Damning, Demanding Dozen
Twelve Books for American Lutheran
that have played a large part in my
forty years of ordained ministry. I deem
them required reading for all American
Lutheran pastors. If you disagree, I
don’t think you’re fit to be a parish
pastor. There are many more books and
articles of importance from great
thinkers like Martin Luther and Søren
Kierkegaard that also have meant a great
deal to me. I’ve noted some of them in
my booklet,
The Fatal Vice: Standards for Judging
Lutheran Pastors (1994, 2006). The
rest are in my personal library of some
ten thousand volumes. But these twelve
are my short list. Other forms of art
also have mattered to me – from Johnny
Cash’s “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” (American
V, 2006), to the one Tchaikovsky
called the “musical Christ” (Diary,
October 2, 1886) – Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart – and his great and inspired
Jupiter Symphony (1788) – symphony
No. 41.
Gantry: A Novel
(1927) by Sinclair Lewis.
This is
a devastating book for ministers – and
also a subtle prayer for better ones. It
shows how phony pastors are – and the
great need for faithful ones. This novel
shows how pastors are greedy, glory
hounds – going after anything
equipping the saints for the good fight
of faith (Ephesians 6:12, 1 Timothy
6:12). Martin Luther called them “a
devilish army” (Luther’s
Works 44:70). Therefore Bo Giertz
(1905–98), the famous author of
The Hammer of God (1941, 2005),
concludes that “mirum
est si sacerdos salvetur – it’s a
miracle if a pastor is saved” (from
Minister’s Prayer Book, ed. John W.
Doberstein, 1959, 1986, p. 269). Here’s
a sample from the evil Gantry: “His
greatest urge was his memory of holding
his audience, playing on them. To move
people – Golly! He wanted to be
addressing somebody on something right
now, and being applauded!” (Ch. 4.1).
For further evidence of this devastating
perdicament, see Bruce Grierson, “An
Atheist in the Pulpit,”
Today, January/February 2008.
Corrective Love
(1995) by Thomas Oden.
book is against a permissive church
grounded in a mushy view of love. It
sets the record straight on what
Christian love is.
Suburban Captivity of the Church
(1961) by Gibson Winter.
book notes the club mentality in
churches – with its demonic pursuit of
the course of least resistence. This
kills the church.
American Religion
(1992) by Harold Bloom.
book shows how churches in America are
gnostic – thinking less of the Bible and
more of personal religious experiences.
Strange Silence of the Bible in the
(1970) by James Smart.
book is about ecclesiastical suicide –
when the church adopts a critical
approach to the Bible to enrich itself,
only then to find out that there is no
longer any reason to read it if it’s so
Lutherans in Crisis
(1993) by David A. Gustafson.
history tells the story of how Lutheran
immigrants to America gave up their
tradition of resolute faith in Christ in
order to fit into the pervasive,
revivalist, American Christian culture.
as Pastoral Care
(1979) by William H. Willimon.
book moves liturgical worship to the
center of the congregation both to
maintain the creeds and strengthen
Everything is Politics, But Politics is
Not Everything
(1986) by H. M. Kuitert – and translated
by John Bowden.
book warns against both a church
becoming a political action group – and
also not caring about what’s going on in
(1997) by G. Lloyd Rediger.
book exposes the fraud that churches
like faithful pastors.
Why I
Left the Contemporary Christian Music
(2002) by Dan Lucarini.
book warns against using popular music
in church.
From the Notebook of a Tamed Cynic
(1929) by Reinhold Niebuhr.
average parson is chacterized by suavity
and circumspection rather than by robust
fortitude” (p. 110).
Eight Stages of Translation
(1983) by Robert Bly.
This is
a book about translating poerty into
English – but it can also be about
preaching. “The best translation
resembles a Persian rug seen from the
back – the pattern is apparent, but not
much more” (p. 48). That’s also like
preaching God’s Word.

as a Blight on the Church
Luther on Bad Bishops & What to Do About
who have held office during my forty
years of ministry. Martin Luther would
agree with me – even though he never
knew any of them. That’s because he
argued, repeatedly and extensively,
throughout his vast writings, that all
bishops are “devils” – they are “dumb
and bewitched” (Luther’s
Works 29:17, 17:211). This is a
version of the adage that power corrupts
(Lord Acton, 1887). That has been the
case for me because my bishops haven’t
been “apt teachers” as they should have
been (1 Timothy 3:2). So while the
office of bishop is noble (1 Timothy
those holding it aren’t – either for
me or for Luther. This failure is
Biblical – much like the failure of the
Biblical kings who were anything but
righteous (1 Samuel 8:11–18).
An apt teacher [doctorem]
is one who notes and sorts through what
Luther called the “hard knots” of
Christianity (LW
21:62) – the narrow and hard ways of
faith, and what’s offensive about Jesus
(Matthew 7:14, John 6:61). By so doing,
our rejection of the Biblical message is
analyzed – noting such diagnoses as
loving the darkness (John 3:19), being
blinded by the devil (2 Corinthians
4:4), loving pleasure and ourselves (2
Timothy 3:2, 4), and lusting after
heretical teachings (2 Timothy 4:3). But
once that is done, these teachers then
move on to make a case for the hope that
could still be in us (1 Peter 3:15) – in
spite of these wicked distortions and
faults. Apt teachers, then, hold these
two in tension – the negative with the
positive, comfort along with rebuke (LW
68:118) – refusing to keep just one at
the expense of the other (2 Corinthians
6:10). This refusal is what makes
Christians “alien” (1 Peter 2:11).
But rather than being aliens, my
bishops all conformed to the world
(~Romans 12:2) – dropping all apt
instruction on fighting the good fight
of faith (1 Timothy 6:12, Ephesians
6:12). They all failed to maintain the
dialectic tension between law and gospel
57:64) – Clarence Solberg (1915–2005),
Clifford Lunde (1930–1987), Lowell
Knutson (1929– ), Paul Bartling
(1931–2009), Donald Maier (1936– ), Wm.
Chris Boerger (1949– ), Kirby Unti
(1952– ). Regarding my new bishop –
Shelley Bryan Wee (1966– ), the jury is
still out. But on this matter of bad
bishops, Luther argues that if they
aren’t apt teachers, then they
necessarily are bad mailmen: “They… are
like a letter carrier who, even though
he has lost the letters, continues on
his journey and does so in vain. So they
have their calling and sending…. Just as
if a letter carrier threw away the true
letters and wrote others and sent them
under the original name and seal, so do
our bishops who occupy their office and
calling but are unfaithful rogues who
pervert God’s command” (LW
56:299). So they’re to be “cursed” (LW
All my bishops were rogues.
Bishop Solberg bastardized the faith
turning it into a family custom (R. F.
An Unlikely But Grateful Servant: How I
Became a Lutheran Pastor, 2008,
2019). Bishop Lunde perverted
Christocentrism (An
Unlikely… Servant). Bishop Knutson
espoused the heretical movie
Jesus of Montreal and Native
American religion (certus
sermo, September 1990, June 1992).
Bishop Maier exalted secular church
growth (certus
sermo, November 1999). Bishop
Boerger mocked the sole salvation in
Acts 4:12 (Messenger,
June 2003). And Bishop Unti joyfully cut
the resurrection from the dead (Messenger,
June 2016).
No wonder Luther is so fierce
when it comes to attacking bishops. They
“neglect… the Word” and “plunder the
Gospel,” he argues, by putting
themselves above God’s Word, and not
studying it “day and night” as they
should (LW
14:331, 39:282, 76:244, 39:269). They’re
“crude asses” – pushing churches into
the “abyss of hell” (LW
67:372)! They don’t advance Christ’s
Word (LW
77:392). Simply put, “bishops are not
bishops” (LW
68:124)! “Pigs, oxen, and asses are
smarter than they are” (LW
Luther is famous, however, for
praising St. Augustine (354–430), bishop
of Hippo, who he says led him to Christ
22:512, 60:44). Still, his overall
judgment of him is negative (LW
1:121, 76:84). Augustine made too much
of reason (LW
2:121, 30:69, 75:295). He relied too
heavily on allegories when reading the
Bible (LW
2:150). When studying the Bible he
drifts away from the actual words (LW
30:166, 75:334). No wonder Luther
included Augustine among those “so
soiled with mud and… fifth” (LW
So, indeed, bishops aren’t noble
disciples – but vicious “wolves” and
relentless “enemies of Christ,” seeking
to devour Christians (LW
30:136, 39:269, 59:207). “Greed’ is
their creed (LW
68:152). Take away their hefty salaries,
and they’d all quit. They’re “junkers”
and destroyers of the church (LW
16:45, 1:184). They suppress the gospel
2:84). They dabble in “profane trifles”
33:86–87). But from this “dung and
dirt,” Luther hoped unofficial bishops
would mercifully arise with “true
knowledge of God,” so there could be a
“church in the world” (LW