February 2022

Saint Luke
On Sunday, January 23rd,
I mentioned in my sermon that we have a lectionary
system for our Sunday Bible readings.
A lectionary is nothing new.
Jesus used one for his Nazareth sermon in Luke
What is relatively new is our three-year cycle of
We are well into Year C, the year of Gospel readings
predominantly from St. Luke.
Traditionally, Luke was considered a doctor.
(See Col. 4.14).
Other clues are dropped about his interest in
healing, including “Doctor, cure yourself,” and many
healing miracles.
Was Luke a doctor?
It’s impossible to know with certainty.
But we do know that the words of Jesus in the
Gospel of Luke have healing power.
Over 30 years ago, I was a pastor in Port
I did a class session on “The hard and soft words
of Jesus in Luke.”
The surprise is that “the hard words” might be
equal in healing power to the soft words.
This fits well with our understanding of the “Law
and the Gospel,” namely, that when the Word cracks us
open it can create both pain and joy, both confession
and absolution, spiritual death and new life.
Stay with St. Luke until we conclude Year C at
the end of November.
You’ll love hearing again parables like “The Good
Samaritan” and “The Prodigal Son,” which are unique to
him. You’ll
also be challenged by “The Unjust Judge” and “The
Pharisee and the Tax Collector.”
Speaking of money (taxes), one scholar counted
all the verses in Luke referring to money and concluded
that 11% of Luke deals with money. So we can expect that
topic to come our way on some Sundays.
One thing seems certain about Luke.
He was Greek-speaking and not a Jew, yet he had a
marvelous command of the Old Testament prophecies.
His proclamation was unflinching that Jesus was
the long-awaited Messiah (Christ) who came to redeem all
people through his death on the cross.
May your ears be open for the healing power of
God’s word presented by
Saint Luke.
The Reverend Philip Nesvig
Janine Douglass
We continue in the season of Epiphany, which is a season
about seeing God’s glory and the mystery of God revealed
in Jesus Christ. Epiphany culminates on February 27th
The Transfiguration of Our Lord. This is the feast that
celebrates Jesus’ radical change of appearance while in
the presence of Peter, James, and John, on a high
mountain. His face “shone like the sun, and his clothes
became as white as the light”. (Mt 17:1-8; Mk 9:2-8; Lk
The work of the Council continues to focus on the next
steps ahead for First Lutheran Church of West Seattle as
we prepare for the Call Process of a new Pastor. We are
thankful for the efforts of The Reverend Phil Nesvig, as
he has provided Pulpit Supply for us over the past
several weeks. We are fortunate that he and his wife,
Natalie, are members of our congregation, that he is a
long-time colleague of Pastor Marshall’s and that he is
the current chair of our church council’s Parish
Ministry Committee. His wisdom and guidance have proved
invaluable during this time of transition for our
As of this writing, the Executive Committee has
submitted a “This is Us'' form to the ELCA, NW Synod.
This document provides a thumbnail sketch of the current
programs offered by our church, as well as an overview
of our rich heritage of traditional worship. As we work
with the ELCA, NW Washington Synod, we continue to
stress our desire to call a pastor who will hold to
preaching and teaching the Bible in a manner consistent
with the Lutheran Confessions. This is true whether our
next step is an alternate Pulpit Supply Pastor, a
Transitional Pastor or the Permanent Pastor.
As presented at our Annual Meeting in January, the
budget that was passed at our January Council Meeting
came in quite a bit lower on the income side than in
previous years. While the reasons for this may vary, it
will pose a challenge to bring in a qualified Permanent
Pastor. We will need to thoughtfully consider a
compensation package that will attract the right
individual. Thank you for keeping our church
congregation, staff, volunteers and council members in

A Welcome Reminder
Merciful Father,
We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have
first given us: Ourselves, our time, and our
possessions, signs of your gracious love.
usually pray this prayer most every Sunday.
It reflects what stewardship is.
In tithing not only our income, but also our time
and our gifts, we recognize that all of those things are
not really ours.
They belong to God, and He has granted those
gifts to us so that we may further His kingdom on earth.
In Haggai 2:8, God instructs us that “The silver
is mine, and the gold is mine.”
So, as a reflection of our joy for the sacrifice
God has provided for our redemption in His son, Christ
Jesus, we are to tithe our money, gifts, and time.
This means we give a full 10% of our income to
the Church, but it also means that we use our gifts to
further the mission of the Church, whether that be
through public outreach programs, through singing in the
choir, or through helping with occasional jobs around
the church, like, shoveling snow from the sidewalks when
it snows, or pressure washing the sidewalks and stairs
around the church grounds or the Memorial Courtyard
cement blocks and stairs.
reminds us that He is the source of our wealth in other
ways. Hosea
2:9 states that “I [God] will take back my grain in its
time, and my wine in its season.”
In part, this is because we forget the source of
our material blessings.
Let us never forget that God is the source of our
being, our time, and our wealth.
Regardless of our circumstances, let us always
give generously of all three of these to the Church and
to God in order to glorify Christ’s sacrifice.
-David King, Church Council

contact the church office with your requested prayers by
phone (206) 935-6530, email flcws.fd@gmail.com or come
by during office hours 9am to 3 pm Tuesday – Thursday or
9 am to noon Fridays, and talk with someone from the
Home Communion
is available to those in the congregation or friends of
the congregation who are not yet comfortable attending
our Sunday liturgy at 10:30 am.
Call the office
to make arrangements.
for the home delivery of The Messenger is donated
by JohnsonCN ‒
Computer Support
for Business and Non-Profits
They also give us computer support for the
office. We
appreciate their help.
– Communion:
Those who are baptized in the name of God the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit and believe are welcome to
receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. If you are
not able to walk up to communion but would like to
receive, talk to one of the ushers
before the

Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving!
you to those members that have signed up for giving
If you have thought about it but are still
uncertain, I can answer any questions.
Just call or email me.
The process is completely safe – it is the same
as having your mortgage payment or insurance payment
automatically deducted from your checking account.
I handle all the paperwork locally so your
authorization form never leaves my possession.
If at any time you want to change or cancel the
automatic transactions, let me know and I will
immediately process the change.
(Teri Korsmo, Financial
Secretary, 206-932-7914, TLHK@comcast.net)

The Transfiguration
of Our Lord
The Last Sunday in Epiphany, February
is the Transfiguration of
Our Lord,
we behold the splendor of Christ surrounded by the
of God.
Luke 9:28-36
to learn more about the time when Moses and Elijah
appeared to Jesus, and the mysterious cloud from which
God’s voice tells us “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen
to him!”

Bridget Sagmoen, Robert Schorn, Jane Harty and family,
Kim Lim, Melanie Johnson, Eileen & Dave Nestoss, Holly
Petersen, Leah and Melissa Baker, Felicia Wells, Marlis
Ormiston, Connor Bisticas, Kyra Stromberg,
The Rev. Randy Olson,
Rev. Albin Fogelquist, The Rev. Howard Fosser, The Rev.
Alan Gardner, The Rev. Allen Bidne, Yuriko Nishimura,
Tak On Wong & Chee Li Ma, Hank Schmitt, Mary
Ford, Andrea and Hayden Cantu, Dana Gallaher, Jeanne
Pantone, Kevan & Jackie Johnson, Eric Peterson, Gary
Grape, the Olegario Family, Nita Goedert, Mariss Ulmanis,
Shirley & Glenn Graham, Karen Granger, Mike Nacewicz,
Mike Matsunaga, Bill & Margaret Whithumn, the Robert
Shull family, Mary Cardona, Angel Lynne, Randy Price,
Paul Sponheim, Nick Karlson, The Thorne family, Anita
Shaffer and Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church
(Clarkesville, GA).
Pray for our professional Health Care Providers:
Gina Allen, Janine Douglass, David Juhl,
Dana Kahn, Dean
Riskedahl, Jane Collins
all those suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ
may give them joy:
C.J. Christian, Joan Olson,
Bob & Mona Ayer,
Gregg & Jeannine Lingle, Robert Schorn, Nora Vanhala,
Martin Nygaard, Lou
Pray for those who have been baptized that they
may grow in the grace of God:
Pray for
Daniel William Liang, who was baptized on Sunday,
January 23rd, son of Steven Liang & Gina Kim.
Pray for those who have suffered the death of a
loved one:
Pray that God will bear their grief and lift their
Pray for Clay & Patty Lofthus, family and friends, on
the death of Crystal Tudor, Patty’s mother, who died, on
the 31st of December, at 100 years of age.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Shelley
Bryan Wee, our presiding minister The Reverend Philip
Nesvig, our choirmaster Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew
King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and
the holy office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy
in service and in celebration of stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a
good steward of your time, your talents and
Pray to strengthen the stewardship of our
congregation in these same ways.
Pray for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emmaus in the Skagit Valley that God
may bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and its ministry.
Pray for
our country, for unbelievers, the addicted, the sexually
abused and harassed, the homeless, the hungry and the
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and
homeless this February. Pray for the mercy of God for
these people, and for all in Christ's church to see and
help those who are in distress.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of
the saints: Saint
Paschal, 817; Saint Matthias, Apostle.
Treasury of Prayer
thy will is our only peace: in thy will shall we find
Against everything that gets in the way of thy will,
even against us, be thyself, O God, to redeem us by such
means as thou wilt, out of our darkness into thy light.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
All the Saints I:412, altered]