March 2018
Our Ladder Into Heaven
Which day, every year, for every Christian everywhere,
is called Good? Is it Good Christmas? Good Thursday?
Good Easter? Good Thanksgiving Day? Good Pentecost? Good
Transfiguration? Good Martin Luther King Jr. Day? No,
it’s Good Friday – the day we remember Jesus being
But why is that day so good? Is murder
good? Is sadness good? No, but their effects
are. And what were they again? God’s wrath is
overcome (Romans 5:9). Faith in Christ comes
alive (John 12:32). Death is destroyed (Hebrews
2:14). So be sure to come to church on Good
Friday, March 30, this year, and give thanks for
this goodness.
Saint Rose of Lima (1586–1617), the extreme
recluse, conjoins these effects in her
magisterial statement: “Apart from the cross
there is no other ladder by which we may get to
heaven” [Catechism
of the Catholic Church
(1994, 1999) §618]. No wonder then that Luther
thought that the sacrifice of Christ on the
Cross “deserves to be praised to the utmost and
to have every honor given to it” (Luther’s
13:319). See you Good Friday.
Pastor Marshall

Anna & Charles Anderson
100 Years Ago
Our Parish Centennial
By Pastor Marshall
centennial celebration will be on September 23. But well
before our church was established in 1918, lay people
worked for years to form our congregation.
The key person in our story is Mrs. Charles A.
Anderson – Anna Flatland Anderson, from Denny Park
Lutheran Church, downtown Seattle. Even though our
church would probably never have been without her help,
she never formally joined our church, but remained a
member of Denny Park, having her funeral there on August
23, 1960. She is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery. Anna
lived down by the steel mill. This is where she
organized a women’s group to form our congregation.
There are minutes from those meetings (in Norwegian). We
read from a meeting on July 11, 1912: “Mrs. C. A.
Anderson told that this was not a new organization and
that she had been a member for 3 or 4 years…. Mrs.
Anderson told them that the original books were burned.
The ladies got in a fight about what money was left and
that it should be used in West Seattle. The group was
informed that she had left the money with Pastor
Slettedahl [from Denny Park]” (R. F. Marshall,
Deo Gloria: A
History of First Lutheran Church of West Seattle from
1918 to 1988, 1989, p. xi).
It apparently takes a feisty group like this to
get a church up and running.
President’s Report…by
Bob Baker
Launching of Another Council
148 and Counting.
Since 1979, 148 different members have served on
our Congregation Council. Retiring at the Annual
Meeting in January were Melanie Johnson, Carol
Nelson, and Jeff Sagmoen. We thank them for
their considerable service!
New to the Council is Rollie Storbakken
(the 149th member to serve on the Council),
while Jim Coile and Valarie Schorn are returning
to offer their services again. We look forward
to the energy and experience they bring.
Membership and Activity. The Committee for
Ministry is chaired by Bridget Sagmoen, and
includes Pastor Marshall and Bob Baker. Activity
tends to focus on keeping track of membership
and associated concerns.
The Committee for
Ministry is chaired by Valerie Schorn, and
includes Jane Harty and Jamey Sagmoen. One focus
this year will be the fund raiser as part of our
100th Anniversary celebration. We are wanting to
raise $10,000 for various charities that this
Committee and the Council have vetted and which
we think provide reputable services.
The Committee for
Education is chaired by Peter Douglass, and
includes Gina Allen. Attention this year will
again be supporting our youngsters in Sunday
School, Hymn School, Passion Faire, Advent
Faire, and Lutheran World Relief projects.
The Committee for
Facilities is chaired by Rollie Storbakken,
and includes Jim Coile and Earl Nelson. This
summer we expect to see the broken panes of the
east glass wall by the stairwell fully repaired.
Also the exterior of the sanctuary building
will be sandblasted and resealed. Both are major
projects and overdue. We can expect a dozen or
two other projects to pop up this year. This
committee is very ably supported by the work of
Dale Korsmo.
The Committee for
and Finance is chaired by David King, and
includes Janice Lundbeck and Carey Natiello.
Among other things, this committee prepares and
monitors our annual operating budget and the
congregation’s support of the same. They also
encourage memorial and endowment gifts to the
congregation. A sub-committee manages the
endowment funds. Another sub-committee is the
Audit Committee.
Please keep the Mission and Ministry of
our congregation in your prayers.
Balancing Our Lives
“For where your treasure
is, there will your heart be also.” (Luke 12:34)
Quoting scripture is not my thing, but when I hear an
impressive Bible verse, I know it was for me!
This verse from Luke can sum it up for many of
us. I am aware
when my family and I volunteer less time, energy,
attention, and offerings to church.
I am aware when we over extend ourselves that
often it’s our commitment to church that starts to
suffer. We all
get over-booked in our other social commitments.
We over-extend
our budgets. We
work double time.
We encourage our children and grandchildren in
extra-curricular activities to promote a balance in
their lives.
Then after all of this, we notice that we haven’t been
to church as much. We notice that we haven’t met our
pledged offerings, we haven’t been able to help with the
events at church as much but yet somehow everything
still gets done.
Somehow the lights and heat are on every Sunday.
Somehow meetings and events still happen.
know the work of our wonderful church needs to be shared
by all. I know I can do more, we can do more.
We can always do more for our church.
More personal events to attend, cash in our
pockets, and more possessions will not improve our
lives. We
all know this and struggle in our own ways.
The guilt I feel when I let go of the needs of
the church is durable.
Truly, offering your time, your talent and
keeping up with your tithe is very fulfilling.
You will feel
the good in your heart.
“For where your treasure is, there will your
heart be also.”
─Bridget Sagmoen, Church Council

Stewardship 2018
Month (January)
Year to date (Jan- )
With the Mind:
Readings in Contemporary Theology
3-5 pm in the Church Lounge, Saturday, March 24th.
The book for March is
A Change of
Heart: A Personal and Theological Memoir (2014) by
Thomas Oden (1931–2016), long time professor at The
Theological School, Drew University in Madison, New
Jersey. In this book Oden traces his transformation from
a liberal to a conservative Christian. In the process he
testifies to the Biblical God who breaks through “our
idolatries by the power of his love,” so that we can
learn to say with Job 13:15, “Though he slay me, yet
will I trust him.” Oden notes that throughout all of his
secularized wanderings, “I knew I had met and trusted
that One.” He also learned that the Church “had come to
understand this Slayer of our idolatrous values as
friend” (p. 85).
A copy of this stirring book is in the library.
If you would like to purchase one for yourself, contact
Pastor Marshall. Feel free to attend our meeting when we
discuss how God transforms our lives to conform to his

Log on to see what is new!
suggestions for March are canned meats, chilies and
Sunday, March 4th at noon, in the chapel, after church.
could use a few more families to sign up for Easter
And, if you wanted to sign up for Altar Flowers this
year and have not had a chance, this would be a good
time to see what dates are left.
lists are available in the lounge.
Next will be the Easter Brunch, with Service Team
1 hosting, on April 1st.
– West
Food Bank
Instruments of Change benefit & social hour: live
music, guest speaker, dinner, and a dessert auction at
their new location of the Seattle Design Center.
Saturday, May 12, 2018, 6-9 pm.
Also the
West Seattle Helpline 11th Annual Taste of West Seattle
on Thursday evening, May 24th.
Tickets can be purchased starting March 1st on
the Helpline web page.
Get yours early!
will buy your recyclables and then send the church a 10%
bonus check a couple of times a year. Pastor Marshall is
willing to take your donations (newspaper and aluminum
cans) if left neatly at the back of the parsonage
carport. #6 Styrofoam can also be recycled. Another
suggestion is
dead batteries.
They are not allowed in the garbage.
Pastor Marshall is willing to properly dispose of
them if they are left in
marked bags on
the office window counter.
Thanks to those who participate in these

Holy Week and Easter
March 25
Sunday of
the Passion
Holy Eucharist - Chapel
9:00 am
Church School Passion Faire
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist – Procession with Palms
8:00 pm
March 26
Monday in
Holy Week: Jesus’ Cleansing
of the
11:45 am
Holy Eucharist - Chapel
The Great Litany - Chapel
March 27
Tuesday in
Holy Week: Anointing Jesus for Burial
11:45 am
Holy Eucharist - Chapel
The Great Litany - Chapel
March 28
in Holy Week: The Betrayal of Jesus by Judas
Matins - Chapel
11:45 am
Holy Eucharist - Chapel
The Great Litany - Chapel
March 29
Thursday: The Last Supper
Holy Eucharist - Chapel
Solemn Eucharist
Stripping of the Altar
March 30
Friday: The Crucifixion of Our Lord
11:45 am
Holy Eucharist - Chapel
(Reserved Sacrament)
Office of Tenebrae
A Liturgy of Lessons, Hymns and Prayers
March 31
Saturday: The Burial of Our Lord
Liturgy of the Burial - Chapel
Liturgy of Light, Readings, Baptism
and Holy Eucharist
April 1
Resurrection of Our Lord – Easter
9:00 to 10:00 am
Easter Brunch in the parish hall.
10:30 am
Festival Eucharist
8:00 pm

Luther on Women
Dying in Childbirth
By Pastor Marshall
1522 Luther wrote in
The Estate of
Marriage that a women dying in childbirth should
“depart happily, for [she] will die in a noble deed and
in subservience to God…. Hence, we see how weak and
sickly barren women are. Those who are fruitful… are
healthier, cleanlier, and happier. And even if they bear
themselves weary – or ultimately bear themselves out –
that does not hurt. Let them bear themselves out. This
is the purpose for which they exist. It is better to
have a brief life with good health than a long life in
ill health” (Luther’s
Works 45:40, 46).
This statement has been taken as evidence for Luther’s
disregard for women and even misogyny or hatred of them
[Peter Marshall,
The Reformation (2009) p. 85]. But when all of his
varied and diverse statements about women – which are
considerable – are taken into account, it’s clear he was
no misogynist [Luther
on Women: A Sourcebook, ed. Susan C. Karant-Nunn and
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (2003) p. 13].
If he were, he wouldn’t have thought women could serve
as pastors in emergency situations (LW 41:154). Nor
would he have had a wife he praised for her skills in
“animal husbandry and agriculture” [Ernst Kroker,
The Mother of the
Reformation (1906, 2013) p. 108]. And he wouldn’t
have “repeatedly attacked those who disdained women as
inferior or as necessary evils” [Ian Siggins,
Luther and His
Mother (1981) p. 73]. For Luther believed it was
“godless” to “defile” women’s nature (LW 54:171).
Furthermore women are compassionate “to a greater extent
than men” are (LW 3:360, 1:202). They are “industrious
and energetic” too (LW 15:66, 5:116). Without women, the
“home, cities, economic life, and government would
virtually disappear” (LW 54:161). “Where would we be
without women?” (LW 54:59). Indeed, “Christ, our Savior,
did not hold woman in contempt but entered the womb of a
woman” (LW 54:223).
None of this praise,
however, overlooks women’s biological difference – that
they alone can bear children. “The structure of a
woman’s whole body bears this out,” Luther writes. “It
has its own organs and members with which to conceive,
nourish, and carry the fetus. But few consider this” (LW
5:289). And why is that? Either because they don’t want
any limiting uniqueness for women, or because they want
to reduce them to objects of sexual pleasure alone. But
Luther thought he could keep that equality and
uniqueness together in his regard for women – which is
what he was trying to do in that controversial statement
from his treatise on
The Estate of
Marriage. I wonder what he would have thought of us
now trying to make women inessential for gestation
(“Artificial Womb for Preemies?”
National Geographic, September 2017, p. 28).
And Luther was not callous about any of this. He
insisted that when a mother dies in childbirth it’s the
“saddest sight” (LW 2:311) and causes her husband the
“most bitter grief” (LW 6:269). He is “sad from the
heart” (LW 4:195) – “mourning pitiably” (LW 8:13). The
mother’s death is “assuredly wretched and sad both for
her husband and the rest of the household” (LW 6:270).
They are not “logs, blocks of wood, or dullards” (LW
4:196). All this is true even if she dies while serving
the Lord in childbirth. All of this is true even though
a woman has more to do in life than bear children.
Luther therefore praised the good husband, who conducts
himself “in a friendly and gentle manner toward his
wife, not only in the bedroom but also in public. He
should not be capricious, irascible and surly.” Together
with his wife, “they should be ready to forgive each
other and to forget offenses, no matter how great they
may be” (LW 5:32). In marriage, God “wants amiability
and mutual friendliness, embraces, kisses, and fun to
spite the devil, who is the author of all dissensions”
(LW 5:33). “For there is nothing more excellent and
sweeter in this life than mutual concord and goodwill
between husband and wife” (LW 6:269). Theirs is to be “a
lawful union not only of bodies but also of hearts” (LW
5:32). So childbearing is not all that wives do,
according to Luther.
Even so we should “help women in childbirth with our
cries of encouragement” (LW 18:244). In childbirth,
“mothers, together with infants, are put in most certain
danger” (LW 7:46). Babies at birth, Luther says, can be
“torn to pieces and brought out bit by bit” (LW 4:369).
Women know this too – “how great a calamity” childbirth
is (LW 3:360). Nobody wants mothers and babies to die at
birth. Accordingly “young women” are the best to bear
children since they are more likely to survive
childbirth (LW 4:11) – those women who have not yet
reached “their fortieth year” (LW 3:323). Taking this
into account is prudent. But if death comes to the
mother at childbirth, believers do not despair because
for them “death is nothing” (LW 4:191). That’s because
we know that a better life awaits those women heroes who
die giving birth – “she will rise again in glory” being
“happier in infinite ways” in heaven (LW 6:274, 272).
That’s our
faith in the life to come and our love for mothers and
children. And that’s what was behind Luther’s
controversial statement – not misogyny or some
diminished role for women, as some scholars are trying
to get us to say.
Ecclesiastes 2.25
Monthly Home Bible Study, March 2018, Number 301
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us
join as a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone
then talk informally about the assigned verses together
as we have opportunity. In this way we can "gather
around the Word" even though physically we will not be
getting together (Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV
We need to support each other in this difficult project.
In 1851 Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an
extremely dangerous book....[because] it is an imperious
book... – it takes the whole man and may suddenly and
radically change... life on a prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote
that "we all instinctively know that it is dangerous to
become involved in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5)
because we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As
Lutherans, however, we are still to "abide in the womb
of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word"
(LW 30.219)
so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord,
who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our
learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn,
and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever
hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which
you have given us in Our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen"
(quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New
World: How Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
And don’t give up, for as Luther said, we “have in
Scripture enough to study for all eternity” (LW
Week I.
Read Ecclesiastes
2.25 noting the word
apart. Why do
we need God to eat and find enjoyment? On this read John
15.5 noting the line
apart from me you
can do nothing. How is this so? On this read Psalm
104.29 noting the line
when thou takest
away their breath, they die. So is it that we need
God to keep us alive so that we can eat and enjoy
things? On this read Ezekiel 37.9 noting the line
breathe upon
these slain that they may live. Why can’t we do this
for ourselves? On this read John 5.26 noting the phrase
life in himself.
Why don’t we have life in ourselves? On this read 2
Corinthians 4.7 noting the category
earthen vessels.
Why aren’t we more than these cheap, empty vessels
needing to be filled up? Why can’t we generate
life-giving power from within us? On this read James
4.14 noting the word
mist. Why are
we so ephemeral, diaphanous and flimsy? On this read
Romans 1.25 noting the contrast between
creator and
creature. If
the creator is all-powerful and infinite as Job 40.2 and
1 Kings 8.27 say, where does that leave us by contrast?
Limited and weak as in Matthew 26.41?
Week II.
Read again Ecclesiastes 2.25 noting this time the word
Why is enjoyment important? On this read Jeremiah 31.25
noting that our
souls can
languish and grow
weary. What
does that say about us? On this read Ecclesiastes 6.7
noting our inability to be
Why are we like this? On that read 2 Corinthians 4.18
noting the words
seen and
So when we dwell on the transient we are
unfulfilled. Who does that? On this read Luke 12.19
noting the person with
ample goods.
What are people like who are unable to do this? On this
read Colossians 3.2 noting the line
set your minds on
the things that are above. Why will only that
satisfy us? On this read Ecclesiastes 3.11 noting the
line God has put
eternity into man’s mind. So as long as we ignore
this we will be out of sorts and dissatisfied with our
lives. Why is that? On this read Colossians 1.16 noting
the line that all
things were created… for God. No wonder than that
Romans 13.14 tell us not to
gratify the
desires of the flesh. And why is that again?
Apparently because it’s useless. Do you agree? Is that
why Luke 18.27 says that it’s
for rich people to enter heaven?
Week III.
Reread Ecclesiastes 2.25 noting again that same word
How does God aid and abet our enjoyment? On this read
Psalm 84.10 noting the
times contrast between
God and
Read also Psalm 96.6 noting the word
beauty. So
worshipping God and serving him satisfies us as nothing
else can. On this read Luke 10.42 noting the words
good and
taken away.
Note also that nothing is said in Luke 10.40–42 about
Martha’s upcoming scrumptious meal. Is that because it
is the bread which
according to John 6.27, and so not worth laboring over?
On this read Psalm 62.10 –
If riches
increase, set not your heart on them. How hard is
that to do? If you think too hard, remember 1 John 5.3
and its line his
commandments are not burdensome.
Week IV.
Read Ecclesiastes 2.25 one last time noting again that
word enjoyment.
Where is true enjoyment found? On this read 2
Corinthians 4.17 noting an
eternal weight of glory. On this eternality read
Philippians 3.20 noting the line that
our commonwealth
is in heaven. Why does only the world to come bring
us this true joy? On this read Revelation 21.4 noting
the absence of
tears, pain
and death.
But how is that possible? On this read Romans 6.9 about
Hebrews 2.14 noting that Jesus
death in his
crucifixion, and Revelation 5.6 about the heavenly
Together they explain why in Hebrews 9.28 we are to be
eagerly waiting
for this to happen. Do you agree?

Lutheran Scholar from Yale University
George A. Lindbeck
and fewer contemporary people are… in particular
religious communities. This makes it hard for them to
objectively and immutably true [religious doctrine].
Perhaps only those among whom [the religious
communities] chiefly recruit who combine unusual
insecurity with
naiveté can easily manage to do this.”
[George A. Lindbeck,
The Nature of Doctrine:
Religion and Theology in a Postliberal Age
(1984) p. 21.]
The Annunciation of Our Lord
Feast of the
Annunciation of Our Lord
will be celebrated in the chapel
11:45 am
with Holy Eucharist.
At this
we will honor the angel Gabriel's announcement to Saint
Mary that she will
be the Mother of Our Lord.
Prepare for this feast of the Church with the
following prayer:
Pour your grace into our hearts, O Lord, that we, who
have known the incarnation of your son, Jesus Christ,
announced by an angel, may by his cross and Passion be
brought to the glory of his resurrection:
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made
brothers and sisters through baptism.
Matt Anderson, Dean Hard, Sam & Kevin Lawson, Kyra
Stromberg, Pete Morrison, Mia Schorn, Aasha Sagmoen,
Melanie Johnson, Marlis Ormiston, Eileen Nestoss, Emma
Sagmoen, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Celia Balderston, The PLU
Lecturers, Tabitha Anderson, Jordan Corbin, The Rev.
Paul Smith, The Rev. Howard Fosser, The Rev. Kevin
Forquer, The Rev. David Wold, Ion & Galina Ceaicovschi,
Nathan & Les Arkle, Chris & Margeen Boyer, Elizabeth
Banek, Jeanne Pantone, Diana Walker, Jack & Sheila
Feichtner, Joann Beckman, Bob Coburn, John Quinn,
Lawrence Johnson, Deanne Heflin, Diane Hall, Julie &
Diane Sauter, Joann & Mary Jane Lakie, Cheryl Atwood,
Martin Nygaard, Jay Ford, Judy Earle, Susan Armbrewster.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ
may give them joy: Bob & Barbara Schorn, Chuck & Doris
Prescott, C. J. Christian, Louis Koser, Anelma Meeks,
Dorothy Ryder, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Nora
Vanhala, Mildred Nikula, Mary Goplerud.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Brian
Kirby Unti, our pastor Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean
Hard and our cantor Andrew King, that they may be
strengthened in faith, love and the holy office to which
they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy
in service and in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a
good steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our
congregation in these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and
homeless this Lent.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and
for all in Christ's church to see and help those who are
in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation
El Camino de Emmaus,
in the Skagit Valley, that God may bless and strengthen
their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of
the saints:
Thomas Aquinas, teacher, 1274; Joseph, guardian of our
A Treasury of Prayers
O Everlasting God, let this mind be
in me which was also in Christ Jesus; that as he from
his loftiness stooped to the death of the cross, so may
I humble myself – believing, obeying, living and dying –
that I may glorify you forever. In Jesus’ name I pray.
[For All
the Saints I:946, altered]