March 2019
“There is no real joy in this world except that which
the Word brings when it is believed.”
nother Bible verse that has been very important
to me comes from Martin Luther. While studying
Lectures on Romans
(1518) to better understand Romans 3:11 – “No
one seeks for God,” he served up Isaiah 30:10 –
“Say to the prophets, ‘Prophesy not to us what
is right; speak to us smooth things, prophesy
illusions.’” He then adds – “O horrible word!
And thus… deceit gets a multitude of people
ready, and
when they have been made ready, the poison kills
them” (Luther’s
This verse has set the whole tone for my ministry. It
tells me that no one is interested in the Triune God.
Therefore I don’t expect anyone to show up. If any one
does make it to worship, study or community service, it
is a miracle, as Luther says (LW
33:98). So my focus stays on the Word and not on what
will pull people into church. Does that mean I don’t
want more people? No – more the merrier! But I don’t
wring my hands over finding ways to cajole into church.
I instead practice being the herald of good tidings, and
then wait and see what happens – being content with a
few or with many (Philippians 4:11).
So while I always welcome anyone, I do not negotiate
with them over what the message of the church should be,
to make it more likely that they’ll show up. That all
Christians should “assiduously” avoid doing (R. F.
Kierkegaard in the Pulpit,
2016, p. 321) – since no one “bestirs himself” to take
hold of the Lord (Isaiah 64:7)! Instead we should pray
to God that everyone’s eyes are opened and their hearts
softened so that they might finally long for God (Psalm
President’s Report…by
Cary Natiello
friends in Christ,
This is my
first report as President.
In thinking about what to write for my first report I
started to think back to when my late wife Cynthia, and I became
members of FLCWS which was on March 22, 1987, about 32 years
ago. (I knew it was a long time ago but I had to check the exact
In the early 1990s I joined the church council for the first
time, but have not participated on the council again until now.
For those of you who were here during the 1990s, you
might remember the great discord that our congregation went
through at that time.
There was a movement by many in our congregation to
remove Pastor Marshall from our church.
WHAT! You may say.
Well yes, it is true.
Without trying to relive the past, the bottom line was
that Pastor Marshall’s sermons were viewed as “too offensive”
for many of the congregation.
They couldn’t handle the Truth of the Scriptures so they
rallied against the messenger, Pastor Marshall. (Note: if you
would like to know more about that period of our church’s
history you might want to read the 5 pound, 8.5” x 11” x 2”
thick book available from the church office entitled
Wolves in the Church,
compiled by Pastor Marshall.)
What Scripture tells us, and what Martin Luther teaches us, is
presented weekly by Pastor Marshall in his sermons and other
teachings. Yes, it
may be hard to hear, but that is the point!
I feel that we are very fortunate to have a pastor and
congregation so dedicated to the Scriptures even though it is
not always popular.
Did you know that back in the 1990s we had over 300 members and
about 130 giving units?
A giving unit is counted as an individual or family that
receives a giving envelope box each year.
For the second half of the 1990s FLCWS average annual
cash receipts were around $208,000.
Today we have around 230 members and just over 50 giving
units. What is
noteworthy of this information is that our current fewer giving
units provide about the same annual average giving as compared
to when we had more giving units.
What does that say about our congregation, our Christian
community, and our church?
You can arrive at your own conclusions, but for me it
says, 1) there are few who are ready, willing and able to hear
the Truth, and 2) the current members we have in our
congregation are willing to step up and do whatever it takes to
support a church that is so devoted to the Truth.
I am honored to serve as the President of such a
wonderful church with such a devoted congregation.
January’s general budget income came in at around $30,800
compared a target of around $24,850.
February on the other hand is off to a slow start,
possibly due to the inclement weather.
If you got behind in your giving for February due to the
weather, please remember to try to catch up.
ere is a different – but still difficult – story
from my forty years in the ministry. It has to
do with a close friend in the church who was a
Vietnam War veteran. He was severely damaged
psychologically from that war because of what he
did as a soldier there. We talked many times
about the war and his deep despair over what he
did there – all the hacking and maiming and
terrorizing. After the war he turned into a big
drinker and a huge overeater. But strangely, he
also had the most wonderful wife and two lovely
– a girl
and a boy about eighteen months apart in age –
who all loved him dearly. When he died at age
55, he weighed over four hundred pounds – and
they had to remove one of the walls from his
bedroom to get his body out of the house and
into the morgue. |
I’m Going to Hell
Ten years before that, a church leader was trying
to kick me out of the ministry. It turned into a fierce
battle. Many grieved my unfair treatment. One day my
Vietnam vet friend told me he couldn’t stand watching me
being hurt anymore. So he had decided to take out my
nemesis. He said no one would ever know that he did it.
He had been an expert sniper in the Vietnam War and he
could do it easily. He knew that God could never forgive
him for what he had already done in the war and that he
was going to hell anyway. So one more surgical strike
wouldn’t matter – his goose had already been cooked.
I was shocked and scared – to say the least. I
knew he could do what he said he was planning . . . I
thank God that his plans were thwarted; no one was ever
hurt; and that he promised never again to make such
threats. And he kept his promise – while never admitting
that he was wrong. He only backed off because I asked
him to – citing Luke 9:54-55.
To this day I grieve over my old friend and wish
that it had been clearer to him how God’s mercy is
greater than our hearts when they condemn us (1 John
3:20). I love that verse so much, but I couldn’t instill
it in him. My only hope now is that these wonderful
words from Luther apply to him:
“Indeed it is so in this matter of faith, that… he who doesn’t
think he believes, but is in despair, has the greatest faith.”
(Luther’s Works

The Fool Says There’s No God
Psalms 14:1, 53:1
by Pastor Marshall
Most believe that in the Bible everybody believed in God – it
was just if you had the right One or an idol (Exodus 32:4; Acts
17:30). But Psalms 14 and 53 disagree. They note real, unabashed
atheism – in Biblical times no less. These two psalms don’t
think, however, that atheism has any merit. Atheists are fools,
after all. And Martin Luther would agree, saying that denying
God is “tantamount to saying that white is not white but black
and that two are not two but one” (Luther’s
Works 28:96). But not now – belief in God is anything but
obvious in our time – just look at the best-selling books on
atheism by Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and
Daniel Dennett. How should the Christian respond to this trend?
Well first, we must note in atheism’s favor, that “dreadful
impoverishment” is not the “inevitable consequence” of casting
aside as irrational “the idea of supernatural transcendence,”
and replacing it with some version or other of the “love of life
in the consciousness of impotence” (Peter Watson,
The Age of Atheists,
2014, pp. 22, 69). So we mustn’t think there are no compelling
alternatives out there. But we next have to provide significant
counter arguments to atheists – otherwise there would be no
contest (Jude 1:3). Here are four good ones.
Five Proofs of the
Existence of God (2017) by Edward Feser.
Faith of the Fatherless:
The Psychology of Atheism (2013) by Paul Vitz.
The Language of God: A
Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief (2006) by Francis S.
Collins. There is a God:
How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind
(2007) by Antony Flew. So we mustn’t be fooled into thinking
that the debate has been settled in favor of atheism.
These lines are from one of my favorite
Bob Dylan songs – released in 1979, the year
I was ordained, 40 years ago. Its theme of
awakening reminds me of Revelation 3:17,
and of my favorite Antonio Machado
1912 poem – “Moral Proverbs and Folk Songs
No. 6,” as well as of a favorite Kierkegaard text
from Christian Discourses,
1848, KW 17:165.
–Pastor Marshall

Dylan 1979
…Do you ever wonder
just what God requires?
You think He’s just
an errand boy to satisfy
your wandering desires?
…There’s a man up on a cross
and He’s been crucified for you.
Believe in His power
that’s about all you got to do.
When you gonna wake up?
When you gonna wake up?
When you gonna wake up
and strengthen
the things that remain?
(Revelation 3:2)
–Bob Dylan, Slow Train
Coming (1979)

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Holy Eucharist &
Imposition of Ashes
Join the congregation
at 7:00 pm,
on the evening of
March 6th.
At this Holy Eucharist we observe the ancient liturgy of the
Imposition of Ashes.
On this day the Great 40 Days of the season of Lent
These words from Martin Luther will
be included in the sermon for the day:
“What is repentance but an earnest
attack on the old man and
an entering upon a new life?....
When we enter Christ’s kingdom,
this corruption must daily decrease
so that the longer we live
the more gentle, patient,
and meek we become,
and the more free from
greed, hatred, envy, and pride.”
Large Catechism,
1529, IV:75, 67)
With the Mind:
Readings in Contemporary Theology
12-2 pm in the Room C, Sunday, March 17th.
The book for March is The
Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of
Nations (2014), by Jacob Soll, professor at University of
Southern California. This fascinating and unique book is about
book keeping and Christian behavior. How so? Drawing on
connections with the Apostle Matthew’s (chapter 2) tax
collecting and the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25, as well
as on the crucifixion as a payment for our debts, Soll points
out how the self-control in Christianity and double entry book
keeping (pp. 10, 20, 65, 125) both drive toward personal
discipline and “delayed self-gratification” (p. 19).
A copy of this unusual book is in the library. If you
would like to purchase one for yourself, contact Pastor
Marshall. Feel free to attend our meeting when we discuss how
Christianity and book keeping go together.

Log on to see what is new! Also, if you prefer to log on
using your cell phone try our new – thanks to
Kevin Klett.
suggestions for March are canned meats, chilies and stews.
could use a few more families to sign up for Easter Flowers.
And, if you wanted to sign up for Altar Flowers this year
and have not had a chance, this would be a good time to see what
dates are left.
lists are available in the lounge.
Next will be the Easter Brunch, with Service Team 1
hosting, on April 21st.
– West
Food Bank
Instruments of Change benefit & social hour: live music,
guest speaker, dinner, and a dessert auction at their new
location of the Seattle Design Center. Saturday, May 11, 2019,
6-9 pm. Also, the
West Seattle Helpline
14th Annual Taste of West Seattle will be
on Thursday evening, May 23rd.
Tickets can be purchased starting March 1st on the
Helpline web page.
Get your tickets early!
will buy your recyclables and then send the church a 10% bonus
check a couple of times a year. Pastor Marshall is willing to
take your donations (newspaper and aluminum cans) if left neatly
at the back of the parsonage carport. #6 Styro-foam can also be
recycled. Another suggestion is
dead batteries.
They are not allowed in the garbage.
Pastor Marshall is willing to properly dispose of them if
they are left in marked
bags on the office window counter.
Thanks to those who participate in these programs.
Postage for the home delivery of The Messenger is
donated by JohnsonCN — Computer Support for Business and
Non-Profits -
Ephesians 3.14
Monthly Home Bible Study, March 2019, Number 313
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as
a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone then talk
informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV translation.)
We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851
Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous
book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the
whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a
prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because
we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans,
however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW
30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How
Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12). And don’t give up,
for as Luther said, we “have in Scripture enough to study for
all eternity” (LW
Week I.
Read Ephesians 3.14
noting the line bow…
before the Father. Why is this necessary? On this read Psalm
99.1–5 noting the words
enthroned, great,
mighty and
footstool. So we fall
at his feet and worship him because of his holiness and power.
On this point read also Ephesians 3.16 noting the words
Spirit and
strengthened. So
without this bowing down before God we would be weak. Read also
Ephesians 3.17 noting the words
rooted and
love. In addition,
there would be no durable, rooted love in us with this bowing
down. In the same vein read Ephesians 3.18–19 noting the words
comprehend and
fullness. Without
this bowing down we would also be superficial – lacking in any
integrated knowledge of God’s spiritual richness. Note also the
word abundantly in
Ephesians 3.20 as a further incentive for bowing down before
God. How does this happen? On this read John 3.30 noting the
correlation between
increasing and
deceasing. Is this based on Christ sharing his greatness
with us when we deplete ourselves by bowing down? For this read
Philippians 4.13 and James 4.10.
Week II.
Read again Ephesians 3.14
noting the word bow.
What is it like to bow down before God? On this read Psalm 51.l7
noting the line a broken
and contrite heart.
What does that feel like? On this read Ezekiel 16.54 noting the
words disgrace and
ashamed. Why should
we have such strong and negative feelings toward ourselves? On
this read Exodus 32.4 noting the re-writing of history on who
brought Israel out of
slavery in Egypt.
This dishonoring of God is shameful and must be confessed by
bowing down before him – and not before our idols. Read also
Isaiah 66.2 noting the phrase
trembles at my word.
But read also Psalm 50.17 noting the opposing phrase
cast my words behind you.
So we cast away what we are supposed to tremble before. This is
another reason for bowing down before God in shame and disgrace.
Do you agree? Why or why not?
Week III.
Reread Ephesians 3.14
noting this time the word
reason. Why is it important to have the right reason for
bowing down before God? On this read Isaiah 1.18–20 noting the
words reason,
if and
but. Why are these
words important? Are they engaging so that we won’t respond to
God superficially? On this read Genesis 32.28 noting the words
striven and
God. This is not a
lighthearted episode. It displays the sort of seriousness that’s
required when bowing down before God. On this point read James
4.8 noting the two uses of the word
draw. This can’t be
casual either. On this read Hebrews 10.31 noting the word
fearful. Also read
Matthew 7.14 noting the word
narrow. Read as well
Malachi 3.2 noting the word
endure. Finally read
Revelation 1.17 noting the line
I fell at his feet as
though dead. How does being clear about the right reasons
for bowing down help with all of this? On this read 1
Corinthians 14.13–19 noting the words
edify and
instruct. Here we see
how reason helps fortify us. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Week IV.
Read Ephesians 3.14 one
last time noting again the word
bow. But what if in
shame and disgrace we cannot humble ourselves and bow down
before God? What then? On this read Luke 18.24–27 noting the
play between the words
impossible and
possible. How does God do what is impossible for us to do
for ourselves? On this read Acts 9.3–9 noting the words
ate and
drank. This is
disruptive and shocking and forceful. On this same point read
also Acts 14.22 noting the phrase
many tribulations and
the word enter. Note
also the word violently
in Luke 16.16. So how does God do what is impossible for us to
do? He pushes us into what we can’t freely take on. So we have
the word hold in
Psalm 139.10. That Hebrew word,
אחז, actually implies
shattering and
seizing and travail –
as in Psalm 48.6–7. This greatness of God overwhelms us in order
to get done what has to happen if we’re to be blessed. Like
what? The big fish or whale in Jonah 1.17–3.3 – noting the
bars and

Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made your
brothers and sisters through baptism.
Ruth Marshall & Christopher Freeze, Sam Lawson, Janice Lundbeck,
Bob & Barbara Schorn, Emma Sagmoen, Eileen & Dave Nestoss, Aasha
Sagmoen & Ajani Hammond, Connor Sagmoen, Matt Anderson, Tabitha
Anderson, Diana Walker, The Rev. Paul Smith, The Rev. Dan
Peterson, The Rev. Ed Marquart, Jim & Hillary Thoren, Sheila
Feichtner, Deanne & Lucy Heflin, Rubina & Marcos Carmona, Yuriko
Nishimura, Marylou & Paul Jensen, Chris & Margeen Boyer,
Antonio, Jeff Walkenhauer, Jessica, Rebecca Brown, Barrett Dunn, Randy &
Mary Leskovar, Leslie Johnson, Qibei Chen, Jim Trotter, Ray
Fletcher, Adam & Jennifer Jones, Mike & Kathy Harty, Kai Kindem,
Gwen Lyons and pray for unbelief and the unrest in Haiti.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: Bob & Mona Ayer, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Joan Olson, Chuck &
Doris Prescott, C. J. Christian, Dorothy Ryder, Lillian
Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Nora Vanhala, Mary Goplerud, Anelma
Meeks, Martin Nygaard.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Brian Kirby Unti, our
pastor Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor
Andrew King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and
the holy office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this Lent.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and for all
in Christ's church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation
El Camino de Emmaus,
in the Skagit Valley, that God may bless and strengthen their
ministry. Also,
pray for our parish and it's ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Thomas Aquinas, teacher, 1274; Joseph, guardian of our
A Treasury of Prayers
O Lord our
God, who dwells in light unapproachable, save me from the
darkness of sin, and enlighten my mind, that abiding in the fear
of you, and walking in your light, I may know your glory and
thank you for all things. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
[For All the
Saints III:513, altered]