November 2013
Kierkegaard the Lutheran
Celebrating the Real Church
Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) learned from Martin Luther
(1483-1546) to beware of the fatal vice of popularity (Luther’s
27:99) and to struggle against it (Kierkegaard’s
4:4379). The best way for that to happen in the church is to
keep it small and despised (LW 2:37; 4:6, 237; 12:255; 18:101;
21:212, 263). But that doesn’t mean being rude or crude. It
means instead protecting and promoting what the Lutheran
Confessions call the repulsive [abhorreat]
message of Christianity (The
Book of Concord,
ed. Tappert, p. 139).
Kierkegaard therefore writes that “the true
Church [is] a despised little flock [and] always… marked
by suffering” and persecution (JP 4:4379). And he spent
his life writing about this for the educated and
prosperous – whom the Lord warned were hard
nuts to crack (Luke 18:25; Matthew 11:25). Since all of
us are more or less in that boat, may we learn to
cherish Kierkegaard’s writings so we will rejoice all
the more in the real church on his bicentennial – at our
celebration of it on November 17. Be sure to bring your
family and friends.
Pastor Marshall |

What a Relief to Read Luther
Kierkegaard’s Love for Luther’s
By Pastor Marshall
Kierkegaard was Luther’s best
student – reading his sermons diligently. “[What] a relief [it
is] to read Luther,” he says (JP 3:2464). That’s a large part of
why Kierkegaard is dear to me – and why all Lutherans everywhere
should also care about him.
Kierkegaard loved Luther’s sermon on the royal wedding in
Matthew 22:1-14. In it Luther says that the Gospel is like “a
truly joyous wedding celebration where Christ is the bridegroom
and the Christian church, the bride…. Beautifully, magnificently
the Lord portrays… the gospel, as a wedding, in order winsomely
to urge and coax us to come to him in his kingdom, to accept his
gospel,…. [as] the choicest of treasures and the greatest joy on
earth” (Luther’s House
Postils, 3:107).
But does that work? Well no, for “original sin has so
blinded us,… that we would rather listen to the preaching of
lies than to the preaching of Christ,” Luther says. We are
“barely willing to… tolerate the gospel” – and when it comes to
having it written “in our hearts,…. that’s the last thing of all
which the world is willing to do” (Luther’s
House Postils, 3:111, 95).
On this Kierkegaard exclaims: “To my great joy I read in
Luther [that when it comes to] everyone
for himself
[believing] that he… belongs to Christ,… then everything comes
to a halt. Praise God for Luther! He is always a good help
against the almost insanely inflated dogmatic and objective
conceitedness which, by going further, abolishes Christianity” (Kierkegaard’s
Journals 4:4549). And that happens when we suppose that
believing in Christ is enough, and that changing our lives by
following him is of no use. May we with Kierkegaard also find
relief in Luther’s words.

is for the college classroom and academic conferences. The
guiding question of this book is that if Kierkegaard’s words
about Christianity are true, how do they change the way we learn
and practice the Christian faith today? This book is an answer
to that question. It does not enter into an extended critical
discussion over the truth of Kierkegaard’s ideas. Instead it
just believes what Kierkegaard said and runs with it. It does
that by showing how his ideas change our understanding of
Christian identity, suffering and illness, worship and
preaching, the Bible, baptism, prayer, marriage and divorce, and
the Christian minister. Interspersed are many quotations from
Martin Luther, whose thought significantly shaped Kierkegaard’s.
At the end of the book is a collection of sermons to show how
all of this can be preached in the church.
Kierkegaard for the Church
adds to our understanding of Kierkegaard is the place of the
church in his thought. Because of his criticisms of the Danish
state church and his stress on the need for the single
individual to appropriate Christian teachings, it could be
imagined that he rejected the church. But that would be to throw
the baby out with the bath. The fact is that Kierkegaard
a loyal son of the church even while he attacked it. And he did
this only so he could strengthen what he loved.
This remarkable treasure of essays and sermons, written by
Pastor Marshall, is available in the lounge for a $25 donation
to First Lutheran Church of West Seattle.
Buy one at the Kierkegaard Bicentennial Celebration on
Sunday, November 17th and then have it signed by Pastor
Marshall. Or if you
are ahead of the game and already bought yours like so many have
– don’t forget to bring it that day to be signed.

Larraine King
Let all things living, a song of thanksgiving to God the creator
triumphantly raise, who fashioned and made us, protected and
stayed us, who still guides us on to the end of our days……
Giving thanks is our job.
It is what we are to do every moment of our lives – a
tall order!
And it is part of our worship to offer praise and thanksgiving.
Worship is about giving glory to God; a time to remember
what our Lord has done for us, not to focus on our individual
needs. Worship is a
group activity, and prayers and praise that are offered at our
church services are collective experiences.
Their purpose is to bless those in attendance, to heal
those in need, to bring peace and solutions to problems that are
outside our personal space.
No doubt we will each be blessed, comforted, and inspired
as we “worship” with this in mind.
At my high school baccalaureate
many years ago, I still remember the point of the
presenter’s message – God first, others second, I’m third.
Love God with all you heart, soul, mind and strength, and
your neighbor as yourself.
After getting off to a slow start financially in September, we
finished the month strong, thanks to you, our faithful and
committed members and friends.
Regular generous giving makes all the difference to the
fiscal health of the church.
The Exterior Restoration Loan, secured over 8 years ago
to cover the cost of repairing the curtain walls of the parish
house, will paid off in about 18 months.
That is cause for celebration, since we started with an
outstanding balance of $100,000 and as of September 30, 2013 it
is down to $23,146.72, and the balance will shrink by over
$1,000 a month until it is paid off.
The third quarter pledge report showed that 13 members exceeded
their pledge by over $6,000; 14 members met their pledge; 14
members are behind their pledged giving by over $5,000; and 19
members/friends who didn’t pledge gave $22,481 so far this year.
The Endowment Fund, with all investments showing gains,
stands at a balance of $149,172.90 as of the end of September.
Other Council news – we will be establishing a
Verger Guild, to support and augment the Acolyte Guild.
It will be comprised of men and women from the
parish who attend a four week class teaching about the
history of the Office of Verger, details and skills of
the work, and practice of these responsibilities.
Our Deacon, Dean Hard will be providing us with
more information.
The preparations for the St. Nicholas Faire are
on the home
The rest and success of the event is now up to you. COME
And remember that all money raised goes directly
to the West Seattle Food Bank and West Seattle Helpline.
I close with the last verse of Hymn 557,
We too should be voicing, our love and rejoicing; with
glad adoration a song let us raise, till all things now
living unite in thanksgiving:
“To God in the highest, hosanna and praise!” |
Month (September)
Year to date (Jan-September)

Changing Our Hearts
Christmas music
will not play in my car or my house until after the last piece
of Thanksgiving pie is eaten. I will not decorate the house with
garland, I will not pull my fake Christmas tree out of the
basement, and I will not trade my pumpkin spice drinks for
eggnog libations, until the last piece of pie is eaten…
(Truthfully, I will never trade pumpkin spice for eggnog, but
that is beside the point.) I will, however, start thinking about
Christmas shopping. I will think about what to get all of my
siblings back in Virginia, and I will bring myself to tears, at
least once, trying to figure out what to get Matt for Christmas.
When all is said and done, the gifts will likely be forgotten in
a matter of weeks and Matt will still love me, even if (when) I
left his new wool sweater in the dryer. And for some reason,
year after year, I spend time and money in a similar, almost
careless fashion hoping to bring just a little bit of joy to the
lives of people I hold near and dear to my heart.
It gives me
reason to pause and think though, why am I so selfish about my
time and money the rest of the year? While rushing around this
holiday season, I will endeavor to pause, not only to reflect on
all the blessings God continually provides my family and me, but
to also ask him to change my heart to want to give more the
whole year through. Whatever the talent to be shared or tithe to
be gifted, may we take a moment each day to pray that God
changes our hearts and provides us the strength to give, even
just a little more and always with a loving heart. Happy
Thanksgiving and God Bless!
Ali Richardson, Church Council
Hunger Immortal:
The First Thirty Years
of the West Seattle Food Bank,
This is the
title of Pastor Marshall’s new book celebrating the first thirty
years of the West Seattle Food Bank. And here’s a little test
for you regarding his book:
Any idea what’s behind the
Or who Mary Alyce Miller is and
why she is significant?
How about who founded the West
Seattle Food Bank and why it was established?
Who sacrificed their lives for
the food bank?
Do you know who is responsible
for the design of the cover and the layout of the book?
What does the comedian Robin
Williams have to do with our food bank?
And any ideas why we should read
this book?
All these questions are answered in the book.
It reads a bit like an adventure story – lots of human
interest, activity, and heartbreak.
But better yet, it is a true story and it took place
right here in our neighborhood.
Because of many active volunteers and concerned citizens,
we have in our midst an amazing facility and organization.
Buy the book.
Donate $30 to the West Seattle Food Bank.
Be informed about the work they do.
Challenge yourself to volunteer to help in our community.
Give food regularly to the Food Bank.
Donate money year round to help carry out their mission.
You will not be sorry.
In fact, you will be blessed by the experience.
-The Extended Ministries Committee
Sunday, December
8th, from 4pm to 7pm
On Sunday,
December 8, 2013, First Lutheran Church of West Seattle will
celebrate St. Nicholas Day by hosting a “Faire” fundraiser to
benefit our local West Seattle service organizations, the Food
Bank and the Helpline.
Since St. Nicholas was known for his acts of charity, it
is fitting that we sponsor this fundraiser on his saint’s day.
We will be
serving beverages and goodies, and we will again have a
selection of home baked holiday and Scandinavian sweets which
you can purchase. For a small donation, we will have a wine
toss, where you can win a bottle(s) of wine if your aim is on
target, PLUS wine tasting sponsored by Maryhill Winery (and a
portion the cost of any bottles of wine you purchase from
Maryhill will be also donated to the Helpline and Foodbank).
Pastor Marshall’s brother, Rich Marshall, will again be
here representing the winery. There will also be a silent
auction where you can bid on and purchase themed baskets that
are designed to make great gifts for your friends and family.
Again, all of the proceeds will be given directly to the
Food Bank and Helpline.
As we have
done in previous years, admission to the St. Nicholas Faire will
be $5 per person or $15 per family if you donate a non
perishable food item for every member of your party.
If you do not bring a “canned” food donation, it will
cost $10 per person or $25 per family.
All monies collected will be donated directly to the Food
Bank and Helpline.
For this to be a success we need
assistance from all of you by volunteering to help at the Faire,
and to bake homemade taste treats to sell at the Faire.
We will also need donations of apple cider, and bottles
of wine valued at $10, $20, and above, as prizes for the wine
toss. The sign up
sheets are posted on the bulletin board outside The Library.
Call Larraine King (206-937-6740) if you have any
So we hope that you will find a way to help us make the 5th St.
Nicholas Faire as successful and as enjoyable as the first four
years. Plan to come and
bring family and friends, have a great time, and at the same
time you will be supporting our deserving Extended Ministries.
Sounds like a winning combination to me!
For this to be a success we need
assistance from all of you by volunteering to help at the Faire,
and to bake homemade taste treats to sell at the Faire.
We will also need donations of apple cider, and bottles
of wine valued at $10, $20, and above, as prizes for the wine
toss. The sign up
sheets are posted on the bulletin board outside The Library.
Call Larraine King (206-937-6740) if you have any
So we hope
that you will find a way to help us make the 5th St. Nicholas
Faire as successful and as enjoyable as the first four years.
Plan to come and bring family and friends, have a great
time, and at the same time you will be supporting our deserving
Extended Ministries.
Sounds like a winning combination to me!
-Larraine King
All Saints’…
Join us this year on
All Saints’ Day, Friday, November 1st, for our Columbarium Liturgy.
Plan to attend this solemn occasion at 11:45 am in the
On Sunday, November 3rd come
celebrate All Saints’
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
10:30 am Festival Eucharist

Kierkegaard Bicentennial
November 17, 2013
9:00 am
Lecture: Pastor
Marshall on
Kierkegaard’s Failed Engagement
10:25 am Bach Cantata, “Aria from BWV 183”
Ruth Marshall, cello
Christopher Freeze, tenor
Andrew King, organ
10:30 am Holy Eucharist
Carl Schalk Hymn
Josh Deutsch Fugue
Ruth Marshall, cello
Christopher Freeze, tenor
11:45 am Dedication of Kierkegaard Statue
Dana Gioia Poem
12 pm Reception
Nordiska Dancers
Michael Peich Broadside of Gioia Poem
Book Signing:
Pastor Marshall,
Kierkegaard for the Church
Lutheran Forum,
Kierkegaard Issue
Scandinavian Pastries
Commemorative Coffee Mugs
Save this date and make plans to attend – inviting your family
and friends!
Office of verger:
A New Program
A New Opportunity
worship in the ancient, historical patterns of Christians that
have been handed down through the centuries.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper at both of our Sunday
morning liturgies every week.
This is the way Christ wanted us to remember him on the
Lord’s Day.
Our prayer together is always liturgical, following the
historical forms of the church.
We read Holy Scriptures as they are appointed in the
Lectionary. The
sermon explains those readings in terms of Law and Gospel.
In this we rely on Martin Luther’s (1483-1546)
understanding of Christ’s mission and life.
Our hymns reinforce the scriptures read, proclaimed and
prayed in our worship.
This supports the solemnity of our praise to God the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Vestments and traditional rituals also contribute to the
richness of worship.
All our corporate worship is offered within the
consecrated walls of our church which is deemed God’s holy and
sacred house of prayer.
The Office of verger
At their October meeting the Church
Council established a worship assistants guild to be made up of
men and women who would be instructed in how to perform a series
of liturgical acts as prescribed by historical protocol and
The Manual on the Liturgy
– Lutheran Book of Worship, Philip H. Peatteicher and Carlos
R. Messerli; Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, Minnesota
This group would be known by the historic title of
Short History
The office of verger has its
roots in the monasteries of Europe during the middle ages,
sharing certain similarities with the minor orders of porter and
Historically, vergers were responsible for the order and upkeep
of the house of worship including the care of the church
building, the furnishings and sacred relics, preparations for
the liturgies, conduct of the laity and the burial of the dead.
Historic records show vergers as early as the 12th
century. This
practice eventually spread beyond the walls of the monasteries
and into the churches and cathedrals throughout Europe.
Today the Office of Verger continues to function
throughout Europe and Canada.
In America there are numerous churches and cathedrals
that have vergers.
In other denominations the work of the verger has been dispersed
among a variety of service groups (i.e.) acolytes, altar guilds,
ushers and maintenance staff.
Vergers at First Lutheran Church
A verger’s role will be
ceremonial only.
Their function will be to support and augment the acolyte guild
whenever needed, particularly at major festivals and other
liturgical celebrations when a larger number of assistants are
needed. It is
important to state here that it is not our intent to replace the
acolytes in their duties, only to augment the acolyte guild
whenever needed.
To be a member of this guild
will require a four (4) week period of instruction.
The work of the verger will include:
crucifer, torchbearer, thurifer, bookbearer, lighting
candles, assisting with communion distribution, receiving the
offering, and ceremonial escort.
These responsibilities
include that of lector or worship leader, that work will still
be assigned to the deacon or subdeacon. The verger, like the
acolyte, will serve under the direction of the deacon.
Vergers will be vested in
cassock and cotta.
Why Vergers
Over the years the number of
acolytes available to serve has varied greatly.
The current number of acolytes to draw from is small,
limiting us as to what we can do for major celebrations when
many are needed, for example Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Holy
Week, Easter, Pentecost, St. Mary’s and All Saints.
Having a group of men and women able to perform a variety
of liturgical acts will enable us to function at full capacity
for all occasions.
First Lutheran Church of West Seattle has a long
tradition of worship using the historic liturgical forms of the
Establishing the Office of Verger enables us to continue in that
long tradition of supporting the solemnity of our praise
to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by contributing to the
richness of our worship.
If you are interested and would like to participate in this
program please call the church office (935-6530) and sign up.
Instruction will begin as soon as possible.
We would like to use the vergers during the Christmas
If you have any
questions please call the church office and ask for Dean.
Hebrews 13.16
Monthly Home Bible Study,
November 2013, Number 249
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as
a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone then talk
informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44).
We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851
Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous
book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the
whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a
prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because
we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans,
however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW
30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How
Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
Week I.
Read Hebrews 13.16 noting
the phrase such
sacrifices. What are these? On this read the same verse
noting the word share.
Why is sharing a sacrifice and not something we can do easily?
On this read Luke 12.18 noting the word
store. Why do we feel
that we need to stock-pile goods for ourselves when we already
have enough? On this read Exodus 16.19-21 noting the words
foul and
angry. Could it be
that we don’t trust that God will provide for us in the days
ahead? If so, why do we think that way? On this read Deuteronomy
8.17 noting the words my,
gotten and
wealth. Why don’t we
readily give the credit to God? On this read Psalm 42.10 noting
the question Where is
your God? So if God can’t be seen, does that mean he doesn’t
exist? Perhaps for unbelief, but not for faith. On this see
Hebrews 11.1 noting the line that faith is
the conviction of things
not seen. Read also 2 Corinthians 4.18 noting again the word
unseen. Is the
invisibility of God a problem for you? If so, how so?
Week II.
Read again Hebrews 13.16 noting the word
neglect. Why would a
believer be negligent with this sharing? On this read Romans
7.19 noting the words
want and do,
good and
evil. Does that mean
we are hopelessly disabled by our sinfulness? On this read 1
John 5.2-5 noting the words
overcome and
faith. And how does
faith help us ward off this negligence? On this read John
1.12-13 noting the sequence from
belief to being
children of God. How
does faith bring this about? On this read 2 Corinthians 5.14-17
noting the words control,
old and
new. What does this
new creation look like? On this read Galatians 2.20 noting the
words crucified,
I and
me. What’s the result
of this new life? On this read Philippians 4.11-13 noting the
words learned,
do and
all. In this new
life, how do we assess the good things we are able finally to
do? On this read 1 Corinthians 1.30 noting the words
our and
righteousness. But
how can this be if we are the ones actually doing the good
deeds? On this read John 15.5 noting the image of the
vine and the
dependent branches.
Are you convinced? Explain.
Week III.
Reread Hebrews 13.16 noting this time the phrase
pleasing to God. Why
is God pleased if we make sacrifices in order to share with
others? On this read Matthew 22.36-40 noting the words
all and
depends. What does it
mean that we are not to be focused on ourselves in this twofold
admonition? On this read Luke 9.23 noting the words
daily and
follow. Why are we
factored out like this? On this read John 3.19 noting the words
darkness and
evil. How fixed is
this judgment against us? On this read Romans 7.18 noting the
words nothing,
dwells and
good. So if it is
difficult for us to sacrifice in order to share with others, are
we not to worry – since we don’t matter? How does that make you
feel? Explain.
Week IV.
Read Hebrews 13.16 one last time noting the word
share. What are we to
share with others? On this read Luke 3.11 noting the words
coats and
food. What would
prevent one from sharing food and clothes? On this read Matthew
6.25 noting the word
anxious. What’s the cause of this anxiety? On this read
Matthew 6.19 noting the words
rust and
thieves and
steal. How is one to
get over this fear? On this read Luke 12.15 noting the words
consists and
possessions. What
then does life consist in? On this read Luke 12.21 noting the
expression rich toward
God. But what is that like? On this read Galatians 5.22-23
noting the fruit of the
Spirit. What is this fruit? On this read Matthew 6.20 noting
the line treasures in
heaven. Why is this fruit so valuable? On the fruit of
faithfulness, read Romans 3.25 noting the phrase
received by faith.
See also Romans 5.1 and the phrase
justified by faith.
Because such faith in Christ opens up heaven for the believer,
it is valuable. All the rest of the fruit of the Spirit
reinforces faith and so is valuable for the same reason. Do you
agree? Why or why not?
Remember in prayer before
God those whom He has made your
brothers and sisters
through baptism.
Vanessa Ormiston, Evelyn Coy, Gerry Moulton, Leah Baker,
Florence Jenkins, Jim Coile, Agnes Arkle, Clara Anderson, Peggy
& Bill Wright & Wendy, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Ion Ceaicovschi,
Cameron Lim, Luke Bowen, Dano, Karen & W. Erick, Mary Lou
Jensen, Tabitha Anderson, Max Richardson, Gloria Belarde, Dee
Grenier, Lou & Lori Landino, Richard Uhler, The Jones Family,
Ginny Mitchell, The Khamiss Family, Kirsten Christensen, Kyle
Bogie, Anna & John Bertelsen, For the Schools (students &
parents, teachers & staff), Kurt & Jenny Alfano, Robin Kaufman,
Eva Marshall, Kimberly Lasson-Singh, Kevin Lawson, Tannah Moe,
Dean Herrick, Jillian Wasielewski, Gift of Grace Lutheran
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: Clara
Anderson, Agnes Arkle, Donna Apman, Pat Hansen, C. J. Christian,
Vera Gunnarson, Louis Koser, Anelma Meeks, Olive Morrison,
Dorothy Ryder, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Vivian Wheeler,
Peggy Wright.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Brian Kirby Unti, our
pastor Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor
Andrew King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and
the holy office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this
November. Pray for
the mercy of God for these people, and for all in Christ's
church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emmaus in the Skagit Valley that God may
bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Saint Andrew, the Apostle.
A Treasury of Prayers
O God, source of life and
strength, you have given us all a life of high vocation, and
your own breathing in our hearts has inspired us. Let the time
past suffice for going my own way, and consecrate me now that I
may pursue your will all the remaining days of my life. In
Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
All the Saints
(ALPB, 1994-1996) 4 vols.,
III:1110, altered]