More Martin Luther
By Pastor Marshall
For those who confess that
Luther is our most eminent teacher (Book
of Concord, 576), the publication of volume 67,
Annotations on Matthew
1–18 from 1534–35, with sermons on Matthew 18–24 from
1537–40 is a Godsend (and a first time English translation, as
well)! This is my ninth new volume that I’ve covered as part of
our preparation for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation two
years from now. (Others have been
Luther’s Works 58–60;
68, 69, 75–77.) Among my favorite passages in this new
collection are the following: “Having sinned does not condemn;
it is not repenting that condemns” (11); “The birth of Christ is
preached… by a mute creature, the star” (13); “[Clarify Christ]
by means of antitheses: how Moses, the philosophers, the laws,
the kings, and the wise men of this world are nothing in
comparison to this Prince” (14); “The godlessness of one’s
person does not destroy or change the office [of pastor]”
(14–15); “That people do what has not been commanded…. is the
peak of wrongheadedness in every estate of life” (16); “Be swift
and vigilant in the work of God” (16); “One may deceive tyrants
(just as one may also deceive the devil) if they command us to
do something against God” (17); “By nature we are all stirred up
by novelty” (19); “The preacher ought to rebuke those who oppose
the Word and to inveigh against them severely” (21); “Because no
fruits of your faith are evident, it follows that you do not
believe” (22); “Faith [is] the root of works” (32); “Christians
[should] adorn the Word with deeds. That is a thing as rare as
ever today” (42); “It is God’s nature to delay the result of
prayer in order to be able to do more and more abundantly than
we ask or understand” (43); “True faith… brings along with
itself contempt of self and a sense of unworthiness in
comparison with others” (45); “The kingdom shall be a cross, and
to be cast down in this world shall be your palace” (47); “[The
Christian] ought only to use present things like a visitor who
is about to move on shortly, and he ought to be ready to leave
behind all these things for His sake” (48); “[This] is why [God]
allows the devil so much power against humanity: in order that
unbelievers, the godless, and the hardened might be pierced
through and might learn to fear and trust and call upon God. For
if He did not do this, no one would think that he needed God….
Thus He shows them how invincible the devil is (if His gracious
hand is withheld). He does this to terrify them and humble them,
but to free and save them once they have been humbled” (53); “We
must learn not to be moved overly much by God’s punishments of
the godless, but much more by His kindness and grace toward the
righteous” (56); “It is unbelievers who should keep in mind the
works of wrath, and not we believers” (57); “Those who write and
cry out against us that our Gospel is too sweet and that it
deceives men are the greatest of asses” (61); “The sinner comes
in two kinds. The sinner who is afflicted and troubled and
desires to be free of sin is a son; the sinner who is secure and
does not acknowledge his sin but is righteous in his own eyes is
an enemy and a devil. The former is lifted up; the latter is
accused” (61–62); “God is reconciled by faith alone without….
our sacrifices” (63–64); “This is the correct use of philosophy:
to understand things. All other philosophers are engaged in
speculation” (66); “The perverse ones…. make… the forgiveness of
sins into license for sins, as too many do today” (71–72); “To
call sinners to repentance is to call them, once sins have been
forgiven, to the continuous effort of recognizing, hating,
killing, and burying sins” (72); “Topics concerning faith need
to be emphasized constantly and everywhere in opposition to
confidence in works” (75); “Faith [must] be preached against
works, even if works cannot be left out afterwards” (76); “Among
Christians, death is not death, but a sleep…. [Indeed] the fact
that I die means that I shall sleep for a time…. [So] when I die
I shall not die, but fall asleep; that when I am dead I am still
living, because I live to [Christ]” (77); “Faith should be
resolute, persistent, bold, unrestrained, and insistent” (78);
“The world [sees to it that] the more the grace of God is
praised, the more heretical and diabolical that doctrine must
be” (81); “The two things that destroy the… people of God [are]
first, when they are deprived of the Word of God [and] second,
when they are not defended against godless teachings” (82);
“Good shepherds are rare [and] the world, under the ragings of
Satan, considers nothing more vile and contemptible than
ministers of the Word” (83); “Not unlike the flood by which the
old world was turned into a new world [did] the Gospel… make a
new world out of the Law” (87); “Ministry [should be] a divine
ministry which is rendered no better by anyone’s holiness, no
worse by anyone’s unworthiness. [In this way] peace and harmony
are preserved in the Church, which is otherwise subject to
endless troubles” (88); “Ministers [should receive] what they
need to sustain their lives…. [What’s forbidden is the] wish to
live in magnificence and wantonness off the goods that belong to
the Church…. [Therefore] it is simply greed, arrogance, and
excess that are condemned” (90); “Good ministers never labor
without benefit when they teach, for they are either of benefit
to those who believe, or, when others do not believe, they are a
benefit to themselves. Indeed, whoever preaches [does well
simply by preaching], leaving to God whether the people believe
or not” (94); “Oh, what an unfair situation, where sheep preach
to wolves…. It should have been lions that were sent into the
midst of wolves…. But these things are done… so that our faith
may not be derived from human strength but from… divine power,
[for] wolves never become obedient students of the sheep” (95);
“We must have an utterly naked trust in God alone [for] this is
what you get among human beings: today they befriend you, and
tomorrow they persecute you…. They are wolves, therefore, steel
your minds as if you were alone in the world…. Therefore, do not
put your trust in them even if they make themselves out to be
your brothers and friends” (97–98); “We are certain that it is
Christ who is the cause of our tribulation” (101); “The mind
must be steeled to persevere [for] the beginning is hot; the
middle, lukewarm; the end shrinks away in disgust [principium
fervet, medium tepet, finis abhorret]” (101); “[We should]
scorn our murderers through a haughty faith in God” (105); “Be
haughty and give the middle finger to those who [would] kill
you” (106); “At every moment the life of your body as well as of
your soul is in the hand of God alone” (107); “We are preached
by Christ in glory; but Christ is preached by us worms in a
place of shame” (110); “Christ [speaks] of the sword passively,
not actively. That is, he is not giving us the right to use the
sword to put others to death…. He is sending the sword, but
against us, not on our behalf, so that we ourselves are forced
to suffer the sword” (112); “Children are of their own accord
despisers and haters of their parents” (115); “This crucified
man is the true God. This is the scandal of scandals… for all
nations. This is still the case, and so it must remain forever,
because on account of Him as on account of the true God, we must
treat everything else as inferior, and He Himself is to be
exalted over all things as the true God…. The godless pass these
things by with a deaf ear” (116); “Who is there who would not
desire to be entirely disassociated from [Jesus], this utterly
wretched man [who is] beggarly, crucified, seditious [and]
condemned?” (117); “The cross… is the basest thing in the
world’s eyes” (117); “You will hate yourself compared to [Jesus]
and expose yourself to death and all evils for [His] sake, that
is, so that you can bear [the] cross and follow [Jesus],
yielding life itself… to [Jesus] as to your God and counting
them of secondary worth” (118); “Christ clearly appoints His
preachers as gods and makes them equal to Himself…. Whether
therefore we are despised or honored, it is not we but God who
is despised and honored in us” (120); “Faith is a kind of
military service” (130); “However God speaks and acts, it is not
right [in the eyes of the world]” (135); “God… hates those who
are haughty…. That
is what it means to be God” (136–37); “Those who labor, are
downcast, wretched, and overwhelmed…. are the ones able to
receive [God’s] revelation” (141); “God creates the trust to
come to Him” (141); “[You are] in despair [if you are your] own
enemy” (141); “Christ… is our calm” (142); “[Christ’s] burden
does not weigh down but lifts up, and it bears rather than being
borne” (148); “Though some hate [the Gospel], there are always…
others who love it” (156); “Where [Christ] is not listened to,…
He withdraws and does not litigate with [the] long-winded”
(156); “Oh, comfort beyond all telling that belongs to
Christians!” (173); “An evil heart cannot but speak wickedly
even if it says good things” (178); “Liars must have a good
memory” (179); “What a shameful den of murderers is lying in the
human heart” (180); “Nothing will remain unpunished” (182); “He
always becomes worse off after grace if he falls” (184); “Christ
gives a sufficiently lengthy answers [on using parables to
confuse], yet one that is lofty and difficult” (190); “When
[alienated minds] hear the Word, they have alien eyes and ears,
as if they were in another world” (194); “The worst things
always come from the best” (197); “We let go [those who] reject
our admonitions” (202); “It is, therefore, safer to confess
ignorance than to want to understand everything” (207); “The
devil does not sleep” (209); “Christ will not abandon His
Church…. Therefore… there will always be those who will denounce
wicked men and scandals before Christ through prayer, and they
will hate them and bear witness against them through confession
and preaching” (209); “Christ [is] the most attentive inspector
inspectore]” (210);
“This line of reasoning holds good from the beginning of the
world: the church is not the Church, and what is not the church
is the Church” (211); “The Christian life is such that whoever
begins in it seem to himself to have nothing, but he strains and
presses forward to take hold of it” (212); “The more progress [a
Christian] makes, the more he desires to become and the less he
thinks that he is” (213); “Within [the Law and the Gospel] is
encompassed the entire wisdom of God, as if gathered together in
a short summary” (217); “The Word of God is never so despised as
where it is richly taught” (218); “We must put up with
despisers. We are not going to change them…. Abel was killed by
his brother Cain―not by wolves or bears, but by a human being
and brother in the same household, of the same parents, one who
could not be any closer” (219); “We must not believe our
thoughts about God, for it is certain that our speculations
about God make an altogether hostile phantom out of the God who
is altogether well-disposed toward us” (230); “The eye always
impedes hearing, and visible things take away the Word and
invisible things” (231); “All things are impossible for one who
doubts [for] doubting makes… sons of misery” (232); “Everything
that is done in faith is a good work, since Word-and-faith is a
marriage that cannot be dissolved” (243); “God…. Himself has
commanded us to obey our parents, but not when they give
commands against God” (243); “Whatever can get between your jaws
shall not be called sin” (246); “Those who refuse to be made
good through God’s kindnesses must be made worse by His rod”
(266); “The conscience is a most delicate thing” (269); “His
Church… is the front line of an army, a warrior heroine, arrayed
against the very gates of hell, that is, against the trials of
sin, death, and hell” (283); “Christ and the Church are more
ready to loose than to bind” (285); “Christ…. willed to die
freely, of His own accord, not because He was compelled” (287);
“Christ…. wants the entirety of what we are, what we can, and
what we do to be denied” (292); “True denial is defined as
[bringing] your will, your understanding―that is, your
righteousness, wisdom, works, etc.―into subjugation [and be]
foolish, a sinner, and dead in yourself” (292); “Losing one’s
life does not mean dying only, but all the… trials that
interfere with a pleasant life and the peace of the flesh amid
wealth, glory, and delight” (295); “Christ does not say: ‘He
will repay every work’; rather, He speaks thus: ‘He will repay
each one according to his own works’” (301); “[This is a]
miserable and calamitous life. [Therefore we long to pass] from
this prison to the radiance of a better life” (308); “Even a
small and incipient faith, provided it is a true and certain
faith, is able to work miracles in all things” (318);
“Christians are a people ready for blows” (324); “What matters
in [the] kingdom [of heaven] is not becoming great, but becoming
small. But everyone wants to be great; no one wants to be
little; these people do not belong in this kingdom” (325);
“Those who preach Christ alone, the one in whom we place all our
trust and confidence, are the masters and teachers of the
Church” (336); “We Christians have so completely turned to stone
that we do not care either about God’s favor or about His
punishment, but someday the punishment will become so great that
we will have to feel it. Therefore, it would be better if we
turned now and became more righteous, while it is still the time
of grace” (342); “Christians… ought simply to depend on the Word
[and] simply believe it because Christ says it” (353); “Whoever
seeks God outside of Christ falls into error and offense” (359);
“Christians should indeed be like children, but in Christ and
not outside of Christ [for] Christians [must] grow [and] become
strong [so that they are not] blown here and there by every wind
of doctrine” (362); “In opposition to the devil… we should be as
proud, intractable, and ill-tempered as we possibly can…. Here
let all humility be damned to the depths of hell!” (363); “The
devil preaches his poison and false doctrine in God’s name and
with a better show than those who preach the true doctrine”
(365); “Do not understand the word ‘world’ [when it is being
condemned in the Bible] to mean the common man…. Instead,
‘world’ means the best people in the world, such as the most
learned bishops, the greatest and wisest rulers, the leaders of
the people who have a great following and who are regarded as
teaching the right way to heaven” (368–69); “Everything depends
on the youth being brought up well. There is a great outcry, and
unfortunately it is all too true, that the youth now are so
dissolute and wild and that they will no longer submit to
direction… This is surely not a good sign” (377); “If someone
were to look at the world today in true earnest, it would be no
wonder if he perished immediately from the shock”
(379); “If [God] did not want
you to be saved, He would not have let you be baptized” (385);
“Every Christian is responsible for obeying God’s Word” (386);
“The world is…. full of greed, hate, envy, deceit―yes, full of shameful vice” (398); “Where doctrine is
false, life cannot be helped” (398); “The preacher…. must be
just like an owl that all the other birds attack” (401); “It is
not God’s will that a single sorrow should afflict you” (408);
“Saint Athanasius… was the finest bishop there ever was in
Christendom after the time of the apostles and accomplished
much” (412); “The priest may be a drunk or a fornicator [but
his] Baptism is still right if he has rightly spoken the words
of Baptism [and the one being baptized does] not treat it as a
joke” (414); “[The promise of forgiveness] is not a log floating
in the water, but a sure and solid rock” (415); “It is such a
difficult thing both to preach God’s grace and forgiveness of
sins and also to hold the people in discipline and subject to
punishment” (418); “Preachers who create doubts are good for
nothing, for in the kingdom of God we should be certain about
whether we have a merciful God, forgiveness of sins, and eternal
life” (419); “I have seen many whose uncertainty and doubt drove
them insane and robbed them of their senses on their deathbed”
(420). Of these some 115 favorite quotations of mine, be sure to
spend extra time on these fifteen―43, 56, 87, 101, 130, 141,
180, 197, 210, 211, 213, 218, 318, 353, 362.