rottman (1922–2011) gave me a whistle on a cord
to hang around my neck, charging me – “Don’t put
it in
pocket!” When preaching at my home congregation
in college, Professor Roger C. Larson
(1918–1980) told me to quit saying from the
pulpit – “it seems to me likely that this might
be worth considering.” “You have to be certain!”
he admonished – and Luther would agree (LW
58:211, 67:419, 78:47, 76:409, 26:387, 40:240,
78:300). So thanks be to God for this text – and
for both Martins, Alida and Roger!
by Pastor Marshall
happened in 1979 than my ordination into the Christian
ministry on June 25, and the first
Mad Max movie
coming out – although that movie had its own
significance. It marked the beginning of four films on
the collapse of civilization and a life of vengeance.
“My name is Max. My world is fire and blood” (Soren
Anderson, “Latest ‘Mad Max’ Hits on All Cylinders,”
The Seattle Times,
May 15, 2015). More weighty, however, was the appearance
on March 4 of the first encyclical from the new pope,
John Paul II, called
Redemptor Hominis.
In my review of it I noted that it was the Pope’s vision
of how to steer between “Marxist and Capitalist
solutions” (The
Messenger, October 1981). This note sounded a revolt
against the supposed evils of capitalism and the
imagined redemption in Marxism. It was stemming the tide
of 1960s liberalism. Joining in with the Pope –
unwittingly, for sure – were the new prime minster of
England, Margaret Thatcher, the new Communist Party
leader, Deng Xiaoping, and the new leader of Iran,
Ayatollah Khomeini. In a disconnected way, they all
together changed the direction of the world in 1979,
seeking “to restore values to a world… deeply altered by
revolution” (Christian Caryl,
Strange Rebels:
1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century, 2013 p.
358). In my own way, my ministry has been devoted to
stemming the liberal tide too (see my online manifestos,
“Somber Lutherans,” 2004, and “Deathly Evangelism,”
1994–95) – even though I favor Richard John Neuhaus’
(1936–2009) more nuanced formulation – “I am religiously
orthodox, culturally conservative, politically liberal,
and economically pragmatic” (The
Messenger, September 2016).
Bob Baker
At the book group meeting (“With the Mind”) last moth we
discussed Just
Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption (2014) by
Bryan Stevenson, the founder of the
Equal Justice
Initiative, “a legal practice dedicated to defending
the poor, the wrongly condemned, and those trapped in
the furthest reaches of our criminal justice system” (backcover).
The book is largely devoted to the story of
Walter McMillian, who was wrongly condemned, and what
Stevenson had to do, through the courts, to set him
free. It is a harrowing story of cruelty, injustice,
personal fortitude and bravery. At the end of the book,
Stevenson takes up the story of the woman accused of
adultery in John 8 – with Jesus saying, whoever is
without sin, cast the first stone. Stevenson then adds:
“The woman’s accusers retreated, and Jesus forgave her
and urged her to sin no more. But today, our
self-righteousness, our fear, and our anger have caused
even the Christians to hurl stones at the people who
fall down, even when we know we should forgive or show
compassion…. We can’t simply watch that happen…. We have
to be stonecatchers” (p. 309). I like that. I encourage
you to read the book and learn more about being
stonecatchers. May we all find ways to become
is my last column as your president. Thank you for
entrusting me with this responsibility. I’ve enjoyed
working on the church council the last four years as
your vice president and president. May God bless First
Lutheran Church of West Seattle.

We need someone to take on the leadership of
The Saint Nicholas Faire.
Larraine King has done it for the last ten years and is
stepping down.
Would you like to do it? There is a great team of people
from last year still willing to help you. Let us know by
March 1st so we can get the ball rolling. Call the
church office if interested (206) 935-6530.
Pledging and Tithing
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for
your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink;
nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not
the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
(Matthew 6:25)
Each year at the annual meeting, the congregation
approves a budget for the coming year.
The pledges are
tallied and expenses are approved. Although Mathew
6:25-34 tells us not be anxious, we have commitments to
the staff and to the church building that rely on the
congregation to keep their pledge & tithing forefront in
their minds. We
have been blessed with a congregation that is dedicated
to First Lutheran Church of West Seattle. Pray that 2019
will be another year that we are able to keep our
monetary commitments to the church by regularly tithing.
—Valerie Schorn, Church

Stewardship 2018
Month (December)
Year to date (Jan-December)

The Apple of the Eye
by Pastor Marshall
is a favorite verse for the protection God provides (Ps
17:8 – and also in Dt 32:10, Prov 7:2, Lam 2:18, Zech
2:8). It’s even in the Compline liturgy – but modified
as “keep me as the apple of
your eye” (Lutheran
Book of Worship, 1978, p. 157). The apple of the eye
is an odd expression that goes back to the King James
Version of the Bible (1611), which was borrowed from
Shakespeare (A
Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1596, III.ii, 106). But the
Hebrew word translated as apple actually means dark spot
– which is simple observational science; that’s the way
the center of the eye looks. But that word also is
similar to the Hebrew word for man (איש),
and so the Latin translation misconstrued it as little
man, pupilla,
from which we get the word pupil – as in the pupil of
the eye. Luther saw this verse as speaking about what
God cared for because it was so valuable and vulnerable
(Luther’s Works
48:379). That gets to the heart of it – in spite of
these later translation problems. Thanks be to God!

Abigail Blesses King David
“The Lord will certainly make my lord a sure house,
because my
lord is fighting the battles of the Lord; and evil shall
not be
found in you so long as you live.”
(1 Samuel 25:28 –- and its echo in Acts 5:39)

The Chapel of the Resurrection
columbarium chapel was dedicated on November 25, 2001
with forty-nine niches installed on the north wall.
All 49 of the north wall niches have been sold.
The second phase of construction was dedicated on
February 22, 2009, which added another forty-nine niches
to the south wall of the columbarium.
Monies for this project have never come out of
the church budget but have been raised through the
pre-sale of the niches and special donations.
The cost of a niche is $800.
If you are interested in purchasing a niche, a
payment plan may be arranged with the church office.
We believe that this form of burial provides
comfort to the members of our parish family. By being
able to inter their ashes in the church, a sacred
resting place is provided. Burial in the columbarium of
our church is a glorious way to care for the remains of
loved ones.
If you have not yet made burial plans for
yourself we encourage you to consider a niche in the
columbarium, The Chapel of the Resurrection. Forms are
available on the Narthex table and in the church office.
Call us if you have any questions.

No Bird Soars in a Calm
by Pastor Marshall
large part of the Wright brothers invention of the
airplane had to do with studying birds. “The reality of
what birds could do – the
miracle of
birds – remained a subject of continuing importance and
fascination” to them (David McCullough,
The Wright
Brothers, 2015, p. 51). Wilbur Wright was especially
interested in how birds used the wind to fly, but mostly
to soar. His breakthrough moment came when he realized
that “no bird soars in a calm” (McCoullough, p. 52).
Their wings need that blowing wind to keep them –
effortlessly – aloft. From that insight eventually
evolved the jet engine and wing flaps. It also ties into
Romans 5:3–5 about needing suffering to build character.
Character is the flight; suffering is the blowing wind.
This is yet another reason to pay attention to Matthew
6:26 – “Look at the birds.”

will start on Sunday, February 10th immediately
following the 10:30 am liturgy, in room D.
If you know someone who is interested in the
class, have them to talk to Pastor Marshall.
Suggestions for
February are canned fruits & vegetables.
Religious Horrors: Eight Rejected Psalms.
In this eight week class we will study eight psalms most
Christians don’t know about, and if they do, they’re
outraged over – Psalms 9, 39, 55, 58, 107, 109, 137, 139
and 144. Each class session will be based on a worksheet
of questions handed out the week before.
this year
will be on Wednesday, March 6th with the Imposition of
Ashes liturgy at 7 pm.
– Communion:
Those who
are baptized in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit and believe are welcome to receive the Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper.
If you are not able to walk up to communion but
would like to receive, contact the Parish Deacon
before the
difficult story from my forty years in the
ministry has to do with a vice president of our
church. He married into a prominent, long
standing family in the congregation. He was a
very successful business man. I knew him for
years and he liked joking around with me. I
spent a lot of time with his two children in
confirmation and the youth group. He had a big
laugh and a broad smile. Over the years his
comments grew more negative. At one point I said
we should get together and talk about it. I said
this with other people around at a council
meeting. He responded that it wouldn’t do any
good because I always won arguments. I let it
go, but later asked him again and he said yes.
I Hate You That Much!
I treated him to desert one Sunday evening at a
local restaurant. The deal was that I would listen and
not comment on anything he said. He liked that. So off
he went, over coffee, pie and ice cream, listing one
horrible thing after another that I supposedly had done.
Soon a pattern emerged. After each charge he would
conclude – “But, of course, that isn’t true. You never
did that.” And he looked me right in the eye when he
said that. This went on for the better part of an hour.
He probably went over a dozen charges against me. He
then concluded by saying: “Well, I guess I really don’t
have anything against you.” I was surprised and wondered
how this was going to end. Then he said, before getting
up and leaving – “But I still hate you. In fact, I hate
you so much,” he said, looking me right in the eye,
unflinchingly – “that I wish I could catch you in an act
of incest so I would have evidence for it. I hate you
that much.” Some ten years later he left the church. I
rarely see him anymore. And we never talked about that
conversation again.
This story reminds me of two statements from
Luther – “No wrath in the entire world is more cruel
that that of [the] church,” and, “There is almost
nothing more unlike the church than the church itself” (Luther’s
Works 1:260, 27:397). I learned from that evening
never to let my guard down in church. Why? Because the
devil is always roaming around in it looking to devour
someone (1 Peter 5:8). What he said that night was the
meanest thing anyone has ever said to me – and I haven’t
lived a sheltered life.
─Pastor Marshall

Monthly Home Bible Study, February 2019, Number 312
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us
join as a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone
then talk informally about the assigned verses together
as we have opportunity. In this way we can "gather
around the Word" even though physically we will not be
getting together (Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV
We need to support each other in this difficult project.
In 1851 Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an
extremely dangerous book.... [because] it is an
imperious book... – it takes the whole man and may
suddenly and radically change... life on a prodigious
scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote
that "we all instinctively know that it is dangerous to
become involved in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5)
because we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As
Lutherans, however, we are still to "abide in the womb
of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word"
(LW 30.219)
so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who
caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our
learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn
and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever
hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which
you have given us in Our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen"
(quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New
World: How Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
And don’t give up, for as Luther said, we “have in
Scripture enough to study for all eternity” (LW
Week I.
Read Job 10.8 noting the line
thy hands… made
me. What shall we make of that? On this read Genesis
1.31 noting the line
everything that
he had made… was very good. Read also Genesis 1.27
noting the line
God created man in his own image. Read as well
Genesis 2.15 noting the line
God… put man in
the garden… to till and keep it. What shall we make
of these verses? On this read Psalm 17.8 noting the line
keep me as the
apple of the eye. Read also Psalm 8.5 noting the
line God… crowns
him with glory and honor. Are we therefore made for
greatness, above all the rest of creation? Is this build
into our being? On this read Isaiah 43.21 noting the
line the people…
I formed for myself, to declare my praise. Does this
verse set us back a notch? On this read Job 42.3 noting
the line too
wonderful for me. Read also Psalm 131.1 noting the
line things too
great… for me. So being made in the image of God
doesn’t make us equal to God. On this read Hosea 11.9
noting the line I
am God and not man. Does that get us all the way to
the word worm
in Psalm 22:6? If not, how about the word
in Psalm 39.5, or the word
dust in
Genesis 2.7? How do these three verses make you feel? Do
they seem belittling? If so, why?
Week II.
Read again Job 10.8 noting the same line
thy hands… made
me. What has God made in us? On this read 1 Kings
2.3–4 noting how the words
keeping and
define the word
man. In this way humans differ from God – we are to
obey him – God is not to obey us. On this read Judges
17.6 and 21.25 noting the phrase
right in their
own eyes. Contrast that with Psalm 115.3 noting the
line God does
whatever he pleases. Why can’t we do that? On this
read Isaiah 5.20 noting how we can’t keep
good and
straight. Being made to obey God puts us at a much lower
level than God. By how much? On this read Isaiah 55.9
noting the distance between the
heavens and
the earth.
Could that be any larger?
Week III.
Reread Job 10.8 noting this time the phrase
destroy me.
What happened? Has God forgotten how great we are? Or
has our diminished status caused our ruin? On this read
Genesis 3.24 noting the words
sword, and
guard. Why
were Adam and his family driven from paradise, never to
be allowed to return again? Was it because he was less
than God? On this read Genesis 3.11 noting the words
commanded and
not. Is there
any other punishment beside this banishment? On this
read Genesis 3.3 noting the phrase
lest you die.
So death is not natural – because we wear out or weaken
or slip and fall? No, on this read Leviticus 26.14–16
noting the line
cause life to pine away. Read also Jeremiah 2.9–17
noting the question
Have you not
brought this upon yourself by forsaking the Lord your
God when he led you in the way? Do you agree?
Week IV.
Read Job 10.8 one last time noting again the phrase
destroy me.
Is destruction then all that’s left? On this read
Jeremiah 3.17 noting the line
they shall no more stubbornly follow their own evil
hearts. How does one so escape by doing that? On
this read Jeremiah 3.10 noting the line
return to me with
her whole heart. Read also Jeremiah 4.14 noting the
question Wash
your heart [and] be saved. How long shall your evil
thoughts lodge within you? What happens if this is
done? On this read Jeremiah 4.27 noting the line
yet I will not
make a full end. What would a full end be? On this
read Jeremiah 8.22 noting the phrases
no balm in Gilead
and not be
restored. Such hopelessness would be a full end. Why
does God block such an end? On this read Jeremiah 31.20
noting the words
dear, often,
surely and
mercy. Why
does God so yearn and keep from bringing a full end? On
this read Jeremiah 31.3 noting the line
I have loved you
with an everlasting love. In what way is this good
The Presentation
of Our Lord —
On Friday, February 1st we celebrate
The Presentation of our Lord
at 11:45 am in the chapel with Holy Eucharist.
This feast day revolves around a prophecy in Luke
2:34-35 that relates a stirring story about Christ’s
It says he will be spoken against, and that he will
cause the rise and
fall of many.
Honor God this day for the wisdom in this
These words from Martin Luther will be included in the
sermon for the day:
“If a person is unwilling to accept this child, Jesus,
we must simply close our eyes and ears and proceed as
though we did not see him fall. For this child’s
significance will be that his gospel shall be defamed as
heresy; this is one of his trademarks, that many will
stumble and take offense because of him" (Luther's
House Postils


Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made
brothers and sisters through baptism.
Sam Lawson, Janice Lundbeck, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Emma
Sagmoen, Eileen & Dave Nestoss, Marlis Ormiston, Aasha
Sagmoen & Ajani Hammond, Connor Sagmoen, Matt Anderson,
Celia Balderston, Tabitha Anderson, Diana Walker, The
Rev. Paul Smith, The Rev. Dan Peterson, Jim & Hillary
Thoren, Sheila Feichtner, Deanne & Lucy Heflin, Rubina &
Marcos Carmona, Yuriko Nishimura, Marylou & Paul Jensen,
Chris & Margeen Boyer, Antonio, Jessica, Jeff
Walkenhauer, Rebecca Brown, Barrett Dunn, Mary Leskovar,
Hal & Carol Shaerkley, Leslie Johnson, Qibei Chen,
Daniel Rottman and pray for safe traffic in Seattle and
the Central American refugees on the Mexican border.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ
may give them joy: Bob & Barbara Schorn, Chuck & Doris
Prescott, C. J. Christian, Louis Koser, Anelma Meeks,
Dorothy Ryder, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Nora
Vanhala, Mary Goplerud.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Brian
Kirby Unti, our pastor Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean
Hard and our cantor Andrew King, that they may be
strengthened in faith, love and the holy office to which
they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy
in service and in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a
good steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our
congregation in these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and
homeless this February. Pray for the mercy of God for
these people, and for all in Christ's church to see and
help those who are in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emmaus in the Skagit Valley that God
may bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of
the saints: Martin Luther, Renewer of the Church, 1546;
Saint Matthias, Apostle.
A Treasury of
Dear Lord God, teach me to
stand more boldly on your side, to face the
world and all our adversaries more courageously,
and not let myself be dismayed by any storm of
temptation; may my eyes be steadfastly fixed on
you in fearless faith; may I trust you with
perfect confidence that you will keep me, save
me, and bring me through by the power of your
grace and the riches of your mercy. In Jesus’
name I pray. Amen.
All the Saints (ALPB, 1994-1996) 4 vols.,
I:262, altered]