November 2022
to a New Church Year
As the church
measures time, the new year begins on the first Sunday in
Advent, which falls on November 27th this year.
The church year developed over the centuries, modeled on
the Jewish calendar of annual observance of the great events of
the Old Testament.
The Christian church year divides into two large sections: the
Somester Domino (the
time of our Lord) and the
Somester Ecclesii (the time of the church).
The first section of the year includes the seasons of
Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, and Easter, concluding with
the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the
culmination of Easter.
The second section of the year includes all of the
Sundays following the Day of Pentecost, tracing the development
and spread of the Christian church and the ministry and
teachings of our Lord.
The season of Advent includes the four Sundays preceding
December 25th, and is historically a season of penitential
preparation for the coming of Christ.
That coming has a threefold emphasis: Jesus’ birth in
Bethlehem, his coming into our hearts, and his return at the end
of time. While the
traditional color of Advent is violet, symbolic of penitence and
royalty, in our time the more common color is blue, symbolic of
hope. The structure
of the liturgy changes in Advent, as in Lent, reflective of its
more penitential character.
The liturgy moves to the plainsong style of
LBW Setting III,
beginning with the Brief Order of Confession, uses the Kyrie
(Lord have mercy) following the apostolic greeting, omits the
Gloria (Glory to God), replaces the Alleluia Verse with the
Canticle for Advent, and uses the Nicene Creed rather than the
Apostles’ Creed.
The calendar of readings for the Sundays and Feast Days of the
church year was traditionally the same each year.
The Second Vatican Council of 1962 to 1965 significantly
changed that calendar.
In order to provide for a fuller use of scripture, the
Council established a new three year sequence of readings, with
Gospel readings generally drawn from Matthew in year A, Mark in
year B, and Luke in year C, with portions from John interspersed
among the three years.
The lessons were also structured to generally relate the
Old Testament reading to the Gospel, to provide for sequential
readings of portions of the New Testament letters, and to
provide for a fuller use of the Psalms.
Lutherans generally adopted the new Roman Catholic
calendar of readings in 1978 with the publication of
Lutheran Book of Worship,
thus synchronizing the readings in Roman Catholic, Anglican,
Lutheran, and many other protestant churches.
The new church year that begins on Sunday, November 27th,
will return to year A with readings from the Gospel of Matthew.
Join us as we begin the new church year on Sunday, November
27th, and prepare ourselves in Advent to celebrate with joy the
birth of our Lord at Christmas on Sunday, December 25th.
Andrew J. King,
Janine Douglass
Statement of Mission First Lutheran Church of West Seattle
(Continued from the October Messenger)
“In our worship we: Honor the historical liturgies, upholding
the apostolic faith and practice, and seasons of the liturgical
year; Honor the sacrament of Christ’s Holy Supper, celebrating
it at every Sunday liturgy and other church appointed days
throughout the year, with bread and wine, extending it to all
who are baptized and believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior,
including infants and members of other Christian denominations;
Honor the music of the great hymnody of the Church, seeing in it
a richness that properly matches the grandeur of the apostolic
Our Mission Statement becomes particularly important as we look
to call our permanent pastor. We hope that a clear sense of who
we are will reflect both the qualities we desire in a pastor as
well as what we have to offer to the pastor. After devoting time
to develop interview questions, the Call Committee met on
October 10th to interview a prospective candidate for the
permanent pastor position. More information will follow in the
coming weeks. Minutes from the Call Committee meetings can be
found on the bulletin board in the hallway outside room C.
The pledge cards were sent in early October, and our pledge
campaign is officially underway. If you haven’t already done so,
please turn in your pledge cards during the Sunday liturgy or
online as soon as possible. Pledging your tithe allows the
council to plan the budget for the upcoming year. On behalf of
the council, I urge you to continue to meet your pledge for the
current year and, if you have fallen behind, to make every
attempt to catch up. It is essential during the transition
between permanent pastors to fully fund the budget that will
ultimately allow us to seek the best qualified candidates.
Justine Tucker, our Office Manager, has notified us that she is
relocating to Idaho. Her last day of work was Friday, October
21st. While she was here only a short time, she learned the job
quickly and was a pleasure to work with. We wish her and her
family success on their journey. We are thankful that Sonja
Clemente has agreed to come out of retirement to cover during
the gap and help with training once we hire a new Office
On a final note, Pastor Snider has notified us that his last day
to lead worship will be Sunday, November 20th. His contract
allowed for a two-week vacation at the three and six month
intervals of his service to us as interim pastor. He has instead
opted to combine the four weeks and take them at the end of his
contract, which was to end December 31, 2022. Among his
accomplishments were his eight-week class on Spring Training for
Christians and the initiative he took to start a Bible class at
the Alaska House. We pray God’s blessing on both Pastor Snider
and his wife, Judy, on their next adventures. We are fortunate
that Pastor Phil Nesvig has agreed to provide pulpit supply
during the season of Advent and Christmas Day.
Please pray for our
church leadership and membership as we navigate the call


Call Committee
The past
month the Call Committee has been focused on creating interview
questions for our potential candidates.
We spent hours honing questions that we feel would better
reveal the candidates’ beliefs and experiences. After many
meetings we decided on a slate of questions that include topics
such as: leading the congregation, sermons/teaching, conflict
resolution, worship service, extended ministries/outreach, and
Biblical understanding.
(Ministry Site Profile) has been accepted and posted by the
synod! Our position of pastor is now out there for applicants to
peruse. We are waiting for a slate of candidates from the synod.
is coming fast and furious now that the MSP is finished.
We had a great interview with our first candidate, and we
also reached out to our second congregational nominee.
I know that these next few months will be busy for
everyone, but please expect to play your role in the selection
of our next pastor once the Call Committee has finished their
duty. We will need everyone’s help and input.
Matthew Kahn, Call
Committee Chair
“Return, backsliding Israel,” says the Lord;
“I will not cause My anger to fall on you.
For I am merciful,” says the Lord;
“I will not remain angry forever.
Only acknowledge your iniquity,
That you have transgressed against the Lord your God,
And have scattered your charms
To alien deities under every green tree,
And you have not obeyed My voice,” says the Lord.
“Return, O backsliding children,” says the Lord; “for I
am married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from
a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And I will give you
shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with
knowledge and understanding.”
Psalm 147:1 - “Alleluia. How good it is to make music for
our God, how joyful to honor him with praise.”
I have been
singing with the FLCWS choir for about 20 years or so, but this
is my first year on the Council, and my first ever article I
have been asked to write on Stewardship.
I must admit, I really did not know where to start, so I
looked up the definition of the word in relation to the church.
While most sources I found mentioned Stewardship in
relation to tithing, and supporting one’s church financially,
one source defined Stewardship as “…more
than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about
contributing time and talents and volunteering for ministry and
Singing with the choir is the easiest and most enjoyable
way that I have found to contribute to the church, but being on
the Council has reminded me that I can do more than just one
thing to help out the church and the congregation.
If you have the funds, writing a check is an easy thing
to do to support the church.
These days you don’t even have to write a check; you can
simply have the funds taken from your bank account on a weekly
basis…it doesn’t get any easier than that.
I always liked hearing the phrase “Faith without works is
dead.” There are
many good works that one can do to support your church and your
community. As we
head into Advent and the start of a new church year, I encourage
you to take some time to think about what the new year will
bring for you, and for your neighbors.
Is there someone in need that you can help?
Maybe you have some extra time to donate to the church,
or a charitable organization?
Or perhaps you have a hidden talent that would be of use
to others? Or if
you are in need of help, do not be afraid to ask.
Helping others is what we as Christians are meant to be
doing, for we all know that it is good to give back what we have
received through God’s grace.
Kathrine Young, Church Council

Saint Nicholas Faire
Friday, November 25th, 2022
6 pm to 9 pm
For the third
year in a row, the Saint Nicholas Faire & Auction will be a
Virtual Fundraiser sponsored by First Lutheran Church of West
Seattle with all proceeds benefitting the West Seattle
Food Bank.
We continue to chair this event to honor the memory of Scott’s
grandmother Alfhild Schorn, who worked tirelessly during the
Depression to feed the hungry that showed up on her doorstep.
Our goal of $15,000 would surpass prior years and can be
obtained with your help.
We ask you to
help in two ways.
First by purchasing items from the Saint Nicholas Faire &
Auction Amazon
wish list;
we then catalog the items and make them available on the Virtual
Auction site.
Secondly we ask you to attend and bid at the Auction.
We understand that Thanksgiving weekend can be a busy time; but
we ask that you think about those who will benefit from the
proceeds. Cash Donations can also be donated on the
Auction site, or sent directly to First Lutheran Church of West
Seattle, clearly marked for the Saint Nicholas Faire & Auction.
Once the Auction site is live we will share the link for you to
pass on to family & friends; the more bidders, the closer we
come to reaching our goal.
With your help we can meet or beat our goal of $15,000, and help
those in need within our neighborhood.
In Christ we can do all things,
Scott & Valerie Schorn
will be preaching at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle on
Sunday, November 20th.
A reception will follow the 10:30 am liturgy.
Please note:
will be
Christmas Eve
Liturgy of Lessons, Carols and Holy Eucharist this year.
Instead we
will celebrate the
Nativity of Our Lord
at our
10:30 am Festival
Eucharist with choir on Christmas Day.
you haven’t made your pledge for 2023, please do so soon.
Either return your completed card or email the Financial
Secretary at
with your pledge.
Thank you for your support!
silent auction will be a virtual event again this year on the
day after Thanksgiving, November 25th,, from 6-9 pm.
Remember that this is a fundraiser for the West Seattle

Scott Schorn,
Nancy Lawson,
Mariann Petersen, Janice Lundbeck, Robert Schorn, Kim Lim,
Melanie Johnson, Holly Petersen, Leah and Melissa Baker, Felicia
Wells, Eileen and Dave Nestoss, Kyra Stromberg, Peter Morrison,
The Rev. Douglas & Paula
The Rev. Howard Fosser, The
Rev. Kari Reiten,
Yuriko Nishimura,
Karen Granger, Angel Lynne, Nick Karlson, Paul Sponheim, the
Ceaicovschi Family in Moldova, Richard Patishnock, David Ruberg,
Judy Berkenpas, Nicole Coile.
Pray for our professional health care providers:
Gina Allen, Janine Douglass, David Juhl, Dana Kahn, Dean
Riskedahl and
all those suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: Joan Olson,
Bob & Mona Ayer, Gregg & Jeannine Lingle, Robert Schorn, Nora
Vanhala, Martin Nygaard, Lou Landino.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Shelley Bryan Wee, our
interim pastor the
Reverend Neal Snider, our choirmaster Dean Hard and our cantor
Andrew King, that they
may be strengthened in faith, love and the holy office to which
they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this
November. Pray for
the mercy of God for these people, and for all in Christ's
church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation, El Camino de Emaus in the
Skagit Valley, that God may bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and its ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Saint Andrew and all the saints and martyrs of the church
this month.
Pray for this poor, fallen human race that God would have mercy
on us all.
Pray for this planet, our home, that it and the creatures on it
would be saved from destruction.
A Treasury of
Almighty God, ever-loving Father, your care extends beyond the
boundaries of race and nation to the hearts of all who live.
May the walls, which prejudice raises between us, crumble
beneath the shadow of your outstretched arm.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All the Saints
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