October 2021
Reforming the Church
Martin Luther believed that when he was involved in
reforming the church (making it better) it was actually
God who was doing it while he drank beer in the taverns
and preached the Word of God in the churches (Luther’s
51:77). Most Lutherans, however, think Luther did it by
himself, but he obviously thought differently. Others
today are wanting to reform the church to make it more
secular (Don Cupitt,
Reforming Christianity,
2001, p. 129). They think they can do this with their
friends. Their efforts, however, are doomed to fail
because, according to Luther, only God can restore the
church, and making it more secular isn’t what he wants
(Matthew 16:18, 22:34–40). Thanks be to God! So remember
this on Reformation Sunday this year –
October 31st.
This novel imagines
Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) traveling to the USA in
1966 to discuss his books with his admirers. Here is an
“Søren, your attack against Christian
priests seems to be extreme and unfair. You call them
criminals, liars, swindlers, counterfeiters, soul
sellers, perjurers, dishonest, cannibals, and money
seekers. Anyone who has known a priest or minister finds
such derogatory terms offensive because they are not
true. You, being a sincere, honest, and intelligent man
must also know that is the case. How do you justify such
“Benjamin, as you should know from having read
most of my books that the style is part of the message.
I have been intentionally confrontational; my point was
to be shocking, provocative, and challenging in order to
wake people up, especially those claiming to be
Christians, from the complacency of accepting beliefs
and actions which are far removed from the Christianity
of the New Testament.
“While I understand what you are saying about
your style, it still seems inappropriate to use that
kind of name calling such as this if one’s objective is
for the purpose of advocating Christianity.
“Benjamin, as I understand the nature of
Christianity, it originally was not intended for the
purpose of creating an industry of career seekers…. In
the process of doing this the original, primitive,
message of Christianity [was] compromised and, in most
cases, lost…. [Therefore] contemporary Christianity is a
softened form of Christianity in which its defining and
essential components have been stripped away and
smothered in sentimentality…. I have often said one
single honest Christian is worth more than a thousand
fake Christians….
“But Søren, don’t you need trained people… to
spread the word of God?” “Benjamin, that is a good
question. My answer is that I do not think [that’s]
necessary especially if [it] steers one away from the
essence of the Christianity of the New Testament. Did
Jesus hire a faculty of disciples?.... Going back to
part of your original question, yes there are certain
things which may be required to educate an individual
about Christianity; however, it should not be a paid
profession…. For Christ,…. the Gospel is preached for
the poor and by the poor. Today, the Gospel is preached
to the rich and powerful and they use their fortune and
success as a confirmation of their piety….
“[Later Søren’s friends made arrangements for him
to hear Martin Luther King preach in San Francisco.]
During the next forty-five minutes [they] heard one of
the greatest orators in history deliver a sermon full of
history,… testimonies to the importance of nonviolent
resistance, and advocacy for us to let love motivate us
rather than hate but never succumb to apathy and fear.
It included stories about moments when he was afraid for
his own life and that of his family which were the most
telling testimony to his commitment and courage. In the
most simple and succinct terms, he said he was willing
to die for what he believed in and would never let
himself hate his opponents. He, like Søren, took Jesus’
commandment of love for one’s neighbor as the most
serious ad central belief to living a committed
Christian life.”
(Richard Whetstone,
Kierkegaard Comes
to America,
2011, pp. 114–18, 151.)
by Cary
Something I doubt anyone wants to talk about (let alone
think about), is what will we do when Pastor Marshall
The Executive Committee has begun discussing this
challenging topic.
Luckily, Pastor Marshall has no immediate plans
to retire.
He said he still very much enjoys and feels Called to do
the work, and feels healthy enough to continue doing the
work. At
the same time he supports beginning discussions now to
be proactive and plan for his eventual retirement.
Understanding that First Lutheran Church of West
Seattle is rather unique in our worship service,
traditions, scriptural teachings, and our beliefs, the
anticipated challenge to find a qualified successor to
Pastor Marshall can’t be overstated.
An idea being discussed by the Executive
Committee is to create an opportunity for a qualified
ordained minister to participate in our worship
services, classes, areas of study, etc., under the
leadership of Pastor Marshall.
Something like an “understudy” for lack of a
better term.
This would be a paid position and the selection
of the candidate would be made following a similar
process as a Pastoral Call (although this would not be a
formal Call).
The idea would be to orient and train a minister
to follow in Pastor Marshall’s footsteps with regard to
our congregation’s beliefs and understanding of
Such a positon would not be a guarantee of successorship,
but the hope would be that a minister selected for and
agreeing to fill this position would end up being
uniquely qualified for a formal Call by First Lutheran
Church of West Seattle.
When the time comes, a Congregational Call
Committee would be established and our related
constitution articles and bylaws would be applied and
This idea comes with obvious challenges.
First, finding a candidate that would be
interested in such an opportunity, although Pastor
Marshall indicated that he is aware of possible
candidates for our consideration, possibly even from the
Puget Sound area.
Second, would a qualified candidate be interested
in such an opportunity.
And thirdly, and possibly biggest challenge is
paying for the position that, in addition to a salary,
should include benefits as well as a housing allowance.
We will keep you updated on any progress being
made on our succession planning for Pastor Marshall.
If you have any thoughts on the subject please
feel free to contact me, or any other member of the
Executive Committee (David/Larraine King, Janine
Douglass or Pastor Marshall).
Hopefully you have received your 2022 pledge card.
Pledge cards should be returned as soon as
possible to the financial secretary.
Cards can be:
Returned via our envelope system at Sunday services.
Mailed to the church office.
Email the information to Teri Korsmo at
Teri is the only one that has access to that Gmail
I am
pleased to let you know that the council will do a final
review of the Constitution at our October 12th meeting.
Our goal is to bring the revisions to the
congregation at our next annual meeting.
While we had a number of qualified glass contractors
give us bids and estimates for replacing and/or
repairing the windows, the method by which to complete
the work was inconsistent.
council also agreed to
accept the proposal from Dimensional Building
Consultants to provide a detailed assessment of the
condition of the glazing (curtain wall) on the Parish
House (Education Building) with the assistance of a
separately contracted glass contractor.
They will
be hired to:
Conduct a
visual inspection and evaluation of the exterior glazing
of the East and South elevations together with the North
and West elevations at the courtyard;
Extract a
sample (or samples) of the steel curtainwall structure
for metal analysis;
the steel framing and glazing attachment systems at
three (3) glazed units following their removal to
determine the means and methods of installation and
proposed remedial action;
Prepare a
Glazing Conditions Assessment Report together with a
section outlining a means to perform phased execution of
a repair plan;
of three (3) details illustrating the manner of
we have the assessments and reports from Dimensional
Consultants, we will have a clear roadmap to hire the
right contractor for the right work to be done.
Just a friendly reminder that there are still many
people in our community who continue to struggle to just
meet the basics of living.
Some organizations that can really use the help
and are part of our extended ministries are:
Foss Home (ELCA), Operation Nightwatch, Mary's Place,
and Welcome Table.
If you would like to learn more about any of
these organizations, please contact Pastor Marshall.
Thank you to those in our congregation who are able to
offer some additional support to local community
organizations that are dedicated to helping others on a
daily basis.
August, Year-to-Date (YTD), our envelope giving has been
about $155,700 (adjusted) compared to a budget of
For the same period, YTD expenses were $213,000 against
a budget of $180,800, or about $32,000 in higher
expenses than budgeted.
The added expense is almost all attributed to the extra
giving by the church to our extended ministries.


Shifting Our Thinking
Admittedly, I found that writing this article was
difficult to write. I had never been asked to write
about stewardship and tithe before. There is a
vulnerability to facing up to expectation versus the
reality of stewardship and tithing. I consider myself to
be a fiscally responsible adult, perhaps overzealous in
my personal financial process. It is that process that
causes my hesitancies. My own personal tithe falls short
of the literal expectation. However, this process of
introspection has provided me with an opportunity. How
could I shift my thinking to live up to these
1 Chronicles 29:14
But who am I, and who
are my people, that we should be able to give as
generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we
have given you only what comes from your hand.
Everything that has been given to me was given to me by
God. We are allowed to use 90% of it to provide for our
needs. Who could argue that isn’t an outstanding gift?
Proverbs 11:25
A generous person will
prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Giving generously will help provide me with peace. God
wants us to be generous so that we will be refreshed.
Who could argue that feeling refreshed isn’t an
outstanding outcome?
2 Corinthians 9:7
Each of you should give
what you have decided in your heart to give, not
reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a
cheerful giver.
Generosity should be cheerful. The positive vibe of
giving from your heart will improve your mood. Who could
argue that being cheerful isn’t an outstanding mood
Philippians 4:19
And my God will meet all
your needs according to the riches of His glory in
Christ Jesus.
final shift in thinking requires faith in Christ Jesus
that God will provide for all our needs. Needless to say
that this requires us to trust in God. Who could argue
that God isn’t an outstanding ally? What do we have to
‒Steven Liang, Church
Hebrews 5:9
Monthly Home Bible Study,
October 2021, Number 344
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us
join as a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone
then talk informally about the assigned verses together
as we have opportunity. In this way we can “gather
around the Word” even though physically we will not be
getting together (Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV
We need to support each other in this difficult
project. In 1851 Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is “an
extremely dangerous book.... [because] it is an
imperious book... – it takes the whole man and may
suddenly and radically change... life on a prodigious
scale” (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote
that “we all instinctively know that it is dangerous to
become involved in the Bible” (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word “kills” us (Hosea 6.5)
because we are “a rebellious people” (Isaiah 30.9)! As
Lutherans, however, we are still to “abide in the womb
of the Word” (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly “ruminating on the Word”
(LW 30.219)
so that we may “become like the Word” (LW
29.155) by thinking “in the way Scripture does” (LW
25.261). Before you study then, pray: “Blessed Lord, who
caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our
learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn
and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever
hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which
you have given us in Our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen”
(quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New
World: How Lutherans
Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12). And don’t give up, for
as Luther said, we “have in Scripture enough to study
for all eternity” (LW
Week I.
Read Hebrews 5.9
noting the line
the source of eternal salvation. What makes Jesus
that? Note the line
offered up loud
prayers and supplications in Hebrews 5.7. To whom
were these made and why? Read Hebrews 9.14 noting the
line through the
eternal Spirit… to God. Why did God need this
offering? On this read Hebrews 2.14 noting the words
power and
death. Why
did God have the power of death? Read Romans 6.23 noting
the words sin,
wages and
death. Why
did God punish sin with death? On this read 1
Corinthians 15.26 noting the word
enemy. How
did death become our enemy? On this read Genesis 1.31
noting that human life is called
very good. By
taking life away, death then becomes our enemy. How does
the death of Jesus and his prayers to God restore life?
On this read 1 Peter 2.24 noting the line
bore our sins in
his body. By being punished in this way, the need
for death as the punishment for our sins is taken away.
By so doing, Jesus becomes the source of our salvation.
Do you see any problems with this?
Week II.
Read again
Hebrews 5.9 noting the same line
the source of eternal salvation. Why isn’t Jesus
more than the source of our salvation, but salvation
itself, so that when he dies for our sins, all sinners
are automatically saved? The reason is Hebrews 10.22
about faith –
which includes
drawing near with a true heart, as well as
reaching out
for it and
striving to get it in Hebrews 4.1 and 11. Why are
this truth, drawing, reaching and striving needed for
salvation to occur? Hebrews 4.2 says that only faith
allows us to
enter that rest which salvation brings. So if we
don’t believe in Jesus then we cannot
benefit from
the message
of salvation. Faith is how we access the message of
salvation – which makes it only the source and not
salvation itself. The message of salvation is not enough
by itself. Faith must also be applied for there to be
salvation. Read also Hebrews 6.12 about
inheriting the
promises of salvation through
faith and
patience. Without faith salvation cannot be
inherited. Does this explain why we are only saved
by grace…
through faith in Ephesians 2.8?
Week III.
Reread Hebrews
5.9 noting this time the word
obey. Obedience picks up that same theme of faith
(Hebrews 3.18–19, 11.8) which is needed if we are to be
saved by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. But
there’s nothing easy about obeying God. That’s why we
have Hebrews 12.2 which says that Jesus is
the pioneer and
perfecter of our faith. Jesus helps us believe – he
helps us hold
fast and firm
to the end as Hebrews 3.6 and 3.14 require of us. We
need this help because Hebrews 3.10 says that we are
always going
astray in our hearts. What provokes that
waywardness? Read Hebrews 3.13 noting being
hardened by the
deceitfulness of sin. How does Jesus help? Read
Hebrews 7.25 noting how he
always lives to
make intercessions for us. Those prayers bring the
power of God to our aid. How important is that?
Week IV.
Read Hebrews 5.9
one last time noting again the word
obey. What
else complicates our obeying God and believing in him?
On this read Hebrews 11.2 noting that faith lacks visual
evidence and availability. What does this say about
faith? On this read 1 Corinthians 4.10 noting the word
fools. Why is
this? Does it look like we’re irresponsible and gullible
for believing without visual evidence and availability?
If so, why is faith like that? Check out the line
behold now is…
the day of salvation in 2 Corinthians 6.2. That
urgency doesn’t mix well with evidence and availability.
It rushes ahead before we have all of our ducks in line.
It demands faith before we’re ready. Does it remind you
of Saul on the road to Damascus? Note the word
suddenly in
Acts 9.3. Note also the indirect critique of Paul’s
conversion in Acts 26.28 with the phrase
in a short time.
What do you think of that?
Congregation of First Lutheran Church of West Seattle…
I need
to share some important changes coming up for my family.
On August 11, 2021, movers began packing many of
our household goods that we are putting into storage,
and then next year will be shipped to Chicago, where my
wife Nelly owns a condo.
We also had another moving company come to pack
up our other household stuff that we will be sending to
Sayulita, Mexico, where we recently purchased a home.
Our plan is to drive to Mexico in mid-November,
with Bella, our little dog, and live in Mexico for the
winter. In
the spring we will head up to Chicago to live in Nelly’s
We’ll see how we like living in Chicago and if we can
tolerate the summers there.
If it ends up Chicago isn’t for us, we may find
ourselves somewhere back in the Pacific Northwest, but
we really don’t know.
So why all the change?
Well, Nelly is Mexican and speaks fluent Spanish
so it is really comfortable for us being there and it is
a great place to spend winters. We will also be
very close to Nelly’s 92 year old mother whose health is
failing, so Nelly will be able to visit her more
Regarding Chicago, Nelly grew up in Chicago,
really knows her way around, and owns a large condo
downtown. The couple times we’ve been there
together we really enjoyed the city’s vibe.
It’s a very beautiful, active, and clean city,
with lots of stuff always going on (much of which is
free). The parks
are great, very big, green, and safe.
There are no homeless camps.
We can walk or
bike everywhere (it is very flat), or take the L
(elevated train), so it is super easy to get around
without a car. The city and restaurants are super
dog friendly, and the people seem very friendly too.
We both feel
this is a great adventure for us and is a great way to
continue to evolve our lives together.
Our Seattle house went on the market September
9th. We had
multiple offers and we closed on the sale, September
29th. We
are staying at a friend’s house in Normandy Park until
we leave for Mexico in November.
Sadly, the November council meeting will be my
last meeting, as we are leaving for Mexico on November
Janine, council Vice-President, has graciously accepted
the responsibility for running the remaining two
meetings (December council and the annual meeting).
I am so thankful that I was able to serve on the
church council during this very difficult time.
It has been one of the better uses of my time (as
has been volunteering at the West Seattle Helpline).
It has been such an honor serving as president.
The hardest part is leaving First Lutheran Church
of West Seattle where I have been a member since 1987.
In thinking about my life here in Seattle, First
Lutheran Church is one of the longest relationships I
have ever had in my life.
It is a very unique and special church with a
fabulous pastor, and a very devoted congregation.
At least I can visit the website.
I doubt I will find another place of worship that
can compare, even in a city as large as Chicago (doesn’t
mean I won’t try).
I may start attending a Catholic church in
Sayulita. I
pretty much will know what is being said, except for the
Eventually, I will pick up the Spanish lingo.
Wish us luck, and please, periodically, keep us
in your prayers.
Blessings and God’s Peace, very sincerely,
Cary Natiello
20 Years
Since 911
by Pastor Marshall
What did you make of the 20th
Anniversary of the 911 attacks? Since Christians are
supposed to be skeptical of everything, including
government pronouncements (1 Samuel 8:10–18, Jeremiah
17:5, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1), what’s your
take on the official report on 911 (The
9/11 Commission Report,
2004, 567 pp)? Even Martin Luther believed we should
only trust government officials partially – as people
“who might fail” us (Luther’s
Works 45:123). To help you size it up, I recommend
the critical analysis by a former teacher of mine from
graduate school, Dr. David Ray Griffin
He raises nine issues about the report which draws it
into question. A couple of his concerns have to do with
why the footage from the surveillance cameras at the
Pentagon attack site has never been released; and why
the information from the black boxes on the downed
planes has never been made public.
Reformation Sunday
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Online worship

We continue to offer Holy Communion for home use for
those who are not able to come to church for the 10:30
am Liturgy.
If you are interested, please call 206-935-6530 or email
Pastor Marshall
FALL Bible Class
will be studying Jonah this year on Wednesdays at 7 pm,
via ZOOM online.
tHURSday Evening Bible Class
will continue with Proverbs at 7 pm, via ZOOM online.
If you are interested in joining either class
email Pastor Marshall at the above mentioned email and
he will send you a link.
The next class will start Monday, October 4th
October 25th.
Contact Pastor Marshall if you would like to join
this class.
The class will be conducted via Zoom.

“You Ain’t Done Cookin’
By Pastor Marshall
Lucille Hartman Jablinsky (1906–1997) was amazing for
all that she suffered in her life. I miss seeing her and
visiting with her. She joined our church in 1977 but
wasn’t around much because of her multiple back
problems. Her many surgeries left her in constant pain.
But she never lost her smile and always enjoyed visits
at her home. We had many interesting conversations –
especially the harrowing stories about her first
husband, Frank Lyons. Toward the end, the first thing
she would say to me was, “Pastor, I don’t know why I’m
still living. I’m so miserable and there is nothing left
for me to do.” I would tell her that she could still
pray for her family, church and the world. I would also
remind her how much her family loved her and that they
would miss her if she were gone. But she wasn’t easily
We would always sit in the same spot when I
visited her at Arden Healthcare Center up on Aurora. An
elderly African-American woman would usually sit close
by. She would smile and say little beyond hi and bye as
I came and went. But one day she blurted out after
Lucille said again that she didn’t know why she was
still alive – “Honey, it’s ‘cause you ain’t done cookin’
yet!” Lucille looked both shocked and mildly pleased.
That surprised me. As you can imagine the moment was
unforgettable and we talked about it often. The point
made that day was a good one. It reminded me of Job
23:10 – “When the Lord has tried me, I shall come forth
as gold.”

Tuomi Family,
Lim, Melanie Johnson, Holly Petersen, The Nancy Lawson
Family, Leah and Melissa Baker, Felicia Wells, Marlis
Ormiston, Connor Bisticas, Eileen & Dave Nestoss, Kyra
Stromberg, Tabitha Anderson, The Rev. Randy
The Rev. Albin Fogelquist, The Rev. Howard Fosser, The
Rev. Alan Gardner, The Rev. Allen Bidne, Leslie Hicks,
Kari Meier,
Nishimura, Eric Baxter,
Noel Curtis, Lesa Christiansen, Richard
Patishnock, Jeff Hancock, Holly & Terrance Finan,
Ty Wick, Anthony
Brisbane, Susan Curry, Robert Shull family, Alan Morgan
family, Lucy Shearer, Ramona King, Karen Berg, Donna &
Grover Mullen and family, Kurt Weigel, Carol Estes, Paul Jensen,
Tak On Wong & Chee Li Ma, Hank Schmitt, Ron Combs, Mary
Ford, Andrea and Hayden Cantu, Dana Gallaher, Jeanne
Pantone, Kevan & Jackie Johnson, Bjorg Hestivold, Ruben
Skumilen, Phil and Trudy Kelly, Eric Peterson, Gary
Grape, Larry & Diane Johnson, Wendy & Michael Luttinen,
the Olegario Family,
Nita Goedert, Mariss
Ulmanis, Brett & Cathy Moury, Shirley & Glenn Graham,
Karen Granger, Mike Nacewicz, Mike Matsunaga, Bill &
Margaret Whithumn, The Robert Shull family, Mary
Cardona, and Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church
(Clarkesville, GA).
Pray for our professional Health Care Providers:
Gina Allen, Janine Douglass, David Juhl, Dana Kahn, Dean
Riskedahl, Jane Collins
all those suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.
Pray for
our country, for unbelievers, the addicted, the sexually
abused and harassed, the homeless, the hungry and the
unemployed. Also, pray for those suffering on the east
coast from the hurricanes and west coast from the
terrible fires.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ
may give them joy:
Gregg & Jeannine Lingle, Bob & Mona Ayer, Joan
Olson, Bob Schorn, C.J. Christian, Crystal Tudor, Nora
Vanhala, Martin Nygaard.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Shelly
Bryan Wee, our pastor Ronald Marshall, our choirmaster
Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew King, that they may be
strengthened in faith, love and the holy office to which
they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy
in service and in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a
good steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our
congregation in these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and
homeless this Fall.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and
for all in Christ's church to see and help those who are
in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emaus in the Skagit Valley that God
may bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and its ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of
the saints:
Saint Frances of Assisi, renewer of the Church, 1226;
Saint Luke, Evangelist; Saint Simon and Saint Jude,
Pray for this poor, fallen human race that God
would have mercy on us all.
Pray for this planet, our home that it and the
creatures on it would be saved from destruction.
A Treasury of Prayers
Heavenly Father, reform my life of faith – helping me
search severely into my inmost heart. Invigorate my mind
with spiritual delights. Let chasteness drive weakness
far away; let truth drive away deception; and let the
swellings of pride subside. In the name of Jesus I pray.
All the Saints IV:125 altered]