June-July-August 2012
More Martin Luther
Volume 60 in the New Series
Here are some highlights from this new translation of Luther’s
“Next to the Holy Scriptures there is no doctor in the church
who is to be compared with St. Augustine in Christian knowledge
…. especially where he argues against the Pelagians, the
Donatists, and the Manicheans. For here is a man of solid
learning in Christ” (44). “In the Church one must have … the
sure Word of God [certum
verbum Dei],
in which we may trust with certainty and assurance, and in this
certainty of faith both live and die” (63-64). “Next to the Holy
Scripture, there is indeed no book more helpful for Christendom
than the legends of the dear saints, especially those which are
pure and authentic” (73). “There was an extraordinarily great
spirit in John Hus [1370-1415] …. In the end he so manfully
accepted the most shameful death for the sake of the truth”
(126). “I have no doubt that the Last Day is not far away,
though the highly intelligent and super-rational world is not
concerned about this” (149). “When a person is dying or in some
other extremity, he must forget … money and property, honor and
power, and must cling solely to God’s Word, stake his life on it
alone” (212). “Chastisement … forces us to pray fervently. A
fervent prayer is an almighty, powerful, and victorious thing”
(243). “Muslims have for so many centuries enjoyed nothing but …
success against the Christians …. yet this does not happen
because the faith of Mohammed is true …. God allows Christians
to be punished and oppressed on account of their sins” (255).
“Oh, the hard and unyielding minds of men!” [O
duras et ferreas mentes hominum]
(273). “You cannot read in Scripture too much, and what you do
read you cannot read too well, and what you read well you cannot
understand too well, and what you understand well you cannot
teach too well, and what you teach well you cannot live too
well” (285). “Of good books … there have never yet been too
many, and there still are not” (300). “The devil … most avidly
seeks out … everything that is highest and best in the world. He
has a dainty gullet [delicatae
est gulae];
his food is choice” (314). “I am nothing” (329). “The elect must
be tested, tried, and refined” (335).
May we ever give thanks to God for Martin Luther, our “most
eminent teacher” (The
Book of Concord,
p. 576)!
Pastor Marshall
President’s Report…
by Matthew Kahn
The coming of Summer brings kids out of school, the fulfillment
of God’s miracle of life as vegetables grow from small seeds
that were sewn only weeks before. It also brings forth many
thoughts of travel and vacation. Whenever I am on vacation I
have a nasty tendency to drag my family to what are often called
boring historical sites, obscure museums, and to see random
pieces of architecture. Many times we see churches. One time we
were in St. Louis for only 36 hours for a friend’s wedding. The
weekend schedule was full but I had to see the Cathedral
Basilica of St Louis which contains over 83,000 square feet of
mosaic tiles, one of the largest collections in the world. Yes,
never take a vacation with a history major. Early that Saturday
morning before the afternoon festivities began, Samantha, who
just started walking, Dana and I searched for the church. I was
thoroughly impressed and as I was sitting in the back pews it
made me thankful for our beautiful church. With so many other
Lutheran churches built after the war looking more like living
rooms, ours stands out as something special. We were blessed by
God to have church members who chose this traditional style of
architecture. In addition, we have continued to be blessed with
parishioners that have sought out and adhered to the traditional
style of worship as well.
This July 29th marks the date for the mid-year congressional
meeting. I encourage everyone to attend and help guide our
church. The most important topic is to finish voting on the
changes to the constitution that deal with the terms of the
church officers.
The month with Easter generally is a successful month
financially and this April was no different.
We were able to catch up slightly on our monetary goals
for church operations. We saw $22,232.47 in Total General Budget
Income this month compared to a goal of $20,323. We also
continue to keep our expenses down. We had budgeted $8,520 for
Total General Operating Expenses but kept them down to $6,663.84
for the month. We have been blessed with $78,744 in Total
General Budget Income compared to a goal of $80,449 for the
first four months of 2012.
Let us pray that this next trimester will be as good so
that we can continue to spread His word in West Seattle.
Many commentators throughout history have remarked that good art
and architecture speaks to the audience.
Last month I wrote about a suffering Christ. There is
another crucifix I wish to mention that, when I saw it, in one
of those truly rare moments, stirred my understanding of His
plan. The famous Kaiser Wilhelm Church in central Berlin is well
known for the ruined remains of the spire destroyed in 1943 by a
bombing raid. But what stirred me was inside the new church
which was built inside the old building’s foot print. There
within the context of total war, rebuilding and a reunited
Germany was a clearly modern take on a church; bland, sleek and
with comfortable chairs.
However hanging above the alter was a crucifix like I had
never seen. There was Christ not in agony or sedate, but Christ
saying to me, “Do not pity me, pity yourself.” It is a Christ
looking down on the assembled saying, “You are the pitiful ones,
and you have squandered all that you have been given, you of
little faith. Look at what God must do just to save you”. After
seeing it I felt small, humble and unworthy; unworthy of His
sacrifice. I was
blessed to have that experience and I am thankful to this day
for it, as I am thankful for finding First Lutheran Church of
West Seattle.
Have a blessed and happy Summer.
Church Buildings Talk
By Paul Gregory Alms
Buildings talk.
Old farm houses covered with vines, supermarkets and church
buildings all tell stories. Especially churches. They whisper to
us of those who built them, of the faith confessed within their
walls. If we had ears to hear, those walls would sing of
wed-dings and funerals and hymns and baptisms. Sanctuaries speak
of the God who is worshiped within them.
Recently I had
two church building experiences. The first was driving by a new
church off of an interstate highway. I drive one stretch of this
road every couple of months, and one day I noticed a new
structure rising in the suburbs. It looked much like a typical
warehouse or some commercial complex. I was quite surprised when
I saw a sign go up which announced that the building was in fact
a church. Well, actually the sign said it was a “worship
center.” The complex had no identifiable design or markings or
appearance that would mark it as a church. What is more, I am
sure that the anonymous business character of the site was
intentional. Retail Christianity, you could call it.
My second
experience was walking into an old inner city cathedral-type
Lutheran church. A huge statue of Jesus towered over a stone
altar in-laid with a bright colorful painting of the last
sup-per. Elaborate carved statues of Peter and Paul flanked him.
A huge pulpit topped with spires seemed to reach to heaven and
soared over the tiny pews. The font and altar environs were
decorated and marked out with a holy reverence. Every detail of
the sanctuary conveyed awe and otherworldliness and
What Did They
If buildings
talk, what did each church say? What story did they tell? Of
what God did each speak? The first spoke of what one might call
a Walmart God, a God of the corporate mindset, a God who drives
an SUV, a God of the suburbs. Those who designed that building
no doubt built it specifically to be comfortable to outsiders,
to appeal to those who are not at home with traditional
Christianity. Still, that warehouse sanctuary tells a story
about God; it is the story of a God who fits in, a God who talks
and behaves much like middle class Americans in the twenty-first
The God that old
inner city Lutheran church communicated could not be more
different. That structure offered a vision of a God of
inexpressible power, of distance and glory and yet recognizable
in the human faces that looked down from the walls. Every detail
in the church added up to a pointed contrast with the street and
culture around it. I had gone from commerce to cathedral, from
sales to saints.
Options for
Shoes or Salvation
The two church
buildings were aimed at opposite effects: one to fit God into
our lives, the other to fit us into God’s life. But the
incredible thing is not what is different about these churches,
but what they hold in common: Christianity. Both claimed to be
Christian, to follow the God of the Bible, to worship Jesus
Christ, the Messiah. And yet they could not be more different in
their expression of that faith.
So which one is
better? The Walmart church or the cathedral church? Of course
many today would say neither, or both. We like options in our
shopping, whether for shoes or salvation. The numbers might
suggest the Walmart church by a mile. Certainly today people
seem to flock to such retail outlets of faith. Meeting needs,
marketing services, pleasing visitors can add up to a potent
recipe for growth.
But beyond that
there lies a deeper question: what story do we tell with the
building that we build? What kind of God does our sanctuary talk
about? Is God really like a checkout line? Can the reality of
the God who descended on Mount Sinai
in smoke and thunder and lightning be adequately ex-pressed in a
building that could just as easily be a Walmart as a church? Are
the magnificent truths of the incarnation and crucifixion and
resurrection of God-made-flesh easily expressed in the things of
commerce and sales and marketing?
as Confession
Of course not
all church buildings need be magnificent cathedrals. The humble
country church and the modest struggling mission are as much the
church as any dazzling Gothic structure. It is the gospel of
grace, the preaching of Christ crucified and the giving of his
holy sacraments, that is the true beauty of the church.
But Christians
have always understood a connection between the structures of
our faith and the structures we build. A tattered banner thrown
across the wall of a rundown gym or a tarnished candlestick on a
plain wooden table are evidences, however modest, that how we
surround the Gospel we proclaim, how we decorate our sacramental
worship, is a confession of what we believe about Christ. That
country church building has much more in common with the Gothic
cathedral than with the big box church structure.
In other words,
our church buildings talk. They tell stories about God, and we
should listen to what they say. How we build and furnish and
deco-rate the places where we worship God and receive his saving
gifts says something. It confesses the faith. Buildings tell
stories. We should listen to them. Maybe we could learn
This article is a wonderful elaboration of our Mission Statement
which says: “In our worship we honor the beauty and majesty of
our church building as God’s holy house wherein we do far more
than meet together, but primarily behold the awesome splendor of
God’s presence.” It is reprinted with permission from Forum
Letter, Volume 41, Number 5, May 2012. Copyright ©
2012 American Lutheran Publicity Bureau. All rights reserved.
Paul Gregory Alms is
pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS), Catawba, North Carolina. An
earlier version of this article appeared in the
Charlotte Observer in 2005.
– Pastor Marshall, First Lutheran Church of West Seattle.]
Furthering Our Mission
We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us:
Ourselves, our time, and our possessions, signs of your gracious
We pray this prayer almost every
Sunday. It reflects
what stewardship is.
In tithing not only our income, but also our time and our
gifts, we recognize that all of those things are not really
ours. They belong
to God, and He has granted those gifts to us so that we may
further His kingdom on earth.
In Haggai 2:8, God instructs us that “The silver is mine,
and the gold is mine.”
So, as a reflection of our joy for the sacrifice God has
provided for our redemption in His son, Christ Jesus, we are to
tithe our money, gifts, and time.
This means we give a full 10% of our income to the
Church, but it also means that we use our gifts to further the
mission of the Church, whether that be through public outreach
programs, through singing in the choir, or through helping with
Golden Fellowship luncheons.
God reminds us that He is the
source of our wealth in other ways.
Hosea 2:9 states that “I [God] will take back my grain in
its time, and my wine in its season.”
In part, this is because we forget the source of our
material blessings.
Let us never forget that God is the source of our being, our
time, and our wealth.
Regardless of our circumstances, let us always give
generously of all three (money, gifts, time) to the Church and
to God in order to glorify Christ’s sacrifice.
–David King, Church Council
Stewardship 2012
Month (April)
Year to date (Jan-April)
Healed By His Wounds:
A Study of Isaiah
Summer 2012 Bible Study With
Pastor Marshall
Sundays, 9 am - 10 am, Room D
This summer
we will take 12 weeks to study the book of Isaiah. Each week we
will concentrate on a few chapters, asking what they have to do
with the great proclamation of salvation in Isaiah 53.
Worksheets will be available for each class to guide your
The class
schedule is the following:
June 10 –
Isaiah 1-5
July 1 –Isaiah
August 5 –
Isaiah 45-49
June 17 –
Isaiah 6-11
July 8 –
Isaiah 25-29
August 12 –
Isaiah 50-55
June 24 –
Isaiah 12-18
July 15 –
Isaiah 30-34
August 19 –
Isaiah 56-61
July 22 –
Isaiah 35-40
August 26 –
Isaiah 62-66
July 29
Isaiah 41-44
COLLECTION for Summer is lunch
and snack foods for children who are home from school: peanut
butter, jam, crackers, energy bars, seed & nut packs, macaroni &
cheese are just a few suggestions.
Also, fresh produce will be picked up weekly from July –
October. If you
need help picking the fruit off your trees, that help is also
provided – just call the church office.
This program is through “Community Harvest of SW
for 2010-2011 is available for your study upon request.
The Executive Committee has compiled this information
over the past few weeks and filed it in the church office.
has been set for Sunday, July 29th, immediately following the
10:30 am Holy Eucharist, in the parish hall.
Mark your calendars!
Voter registration will be on the tables at the back of
the hall.
with Pastor Marshall.
These two hour, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Thursday evening classes
will run from June 28th to July 26th – skipping July 19th.
Call the office to register.
Pastor Marshall has been teaching this class four times a
year since 2003.
– Communion: Those
who are baptized in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit and believe are welcome to receive the Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper.
Attention all
Feel like baking some treats?
And those who
love to EAT baked treats!
Want to purchase some treats?
Come to our
at Church!
The Youth Sunday School students and the Extended
Ministries team are joining efforts to support
We have chosen to focus our giving to provide
“Gifts from the Stable.”
We hope to raise money to purchase chickens for
these people in need.
For the people of Asia, a pair of chickens can
create a steady income.
Chicken eggs provide food for the family and the
extras can be sold at market.
The Sunday school students felt this would be a
fun way to help a malnourished child in Asia.
With your simple
support of our bake sale, we hope to raise $132 so we may
purchase 24 chickens.
A bargain at $11 for a pair of chickens that will help a
family in need!
So come to
church June 10th with an appetite for baked goods for yourself
or for friends. We
will have a variety of baked treats for you to purchase.
If you would like to donate treats, we would love that as
well…bring them wrapped and ready to sell when you come to
church. The
students will take care of the rest!
Thank you for
your support of the Youth Sunday School and Extended Ministries!
ASIA states a very clear mission:
“We are committed as a family of believers to share the
Good News of Jesus Christ with lost men, women and children
throughout Asia who have still not heard his precious name.”
www.gfa.org to learn
Allen, Education Committee
St. Nicholas Faire Fund Raiser
Sunday, December 2,
Once again the hunt is on for items to be made into gift baskets
to be sold at the St. Nicholas Faire December 2, 2012. Proceeds
will support the West Seattle Food Bank and the West Seattle
Take a look at the “ornaments” on the tree. Pick
one, or more, to purchase.
Keep the top “ornament”.
Put your name and phone number on the other one,
and drop it in the decorated box beside the tree.
Purchase all items and bring them to church no
later than September 31st.
There will be a large plastic box in the Lounge
to collect these items.
A Forgotten But Powerful Voice:
Dr. Kent S. Knutson, 1924-1973
By Pastor Marshall
The next passage that I want us to reflect upon together from
Dr. Knutson’s The Shape
of the Question: The Mission of the Church in a Secular Age
(1972) also has to do with the nature of the church, as in last
month’s installment:
How is this church known to us now? …. The same power
which created the New Testament community creates the
people of God today. The signs of the church are the
same, summarized in the phrase word and sacrament. This
people of God is in continuity with the church of the
past, but lives in a new age, with the same problems and
same redemption as the church of any past age. The
quality of life, the freedom, and the destiny are the
same. Baptism is the effective sign of initiation into
this body of Christ. The Eucharist is the effective sign
of renewal in which the risen Lord is present under the
signs of bread and wine, giving himself to his people to
eat and drink. In this celebration of grace the people
of God identify themselves with the Christ, his
sacrifice and his exaltation, and receive anew the
saving grace of God the Father. The spoken word
communicates the same renewing grace. The form of the
communication, the time, and the language differ. The
effect is the same. And the living Lord is present in
each of these manifestations. The sign is different. It
is the same Lord and the same presence (pp. 100,
Note how the church lives in a new age, but with the same
problems and same redemption as the church of any past age. So
our new time does not require us to reinvent the church to fit
in with the times. In this way Dr. Knutson is radical and out of
sinc with the Lutheran church in America in the early
twenty-first century! Thanks be to God! |
Psalm 83.16
Monthly Home Bible Study, June 2012, Number 232
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as
a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone then talk
informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44).
We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851
Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous
book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the
whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a
prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because
we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans,
however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW
30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How
Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
Week I.
Read Psalm 83.16 noting
the word shame. What
is this shame? On this read Ezekiel 16.53-63 noting the words
confounded and
shame. Is remembering
or recognizing and admitting our wickedness and lewdness at the
heart of shame? On this read Jeremiah 6.15 noting the words
not and
blush. This blushing
is about being struck to the heart over one’s wickedness – and
giving up all efforts to explain away, cover-up or otherwise
disregard the wrong we have done. On this problem of covering-up
read John 3.19-20 noting the words
exposed and
clearly. If we love
the darkness, then we won’t be able to blush over our lewdness.
What then?
Week II.
Read again Psalm 83.16
noting the phrase fill
their faces. How does this phrase help us blush? On this
read Romans 7.13 noting the line
sinful beyond measure.
How do God’s commandments help us with that? On this read Romans
3.10-18 noting the lines
none is righteous, no
one understands, no
one does good,
they … deceive, and
there is no fear of God
before their eyes. These verses exclude all excuses. Read
also Mark 7.20-23 noting the line
what comes out of a man
... defiles him, and the words
pride and
foolishness. Add to
this Isaiah 65.6 noting the line
all our righteous deeds
are like filthy rags (KJV).
What does all of this add up to? On this read Romans 7.18 noting
the line nothing good
dwells within me. Does that settle it? Not quite. Read also
Job 9.15 noting the line
I am innocent. How can that be? Have we been falsely
charged? How so? No, read instead Psalm 125.5 noting the phrase
turn aside. Note also
Psalm 119.102 and the line
turn aside from thy
ordinances. If such turning takes place, then God’s
commandments are weakened. But if their force hit us full in the
face, then we blush. Wouldn’t you think so? Explain.
Week III.
Reread Psalm 83.16 noting this time the line
that they may seek thy
name, O Lord. What is the point of this? On this read Psalm
9.9-10 noting the words
trouble, trust,
not and
forsaken, and Psalm
105.1-5 noting the words
thanks, call,
remember and
done. So seeking the
Lord’s name draws us into a life of faith in him and service to
him. What are the benefits in this? On this read Acts 2.21
noting the words call,
name and
saved. What does this
seeking and calling save us from? On this read John 3.36, Romans
2.5, 5.9 and Ephesians 2.3 noting word
wrath in all four
verses. How bad is this wrath? On this read Mark 9.48 noting the
words worm and
fire, Luke 16.23, 28
noting the word torment,
and Revelation 9.5 noting the word
torture. Why is this
wrath so bad? On this read Ezekiel 5.13 noting the words
satisfy and
jealousy. Why does
God’s jealousy have to be satisfied by inflicting his wrath upon
the disobedient? On this read Psalm 99.3 noting the words
terrible and
holy. Does this mean
God has very high standards that cannot be compromised? If so,
why can’t he cut corners for sinners? On this read 2 Timothy
2.13 noting the line he
cannot deny himself. Where does that leave our inquiry? Why
is that? Note the word
unsearchable in Romans 11.33. Does that help?
Week IV.
Read Psalm 83.16 one last time noting the word
What will tip us in favor of faith and service? Does the
word may suggest that
the outcome is unpredictable? On this read Romans 9.16-18 noting
the words depends,
hardens and
wills. Does that mean
none of this is in our control? On this read Romans 10.10-21
noting the words man,
ask and
contrary. What do
these verses tell us? Are we free to listen or not, to go to
church or not? On this read Acts 5.13 noting the line
none of the rest dared
join them. Read also 1 Corinthians 14.25 noting the line
falling on his face.
Do these passages suggest that going to church to hear the word
of the Lord is harder than it looks? On this read Ecclesiastes
5.1-2 noting the words
guard and few.
How does that help us understand our situation?
Check out the
church's webpage at this address,
There are many sections to our webpage – some of them also
include pictures and artwork. You
may find a good deal of interest in these sections, and some of
them change regularly.
This webpage is the internet “face” of our congregation.
Tell your friends about our webpage.
It is a good way to
introduce them to our church.
Here are the listed sections from our webpage:
On Sunday, June
we will honor the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, and we will
confess that our God is named
Holy Spirit.
This is Christ's command in Matthew 28:19 when he says to us:
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit." It is this name that our faith requires us to adore –
for God is in this name!
The Feast of Saint Mary, the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
will be celebrated at our Sunday Holy Eucharist on August
On this day we will thank God for the life and faith of
Saint Mary, who has been called the
Mother of all believers
for she was the first person to believe in the gospel.
Lutherans for centuries have honored Our Lady by praying the "Magnificat".
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in
God my Savoir, for he has regarded the low estate of his
Surely, from now on all generations will call me
blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for
me, and holy is his name.
His mercy is for those who fear him from
generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm; he has
scattered the proud in the thoughts he of their hearts,
has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and
lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good
things, and sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance
of his mercy, according to the promise he made to our
ancestors, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.
(Luke 1:46-55)
Remember in
prayer before God those whom He has made your
brothers and sisters
through baptism.
Gregg Lyon, Cynthia Natiello, Connor
Bisticas, Dorothy Ryder, Richard Hard, Agnes Arkle, Clara
Anderson, Teri Korsmo, Bob Baker, Peggy Wright, Bob & Barbara
Schorn, Margaret Hard, Rolf & Paul Sponheim, Kay Thoreson,
Rosita & Jim Moe, Frank Rowlands, Joyce Baker, Chris & Margeen
Bowyer, Jim Cunningham, Tabitha Anderson, Linda Anderson, Dick
Leidholm, Lori McConnell, Gwen Lyon, Susan Lyon, Lee Neuman,
Steven Coy, Jill Jeffry, Amy Tabor, Louisa Eden, Annie
Crutchfield, Robert W. Jenson, Markus Lidacis and family.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: Clara Anderson,
Donna Apman, Agnes Arkle, C. J. Christian, Vera Gunnarson, Pat
Hansen, Margaret Hard, Lorraine Jarvimaki, Anelma Meeks, Olive
Morrison, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Vivian Wheeler,
Peggy Wright.
Pray for the new born that they grow in the strength of the
Lord: Elanor Julie
Christine Miles, granddaughter to Gregg Lyon born May 23, 2012,
8 lbs 2 oz, 21 ¾ in.
Pray for those who have been baptized that they may grow in the
grace of God:
Hannah-Lynn & Seth Weyer, children of Scott & Karin Weyer.
Pray for those who have suffered the death of a loved one:
Pray that God will bear their grief and lift their
hearts: Pray for the
family and friends of Paul Shelvog on his death.
Also our sympathy to the family and friends of David
Thoreson, whose funeral was in Stanwood, WA.
David was Choirmaster here at First Lutheran Church from
1967 to 1974.
Pray for our bishops Mark Hanson and Chris Boerger, our pastor
Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew
King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and the holy
office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this summer.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and for all
in Christ's church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our extended ministries: El Camino de Emmaus in the
Skagit Valley, and the Gospel for Asia that God may bless and
strengthen their ministry. Also, pray for our parish and it's
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Saint Barnabas; Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles;
Saint Mary Magdalene; Saint James the Elder and Saint
Bartholomew, Apostles; and St. Mary, Mother of Our Lord.
A Treasury of Prayers
Lord God, I thank you that you are ever open to our cry.
Father, I come bringing my marred life for your
remaking, my stained hands for your cleansing, my tired
feet for your rest, and my weary heart for your peace.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
[For All the Saints (ALPB, 1994-1996) II:113, altered]