June 2014
In August 1914 World War I began – the first of its kind. Europe
was immediately engulfed in it – but the United States did not
enter until April 1917, a little more than a year before it
ended. Even so over 117,000 Americans died in that first
worldwide war.
Philip Jenkins’ new book on WWI,
The Great and Holy War: How WWI Became a Religious
adds a new dimension to this most ghastly episode in
human history. There he writes that the war “ignited a
global religious revolution…. that burst the bounds of
conventional religion…. [Indeed, this war] was a golden
age for the fringe, for the esoteric, mystical, and
occult” (pp. 15-16).
This gives new credence to
Luther’s idea that when there is “much war at all
times,…. the only result [is] that lands and cities are
destroyed by it. All vanity [is] driven from [the]
tender and coy land [and finally we are] well able to
tolerate and receive Christ” (Luther’s Works
It would then seem, that if
Jenkins is right, it is precisely Luther’s idea that we
should all be longing for and praying for these hundred
years after modern worldwide wars began!
─Pastor Marshall
What a Relief to Read Luther
Kierkegaard’s Love for Luther’s
By Pastor Marshall
we noted the last two months, Kierkegaard loved Luther’s long
1522 sermon on Matthew 2:1-12 about the magi adoring the Christ
child (Luther’s Works
76:71-180). He believed it was “worth reading again and again,
especially the first part” (Kierkegaard’s
Journals 3:2485).
Pursuing that sermon one more time, we read in
the same first section: “Let wander what wanders, but
you listen to what God commands…. He Himself wants to be
your living and all-sufficient teacher. You should cling
to His Word. He knows best what to tell you about the
dead and the living, for He knows all things. But
whatever He does not tell you or want to tell you, you
should not desire to know. Give Him the honor of
believing that He knows what is not necessary,
profitable, or good for you to know” (LW
Kierkegaard was encouraged
by these words because of the way they exalt Holy
Scriptures and diminish us in the same process. So he
writes that we want, “out of fear of people, to be on
good terms with people, whereas the Christianity of the
New Testament is: in fear of God to suffer for the
doctrine at the hands of people” (Kierkegaard’s
Writings, 23:137). When this switch is made, then we
have: “To be alone with Holy Scripture! I dare not! If I
open it – any passage – it traps me at once; it asks
me:… Have you done what you read there? And then, then –
yes, then I am trapped. Then either straightway into
action – or immediately a humbling admission” (KW
May these words from Luther
and Kierkegaard exalt the Holy Scriptures among us all
(Psalm 119:105; Hebrews 4:12).

Religious Tolerance
The US Supreme Court Speaks Out
“From the earliest days of the Nation, invocations have been
addressed to assemblies comprising many different creeds. These
ceremonial prayers strive for the idea that people of many
faiths may be united in a community of tolerance and devotion.
Even those who disagree as to religious doctrine may find common
ground in the desire to show respect for the divine in all
aspects of their lives and being. Our tradition assumes that
adult citizens, firm in their own beliefs, can tolerate and
perhaps appreciate a ceremonial prayer delivered by a person of
a different faith.”
of Greece
572 U. S. ___ (2014).]
President’s Report…
by Larraine King
O day full of grace that now we see appearing on earth’s
Bring light from our God that we may be replete in his
joy this season.
God shine for us now in this dark place; your name on our
hearts emblazon.
What a stupendous text of this Pentecost hymn (#161).
Each verse is filled with hope and inspiration to help us
on our daily journey.
I find such instruction and comfort for my prayer life in
the wondrous hymns from our worship book.
Such a blessing is available to everyone.
Summer is fast approaching which means that the Sunday School
program will be taking a vacation.
Thank you to all the faithful teachers – Gina Allen,
Matthew and Dana Kahn, Kari Ceaicovschi, Janine Douglass, and
Ted Foss – for their devoted service to our children and youth.
The students – along with many members who bought goodies
at the recent bake sale – have helped raise $308 to purchase
farm animals for Gospel for Asia.
They will continue this fund drive until the conclusion
of Hymn School on June 27th.
Feel free to donate additional money with a designated
offering to help this worthy cause.
We did very well on our food drive for the West Seattle Food
Bank in March and April.
You all donated 909 non perishable items during those 2
Outstanding!!! And
I have noticed that there have been a number of items in the
Food Bank box every Sunday in May so far.
Super!!! In
addition, $150 in cash came in designated for the Food Bank.
We have also had a few extra donations to the Helpline
($426) which is always put to good use.
At the May meeting the Church Council passed a motion to set up
a fund to collect money to pay for the construction of a bronze
plaque commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in
2017. A mock-up of
the plaque is available for viewing in the church office (and in
this Messenger).
More information will be available at the mid-year
meeting. Speaking
of which, the mid-year meeting will be held Sunday, July 27,
2014 following the 10:30 am liturgy in the parish hall.
Financial reports for the first half of the year, reports
from council committees, and additional information about the
church will be presented.
Plan to attend.
God came to us then at Pentecost, His Spirit new life revealing,
That we might no more from him be lost, all darkness for
us dispelling.
His flame will the mark of sin efface and bring to us all
his healing. (V.4)

Hitting the
Mark: Luther on Zechariah
Summer 2014 Bible Study With
Pastor Marshall
Sundays, 9 am - 10 am, Room D
This summer we will take 12
weeks to study the book of Zechariah – according to Martin
Luther’s insights from his 1527 German lectures. He thought
Zechariah’s prophesy “hit the mark” (Luther’s
Works 20:286), and we will try to find out why.
Each week we will concentrate on
a few verses, aiming to find help in them for our growth in
faith and love, with a handout with quotes from Luther’s
The class schedule will be the
June 8…… Zech 1:1-21
July 6…… Zech
August 3….. Zech
June 15…. Zech
July 13….
Zech 8:1-23
August 10… Zech
June 22…. Zech
July 20….
Zech 9:1-17
August 17… Zech
June 29…. Zech
July 27….
Zech 10:1-12
August 21… Zech

for Summer is lunch and snack foods for children who are home
from school: peanut butter, jam, crackers, energy bars, seed &
nut packs, macaroni & cheese are just a few suggestions.
And, bring in fresh produce as well!
There are still two spaces left for August flowers and a
few others through the end of the year.
If you were interested in signing up for Altar Flowers
this year but have not yet, you might consider one of these
remaining dates.
has been set for Sunday, July 27th, immediately following the
10:30 am Holy Eucharist, in the parish hall.
Mark your calendars!
Beverages will be available.
Voter registration will be on the tables at the back of
the hall.
about taking a vacation this summer?
We have a wonderful variety of books to choose
from to help you relax after a busy day touring around.
Stop in to our library when you’re at church and
see what’s new.
with Pastor Marshall.
These two hour, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Thursday evening
classes will be June 26th and July 10th, 17th & 24th.
Call the office to register.
Pastor Marshall has been teaching this class four
times a year since 2003.
Compass Housing
was pleased to receive nine towels from recent donations
left at the office. Every year they go through hundreds
of towels, especially at the Pioneer Square Hygiene
Center where 150 people get a free shower daily.
If you were thinking of helping in this way
you’re not too late, donations can still be left at the
office. |
Good Works As
the Expression of Our Faith
How many good
works does faith the size of a mustard seed produce? Is there
even a correlation between the size of one’s faith and the
amount of good works one does?
Some think so, and try to demonstrate their faithfulness
to God and the church by acting it out in service to the poor,
helping their neighbor, tithing, and other church work.
But, I am reminded that the good deeds I do are to please
God, not to please men as in Matthew 5:31-34 when Jesus says,
“Take heed
that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen
by them. Otherwise
you have no reward from your Father in heaven. Therefore when
you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as
the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that
they may have glory from men.
Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.
But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left
hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable
deed may be in secret: and your Father who sees in secret will
Himself reward you openly.”
This is
indeed a hard command to follow, and maybe even an impossible
one. However, it is
the task of the Christian to resist self-aggrandizement and to
fight against himself actively to keep from seeking earthly
recognition for his good deeds:
“Do not let your
right hand know what your left hand is doing!”
Rather, the good deed should arise out of a thankful
heart for what God has done for him.
Consider the sinful woman of Luke 7:36-50 who bathed
Jesus feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.
The action the woman took struck the host as a crass and
dirty deed because of who she was, but Jesus responded by
granting her the forgiveness of her sins, and recognizing the
act as an outward
expression of her faith.
In the end it was her faith that saved her, not the
expression of that faith.
So, as we go
forward this month.
Let us be reminded, and encouraged, that Christ’s work on the
cross is not like our works. Where he accomplished much, we
accomplish little.
Out of this knowledge come hope, joy, and thanksgiving which
help us to strive to be like Christ and do his work here on
earth, not for the forgiveness of sins, but as an expression of
our faith that we, like the sinful woman, have been forgiven.
─Kari Caeicovschi, Church Council

The 500th Anniversary
of the Reformation
October 31, 2017
“A Christian is uplifted in adversity,
because he trusts in God;
he is downcast in prosperity,
because he fears God”
Martin Luther,
Lectures on Galatians (1519) LW 27:403.
First Lutheran Church of West Seattle
Anniversary Bronze Plaque
By Pastor Marshall
The Council has
approved a Reformation Anniversary Bronze Plaque for the 500th
anniversary in 2017. Rita Kepner, the sculptor of our
Kierkegaard statue, will make it. No money will be taken from
the offering to pay for it. It will instead be paid for by
special donations only. So far the fund has over $1,000.00 in
The plaque will have a 16th century
medallion of Luther, at the top of it (see above), followed by
the text shown. If you
would like to contribute to this project, make out your checks
to the church and designate your gifts to: Reformation Plaque.
This is a way of looking at extended ministry – how is my
ministry extending to others?
How have I shared my blessings with those in need?
There are many ways to do this through First Lutheran
Church of West Seattle.
We can bring canned food for the Food Bank.
We can purchase bath towels, socks, sweat pants, and T
shirts for the Compass Housing Alliance.
We can donate money to the Helpline, the Agape fund, or
El Camino de Emaus.
We can support the bake sales that the Sunday School students
sponsor to raise money to buy farm animals for Gospel for Asia.
We can purchase items for gift baskets to support the St.
Nicholas Faire. And
most important of all, we can pray for each of these specific
organizations that they may fulfill their purpose of helping
others who have difficulties and are in want of life’s basic
So while The Messenger
takes a vacation during the summer months, the needs of our
extended community continue, and they depend on us to remember
them. Check the
bulletin board in the parish building hallway for information
about the needs of each of these organizations.
Remember to purchase items for the Food Bank when you do
your grocery shopping. Buy bath towels and sweat pants for the
Compass Housing Alliance.
Save your spare change for Gospel for Asia.
Write an extra check this summer for the West Seattle
Helpline, the Agape Fund, and/or El Camino de Emaus.
Pick ornaments off the “Christmas in July (& August) Tree” that
funds the St. Nicholas Faire gift baskets.
These are extra things we can do to help the community
around us.
And here’s another way we can all help.
We will again be collecting school supplies for the West
Seattle Helpline this summer.
All children deserve to have a good start to each school
year. I’m sure we
all have some recollection of what it was like to anticipate the
new school year – shopping for clothes, books, and notebooks,
paper, pens and pencils.
It must be so difficult and very disheartening for
parents and children alike, who do not have the extra income to
cover these items.
So let’s help these members of our community by donating school
supplies in July and August.
There will be a poster in the Lounge detailing what items
are needed, a collection box below the poster, and reminders in
the bulletin. Give
generously and help these children have a good start to their
next year in school.
Remember the Stewardship Article from last month’s
Do we have running water?
Then we are rich and can afford to share with others who
are not as fortunate as we.
We should all joyfully do our part.
And if everyone did, we could make such an amazing
─Larraine King for Extended
[or until all the ornaments are picked!]
St. Nicholas Faire
Sunday, December 7, 2014
I realize that it seems way too early to be bringing up the
holiday season, but planning begins far in advance of the event
date. We will again
have an “ornament” decorated tree in the lounge during the
summer months. The
tree will have “wishes” on it for items that will be needed to
complete gift baskets to be sold at the St. Nicholas Faire, the
proceeds of which will be given to the West Seattle Food Bank
and the West Seattle Helpline.
Your job is to choose as many ornaments as you wish,
purchase the items from each ornament, and bring them to the
church to donate to the Faire.
Easy, simple, as little hassle as possible.
If you have questions and/or suggestions, please call
Larraine King (206-937-6740).
And while you are
reading about the St. Nicholas Faire, put – |
Sunday, December 7, 2014
4-7 pm
your calendar and start sharing the date with your friends and
family. Plan to
come and support the Food Bank and Helpline, while having a
joyous time enjoying the festivities!!!!
More details in the Fall.
Stay tuned!!!
─Larraine King & Liz Olsen
Pastor Marshall’s Book
My history of the West Seattle Food Bank,
Hunger Immortal: The
First Thirty Years of the West Seattle Food Bank, 1983-2013,
was released about 6 months ago. I hope that those of you who
have read it have enjoyed my labor of love which was many years
in the making.
For those of you who haven’t read it, I would like to encourage
you to do so. Copies are available through Amazon.com. All
proceeds go to the food bank.
The book has dates and figures, people and places, and over 50
photos. It’s a handsome, 120 page book.
But there’s more to it than the standard historical data – it
also tells about haunted neighborhoods, crime and corruption,
outright lies and deceit, drug deals and dead dogs, secrets and
sadness, anger and intrigue. Along with this, however, are also
huge amounts of dedication and excellence, and loads of good
luck . . . In all modesty, then, I think my book matches the
superb quality of the food bank itself!
So if you want to know what a $1 million grant from Microsoft
has to do with the food bank, then get the book and read it. If
you want to know what a children’s book by Lemony Snicket and
Herman Melville’s classic,
Moby-Dick, have to do
with this history, then get the book and read it.
Or if you want to know what Nucor Steel and Starbucks Coffee
have to do with the food bank – or Husky Deli and the Texaco Oil
Company, then get the book and read it. If you want to know how
the day before 9-11 saved us $100,000, then get the book and
read it. If you want to know what a 1996 movie starring the
brothers, Beau Bridges and Jeff Bridges, has to do with the food
bank, then get the book and read it.
If you want to know what the fabled Four Horsemen of the early
1920s Notre Dame football teams has to do with our story, then
get the book and read it. Or if you want to know why the
comedian Robin Williams has given over $52,000 to the food bank,
then get the book and read it. If you want to know what Westside
Baby & the Senior Center of West Seattle have to do with the
food bank, then get the book and read it.
Or if you want to know how a plate of Christmas cookies given to
a reclusive janitor in the Terminal Sales Building in downtown
Seattle in 1984 lead to an unsolicited gift of $335,000 to the
food bank, then get the book and read it. Or if you want to know
how the 20th reunion of the Class of ’68 at Sealth High School
rejuvenated the food bank, then get the book and read it.
And if you want to know how the fiery deaths of Lillian Hoyt and
Leo Reap, on that cold night, February 17, 1972, lamentably
helped build the food bank, then get the book and read it.
So yes, you’re right, this book deserves to be at the top of
The New York Times
best seller list! And all we have to do to make that happen is
sell 40,000 copies of it – which would be only about half the
number of people who live in West Seattle. So that’s not as
harebrained as it sounds! Wouldn’t you agree?
(Based on Pastor
Marshall’s speech at the May 2, 2014,
West Seattle Food Bank fundraiser, IOC, at The Hall at

Haywire Worship
Luther on the Loss of Reverence and Awe
“[If] you believe that God steps in for you and stakes all he
has and his blood for you, [then you] can not be harmed by
devil, hell, sin, or death…. But… we do not all have such faith;
would God one-tenth of the Christians had it! See, such rich,
immeasurable treasures… cannot be the possession of everyone,
but only of those who suffer tribulation…. And in such terrified
and trembling hearts alone God desires to dwell (Isaiah 66:2).
For who desires a protector, defender, and shield… if he feels
no conflict within himself?…. For [the Sacrament of the Altar]
is a comfort for the sorrowing, a healing for the sick, a life
for the dying, a food for all the hungry, and a treasure for all
the poor and needy” (Luther’s

“When we hear the Word of God, we should receive
it with special reverence and piety…. Thus it is good
that the Sacrament of the
Altar is honored with bended knees; for the true
body and blood of the Lord are there, likewise the
presence of the Holy
Spirit and the promise or the Word of God, which
should be heard reverently.
For God
works there, and the Lord shows Himself…. Here it
is certainly fitting for me… to fall on my knees….
Therefore we do the right thing when we bow and revere
God when He speaks with us…. Today, however, when the
Word and the sacraments are held in such contempt, few
people care whether they sit or rise when the Word is
read and preached” (Luther’s
Zechariah 8.17
Monthly Home Bible Study, June
2014, Number 256
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as
a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone then talk
informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV translation.)
We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851
Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous
book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the
whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a
prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening the
Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because we
are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans, however,
we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW 30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
Week I.
Read Zechariah
8.17 noting the word hate.
What does God hate? On this read Zechariah 8.16 noting the words
judgments and peace. So
God hates what goes against these three virtues – that is,
lying, cheating and war. Are these three always bad, or are
there exceptions to this rule? On this read Ecclesiastes 3.8
noting the line a time for
war. Note as well verse 7 about a time for not speaking up –
which isn’t quite like cheating, but close to it. And also note
that in this litany there isn’t any time for lying. Is that
because it is always wrong to lie? On this read Judges 2.1-6
noting the three occurrences of the word
but. Read as well
Matthew 2.1-12 noting the words
bring and
warned; and also 2
Corinthians 12.16 noting the words
crafty and
guile. So does this
mean lying has a place in the godly life? On this read Exodus
20.16 noting the line
against your neighbor. Does this allow for lying against
your enemy? What do you think? If it does, what does it mean for
the commandment against lying? Why does this matter for faith?
Week II.
Read again Zechariah 8.17
noting again the word hate.
does God
hate anything? If God is love (1 John 4.16), shouldn’t he always be
loving and never hateful? On this read Jeremiah 12.7-13 noting
the words against,
hate, prey,
heart, peace,
thorns and
nothing. Why does God have such disregard for his heritage when it
acts so badly? Why doesn’t he just forgive them and leave it at
that? On this read Revelation 3.19 noting the words
reprove and
chasten. How does such harshness follow from his divine love? On
this read Hebrews 12.7-11 noting the words
illegitimate, subject,
share, holiness,
yields and trained. So
does God hate us when we’re bad for the sake of holiness? If so,
why? On this read Psalm 99.2-5, noting the words
terrible, holy,
justice, extol and
worship. So just as
God is love, so he is also holy. His love, then, is marked by
the high standards of holiness and justice. Note Isaiah 61.8 –
I the Lord love justice
(see also Psalm 37.28; Micah 6.8; Luke 11.42). Therefore when we
aren’t fair and pure there are consequences – which love can’t
Week III.
Reread Zechariah 8.17
noting again the same word
hate. Following up on last week, what are some of those
consequences? On this read Romans 2.5 noting the words
storing-up and
judgment. When does this take place? On this read Hebrews 9.27
noting the words die
and judgment. So some
of the consequences happen after we die. Is that it? On this
read Luke 13.4-5 noting the words
fell, repent and
perish. So our sins
are also punished before we die as well. What are these short
term, temporal punishments supposed to accomplish? On this read
John 5.14 noting the interplay between
sin and
worse. So these punishments are about scaring us straight. But will
that work? On this read Amos 4.6-11 noting the five occurrences
of the word yet. These
verses make it look like these punishments don’t work But on the
other hand read 1 Corinthians 10.1-12 noting the words
idolaters, immorality,
instruction and
heed. So which one is it? Or is there a combination – the first
example from Amos being the realistic one, and the other one
what we are to perpetually hope for?
Week IV.
Read Zechariah 8.17 one
last time noting this time the little word
for. Is this a
motivational word? Does the word
for reinforce the word
not at the beginning
of the verse? On this read Matthew 25.46 noting the split
between eternal punishment
and eternal life. Is
that split behind the motivation in our little word
for in Zechariah 8.17?
Inasmuch as punishment follows from God’s hatred, that split is
this verse’s background. Why do we need such severe motivation?
On this read Jeremiah 17.9 noting the words
all and
desperately. How bad
is that? Read also Romans 7.18 noting the word
nothing and
good. But if that is
the case, how do any of us get enough traction to move in the
right direction? On this read Colossians 1.13 noting the word
transferred. Does that
settle it? If so, how so? And what about the line
received by faith in
Romans 3.25? How does that figure in with this transference?
June 8th
at the 10:30 am Holy Eucharist, we will celebrate Pentecost.
This day celebrates the "outpouring of the Spirit" and
the birth of the Church, according to the chronology and
theology of the book of Acts of the Apostles.
On Sunday, June
we will honor the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, and we will
confess that our God is named
Holy Spirit.
This is Christ's command in Matthew 28:19 when he says to us:
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit." It is this name that our faith requires us to adore –
for God is in this name!
The Feast of Saint Mary, the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
will be celebrated at our Sunday Holy Eucharist on August
On this day we will thank God for the life and faith of
Saint Mary, who has been called the
Mother of all believers
for she was the first person to believe in the gospel.
Lutherans for centuries have honored Our Lady by praying the "Magnificat":
soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my
Savoir, for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden.
Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his
name. His mercy is
for those who fear him from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the
proud in the thoughts he of their hearts, has brought down the
powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has
filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away
empty. He has
helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy,
according to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham
and to his descendants forever.
(Luke 1:46-55)

Remember in prayer before
God those whom He has made your
brothers and sisters
through baptism.
Mildred Nikula, Mariann Petersen, Nora Vanhala, Natalie Nesvig,
Mary Goplerud, Michael Nestoss, Donna Apman, Cynthia Natiello,
Leah Baker, Agnes Arkle, Clara Anderson, Peggy & Bill Wright &
Wendy, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Cameron Lim, Ion Ceaicovschi, Luke
Bowen, Tabitha Anderson, Max Richardson, The Jones Family, Kurt
& Jenny Alfano, Robin Kaufman, Rosita & Jim Moe, Asha Sagmoen,
Dano, Karen & W. Erick, Dave & Sheri Wheeler, Richard, Sandee,
Christine & Kristophor Marshall, Isabella Wain, Rob & Diane
Blanco, Ginny Montgomery, Joshua Burns, Jill West, Anna & John
Bertelsen, Marie & Rick Collins.
for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them joy:
Clara Anderson, Agnes Arkle, Donna Apman, Pat Hansen, C.
J. Christian, Vera Gunnarson, Louis Koser, Anelma Meeks, Olive
Morrison, Dorothy Ryder, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor,
Vivian Wheeler, Peggy Wright.
for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Brian Kirby Unti, our pastor
Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew
King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and the holy
office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this summer.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and for all
in Christ's church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our extended ministries: El Camino de Emmaus in the
Skagit Valley, and the Gospel for Asia that God may bless and
strengthen their ministry. Also, pray for our parish and it's
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Saint Barnabas; Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles;
Saint Mary Magdalene; Saint James the Elder and Saint
Bartholomew, Apostles; and St. Mary, Mother of Our Lord.
Treasury of Prayers
O Lord God, take away
the veil of my heart while I read the Scriptures. And
then teach me your law and instructions; give me a Word,
O Father of wisdom, touch my heart; enlighten the
understandings of my heart; open my lips and fill them
with your praise. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
All the Saints
(ALPB, 1994-1996)
III:1205, altered]