June 2020
When God Blesses Us
When we say to each other this blessing – the grace of
our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the
communion of the Holy Spirit be with you (2 Corinthians
13:14), what happens? First, we are reminded that our
faith starts when we are baptized in the name of God the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). But is
there anything beyond that?
Yes, there are three more matters. First, there is the
grace of Jesus coming to us. It first comes to us in
Jesus (John 1:17). What does it do? It makes us rich (2
Corinthians 8:9). That however has nothing to do with
silver and gold (1 Peter 1:18). Rather it has to do with
the forgiveness of sins (John 20:23). That matters
because without it we lose out on heaven for all of
eternity (1 Thessalonians 4:16–18).
Second, there is the love of God. It doesn’t rejoice in
what’s wrong (1 Corinthians 13:6), bringing all things
together into one, but rather sets things going on the
right path, beginning on earth, and continuing on into
heaven. This love opposes unbelief against Jesus, shows
that only God’s ways are right, and battles against the
devil’s hold on the world (John 16:8–11).
Finally, there is the communion of the Holy Spirit. This
is that band of believers who fight the good fight of
faith – favoring the spirit over against the flesh (1
Timothy 6:12, Galatians 5:16–24). This band together
pushes itself on to greater heights (Philippians 3:14).
They hate theirs lives in this world for the sake of
heaven (John 12:25). They run the race and pommel their
bodies as a team (1 Corinthians 9:24–27). They suffer
with Jesus (1 Peter 4:13). They resist the ways of the
world (Romans 12:2), and fight against the devil (1 John
3:8, 5:19). They rejoice and mourn together as a group
(1 Corinthians 12:26, John 15:18-19).
May this blessing enrich our Holy Trinity celebration on
June 7th.
President’s Report…
by Cary Natiello
Oh my
goodness, what troubling times.
I have gone from
talking about the weather to, “What type of mask do you
have?”, “Where did you find that hand sanitizer?” and
“Why can’t I find any damn toilet paper at COSTCO?”
I never thought I would hear statements like,
“the State is shutting down”, “gatherings are not
allowed”, and “churches must close until further
And then there are
of Americans who are unemployed, more than the
Great Depression, and there are thousands and thousands
of dead due to COVID-19, and thousands more expected.
Indeed, these are troubling times.
But for me our church building being closed is
particularly troubling.
Not that it is more terrible than all the other
crises people are facing but because it probably is what
many could benefit from most right now.
The building is still standing, the organ still
works, the congregation still wants to worship, and our
Pastor still wants to preach, but we cannot – period!
Truly unprecedented.
So, I can’t help but ask myself, why in heaven is
God doing
At our Tuesday May 12, virtual
ZOOM church
council meeting (yes, you read that right), we discussed
the COVID-19 pandemic and why God is causing us to
suffer. Why
is God preventing us from keeping the Third Commandment
to keep the Sabbath Day Holy (Exodus 20.8)?
Why is God preventing us from receiving
Isn’t receiving the body and blood of Christ another of
His commands?
John 6:53 states,
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of
the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in
you.” Why
does God command us to do something only to now prevent
us from doing it?
Is His intent to make us suffer in this way?
Pastor Marshall gave a possible explanation referencing
the Parable of the Sower (Mark 4:1-20), which Jesus said
if you can’t understand this parable, you will not
understand any.
The parable of the sower describes how people
receive and keep or do not keep belief in the Word.
The seed is the Word, sown by Jesus.
The parable describes four soils: One where the
seed is sown but lands on rock, that is, he who hears
the word but immediately rejects it.
Another seed is sown in soil and it quickly takes
root, but whose roots are shallow and weak, and whose
faith easily fades away because of tribulation.
Another seed is sown in soil where it takes root
and believes the Word, but the weeds, the desires for
earthly things, choke the roots and their belief out.
And finally, a seed is sown in fertile soil that
takes strong root, whose belief endures and produces
much fruit.
Pastor Marshall supposes God is challenging us.
Who are we?
Did the seed take deep root in us so that we
remain true believers through this suffering?
Or are the roots of the seed weak in us, and
easily fades away as described in Mark 4:17, “…and have
no root in [us], but endure for a while; then, when
tribulation…arises on account of the Word, immediately
fall away..”?
Might God be giving us this time to be alone
before His Word for self-reflection and awareness, to
challenge us to know what type of soil we are and how
strong are our roots?
In last
month’s Messenger,
in my president’s report, I asked the same question,
“Why did God send us this pandemic?”
I gave some possible explanations but confessed
that I can never know God’s true intention.
Similarly, Pastor Marshall proclaimed the same;
he can never know God’s true intentions, but as good
disciples we should nonetheless ponder God’s intentions,
discuss them, and try to find truth through the Word.
I am thankful to have a Pastor who can help us
navigate these troubled times by helping us better
understand and interpret the Word.
Thanks be to God.
It was good to see Pastor Marshall teaching
Also at the ZOOM council meeting, we discussed
how best to resume church services when the time is
right and the stay at home restrictions are lowered.
As you can imagine, it was a discussion with many
We know that it will be a long time before a
vaccine is developed and that there is still so much
that is unknown about the spread of COVID-19.
As a governing body, we must weigh maintaining the
health and wellbeing of our staff and congregation
against our desire to resume worship services, knowing
that each person in our congregation must personally
decide to attend or not attend services based on their
own comfort level and circumstances.
We understand that even if the risk can be
mitigated and we decide to resume worship services,
there will be congregational members who must still
elect to stay at home.
The council plans to develop a process to get a
rough idea of the number of our congregation who might
elect to come to church or stay home.
Having some idea of these numbers will help us
develop church service guidelines to follow in the
months ahead.
We hope to have a plan for this soon and we will
be communicating it to you once it’s developed.
On a separate note, even though we have not been
able to attend church services, our congregation has not
missed a beat in giving to the church.
Our finances remain very strong and the trend set
in 2019 continues on a solid trajectory.
Thanks be to God.
Our mid-year congregational meeting is scheduled
for Sunday, August 2.
Obviously it is too soon to come up with a plan
for the congregation to participate in the meeting but
hopefully by July there will be sufficient information
to determine how best to handle that meeting.
I pray that
you all remain safe, healthy and secure in the months
Stewards of Our Facility
The church lawn renovation is finished – thatched and
reseeded. The upgrading of the irrigation system is also
finished (new WiFi controls for the watering schedule).
Thanks to Dale
Korsmo for working with our gardeners on this project.
It will reduce our summer water bill.
The window repairs in the office and on the
second floor classroom have begun. The leak in Room 9 is
fixed, but the cracked window still needs replacing. The
cracked office window was replaced, and another one was
discovered. Also the leaks are yet to be fixed in the
office, and the parsonage kitchen. Caulking the windows
on the east wall has been added to the contract. So the
work continues.
As for the resurfacing of the parking lot, the
repairs have been finished. Now the top coating and
parking stripe painting is pending. When finished, the
parking lot repair project will be done.
Two new trees have been ordered (through the City
of Seattle) for the parking strip on SW Dakota Street,
to match the four planted last year in the parking strip
on 44th Ave SW.
Lady bugs have been added to the four trees in
the parking strip in front of the church on California
Ave SW. We did this last year and it helped keep the
sidewalk from getting so sticky.
So thanks to everyone for your continued
financial support during these trying times. Without
your help we wouldn’t be able to keep up our wonderful
church property. We thank God for you!
‒Rollie Storbakken,
Church Council

Christian Faith During
This Deadly Pandemic
By Carl E. Braaten
(May 9, 2020)
should we as believers in Christ and members of his
church act during this deadly pandemic? I have heard
people say this pandemic is unprecedented; we’ve never
encountered anything like this before. It is true, we
haven’t, those of us who are living here and now. But
when you read history, you learn that plagues and
epidemics have been around since time immemorial. The
Book of Exodus tells about the plagues that hit Egypt so
hard that Pharaoh had to let Moses take the Israelites
out of slavery. Similar things have happened during the
Christian era. In the 14th century the Black Death, also
called the bubonic plague, travelled all over Europe and
killed over 200 million people, one third of its
population. In the 16th century the plague recurred,
hitting Germany, including the town of Wittenberg, where
Martin Luther was a professor of Old Testament at the
University’s faculty of theology. It was deadly,
everyone was vulnerable. Duke John, the highest civic
authority, ordered Luther and his fellow professors to
leave and go to Jena where it was safe. Many chose to
leave the city, but Luther refused. A fellow pastor,
Johann Hess, wrote a letter to Luther asking him if it
was okay for a Christian to leave. Luther answered in a
letter from 1527, “Whether One May Flee From a Deadly
Plague” (Luther’s
Works 43:119–38):
have taught Christian theology and ethics ever since I
was ordained in Minneapolis in 1958 and so I have been
asked by friends, family members, and former students
what to make of this devastating scourge that is
affecting us in every way — personally, socially,
economically, and politically. My response to this point
has been something like that of the Psalmist who said,
“I am like a dumb man who does not open his mouth.”
(Psalm 38:13b). This damnable thing has rendered me
dumbfounded. Then someone sent me the letter Luther
wrote and that got me thinking.
Luther lived in a late-medieval pre-scientific age,
before the germ theory of disease was universally
accepted as scientific truth. Nevertheless, it was
commonly thought that the disease was transmitted person
to person. People were urged to avoid contact with
anyone infected. That is why Luther’s letter addressed
the question whether it was okay for a Christian to flee
the deadly plague. At that time healthy people would
flee the crowded cities for less sparsely populated
areas. The cities would shut down, shops would close,
doctors were loath to see patients, and even
priests refused to administer last rites, while the sick
and the dying would be left behind. So Luther’s question
was an existentially serious one for a Christian, for a
pastor, and for those whose calling was to care for
people suffering from the disease.
situation is somewhat different. This is a pandemic,
which means the virus is everywhere. There is no escape,
no place to flee to, so we are told to stay home, avoid
socializing even with family members and friends, and no
gathering in large groups, and no weekend worship as
usual. We are in a mell of a hess xx. So does Luther’s
letter have anything relevant to say to us at this point
in time? I will try to answer this question, using some
of Luther’s own words, in ten points.
Luther knew he had no direct word from God to deliver
with authority, so he humbly told his Christian readers
that after considering what he had to say, they would
have “to come to their own decision and conclusion.”
2) Luther
commends those who choose not to run away from a deadly
plague. They seem to have a strong faith, willing to put
their trust in God and patiently await whatever
consequences God has in store for them. However, Luther
is realistic — “it is generally true of Christians that
few are strong and many are weak.” So it is okay for
Christians to flee the risk of death unless “they are
engaged in a spiritual ministry such as preachers and
pastors. . . .For when people are dying, they most need
a spiritual ministry which strengthens and comforts
their consciences by word and sacrament.”
3) But not
only pastors have a duty not to flee if they are needed,
but “all public officials such as mayors, judges, and
the like have the responsibility to remain. . . .To
abandon an entire community which one has been called to
govern and to leave it without official or government,
exposed to all kinds of dangers such as fires, murder,
riots, and every imaginable disaster is a great sin.”
4) The
obligation not to flee applies also to those who have
responsibility for others, like employers for their
workers, parents for their children, and “paid public
servants such as city physicians, city clerks and
police, or whatever their titles, unless they can
provide capable substitutes.”
5) On the
other hand, “to flee from death and to save one’s life
is a natural tendency, implanted by God and not
forbidden unless it be against God and neighbor. . .
.Many examples in Holy Scripture prove that to flee
death is not wrong in itself.” Luther adds, as long as
you can do so “without depriving your neighbors of
anything but fulfilling your responsibilities toward
them.” 6)
Luther’s refusal to flee the city was based on Scripture
passages that say that “anyone who does not help his
neighbor, but forsakes him and leaves him to his
misfortune, becomes a murderer in the sight of God.”
Christ also will say on the Last Day, “I was sick, and
you did not visit me.” So also on the Day of Judgment
what will happen to “those who failed to visit the sick
and needy or to offer them help and to let them lie
there by themselves like dogs and pigs?”
7) Luther
had in mind especially those whom we call heroes today,
those who work in hospitals and care centers staffed
with people to tend to the sick — doctors, nurses, and
their assistants who risk their lives so that others
might live. He cited Scripture: “Whatever you wish that
people do to you, do that to them.”
8) Today our
smart leaders say (sadly there are some stupid ones),
“We are all in this together.” We are one people, one
nation, and we live in one world. So our struggle is not
against a regional epidemic but a PANdemic. So it is
wrong to divide, to play this group against that, to
look for a scapegoat and play the dangerous blame game.
Luther knew that, so he said, “Now when a deadly
epidemic strikes, we should stay where we are, make our
preparations, and take courage in the fact that we are
mutually bound together, so that we might not
desert one another or flee from one another. . .
patiently serve our neighbors, risking our lives in this
manner as Saint John teaches, ‘If Christ laid down his
life for us, we ought to lay down our lives for our
brothers.’” (I John 3: 16)
9) Yet,
Luther’s admonition to stay and serve one’s neighbors in
need is balanced by his warning not to act “too rashly
and recklessly, tempting God and disregarding everything
which might prevent death and the plague. This would
mean not using medicines, not evading places and persons
infected by the disease; joking about it and wishing to
show that one is not afraid of it (like not wearing a
mask in public). . . .It is shameful for a person not to
take care of his own body as he should have. . .
Use medicine; take treatments which can help you;
fumigate your house, yard, and street; keep away from
persons and places wherever your neighbor does not need
your presence or has recovered.”
10) In the
end Luther donned his pastor’s hat and doled out counsel
specifically for Christians facing a deadly disease. The
best defense against the plague is to continue our
worship practices, hearing the Word of God and receiving
the Sacrament of Christ’s body and blood. He admonished
people “to attend church and listen to the sermon so
that they learn through God’s word how to live and how
to die.” What most churches are doing today in an age of
technology — participating in virtual worship services
online — was never an option for Luther. But the point
is the same. Worship is even more important at a time
like this, receiving the promise of life by the means of
grace in the midst of so much suffering and death. True
worship is the secret weapon God has given the church
because there and then we are sustained and strengthened
by the Word and the Sprit, by the Body and the Blood of
Christ. “This is most certainly true” (“The Small
Catechism,” The
Book of Concord, ed. T. Tappert, 1959, pp. 345).
Carl E. Braaten
(b. 1929) is professor emeritus of systematic theology
at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and former
executive director of the Center for Catholic and
Evangelical Theology. He is co-founder of two
theological journals –
Dialog (1962)
and Pro Ecclesia
(1991). He studied in Paris as a Fulbright Scholar, was
ordained in 1958 as a Lutheran pastor, and earned his
Th.D. degree at Harvard Divinity School in 1960. He is
the author of hundreds of articles and many significant
books including
Because of Christ: Memoirs of a Lutheran Theologian
(2010), Preaching
Christ in a Pluralistic Age: Sermons by Carl E. Braaten
(2012) and My
Ecumenical Journey: Ecumenical Experiences and
Perspectives of an Evangelical Catholic Theologian
(2018). Braaten is the son of Lutheran missionaries to
Madagascar where he grew up. He is one of six Lutheran
pastors in his extended family. He’s also a champion
tennis player.

Luther on Samson
By Pastor Marshall
Judges 15:4–5 tells about Samson’s odd retaliation
against the Philistines for stealing his Philistine wife
– he burns up their wheat fields by sending three
hundred foxes into the fields, two by two, with their
tails tied together and on fire. Some think that this
points to Judges 16:30 when Samson says, “Let me die
with the Philistines.” That’s because Samson’s dual
nature is linked to the pairs of burning foxes in the
destroyed fields – and his “super-muscular frame and
spiritual-artistic heart” is burned up with the foxes
(David Grossman,
Lion’s Honey: The Myth of Samson, 2006, p. 85).
Others see Samson’s “guerrilla tactics” as violating the
prohibition against revenge in Deuteronomy 32:35 (T. C.
Butler, Judges,
2009, p. 340). But not Luther – for him there’s neither
a sacrifice here nor a moral short-coming, but only a
conquering power. He sees in this coupling his enemies
being joined together and destroyed (Luther’s
Works 27:149). They are alike and die together even
though “their heads turn away in different directions” (LW
47:175). All variations burn up as they come to the same
fiery end. This gives us confidence to endure

The Body
“I am fearfully and
wonderfully made.”
(Psalm 139:14)
don’t know how the body is formed in the mother’s womb.”
(Ecclesiastes 11:5)
The Liver
liver [when] compared with the rest of our glands, [is]
gigantic. When fully grown, it weighs about 3.3 pounds,
roughly the same as the brain…. It is also the most
multifariously busy organ in the body, with functions so
vital that if it shuts down, you will be dead within
hours. Among its many jobs, it manufactures hormones,
proteins, and the digestive juice knows as bile. It
filters toxins,… stores and absorbs vitamins,… and
manages glucose…. Altogether the liver takes part in
some five hundred metabolic processes. It is essentially
the body’s laboratory. Right now, about a quarter of all
your blood is in your liver. Perhaps the most wondrous
feature of the liver is its capacity to regenerate. You
can remove two-thirds of a liver and it will grow back
to its original size in just a few weeks…. We don’t know
how a liver knows to grow back to just the right size
and then stop growing…. It is subject to more than a
hundred disorders, and many of these are grave….
Hepatitis C can live within victims for forty years or
more, stealthily demolishing their livers, without their
being aware of it…. The liver was long thought to be the
seat of courage, which is why a cowardly person was
deemed ‘lily-livered’…. It was considered responsible
for both sadness and anger…. Women succumb to… cirrhosis
[of the liver] faster than men do.”
[Bill Bryson,
The Body: A Guide
to Occupants (2019) pp. 150–51, 282.]
Considering the fact that the building doors
have remained locked during the government stay
at home orders we are not able to collect food,
clothing, towels and toiletries.
As soon as the orders ease and we are
able to open our doors we will be collecting
again in accordance to any new rules that apply.
We will let you know when we do.

Many thanks to those who have signed up for Altar
Flowers so far this year.
If you signed up during the time period when we
have been closed you will be contacted by Maxine Foss to
see whether you would like to change your flower
donation date to an available date in the coming
weeks/months that was still available for sign up.
If you are not contacted, or have questions,
Maxine can be reached at 206-932-5349.
has been set for Sunday, August 2nd, immediately
following the 10:30 am Holy Eucharist, in the parish
hall. Mark
your calendars!
If for some reason the date is changed we will
let you know.
Beverages will not be provided.
Voter registration will be on the tables at the
back of the hall.
www.flcws.org, or www.flcws.space, which is
specially configured for phones.
Sunday Worship
― online at www.flcws.org.
In lieu of our time
due to the stay-at-home orders issued by our
government, because of the coronavirus troubles
– which have put our worshiping, studying and
serving in abeyance – Pastor Marshall is
offering these abbreviated online liturgies.
They in no way are equivalents to our normal
fare. But they still have
In them we are spending our time apart to
accentuate Psalm 46:10 about being silent before
Wednesday Evening Bible Class
is now being offered on
evening, 7:30-9:30 pm, via ZOOM online.
If you are interested in joining this
class email Pastor Marshall at
deogloria@foxinternet.com and he will send you a
2 Chronicles 36.16
Monthly Home Bible Study,
June 2020, Number 328
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us
join as a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone
then talk informally about the assigned verses together
as we have opportunity. In this way we can “gather
around the Word” even though physically we will not be
getting together (Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV
We need to support each other in this difficult
project. In 1851 Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is “an
extremely dangerous book.... [because] it is an
imperious book... – it takes the whole man and may
suddenly and radically change... life on a prodigious
scale” (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote
that “we all instinctively know that it is dangerous to
become involved in the Bible” (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word “kills” us (Hosea 6.5)
because we are “a rebellious people” (Isaiah 30.9)! As
Lutherans, however, we are still to “abide in the womb
of the Word” (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly “ruminating on the Word”
(LW 30.219) so
that we may “become like the Word” (LW 29.155) by thinking “in the way Scripture does” (LW
25.261). Before you study then, pray: “Blessed Lord, who
caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our
learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn
and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever
hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which
you have given us in Our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen”
(quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New
World: How Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
And don’t give up, for as Luther said, we “have in
Scripture enough to study for all eternity” (LW 75:422)!
Week I.
Read 2 Chronicles 36.16 noting the words
despising, and
scoffing. When did that happen? Check out 2 Chronicles 15.1–8 noting
the conflict between King
Asa and the
prophet Azariah
over the
abominable idols in Israel. Why was Israel
for a long time
without the true God – pursuing idols instead? On this
read 1 Samuel 3.1 noting the line
the word of the
Lord was rare in those days. Why was that? Check out
Psalm 81.11 noting the line
my people did not listen to my voice. Why was that? On this read
Isaiah 30.10 noting the desire for
smooth things.
Why was that? For an idea check out Amos 6.1–6 noting
the words ease,
secure, and idle in
contrast to the line
not grieved over
the ruin of Joseph. And who are the ruined? On this
read Amos 2.6– 8 noting the mistreatment of the
poor and
afflicted – and the sexual perversity of
father and son. Because Azariah condemned this misbehavior, he was
mocked, despised and scoffed at.
Week II.
Read again 2 Chronicles 36.16 noting the same three
words mocking, despising, and
scoffing. For
another example of this abuse of prophecy, read 2
Chronicles 19.1–3 noting the clash between King
and the prophet
Jehu. Note the infraction of
loving those who
hate the Lord. What’s that like? On this read Isaiah
5.20 about mixing up
good and evil. What’s an
example of this? On this read Deuteronomy 8.17 noting
the misuse of the gift of
power. Note
also the misuse of
insight in Proverbs 3.5. Check out as well the
corruption of
kings in Hosea 8.4. And also read about the mixing
up of the holy and the common in
Ezekiel 22.26. Why do we do this? For an answer, go to 2
Corinthians 6.14–18 noting the words
mismatched and
separate. Why
do we ignore these differences? Check out Romans 1.18
noting the suppression of the truth.
What’s behind that? Read Romans 1.25 about
opposing forces –
truth and lies,
creation and Creator. Is
this to follow the false
God of confusion
in 1 Corinthians 14.33? How so?
Week III.
Reread 2 Chronicles 36.16 noting the line
till the wrath of
God rose against his people. What is this wrath? On
this read 2 Chronicles 21.14–15 noting the words
plague and
bowels. Over
the generations this has mostly been cholera. Why does
God inflict such a severe, ongoing,
day by day,
disease? On this read Ezekiel 5.13–17 noting
venting of fury
and jealousy.
Does that explain it? Go to Psalm 99.3 noting the link
between holy
and terrible.
How does holiness do this? On this read Isaiah 55.8
noting the clash and contrast between the
ways of God
and our ways. Does that explain the wrath and fury of God? On this read 1
Samuel 15.3–9, 19 noting how King Saul wouldn’t
destroy all that the Amalekites had. Our moral scruples are
different than God’s. They look better. On this read
Deuteronomy 7.16 noting the problem of
serving the
gods of the
defeated enemy – for fear of being
snared by
those gods. In this case obeying God matters more than
saving human lives. What do you think of that?
Week IV.
Read 2 Chronicles 36.16 one last time noting the line
till there was no remedy. What’s that about? On this read Romans
9.16 noting that our salvation does not
depend on us.
Read also Jeremiah 18.1–17 noting that God does with us
whatever seems
good to him. So the standard of goodness has to do
with God’s liking and not with ours. So the remedy
that’s gone is of our making. But God still has his
remedy. And what is it? Note Jeremiah 30.10–24 where the
incurable are
given health
(vv 12, 17). So the remedy comes from God. On this read
Ezekiel 11.19 noting the
new spirit
that God puts in us. How does he do this? For an answer, check out James 1.21
noting the
implanted word. How does this word get by our
resistance to it? On this read Acts 9.3–9 noting the
words suddenly,
flashed, fell and
led. All of
these words are out of our control. God can make them
happen when he wishes. On this read Psalm 115.3 noting
the line our God
is in the heaven; he does whatever he pleases. God
doesn’t consult with us. On this read Galatians 4.4
noting the connection between the right
time and sent. We had
nothing to do with that key event. Do you agree?
On Sunday, June
we will honor the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, and we
will confess that our God is named
Holy Spirit.
This is Christ's command in Matthew 28:19 when he says
to us: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit." It is this name that our faith
requires us to adore – for God is in this name!
The Feast of Saint Mary, the
Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, will be celebrated at
our Sunday
on August
On this day we will thank
God for the life and faith of Saint Mary, who has been
called the
Mother of all believers
for she was the first person to believe in the gospel.
Lutherans for centuries
have honored Our Lady by praying the "Magnificat":
soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God
my Savoir, for he has regarded the low estate of his
Surely, from now on all generations will call me
blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for
me, and holy is his name.
His mercy is for those who fear him from
generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm; he has
scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts,
has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and
lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good
things, and sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance
of his mercy, according to the promise he made to our
ancestors, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.
(Luke 1:46-55)

The Apostle Saint Paul
“For to me to live is Christ,
and to die is gain”
by Pastor Marshall
Martin Luther loved Philippians 1:21 – but also saw it
as a test. It showed him that when Christians die they
“reach life all the sooner…. In death they lose nothing,
even if it bites them to death” (Luther’s
Works 56:201). So what can “death have against a
Christian in the throes of death? Nothing. Death will
[only] be laughter” (LW
56:200). So this Gospel gives Christians “everything” (LW
69:302). By God’s almighty power, he can “give the
greatest joy from what terrified us the most” – death
itself (LW
76:195). This is where the test comes in. For if this
gain in death “has only a small effect on us, it is
proof that our faith in Christ is still feeble and does
not prize highly enough the reward and gain of a blessed
death, nor does it yet believe that death is a blessing.
Obviously we are hindered because the old man and the
wisdom of the flesh are still too much alive in us. We
should, therefore, try to attain to the knowledge and
the love of this blessing of death. It is a great thing
that death, which to others is the greatest of evils, is
made the greatest gain for us. If it was not this that
Christ obtained for us, what then did he do that was
worth such a cost, yes, actually the cost of his life?
It is indeed a divine work that he wrought, and it is
not surprising that he made the evil of death into the
greatest blessing” (LW
Because Christ defangs death on the cross
(Hebrews 2:14), “in the Scriptures it is called a sleep
rather than death” (Matthew 9:24, John 11:11). That
makes “death very desirable…. With slippery sin
besetting us on all sides, our life is so full of perils
that we are unable to live without sinning. Thus death
is indeed the greatest blessing as it delivers us from
these perils and cuts sin fully away from us [Romans
6:7]” (LW
42:150). That reduction of death to sleep is also
evident from the fact that God “imposed death on Adam
immediately after his sin as a cure for sin. God did
this before he drove him out of paradise to show us that
death works no evil but rather every blessing, since it
was imposed in paradise.” Furthermore when he elaborates
upon death in Eden he refers to it as going back to
dust. “God hated death so bitterly that he did not deem
it worthy to call it by name” (LW
Philippians 1:21 poses the question: “If living is
Christ, what was there to gain by dying?” (Fred
Philippians, 1985, p. 29). Luther’s answer is that
it stops sin and brings us to eternal life. That is
underscored in the Greek words for Christ and gain which
“alliterate” in the original Greek and thereby show that
the gain is connected to Christ and leads to “being with
Christ” (B. Thurston,
2009, p. 63). Others add that Paul’s martyrdom would
advance “the cause of Christ throughout the world” (F.
F. Bruce,
Philippians, 1989, p. 50). No wonder that this verse
has been deemed “one of the great declarations in all of
Pauline literature, indeed in all of Holy Scripture”
(George Hunsinger,
2020, p. 22). Here death isn’t punishment, but “full
participation in the resurrection” (John Reumann,
2008, pp. 249–50). Why can’t that full participation
happen now? “God created you to live, so that you might
live [here] with him, but you, living in the sin of evil
doing, have subjected yourself to every blame” – and so
now need deliverance (John Chrysostom,
Homilies on
Philippians, trans. P. Allen, 2013, p. 69). Once the
promise of that deliverance is in place, however, gazing
up into heaven cannot be all there is. What Saint Paul
is stressing, then, is not “life after death, but… the
life of Christ and… what the death that perhaps awaits
him might mean for that life.” It’ll include suffering
for Christ now, to be sure, but also helping fellow
Christians increase “their courage, their confidence,
their gratitude and joyousness” (Karl Barth,
Epistle to the
Philippians: 40th Anniversary Edition, trans. James
W. Leitch, 2002, pp. 39, 42).

Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made
brothers and sisters through baptism.
Eve Young, Pete Morrison, The Tuomi Family, Sam & Nancy
Lawson, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Connor Bisticas, Eileen &
Dave Nestoss, Kyra Stromberg, Tabitha Anderson, Diana
Walker, The Rev. Albin Fogelquist, The Rev. Howard
Fosser, The Rev. Kari Reiten, The Rev. Dave Monson, The
Rev. Paul Smith, The Rev. Dan Peterson, Sheila Feichtner,
Richard Uhler, Yuriko Nishimura, Leslie Hicks, Eric
Baxter, Paul Sponheim, Mary Lou & Paul Jensen, Hillary &
Jim Thoren, Trevor Schmitt, Lesa Christensen, Maggie &
Glenn Willis, Shirley Graham, Evelyn, Emily & Gordon
Wilhelm, Karen Berg, Bjorg Hestevold, Wayne Korsmo,
Garrison Radcliffe, Antonio Ortez,
Gretchen Hoyum, Marv
Morris, The Jill & Dave West Family, Noel Curtis, Randy
Vater, Joe & Sam Frary,
The Duncan
Sturrock Family,
Metzler, Doreen Phillips Will Forrester.
Pray for our professional Health Care Providers:
Gina Allen, Janine Douglass, David Juhl,
Dana Kahn, Dean
all those suffering from the coronavirus pandemic. Also,
pray for unbelievers, the addicted, the sexually abused,
harassed, and unemployed.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ
may give them joy:
Bob & Mona Ayer, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Joan
Olson, Doris Prescott, C. J. Christian, Dorothy Ryder,
Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Nora Vanhala, Martin
Nygaard, Gregg & Jeannine Lingle, Anelma Meeks.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Shelley
Bryan Wee, our pastor Ronald Marshall, our choirmaster
Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew King, that they may be
strengthened in faith, love and the holy office to which
they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy
in service and in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a
good steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our
congregation in these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, addicted,
and homeless this summer.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and
for all in Christ's church to help those who are in
Pray for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emmaus in the Skagit Valley that God
may bless and strengthen their ministry. Also, pray for
our parish and its ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of
the saints:
Saint Barnabas; Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles;
Saint Mary Magdalene; Saint James the Elder and Saint
Bartholomew, Apostles; and St. Mary, Mother of Our Lord.
A Treasury of Prayers
God, the creator of all, enlighten my mind by the grace
of your Holy Spirit, that I may seek what is
well-pleasing in your sight. Order my doings that they
may be in keeping with your commandments. Bless me this
day, O Lord, I pray, that I may in the end enter into
the unending joys of heaven. In the name of Jesus I
pray. Amen.
[For All
the Saints II:32, altered]