October 2019
“There is no real joy in this world except that
which the Word brings when it is believed.”
This Bible verse is the opposite of the
promised rest in the famous and beloved
Matthew 11:28. Accordingly not many know
or like Matthew 7:6, its opposite – “Do
not give dogs what is holy; and do not
throw your pearls before swine.”
Nevertheless it has mattered a great
deal to me and my ministry – even
stretching back to the 1960s and my
confirmation days when I first learned
But it was Martin Luther who reinforced it for me
with his joining of the two – “If you see some brother
in terror because of a sin of which he has been
guilty,…. comfort him with sweet words and embrace him
in your motherly arms. The obdurate and stubborn, who
fearlessly and smugly persist and continue in their
sins, you should rebuke sharply” (Luther’s
27:111, 20:176). That sounds like the adage – “afflict
the comfortable and comfort the afflicted” — combining
Matthew 7:6 with the nicer Matthew 11:28.
Luther takes five pages to go over this sharp rebuke
against the smug. He notes that it is also in Matthew
18:17 and Acts 8:21. He also makes it clear that we
shouldn’t “enjoy doing it” (LW
21:226, 228). But it has to be done because we live in a
world that is “so infinitely evil,” wherein we are
“surrounded by snakes and all kinds of vermin” (LW
21:223). These snakes “become the worst enemies we have
on earth…. Such is the fortune of the Gospel in the
world” (LW
21:224). Accordingly the “Gospel has to be the doormat
for everybody, and the whole world walks all over it.”
What’s wrong with these dogs and swine? They do not
“hold in esteem both the dear Word and those who preach
it and gladly listen to it,” nor “humbly submit to it” (LW
21:225, 226). Against such dogs we are to practice “the
art of letting him keep the pretense but actually taking
everything back, so that he has nothing left at all” (LW
21:228). This is the art I have been trying to perfect
for the last forty years.

New Luther Sermons…
by Pastor
volumes of Luther’s writings are being translated, many
for the first time into English. Hurray! The latest is
volume 56 – containing some 30 sermons from 1522–1531.
Among my favorite passages are the following: “Christ….
places His body and blood before us, against which
death, sin, devil, and hell are powerless” (9); “There
are not enough people competent to…. preach the Gospel.
[Therefore] it is better to remain silent than to
preach” (10); “There is no greater holy thing on earth
than the Word of God” (11); “Joy in…. health, good
fortune, wealth, honor, respect, power, friendship, and
the like [are] manifestly vain and ephemeral” (17); “To
live and never die, to be without sin and a bad
conscience, to act with good and joyful conscience, to
be free from the fear of death and hell, to escape the
last judgment – these are the things which trouble
everyone” (18); “In Mark 16:16…. there is very great
reason for rejoicing” (19); “We are unable to have God,
who is invisible, except in the word of His promise”
(20); “When both the Word and faith are present, then
all works are good; and when they are not present, then
all works are wicked and harmful” (21); “[If you meet] a
Jew… you wanted to bring to Christ, [I] would be silent
about [faith in Christ] at first, and in this way bend
and give myself to him, so that he might acquire a love
for the Lord Christ…. Then… I would… also want to bring
him further so that he believes that Christ is God…. But
if he were stubborn,… I would let him go” (24); “One
should not worry about offending [people who resist
you], because they are not the ones who want to hear and
learn God’s Word” (25); “It is right for people to fast
much so that the body may be tamed and subdued” (26);
“If I have a wife who wants to kill me with poison, I
ought to flee” (34); “Works… should be done as long as
the conscience is not… putting its trust in them” (38);
“Everyone must be personally responsible to be certain
and sure of the true doctrine” (40); “The more [a
conscience] does, the wearier it becomes [with the
world] continually urging… and saying, ‘Do, do, do’”
(44); “The very purpose of our being alive is to help to
enlarge the kingdom of Christ, as love demands” (51);
“Faith is superior to love and is the most important….
If we have faith, we can return to love, but whoever
renounces faith and lets it go has lost Christ… and
there is no help left” (52); “It is… a good work… when
it is done to the glory of [God’s] name and in His will
and service…. If we do anything beyond this, it is of
the devil, no matter how excellent it might be” (54);
“Dream this, dream that, only do not explain it” (56);
“God’s wisdom shows that human reason is foolishness”
(57); “A Christian who has the Word must live on the
cross; you will not live without conflict” (57); “The
more a man wishes to be wise, the more he makes himself
a fool” (59); “The Bible is not needed for things such
as basic knowledge and farming. Nature teaches these….
[And those] who are wisest in earthly things are most
foolish in spiritual things” (59); “There is no estate
which God wanted to be more universal than the estate of
marriage” (66); “Christ… has taken our sins upon
Himself. If we deny [Him], we are done for” (87); “Faith
has its home in heaven above; works are to be drawn down
to earth. Faith relates to God; works relate to the
neighbor…. Faith soars above all laws,… works are…
servants of all laws” (94); “The Word is the only bridge
and path by which the Holy Spirit comes to us” (107);
“The Christian life…. is to be a war” (113); “He is a
mysterious God…. He wants us to use the sword and not to
trust in it…. Therefore, we must conform to this. He
wills to have eternal things and yet to accomplish
nothing thereby” (115); “Lord, if You do not do it, it
is not done. [Therefore] learn to know God, leave
everything to Him, and see that you cling to the Head”
(117); “The wisdom of the world does not agree with that
of God” (121); “If our will prevents [us from being
saved], it must be mightier than God’s will so that what
He wills is prevented from happening when we do not will
it…. How, then, does it make sense to say that I prevent
and hinder my being saved if it is God’s will?”
(122–23); “[God’s] will is done when we break ours and
leave it to Him to rule and govern…. He must and will do
it alone” (125); “[God] helps all men, but of all the
times He helps, the best is when He causes someone to
come to the knowledge…. of the truth, or the Gospel”
(126); “All who are saved and come to God are only to do
so through the Mediator – not that everyone is therefore
saved” (127); “Although [Christ] accomplished this great
work on the cross, if it were left at that, it would be
of no use to anyone” (127); “We should study [Christ’s
crucifixion] as long as we live; yet even if we made it
our study for a hundred years we would never finish
learning it” (137); “Christ… is… a sinner for me” (138);
“[Christ’s crucifixion] is so enormous that we are
unable to comprehend it even when we hear it” (140); “No
one should be praised before he [has] ended his life
well” (148); “[The dead Christian] rests until the Last
Day, when we shall see him more radiant and glorious
than before, no matter what kind of mind, understanding,
wisdom, and strength were in him… before. [He] shall
also have much more joy than before during his life”
(150); “There is nothing dearer for a Christian than to
think that he lives in God…. This comfort belongs alone
to Christians” (158); “Genesis 3:15…. is obscure to
those who do not believe” (166); “The Gospel is the key
which opens the Old Scripture” (169); “Death for the
Christian is a leap into resurrection and life” (176);
“The world is the kingdom of the devil” (186); “The
world [is] nothing but blindness, wickedness,
unrighteousness, and folly, nothing but a stable full of
villains, and not much better than it was in the days of
Noah” (188); “Hardly [anyone perceives the] blindness
[of the world]. The crowds go along like cattle” (188);
“Where there is no sin, death, too, is absent…. If there
were no sin, death would have no power or authority”
(190); “The greater the Christians, the more difficult
the deaths they suffer” (190); “As long as we live here,
it is all falling down and getting up again” (191);
“When the Gospel is not in use,… all men walk, sleeping,
into hell” (194); “The Gospel…. preaches peace, and yet
there is the height of discord” (194); “To the world it
may seem that Christians are the losers, for they are
killed… like cattle…. But what is it? It does not last
long, and everything will be reversed” (195); “The more
the world rages, the bolder and more defiant the
Christians become…. In this way the world’s tyranny
[strengthens] the hearts of Christians” (196); “We
should listen to God’s Word with fear and treat it with
humility and not barge in with our own opinions…. For
God’s Word is not to be trifled with. If you cannot
understand it, take your hat off to it. It tolerates no
insult and no human interpretation but is utterly
serious and calls for honor and respect…. If you bring
your own opinions against it, you will lose your way…
and not know whether you are in the back or front; it
will be difficult to help you” (198–99); “[Christ]
abrogated the old testament, and [so]… no one is
righteous or is saved by the Law,… but Christ alone is
He who makes good and righteous by His righteousness”
(203); “A Christians is a rare bird” (204); “The
greatest intellectuals of this world will despise,
deride, and condemn the preaching of the Gospel” (206);
“God refuses to change His ways for the benefit of
intellectuals” (207); “The devil does the reverse [of
what God does]” (207); “God insists on being the only
expert” (208); “God does not owe anyone anything” (210);
“Both the Christian faith and the Christian life stand
in the one little word ‘revealing’ by God” (212); “The
[Christian] path [is] made up of nothing but razor
blades” (213); “[Christ’s] kingdom is a hospital for the
sick…. Whoever recognizes his sickness and feels the
bondage of sin is a welcome guest” (215); “The reason
people do not run to Christ is that He imposes a yoke on
the old donkey; that is, He lays the cross and many
troubles on its neck…. If Christ were to give him… a
chest full of money, then he would freely, voluntarily,
and gladly run to Christ… Christ identifies the yoke as
nothing other than putting to death the desires of the
old man” (215); “The real skill is for us to learn what
[Christ] teaches us” (216); “[Christ] must stamp out
[your old Adam’s] reason and turn his intellectuality
into folly” (216); “The world…. always wants to be on
top” (217); “[The] arrogant… is always out to aggrandize
himself” (219); “God has commanded us to shut eyes,
ears, and all senses and simply wrap ourselves up in His
Word. We are not to barge in and judge it with our
reason, or we will certainly end up like someone who
tries to look right at the sun with weak eyes: the
longer he looks at it, the more harm he does to his
sight” (221); “Our temporal death is a march to eternal
life” (227); “Neither [do] we have the power… to begin,
let alone finish, a single true Christian work” (236);
“Impenitence [is being] unwilling and unable to feel
remorse over… sin” (247); “Fighting against grace and
forgiveness [is] no longer a human sin but desperate
devilish wickedness” (250); “How dare the Christian
Church… tell God to shut up” (255); “God will give you a
large tree, that is, a strong Word” (263); “Christians
always have reasons to become sad” (264); “We do not sit
in a rose garden. But in our circles there are many
Satans” (270); “Whoever seeks power and honor on earth
and has desire and joy for whatever is easy in this life
– he does not love Christ…. Whoever has desire and joy
in [Christ] has died and been severed from the world”
(273); “Christ’s look is so unpleasant, but the world’s
look is so very pleasant because of Satan” (274); “The
Word is not man’s but God’s” (279); “A Christian is the
noblest treasure and jewel on earth, but they are rare”
(280); “[God’s] peace is very hard to perceive, just as
the Word is, for Satan obstructs it” (281); “If man is
to become new, he must have another mind and a new
character” (282); “Stay with God’s Word, and the works
will follow” (294); “Satan… clothes himself in
Scripture” (295); “God’s saints do not shine” (298);
“Our bishops… are like letter carriers [who] threw away
the true letters and wrote others and send them under
the original name and seal” (299); “Preaching must begin
with the Law” (301); “The aim of… preaching… is first to
magnify sin” (302); “Christian repentance… seeks that
you may be reborn and that you grieve over the sins you
have committed and that you may be ashamed of them”
(304); “Without the Word of God, nothing is really
learned” (308); “The gifts of God are best recognized in
their absence” (310); “They tortured [Saint Christopher]
with a red-hot helmet and cut off his head. We wish to
be such free Christians” (314); “The Christian faith is
so difficult” (316); “There is no other comfort for the
Christian than Christ’s Word” (316); “I would rather
preach to mad dogs” (320); “When we do something, it
becomes dirt, because we want to boast” (320); “Receive
the Word, trust God, do good to your neighbor, be
patient with your conditions. This is the chief point of
the Christian life” (321); “[Christians] always remain
the same: cold today, much colder tomorrow, and are thus
incorrigible, sluggish people” (325); “[The Bible has]
great, deep words that can be neither comprehended nor
learned at once” (328); “We must constantly be taught
and trained that Christ is our Brother and God is our
Father” (333); “As far as I am a man and Adam’s child, I
belong in hell” (334); “If we did truly believe
[Scriptures], we would not live here so securely” (340);
“That the whole world is not now ablaze, and that every
town and village is not a pile of rubble, are all the
work and activity of the dear angels” (343); “We always
experience more good than evil” (346); “There are indeed
few who believe… rightly” (351); “Our life is quite
simply contained in the bare Word” (352); “A Christian
is like the wind. [I can only judge him] when I hear him
‘rushing,’ that is, that he has the Word” (353); “Our
heart should have no doubt…. That is the right way to
believe” (353); “A real Christian must say truly that he
has and believes in a God who can pay money out of an
empty purse and give everyone enough to drink from an
empty mug. Otherwise it is no real faith” (353);
“Wherever God’s Word and promise are, God is also there”
(354); “Since we have the bride’s ring, the dear Word,
we will care about nothing else” (355); “God…. has given
us more than the whole world could give” (356); “Praying
is an extremely difficult [work]” (392); “A good prayer
[is] the mind’s ascent to God” (393); “You will never
find yourself prepared [to pray]” (394); “Even the
shortest prayers are good” (394); “If you are
unprepared, you do not have reason enough not to pray”
(394); “If you are not praying in and through Christ,
and if He is not praying in you, it is in vain” (395);
“No one can pray unless he knows who Christ is” (401);
“All who want to be Christians should pray” (403);
“Whoever does not pray will in time lose his faith”
by Cary
Last month I mentioned that at our mid-year
congregational meeting we approved updates and changes
to our Mission Statement.
It is a good Mission Statement fitting for our
church, one that we can be proud to share.
Not many churches take the time to develop and
embrace such a statement.
Maybe because they feel a church’s mission is
obvious but when I read through our Mission Statement I
feel it provides great clarity around what is at the
core of our church and congregation’s beliefs.
It is a good grounding for us to all be on the
same page.
And, because our church Mission Statement is unique to
us, I wanted to include it here for your review.
Above all, our mission or purpose for existence is to
worship, confess, witness to, and serve the Triune God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, proclaimed in Holy
Scripture, according to the Lutheran Confessions
Included in this primary mission are the following
In our worship we:
Honor the historical liturgies,
upholding the apostolic faith and practice, and seasons
of the liturgical year.
Honor the sacrament
of Christ's Holy Supper, celebrating it at every Sunday
liturgy and other church appointed days throughout the
year, with bread and wine, extending it to all who are
baptized and believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior,
including infants and members of other Christian
Honor the music
of the great hymnody of the Church, seeing in it a
richness that properly matches the grandeur of the
apostolic faith.
In our congregation we:
Honor the authority of the Holy Office of parish pastor
and support its primary work of promoting, protecting,
and proclaiming God's Law and Gospel in its written,
spoken, and visible forms.
Honor the rigorous study of
the details and
complexities of
Holy Scripture
under the instruction of the parish pastor.
Honor entering into discussions over the great societal
issues of our day
without avoiding controversy, so that we may better
understand our world and the minds of our membership on
these matters.
Honor the beauty and majesty of our church building as
God's holy house
wherein we do far more than meet together, but primarily
behold the awesome splendor of God's presence.
Believe that church membership is not easy,
but a high calling to live a life of sacrifice in our
witness to Christ's Cross, by giving of our money to the
church, by giving of our time to further the work of the
church, and by being ever ready to witness anywhere to
God's truth, justice and righteous purity.
Believe that the best way to raise our young in the
church is through sustained home instruction
and example, supplemented with Church School and
confirmation, active participation in worship including
the choir programs and acolyte guild, and by joining in
the various service projects of our church.
Acknowledge our membership in the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America.
In our community we:
Serve by funding and participating
in programs for the poor, powerless and voiceless, and
by defending them against injustice and abuse.
In conclusion we:
Affirm that through Holy Baptism and spiritual
regeneration we bear one another's burdens,
so that we can provide help in times of trouble, advance
maturity in Christ, and promote independence among us.
I hope that you will prayerfully contemplate the content
of our Mission Statement and see how well you align with
its proclamations.
If you have questions or comments about our
Mission Statement please share them with Pastor Marshall
or me. We
would welcome the discussion.
Please remember to attend the Saint Nicholas Fair on
December 15th from 1 – 4:00 pm.
Blessings to you all.
Larger Biblical View
In exploring the concept of Christian stewardship, I
thought it useful to start with two definitions I found:
One describes it as a follower of the teachings
of Jesus Christ who spends his or her time, money, and
energy focusing on making the world better and taking
care of the people and things which are important to
them. An example of Christian stewardship is
making regular donations to the church to which
you belong.
Another definition states that stewardship is a
theological belief that humans are responsible for
the world
and should take care of it. Believers in stewardship are
people who believe in one God, who created the universe
and all that is within it, also believing that they must
take care of creation and look after it. Creation
includes animals and the environment. Many religions and
denominations have various degrees of support for
environmental stewardship.
Biblical references relevant to stewardship include the
Colossians 3:23-24
Paul writes:
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your
heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,
since you know that you will receive an
inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the
Lord Christ you are serving”.
The first verse of Psalm 24 states:
“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it.”
Deuteronomy 8:17
power and the strength of my hands have produced
this wealth for me.”
Deuteronomy 8:18
seems to advise us to us to think differently:
the LORD your God,
for it is he who gives you the ability to
produce wealth”.
In exploring this important concept, I’ve learned
recently that as Christians in the 21st century, we need
to embrace this larger biblical view of stewardship. I
believe this goes beyond church budgets or building
projects, though these are important. Stewardship
connects everything we do with what God is doing in the
This is a repeat of
Coile’s Stewardship article from September
Jim Coile died in a tragic automobile accident
outside of San Diego,
California on June 20th of this year.
He was inurned in our
Chapel of the Resurrection on September

The Right Way to Preach
at Funerals
have attended so many funerals of prominent people that
I consider myself a connoisseur of the genre. [Now] in
Christian services conducted for deceased Christians, I
am surprised at how often eulogy is the centerpiece of
the service, rather than… the Resurrection of Christ,
and the eternal life which follows from that. [That
bothers me because praising the virtues of the deceased]
can cause us to forget that we are praying for, and
giving thanks for, God’s inexplicable mercy to a sinner.
Perhaps the clergymen who conduct relatively secular
services are moved by a desire not to offend the
nonbelievers in attendance – whose numbers tend to
increase in proportion to the prominence of the
deceased. What a great mistake. Weddings and funerals
(but especially funerals) are the principal occasions
left in modern America where you can preach the Good
News not just to the faithful, but to those who have
never really heard it.”
[Antonin Scalia
(1936–2016), On
Faith: Lessons from an American
ed. C. J. Scalia and Edward Whelan (2019) pp. 221–22.]
Pastor Marshall
you want to introduce Pastor Marshall to your friends
who have never met him before – go to the audio
recording on Luther and the Jews at
– and for a video on his class on the Qur’an check out
She was a
pillar of the church – well up in her nineties.
Many attended her funeral. In the sermon I
quoted Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is
death. I also covered the Martin Luther passage
that when “horses, cows, and all animals die,
they do not die because God is angry at them….
But the death of human beings is a genuine
disaster. Man’s death is in itself truly an
infinite and eternal wrath…. It is caused by an
incensed and estranged God…. He dies because he
provoked God’s wrath. [This] comes to man as
shocking news” (Luther’s
Works 13:94).
You Trashed Her Funeral!
So I said this matriarch of the church died because
she was a sinner. It was her punished. And the same
holds true for all believers in Christ – myself and
family included. I noted that this beloved member of
our church knew this well – for when receiving Holy
Communion on her deathbed, she insisted on sitting
upright, folding her hands, and looking me in the
eye when I pronounced absolution after she had
confessed her sins.
At that point I sounded the good news, that “Jesus
sinners will receive” (Lutheran
Book of Worship, 1978, Hymn 291). So even though
death is our punishment, we will not be punished in
hell forever, but saved for all of eternity because
we believe in Jesus (John 3:16).
Right after the funeral I was buttonholed by
a young woman who was raised in the church but
hadn’t been active for years. She was enraged and
said that I had ruined the funeral with my words
about wrath and punishment – and that I had defamed
the memory of the deceased. I said I was just
following the norms of the Church and had included
myself and family in the same condemnation. I also
said that the sermon didn’t end with punishment but
with salvation. She said that was a poor excuse! I
asked if she would like to get together and talk
further about our difference – but she declined and
walked away. Nothing more has ever been said about
this – the times I’ve seen her since.
What is going on in this case is what has
been called “the rise of a culturally hegemonic
notion of a closed immanent order” (Charles Taylor,
The Secular
Age, 2007, p. 774). This person’s outrage, then,
was fueled by secularism – unbeknownst to her. It
blinded her to the Biblical relationship between
punishment and salvation – something which she even
didn’t want to learn about. This is what can happen
when un-catechized people attend funerals. Preachers
─Pastor Marshall
Saint Nicholas Faire
Soup & Sandwich Luncheon
Sunday, October 13, 2019
We hope
you can join us directly following the 10:30 am Holy
Eucharist, on
Sunday, October 13th, in the parish hall to
set off our plans for the 11th annual Saint Nicholas
Faire. We
will start with soup and sandwiches.
We will give a brief explanation of what we are
hoping to accomplish over the next two months and answer
any questions you may have.
There will be sign up sheets for people to
volunteer for duties before, as well as the day of the
Please consider attending this important meeting.
We are all looking forward to another successful
fundraiser for the West Seattle Helpline and West
Seattle Foodbank.
Thank you, Scott & Valerie Schorn

Discussing Jesus Movies:
Small Group home study this year will include discussing
a dozen movies on Jesus. Call Bob Baker for more info
and a question sheet for each movie. Here’s the list:
Kings of Kings (1961). The Gospel According to
St. Matthew (1964). The Greatest Story Ever Told
(1965). Jesus Christ Super Star (1973).
Godspell (1973). Jesus of Nazareth (1977).
Life of Brian (1979). Man Facing Southeast
(1986). The Last Temptation of Christ (1988).
Jesus of
Montreal (1989). Jesus (1999). The Passion
of the Christ (2004). Everyone is welcome.
will be starting on Sunday, October 6th at noon, in room
D. If you
are interested in becoming a member please let Pastor
Marshall know.
A four-week guided reading of the Koran begins October
3rd at 7:00 pm.
Call 206-935-6530 to register or email
suggestion for October is canned tuna and mayonnaise.
The Sunday school students and confirmation
students wish to thank everyone who supported the summer
bake sale! Your
donations of almost $350 will help the students purchase
essential items from their favorite charity, Lutheran
World Relief.
The students put their resources together and
decided on these items to donate:
Supplies- to assist healthcare workers in the villages,
a smokeless cookstove ‒ to keep families safe from
noxious fumes and reduce the need to forage for scarce
wood, fruit tree seedlings to help a farmer start a
fruit tree grove to provide nutrition and income,
piglets a favorite, a sheep for milk and wool, and
always hens and chicks for eggs to sell and eat.
The students are
thankful for your support of them and their chosen
charity, Lutheran
World Relief.
Periodically this year we have put out the
following request for help:
Please note that the following jobs need regular
or at least yearly attention:
Pressure washing the outside walkways and steps,
Memorial courtyard clean up and weeding, south courtyard
clean up and weeding, cleaning out of the seven
window wells, cleaning of the outside stairwells,
washing and sanitizing of the nursery and church
We would like to acknowledge the following people
for stepping up to volunteer:
Lynn Hopson brought her daughter Karin Weyer and
children, Hannah and Seth to thoroughly clean the parish
hall kitchen and refrigerator in room C; Rollie
Storbakken cleaned out seven window wells and washed the
outside of the kitchen windows; and Janine Douglass with
Valerie Schorn cleaned the nursery one Sunday after
Many thanks to
these people for taking their time to complete these
Endowment Fund Gift
be to God for Cary Natiello, the president of our
congregation, who has been a diligent supporter of our
church ever since he became a member here back on March
22, 1987. Now he has given a $90,000 donation to our
endowment fund! In his note to Pastor Marshall he says:
“On behalf of the Natiello estate (Nick & Naomi Natiello,
and Cary & Cynthia Natiello), and
in honor of your
40th anniversary, a contribution to the endowment
fund is being made in the amount of $90,000…. I hope
that a gift like this will inspire others to contribute
to the endowment fund. This is something that I am so
pleased to be able to do in support of you and our
church. Only the best to you,
Thinking You’re Free to
Criticize the Bible
by Pastor Marshall
former presiding bishop of the ELCA (1987–1995), Herbert
W. Chilstrom recently wrote that Luther said we are free
to “criticize those parts of the Bible” that do not have
“a clear witness to the revelation of Jesus Christ”
(“The Authority and Interpretation of the Bible,”
Living Lutheran,
May 2019). But Chilstrom doesn’t show how any of us
could ever know which passages those are. And given the
fact that we are weak, limited, and deficient “earthen
vessels” (2 Corinthians 4:7, Romans 7:18), it looks like
we could never have the chops to know which are the weak
verses. That guts Chilstrom’s argument. Also, Luther
actually taught that the Bible is either all true or not
true at all – given the fact that “if a bell cracks at
one place, it does not chime any more and is completely
useless” (Luther’s
Works 38:308). Chilstrom ignores this passage.
Furthermore, Luther argued that if we don’t like a
verse, rather than criticizing it, we should “let these
words stand,… even though they appear foolish and
strange to reason…. One must not be willful with the
Word of God…. It is better to leave my hands off and to
commend it to God…. Holy Writ must be treated with
veneration and profound awe…. If you don’t understand
it, accord it the honor to say: ‘I shall wait until I do
understand it’” (LW
22:283). He skips this passage too. Maybe Chilstrom
should have said that his views were his own – and not
Curtailing Gun Control…
by Pastor
If you
want to better understand why the US Supreme Court has
in the Heller
case (2008) and the
case (2010) stopped the banning and curtailing of gun
ownership in America (specifically striking down gun
laws in Washington DC and Chicago), read John R. Lott
Jr., The War on
Guns (2016). One interesting part of his analysis is
that background checks inexorably lead to registration
and confiscation (pp. 149–50).
Reformation Sunday
Sunday, October 27, 2019
10:30 am Festival Eucharist—nave

NW Pastor’s Meeting
& Luncheon
Thursday, October 10, 2019
11:30 am Chapel Eucharist

Watch for our four new Frontier Elms coming on
courtesy of the City of Seattle.
Romans 13.4
Monthly Home Bible Study, October 2019, Number 320
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us
join as a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone
then talk informally about the assigned verses together
as we have opportunity. In this way we can "gather
around the Word" even though physically we will not be
getting together (Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV
We need to support each other in this difficult project.
In 1851 Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an
extremely dangerous book.... [because] it is an
imperious book... – it takes the whole man and may
suddenly and radically change... life on a prodigious
scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote
that "we all instinctively know that it is dangerous to
become involved in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5)
because we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As
Lutherans, however, we are still to "abide in the womb
of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word"
(LW 30.219)
so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who
caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our
learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn
and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever
hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which
you have given us in Our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen"
(quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New
World: How Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
And don’t give up, for as Luther said, we “have in
Scripture enough to study for all eternity” (LW
Week I.
Read Romans 13.4 noting the word
sword. Who
uses this sword? On this read Romans 13.1 noting the
governing authorities. They are the police, soldiers
and executioners. Who can they kill? On this read again
Romans 13.4 noting the word
Are they political activists, or something worse? On
this read Romans 13.2 noting the category
authorities. So they are not protesters. They
instead are the ones trying to kill us. Why can’t they
be stopped by talking to them? On this read 2 Timothy
3.3 noting the words
and fierce.
Why are they this way? They don’t listen to
reason as in
James 3.17. And they are embroiled with
passions as
in James 4.3. What’s an example of this? On this read
about David killing Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:41–51 noting
the words
dog, cursed,
and defiled.
Also read about Samson in Judges 15:14–17 noting the
words jawbone,
slew and
Note as well Acts 12.20–23 noting the words
smote and
worms. And
note the rescue of Paul by
soldiers in
Acts 23.27.
Week II.
Read again Romans 13.4 noting the same word
sword. Was
Jesus in favor
of using swords? On this read Matthew 5.39 noting the
line turn... the
other cheek. Read also Matthew 26.52 noting the line
put your sword back,…. for all who take the sword will
perish by the sword. Was Jesus then a pacific? On
this read Luke 22.38 noting the words
swords and
enough. But
were they ever used in self-defense? On this read John
18.36 noting the line
if my kingship
were of this world, my servants would fight, that I
might not be handed over to the Jews; but my kingship is
not from the world. So is Jesus out of sync with the
rest of the New Testament? On this other view read 1
Peter 2.14 noting the words
punish and
wrong – as
well as Romans 13.4 from last week. How do these two
directions go together? The Bible doesn’t say. Luther
thought pacifism had to do with mercenaries and
vigilantes, and violence with social jurisdiction and
international relations (Luther’s
Works 46:134). Do you agree?
Week III.
Reread Romans 13.4 noting again the word
sword. Are we
then not allowed to defend ourselves and families from
intruders? Are we to absorb the violence hurled against
us as Jesus did – which Philippians 2.5 and 1 Peter 2.21
seems to suggest? On this read Luke 4.30 noting the
words through
and away.
Here Jesus doesn’t absorb the violence. Read also John
10.39 noting the word
escaped, and
John 8.59 noting the words
hid and
out. Read
also 2 Corinthians 11.33 noting that same word
Matthew 16.24 says Christians are to
follow Jesus
– imitating his way of life. This, we see, includes both
absorbing violence and fleeing from it – without any
directions on how to do it. On this read 1 Corinthians
6.15–19 noting the words
against and
temple. So
reckless endangerment is ruled out – perhaps giving us a
criterion to follow. On this same point, read Matthew
4.6–7 noting the words
throw and
Week IV.
Read Romans 13.4 one last time noting again the word
Anything more on self-defense? On this read 1 Timothy
5.8 noting the word
Would that include killing an intruder if there were no
other way to protect your family and relatives from some
brutal attack? Note in that verse the closing line about
those who fail to help out –
he has disowned
the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. Does that
severe indictment open the way for the use of violence
to stop violence? On this read Luke 11.21 noting the
line when a
strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his
goods are in peace. If guarding when fully armed
includes violently stopping violent assaults, then
Christians using violence against violence wouldn’t be
ruled out – even if it still wouldn’t be the first
choice in resolving problems. On that first choice read
1 Corinthians 12.31 noting the line
I will show you a
still more excellent way – which is the way of
love in 1
Corinthians 13.
Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made
brothers and sisters through baptism.
Louis & Holly
Petersen, The Tuomi Family, Bob Baker, Sam & Nancy
Lawson, Michael Lingle, Pete Morrison, Eileen & Dave
Nestoss, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Aasha Sagmoen & Ajani
Hammond, Connor Sagmoen, Kyra Stromberg, Tabitha
Anderson, Diana Walker, The Rev. Howard Fosser, The Rev.
Jeff Larson, The Rev. Kari Reiten, The Rev. Dave Monson,
Sheila Feichtner, Rebecca Brown, Antonio Ortez, Richard
Uhler, Marjorie Lorraine Dike, Yuriko Nishimura, Leslie
& Mark Hicks, Kate & Mark Frey, Yao Chu Chang, Eric
Baxter, Deanne Heflin, David Douglass, Geraldine
Martindale, Owen & Noreen Marten, Jim & Bonnie
Henningson, Mary Ford, Nancy Wilson, Nell & Paul
Sponheim, Mary Lou & Paul Jensen, Barbara Clark, Rubina
& Marcos Carmona, and Richard Wotipka.
Also, pray for unbelievers, the abused and
Pray for
the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them joy:
Bob & Mona Ayer,
Bob & Barbara Schorn, Joan Olson, Doris Prescott, C. J.
Christian, Dorothy Ryder, Lillian Schneider, Crystal
Tudor, Nora Vanhala, Anelma Meeks, Martin Nygaard, Gregg
& Jeannine Lingle.
Pray for those who have suffered the death of a
loved one:
Pray that God will bear their grief and lift their
hearts: Pray
for the family and friends of Mary Goplerud who died on
August 18th in Bellingham, Washington.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Shelly
Bryan Wee, our pastor Ronald Marshall, our choirmaster
Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew King, that they may be
strengthened in faith, love and the holy office to which
they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy
in service and in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a
good steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our
congregation in these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and
homeless this Fall.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and
for all in Christ's church to see and help those who are
in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emaus in the Skagit Valley that God
may bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of
the saints:
Saint Frances of Assisi, renewer of the Church, 1226;
Saint Luke, Evangelist; Saint Simon and Saint Jude,
A Treasury of Prayers
O Lord God, I do not ask that my life
be a pleasant road, free of any heavy load. Nor do I ask
that flowers always spring beneath my feet – knowing too
well the poison and sting of things too sweet. For one
thing only do I plead, lead me aright, though my heart
should bleed, through peace into light. In the name of
Jesus I pray. Amen.
[For All
the Saints IV:481–82, altered]