March 2013
Being Raised From the Dead
Getting the Point of 1 Corinthians 15:50
March 31 is the day that we celebrate the Resurrection of Our
Lord Jesus Christ – Easter Day. It is a day of great jubilation,
for on this day our suffering, crucified Lord is exalted beyond
the darkness of the grave, and we also are given the hope of
everlasting life with him in heaven. Alleluia!
none of this happens easily or naturally. It is not automatic
that all who live and die go on to heaven when they die. That is
because 1 Corinthians 15:50 says that the perishable cannot
inherit the imperishable. If it could, we would then all pass on
easily and automatically to the imperishability of heaven upon
perishing or dying here on earth.
does this mean for us? According to John 5:28-29 we’re told not
“to marvel at this; for”
the hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear
Christ’s voice and come forth, those who have done good [sheep],
to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil
[goats], to the resurrection of judgment.
(Mt 25:32).
So the next life comes about by the voice of Christ calling us
from our graves – and not automatically on the heels of every
person’s death. Once that happens there is a judgment or sorting
out of the saved from the damned –
each going to their respective places. The differentiating
factor is belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior (John 3:16; Romans
10:10-13). So pray that
God will send you the Holy Spirit to bless you with faith in
Jesus Christ – that heaven may belong to you as well when you
die. Amen.
Pastor Marshall
President’s Report…
by Larraine King
Strengthen for
service, Lord, the hands that holy things have taken;
And let the ears that heard your Word, to falsehood
never waken.
Those words from Hymn #218 sum up our role as members of
the body of Christ.
We have responsibilities as members of Christ’s
church. I
like to look at the two parts of the word; what is my
response to
my Lord’s
What is our commitment to love and serve in
response to what our Lord has done for us?
You may think that you haven’t much to offer,
that you haven’t the time or the resources,
that you are not qualified….the reasons we can’t
help, seem to be endless and to never go away.
But as St. Paul says, “I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me.”
Let us pray daily to be strengthened for service.
Ask God how you can help, then follow through and
do it. We
will all be blessed as each of us commits to follow our
Lord’s example.
He commanded us to show our love for Him through
obedience to Him.
In future issues of
The Messenger
we will be exploring ways we can be of service to our
church – the responsibilities of church membership.
Stay tuned.
I want to thank all of the outgoing council
members for their years of service:
Matthew Kahn, Mariann Petersen, Kylene Ross,
Aspasia Vassilatos, and Gina Allen.
And welcome to the council Earl Nelson (who is
moving from council member to vice president),
Gina Allen (who is moving from council member to
taking on the job of secretary), Kari Ceaicovschi,
Evelyn Coy, Maxine Foss, and Ali Richardson.
Thank you for your willingness to serve.
We are happy to report that we made budget for
the month of January.
Typically in the first few months of the new
year, giving is down and we often fall behind our budget
Great way to begin, but in order for us to finish
strong, we need to keep our giving consistent.
And remember to bring
your donations for the West Seattle Food Bank
each time you come to worship during Lent.
It can be a way to show the fruit of our fasting,
as well as remember that there are many in our community
that do not have enough food to eat.
We are so blessed with many “riches.”
What a joy to share with others!
Month (January)
Year to date (Jan-Dec)
Being Attentive Stewards
As we are getting further into
the New Year, I’d like to request that we all keep the church’s
financial health in mind.
Consciously making the decision to tithe (to give a
portion of what you receive on a regular basis) helps to make
our giving more consistent.
I would encourage everyone to work toward tithing to the
Tithing is frequently mentioned in scriptures (Genesis 28:20-22,
Leviticus 27:30, Deuteronomy 14:22, Malachi 3:8-10) and serves
many purposes. Here
are just a few reasons to give and work towards a full tithe:
Spiritual discipline
– giving away a portion of our resources reminds us that
God is our provider; all we have is a blessing from Him
and we need to put our trust in Him.
Financial discipline
– making a commitment to give away part of what you
receive may cause you to more closely monitor how you
spend your money and improve your stewardship in all
Maintenance and care for our facilities
– we have a beautiful facility, and beside general
expenses for day-to-day operation, there are many
maintenance costs (some that may be hidden from view)
but are necessary to keep the facility in a state of
proper repair.
Source of livelihood for our staff
– we have a tremendously talented and hardworking staff
who deserve more than we are able to compensate them.
At a minimum, we need to meet our commitments for
their compensation.
Providing support for those in need
– through our Extended Ministries programs, we support
efforts to aid those in need in our community and
– we have much to be thankful for at FLCWS.
The quality of the worship service, the
preaching, the music, the teaching, and the fellowship
all work together to keep our hearts in the right place
– giving thanks for the promise of mercy that we have
inherited through our faith in Jesus Christ.
Please prayerfully consider all
these things when planning your giving now and throughout the
“O give thanks
unto the LORD; for he is good and his mercy endures forever.”
Psalm 106:1
Peter Douglass,
Church Council

With the Mind:
Readings in Contemporary Theology
3-5 pm in the
Church Lounge, Saturday, March 23rd.
The book
for March is Moneyball:
The Art of Winning an Unfair Game (2004), by Michael Lewis.
This is the story of how a losing National League Baseball team
– the Oakland Athletics – became a winning team without spending
more money. Lewis compares them to the David and Goliath story
(1 Samuel 17:1-54) (p. 298). And there are other Biblical themes
explored in this book as well: the problem of judging people
fairly (p. 72), how appearances deceive (pp. 117, 281), the
value in oddballs (pp. 100, 122), the inadequacy of feelings
(pp. 62, 263), the value and limits of reason (pp. 68-69, 78,
83, 87, 98, 112, 243, 274-278, 289), how God influences luck
(pp. 123, 231), how money is overvalued (pp. 270, 279) and how
the majority can be wrong (pp. 95, 96, 280).
A copy of Lewis’ book is in the church library. If you would
like to purchase one for yourself, contact Pastor Marshall. Feel
free to attend our meeting when we discuss how the David and
Goliath story plays itself out in the strangest of all places –
in Major League Baseball!

There will be no
luncheon in March.
will not meet in March.
Instead they will meet the first and last weeks in April.
If you are interested it’s easy; all you need to do is bring a
sack lunch and a friend.
suggestions for March are canned meats, chilies and stews.
could use a few more families to sign up for Easter Flowers.
Food Bank
Instruments of Change benefit & social hour: live music,
guest speaker, dinner, and a dessert auction at the Hall of
Fauntleroy. Friday, May 3, 2013, 6-9 pm.
Also West Seattle
Helpline 8th Annual Taste of West Seattle on May 16th,
tickets will be available in the office.
Log on to see what is new.
– Communion: Those
who are baptized in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit and believe are welcome to receive the Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper. If you are not able to walk up to communion but
would like to receive, contact the Parish Deacon
before the liturgy.
buys your recyclables of aluminum cans and newspapers and sends
the church a 10% bonus check a couple of times a year.
Pastor Marshall is willing to take donations if left in
his carport. Also #6
Styrofoam can now be recycled (the kind that snaps when broken).
Please put cans and Styrofoam donations in bags before
leaving at the back of the parsonage carport – newspapers must
be tied. |
Growing up my family brought can goods to church service every
Sunday. After the formal offering of monetary gifts and tithes,
the priest would ask all the children in the congregation to
come forward with their offerings of non-perishable food to be
given to the local food bank.
At first I looked at it as an
excuse to get rid of the canned peas |
with pearl
onions and SPAM my dad always insisted on buying; however, as I
got older this tradition became a constant reminder about our
call to feed the hungry and care for the sick. For many years, I
thought that every church had a similar tradition. It wasn’t
until I left home that I realized my home congregation was
special in that regard.
Here at FLCWS we are
blessed to be part of a congregation that is devoted to our
Father’s call to feed His sheep. For many years FLCWS has
partnered with the West Seattle Food Bank to bring food to our
neighbors in need. Unfortunately, food doesn’t just appear when
we ask for it. That puts the privilege of caring for each other
squarely on our shoulders. |
this Lenten season, while we are busy sacrificing in secret all
the foods we love, let us also take some time to cultivate a
habit of grace and generosity. In an effort to guide the
congregation in this endeavor, the
Extended Ministries Committee is asking each person to bring a
non-perishable item to each service he or she attends. While it
may not seem like much, last year our congregation collected 750
non-perishable items. Let us strive to exceed this amount for
It has been said that the body does what the heart desires. As
we strive to grow closer to our Lord through our Lenten
sacrifices, let us also strive to cultivate hearts of flesh that
actively and practically seek to help our neighbors.
Ali Richardson, Extended
Holy Week &
Easter Schedule
Plan to join us for our Holy Week and Easter Festival liturgies,
listed below. Also,
note that we will be having our Easter Brunch again this year,
on Easter morning, 9 to 10 am, sponsored by the March service
$5 general and $12 for families.
Remember the food bank!
Bring a can or bring a bag.
Sunday of the Passion
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist - Chapel
9:00 am
Passion Faire
am Holy
Eucharist – Procession with Palms
8:00 pm
Monday in Holy Week:
Jesus’ Cleansing
of the
am Holy
Eucharist - Chapel
7:00 pm
Great Litany - Chapel
Tuesday in Holy Week:
Anointing Jesus for Burial
am Holy
Eucharist - Chapel
7:00 pm
Great Litany - Chapel
Wednesday in Holy Week:
The Betrayal of Jesus by Judas
9:30 am
Matins -
am Holy
Eucharist - Chapel
7:00 pm
Great Litany - Chapel
Maundy Thursday: The Last
am Holy
Eucharist - Chapel
7:00 pm
Stripping of the Altar
Good Friday: The
Crucifixion of Our Lord
am Holy
Eucharist - Chapel
(Reserved Sacrament)
7:00 pm
Office of
Liturgy of Lessons, Hymns and Prayers
(Reserved Sacrament)
Holy Saturday: The Burial
of Our Lord
am Liturgy of
the Burial - Chapel
Easter Vigil
7:00 pm
Liturgy of
Light, Readings,
Holy Eucharist
The Resurrection of Our
Lord – Easter
9:00 to 10:00 am
Easter Brunch in the parish hall.
Festival Eucharist
8:00 pm

Dr. Fosdick on Immortality
of His Classic Defense
By Pastor Marshall
ago, Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969) published his classic
defense of immortality under the title,
The Assurance of
Immortality (1913) (New York: MacMillan, 1917). This month I
end my three month study of his defense.
In the last section of his book on the reality of life
after death, Dr. Fosdick moves beyond the mere possibility of
eternal life to a surer footing – a “confident faith” in
immortality itself (p. 141). He does this even while knowing
that some are already driven by their strong desire for life
eternal, to “leap out in confident affirmation” that the sheer
possibility of immortality makes it true – once we’ve seen that
the arguments against it are inconclusive (p. 94).
He builds up this confidence on the basis of three
factors – which form a
reductio ad absurdum est argument for immortality (p. 105).
Regarding the first two, he writes:
Whether one starts … from the
scientific affirmation that the universe is reasonable or from
the religious faith that the universe is friendly, he comes
inevitably to the conviction that death does not end all
(p. 126).
If one
questions the second point because of the tragedies tormenting
us in this world, Fosdick advises patience until some future “arbitrament”
when this sorry appearance will be “explicable” (p. 123). And
regarding the first point about the reasonableness of the
natural order, the scientific findings regarding the
“conservation of energy,” nicely reach out to a “personal
essential to the
reasonableness of human life.” For indeed, “nothing ever is
finished anywhere.” Therefore it would be an “unforgiveable
cheat,” leveled against us by the universe, to open “to us the
endless possibility of knowing, only to refuse us its fruition”
(pp. 107, 114, 112-113, 109).
Finally – and this is his third point – the greatest
people of every generation, “the most elevated and far-seeing
spirits of the race,” have believed in immortality. While their
authoritative witness is not based on any “dictatorial
dogmatism,” we still “stand upon the slope and cry to [them]
upon the summit, that with their wider vision they [might show]
us the real truth of life” (pp. 132, 128, 130).
With this confidence in place we don’t have to wait until the
end to enjoy the wonders of heaven. That’s because the “truth of
immortality makes [for] great living [right now].” For the “man
who lives as though he were immortal lives in a universe where
the highest spiritual values are permanent; … and where, in all
public-minded devotion to moral causes on earth, we are not
digging artificial lakes to be filled by our own buckets, in
hopeless contest with an alien universe, but rather building
channels down which the eternal spiritual purpose of the living
God shall flow to its far-off divine event” (pp. 138)!
Romans 16.18
Monthly Home Bible Study, March
2013, Number 241
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as
a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone then talk
informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44).
We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851
Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous
book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the
whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a
prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because
we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans,
however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW
30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How
Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
Week I.
Read Romans 16.18 noting the words
fair and
flattering. If these
words mean sweet and well-chosen, why would such words be used
in the first place? On this read Romans 16.18 again noting the
word deceive. What
motivates this deception? On this read Romans 7.11 noting the
words sin and
killed. Why all of this drama? On this read 1 Peter 5.8
noting the words
adversary, prowls,
roaring and
devour. Why is the
devil so hell-bent on attacking us? On this read John 8.36,
Galatians 5.1 and 2 Corinthians 3.17 noting the word
freedom. Why does the
devil hate this freedom? On this read Hebrews 2.15 noting the
phrase lifelong
bondage. How does
this oppression serve his interests? On this read John 8.44
noting the words lies
and liar. What truth
is it that the devil wants to keep from us? On this read Luke
4.8 noting the line him
only shall you serve. Where is the benefit in this? On this
read Romans 6.22 noting how being
slaves of God leads
to eternal life. Now
is that a fair trade-off? If so, how so? Wouldn’t you rather be
free now, as Romans 6.20 puts it? Explain yourself!
Week II.
Read again Romans 16.18
noting this time the word
deceive. Why can’t we see through these deceptive ploys? On
this read John 3.19 noting the line
men loved darkness.
Why don’t we naturally go for the light? Read again John 3.19
noting the line because
their deeds were evil. How is that a reason for loving the
darkness? On this read Ephesians 5.11-13 noting the words
shame and
secret. What do these
verses tell us about ourselves? On this read John 8.44 noting
the words father,
devil and
desires. Does that
verse explain our waywardness – loving darkness and all the
rest? But what about God? Doesn’t Matthew 6.9 say that he’s our
father – and not the devil? On this read 2 Corinthians 4.4
noting the words god,
blinded and
unbelievers. Does
this mean there’s a tug-of-war going on between two fathers? On
this read Romans 7.21-23 noting the words
war and
captive. Where does
that leave us? On this read Ephesians 6.11 noting the words
able and
wiles. Is that
enough? How so?
Week III.
Reread Romans 16.18
noting the word
simple-minded. What’s wrong with simple-mindedness? On this
read Ephesians 4.11-14 noting the words
cunning and
deceitful. What makes
children so vulnerable? On this read 1 John 4.1 noting the words
test and
false. Is being too
ready to believe – being gullible – a severe problem? On this
read 1 Corinthians 13.7 noting the line
love… believes all things.
How then can we reign in love? On this read John 15.12 noting
the line as I have loved
you, with John 2.24-25 noting the words
all and
in. How jaded is
that? Was Jesus gullible? Hardly! What should we then do? On
this read Colossians 1.28 noting the words
present and
mature. Read also
Hebrews 5.14 on maturity
and solid
food. What would this
solid food be? On this read Matthew 13.21 noting the risks
involved in tribulation
and persecution.
Contrast this with the
joy over sufferings
expressed in Romans 5.3-5. Is that the formula we’re seeking for
spiritual maturity – having the ability to weather existential
storms? If so, how does that help?
Week IV.
Read Romans 16.18 one
last time noting the word
hearts. What does the heart stand for? On this read Luke
8.15 noting the words
honest and fruit.
If this has to do with faithful productivity, how are such
hearts acquired? On this read Ezekiel 11.19-20 noting the words
keep and
obey. Why must God do
this for us? On this read John 15.5 noting the words
apart and
nothing. Read also
Jeremiah 18.2-6 noting the words
hand and
clay. Why is our role
in this process reduced to the point of nothing? Isn’t that odd
given the fact that we are the ones involved? On this read
Ephesians 2.3 noting the word
wrath, and 2 Peter
2.14 noting the word
accursed. Does that explain our elimination? If so, why?
On the third Saturday of each month, between 3 and 5 pm,
the Sacrament of Penance is offered in the Chapel.
This brief liturgy enables people – one at a time
– to confess their sin and receive the blessed assurance
of forgiveness.
This liturgy is ancient but largely neglected in
recent years in America.
It is similar to the Roman Catholic confessional,
but unlike it, in that this liturgy is done face to face
with the pastor.
Copies of the liturgy are available in the church
This individual form of confession is more
forceful than the general form used during Advent and
Lent in the Communion liturgy.
It allows for, but does not require, listing of
specific sinful burdens.
It also provides for specific instructions from
the pastor for each penitent.
These additional details make for its greater
force in
our lives.
Martin Luther's critique of confession never
included the elimination of individual, private
His critique instead only corrected the way it was being
So we continue to honor his words in his
Large Catechism:
“If you are a Christian, you should be glad to
run more than a hundred miles for confession.” (BC,
p. 460).
Plan to come – Saturday,
March 16th,
3 to 5 pm in the Chapel.
Blessings await you.
Remember in prayer before
God those whom He has made your
brothers and sisters
through baptism.
Tim Allen, Sam Lawson, Cynthia Natiello, Jim Coile, Connor
Bisticas, Agnes Arkle, Clara Anderson, Peggy Wright, Bob &
Barbara Schorn, Rosita & Jim Moe, Jim Cunningham, Amy and Tyler
Tabor, Kelsey Ensey, Cameron Lim, Maureen Baris, Chris & Margeen
Bowyer, Paul Sampson, Pete Williams & Family, Al and Robin Berg,
Ron Combs, Ion Ceaicovschi, Dorothy Pinney, Olivia DeCroce,
Gretchen Millie, Luke Bowen, June Whitson, Trevor Drake, Carol
Long, Don Kahn, Jim and Ruth Shaovaloff, Grant Donnellan &
Family, Sharon Cooper, Dano, Karen & W. Erick, Mary Lou Jensen,
Annette Grubisich, Luther Seminary, Saint Paul, MN.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: Clara
Anderson, Pat Hansen, Donna Apman, Agnes Arkle, C. J. Christian,
Vera Gunnarson, Anelma Meeks, Olive Morrison, Dorothy Ryder,
Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Vivian Wheeler, Peggy Wright.
Pray for our bishops Mark Hanson and Chris Boerger, our pastor
Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew
King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and the holy
office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this March.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and for all
in Christ's church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation
El Camino de Emmaus,
in the Skagit Valley, that God may bless and strengthen
their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Thomas Aquinas, teacher, 1274; Joseph, guardian of our
A Treasury of Prayers
Forgive me, Lord, for my faith is blighted with doubts,
withered with worry, and tainted with sophistication.
Make me childlike without being childish – giving me a
simple faith that is willing to trust in you even though
I cannot see what is coming ahead. May I lay aside all
egotism and conceit so that I can see vanity for what it
is – an empty show. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
All the Saints
1:1060, altered]