was happy when he was elected president of the
congregation. We had been friends for years. But
while on a week’s vacation on the Oregon coast
with our three kids, he called saying that when
I returned there would be a congregational
meeting to fire me. All that was needed to
schedule such a meeting, he said, was for the
right number of people to request it, and they
had. So out of love he advised me to quit before
I was fired so it wouldn’t be on my record.
Quit While You Can!
I then told him that he had misread our parish
constitution. What he was following was the rule for
meetings having to do with matters not regarding the
pastor. But if the meeting is about the pastor, then
before there can be a vote, the Church Counsel has to
determine if the charges have any merit (and later an
outside investigation found that there was no merit to
the charges). So I told him if he defies our
constitution, has the meeting anyway, and I’m fired, I
will not abide by the decision because the meeting was
He then erupted and yelled at me saying I was a bully
and a tyrant. I was taking over the church and running
out everyone I didn’t like. I also was betraying our
friendship. I said back it wasn’t so. I was just trying
to follow our constitution. If he thought it was wrong,
then he should first have a meeting to change the
constitution to allow for the kind of meeting he wanted.
He then hung up without a goodbye. The next day he
resigned as president and left the church. A few years
later he divorced and moved out of West Seattle. I never
had another conversation with him.
What’s to be learned from all of this? First, love can
go awry and become phony as his did for me (Luke 22:48,
Romans 13:10). Second, having a fair constitution and
knowing what it says is important – for the law curbs
bad behavior (1 Timothy1:8–11,
Luther’s Works
45:90). Third, hitting below the belt – attacking you
while you’re on vacation – happens in the church with
impunity. Cheating and lying flourish in the church. So
never assume the best (Psalm 118:8, John 2:24–25,
LW 30:326).
And fourth, Luther was right – regarding the great Jan
Hus (1369–1415) being literally burned alive by the
church – that “no wrath in the entire world is more
cruel than that of this bloodthirsty and hypocritical
church” (LW
1:260). He then adds, lest we think this doesn’t apply
to us, that Lutherans of every time and place “are all
Hussites,” even if they never knew it (LW
Pastor Marshall