Gratitude, Fear & Change
Luther on 2 Corinthians 6:1
In 1525 Luther had this to say about not taking the grace of God
in vain:
To receive the grace of God in vain can be nothing else than to
hear the pure word of God which presents and offers his grace,
and yet to remain listless and irresponsive, undergoing no
change at all…. Such as these are described in the parable (Luke
14:16-24) where the guests bidden to the supper refused to come
and went about their own business, thus provoking the master’s
anger until he swore they should not taste his supper. Similar
is Paul’s threat here, that we may take heed and accept the
Gospel with fear and gratitude
of Martin Luther,
ed. J. Lenker, 7:135).
Luther’s great insight into this verse is to see anger, fear,
and threats where we see only a mild correction –
by way of his linkage of it with the parable in Luke 14. May we ever be struck
by this verse, carry it with us daily, and in gratitude expect
to be changed in the process. Changed into what? – into an
imitator of Christ.
As we continue to prepare for the great celebration of the 500th
Anniversary of the Reformation in 2017, think of 2 Corinthians
6:1 as being central to the entire Reformation!
Pastor Marshall
Matthew Kahn
Council News
I want to thank everyone who attended the mid-year congressional
meeting on July 29th. Thank you for taking some time out of your
summer to help guide our parish. We are truly blessed by God to
have so many caring members. Without the membership we would not
have a functioning church. Without our membership, we would not
be able to spread His word.
I also want to thank and congratulate Pastor Marshall and his
wife for sponsoring the dessert at the mid-year meeting to honor
their 40th Wedding Anniversary.
We have been blessed over the last several months with our
finances. We had a minor cash flow issue in the beginning of
June but this summer we have been able to stem the tide.
For the first time in two years we are actually meeting
our year to date budget. So far this year we have had a Total
General Budget Income of $140,928.17 as compared to a year to
date budget of $140,228.00.
As an example of how blessed we were, the month July we had
$19,969.27 in Total General Budget Receipts as compared to a
budged $17,619.00. That is without any Tilden rental money.
We must be thankful to God for His blessings this summer!
Let us pray that we can remain financially viable in
order to spread the Gospel of our Lord here in West Seattle.
My family is very excited to get back to school and to start up
Sunday School again. We look forward to the start of the fall
and the last few weeks of the church calendar.
Have a great –
and blessed a September!

Photo credit: Doreen Schmitt |
Thank you
to the congregation
for the flowers in honor of our
40th Wedding Anniversary.
Also thanks to those from the congregation who
were at the
Midyear Meeting to share cake in
of the day with us.
Pastor Marshall and
Dr. Jane Harty

Month (July)
Year to date (Jan-July)
$140, 928
Giving Faithfully
“Use it or lose it!”
I finally figured out where that came from.
In Matthew 25, Jesus gives us the parable of the talents
(talent=a unit of value).
One servant was given five talents, he used it to make
five more. Likewise
the servant given two talents used it to make two more.
However, the servant given one talent buried it in the
ground so it would not be lost.
He missed the point entirely – the idea was to use the
talents to create more for the master.
God has given us everything we have to use for his glory.
It does not matter if we have billions of dollars to dig
wells in Africa or donate food to the food bank; any size
donation will be accepted.
God will be able to put whatever is given to the best
possible use and all will be blessed.
For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an
abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have
will be taken away.
Matthew 25:29
Janice Lundbeck, Church Council
Schedule for
Wednesday Bible Classes
with Pastor Marshall
Morning 10- 11:30 am
Fall: Galatians
Spring: Ezekiel
1) Galatians 1.1-10
9) Galatians
1) Ezekiel 1-3
9) Ezekiel 24-27
2) Galatians 1.11-24
10) Galatians
2) Ezekiel 4-7
10) Ezekiel 28-29
3) Galatians 2.1-10
11) Galatians 5.1-8
3) Ezekiel 8-11
11) Ezekiel 30-32
4) Galatians 2.11-21
12) Galatians
4) Ezekiel 12-14
12) Ezekiel 33-35
5) Galatians 3.1-9
13) Galatians
5) Ezekiel 15-16
13) Ezekiel 36-37
6) Galatians 3.10-18
14) Galatians
6) Ezekiel 17-19
14) Ezekiel 38-41
7) Galatians 3.19-29
15) Galatians
7) Ezekiel 20-21
15) Ezekiel 42-45
8) Galatians 4.1-10
16) Galatians
8) Ezekiel 22-23
16) Ezekiel 46-50
Evening 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Fall: Genesis
Spring: Mark
1) Genesis 1-3
9) Genesis 28-30
1) Mark 1.1-45
9) Mark 9.1-50
2) Genesis 4-6
10) Genesis 31-32
2) Mark 2.1-28
10) Mark 10.1-52
3) Genesis 7-10
11) Genesis 33-36
3) Mark 3.1-35
11) Mark 11.1-33
4) Genesis 11-14
12) Genesis 37-39
4) Mark 4.1-41
12) Mark 12.1-44
5) Genesis 15-18
13) Genesis 40-42
5) Mark 5.1-43
13) Mark 13.1-37
6) Genesis 19-21
14) Genesis 43-45
6) Mark 6.1-56
14) Mark 14.1-72
7) Genesis 22-24
15) Genesis 46-48
7) Mark 7.1-37
15) Mark 15.1-47
8) Genesis 25-27
16) Genesis 49-50
8) Mark 8.1-38
16) Mark 16.1-20
Fall Schedule
starts on Sunday, September 9th.
Adult Bible Class, rm. D and Sunday School, rm. 4, 9:00
am. Confirmation
(6th – 8th grades) meet in the library. The Wednesday pastor’s
classes start on September 12th, at 10:00 am & 7:30 pm, in rm.
will meet for a luncheon on Tuesday, September 25th, at noon.
The signup sheet will be posted in the lounge.
will meet this September, on Wednesday the 26th and Thursday the
27th. Bring a sack
lunch and a friend.
Coffee and tea are provided.
for September is canned, boxed or instant soup.
will start their practice sessions at 7:30 pm on Thursday,
September 20th, in the gallery.
Sunday Education
with Pastor Marshall
9:00 to 10:00 am, Room D
I, September 9 –
October 28
A Challenging Life: Luther’s Biography
This eight week class will study Luther’s life. Our text
will be the award winning biography by Heiko Oberman,
Luther: Man Between God
and the Devil (1989). Used copies of this out of print
paperback are available for purchase through the office ($15).
This class is in our series on studies in the Reformation
leading up to the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation of the
Church in Germany in 2017.
November 4 – December 23
Philippian Peace: A Study of Saint Paul’s Letter to the
In this eight week class we will study the book of
Philippians. Each class session will be based on a worksheet of
questions handed out the week before.
January 9-30
Exotic Religious Freedom – Defending Liturgical Animal
In this short, four week class, we will study a peculiar
1993 US Supreme Court decision on the freedom of religion, known
as the Santeria case (Church
of the Lukumi Babalu Aye , Inc., et al v.
City of Hialeah). In
this case the court defended a church’s right to sacrifice
This strange case is worth studying because it may well
have a bearing on cases coming before the court soon on freedom
of religion regarding quite different matters. Copies of this
case will be handed out in class.
February 6 – March 27
Once Is Enough: Against Rebaptism
In this eight week class we will study Luther’s 1528
treatise against rebaptism. This treatise is an important part
of Luther’s understanding of the cherished Christian sacrament
of Holy Baptism.
This class is in our series on studies in the Reformation
leading up to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation of the
Church in Germany in 2017.
April 3 – May 22
Suffering With Jonah: Studying the Book of Jonah
This eight week class will study the little book of Jonah
– which is important for the Church because Jesus compared
himself to Jonah in the New Testament.
Each class will have a worksheet with questions on
selected portion of Jonah.
With the Mind
in Contemporary Theology with Pastor Marshall
in the Church Lounge, 3-5 pm, the fourth Saturday of each month.
Sept. 22
Richard Watson,
Cogito Ergo Sum: The Life
of René Descartes (2002).
Oct. 27
Jon Krakauer,
Under the Banner of
Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith (2004).
Nov. 24
Mark Johnston,
Saving God: Religion
After Idolatry (2009).
Dec. 29
W. A. Dembski,
M. R. Licona, ed.,
Evidence for God: 50 Arguments for Faith from the Bible,
History, Philosophy, and
Science (2010).
Jan. 26
Carl E. Braaten,
Who Is Jesus? Disputed
Questions and Answers (2011).
Feb. 23
Manning, What This Cruel
War Was Over: Soldiers, Slavery, and the Civil War (2007).
Mar. 23
Michael Lewis,
Moneyball: The Art of
Winning an Unfair Game (2004).
Apr. 27
Stephen King,
Desperation: A Novel
May 25
Michael S.
Gazzaniga, Who’s In
Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain (2012).
September Book
3-5 pm in the Church Lounge, Saturday, September 22nd.
The book for September is
Cogito Ergo Sum: The Life of Rene Descartes (2002) by
Richard Watson, professor of philosophy at Washington University
in St. Louis. Descartes (1596-1650) is famous for being the
father of modern philosophy – like Plato (427-347
is the father of ancient philosophy. He is famous for arguing
that we cannot know anything for sure that we have not verified
by what we have seen or perceived or carefully thought through.
He argued that we can always be deceived – so we must be very
cautious. Even so, he wasn’t a cynic. He knew we wouldn’t ever
have much certain knowledge about the world around us, but
“neither did he worry about it” (p. 9). He believed in God and
was Roman Catholic. However, “he could not stand most priests…
and he thought most Protestant preachers stupid” (p. 150).
A copy of this important book on the beginnings of our modern
world is in the church library. If you would like to purchase
one for yourself, contact Pastor Marshall. Feel free to attend
our meeting when we discuss the impact of Descartes on faith and
That Little Word “As”
Expanding the Lord’s Prayer
By Pastor Marshall
Twice in the Lord’s Prayer the little word “as” [ως,
hos] muddies the
waters (Matthew 6:10, 12). The most difficult case is when it
says God forgives us
as we forgive
others. Luther says this makes God’s forgiveness “bitter” (Luther’s
Works 42:64) because it requires us to be merciful to others
before God will forgive us! And that’s bitter because it’s so
difficult for us to be nice to those who hurt us. And the other
case is when it says that God’s will is to be done on earth
as it is in
heaven! Now that petition surely sets the bar very high – saying
that we on earth should be as obedient to God as are the angels
in heaven!
The question placed before us by these two cases is why all the
parts of the Lord’s Prayer aren’t split into two like these –
with that little word “as” being added in all of the other
petitions as well? Luther seems to think that it’s because the
splitting into two is implied in the rest. So when, for
instance, he considers the request – Thy kingdom
come – he turns it into a double petition for all to see –
famously writing in the
Small Catechism (1529): “The kingdom of God comes of
itself,… but we pray… that it may
also come to us” [The
Book of Concord (1959) p. 346, italics added]. On this
score, God’s kingdom comes into the world twice – once on its
own, to the world in general, and secondly, when each of us
appropriates it individually by being obedient.
That being
the case, how then would the rest of the Lord’s Prayer look if
all of its petitions were explicitly split into two? Maybe
it would
look something like this: Hallowed be your name? – as we
each honor and respect it in our speech. Give us our
daily bread? – as we daily give some of what we have to others.
Lead us not into temptation? – as we help others resist sin.
Deliver us from evil? – as we help others through tough times.
Now if
these implied additions are the way to go, what then do they
tell us about the Lord’s Prayer? They tell us, I would say, that
its motto should be James 4:8 – “Draw near to God and he will
draw near to you.” So when you pray the Lord’s Prayer, be sure
to keep in mind what God is doing for you, and what he expects
of you to do in return.
A Forgotten But Powerful Voice:
Dr. Kent S. Knutson, 1924-1973
By Pastor Marshall
The next passage that I want to share from Dr. Knutson’s
The Shape of the
Question: The Mission of the Church in a Secular Age (1972)
also has to do with the nature of the church, as in our last
couple of installments. Regarding the church of the Reformation,
he writes:
The Reformation seeks a certain simplicity in its language. The
most profound commitment can sometimes be said simply. Its
simplicity should not be interpreted as lacking sophistication
or showing philosophical naïveté. Philosophical commitments can
then to a large degree be avoided while at the same time the
gospel and spirit accomplish their work. The message of the Word
of God is emphasized rather than its dogmatic definition. The
role of the laymen in theological reflection becomes possible
and entanglements with the subtleties of psychologizing
(p. 104).
This point about simplicity works to keep the church from being
tied to any prevailing political or philosophical point of view.
And the reason for this is not to become silly and
simple-minded, but to be free to proclaim the Gospel of Christ
without being burdened down by any distracting commitments,
foreign to our theological heritage.
The War of 1812 Bicentennial
Praying to God in Time of War
& the Lessons Learned
By Pastor Marshall
the War of 1812 began on June 18, 1812, the American churches
were split over it
– calling it both “sinful and sanctified, boldly pagan and
militantly Protestant” (154). Christians therefore offered
public prayers on both sides of the war. Those for it prayed:
“teach our hands to war and our fingers to fight” (23). They
even built these prayers upon John 18:36 that says Christian
don’t fight, which they took to mean, only in regards to God’s
heavenly kingdom. So, the nations of this world – they will have
to “fight at times,” and may do so with God’s blessing (98). And
they also leaned on Jeremiah 48:10 about taking up the sword for
blood (124). Those against the war, however, prayed: “We pray
for the success of our arms so far as, and no farther than, they
are employed in support of a cause which, you O Lord, can
approve” (21).
the war came to an end in 1815, “heaven’s final verdict was
annoyingly ambiguous. If the clash at New Orleans demonstrated
that God had blessed [the pro-war enthusiasts], the burning of
Washington rebuked wicked rulers and wayward citizens,
especially the government workers who regularly abused the
Sabbath” (129).
stalemate may have been what inspired Nathan Beman to conclude:
“I shall not meddle with the political contests of the day. I
preach only the politics of heaven – I inculcate the spirit of
the Bible” (29). Whether or not that is the right position to
hold is still hotly debated these two hundred years later!
[All references are to William Gribbin,
The Churches Militant:
The War of 1812 and American Religion,
Yale University Press, 1973.]
Kierkegaard Bronze Statue
Celebration 1813-2013
By Pastor Marshall
The bronze
Kierkegaard statue is now finished. It will be installed in the
church lounge this fall. Next year, on November 17, 2013, we
will dedicate it at the annual Kierkegaard commemoration. The
sculptor, Rita Marie Kepner, has been working on this project
since 2008. She will be here for the dedication next year, so
you can meet her. She is now working on her memoirs – to tell us
what it has been like to work on this project over the last five
years. You may still make donations to help defray the cost of
this project. To do so, make out your check to the church,
designate your tax deductible gift to the Kierkegaard Statue
project, and then mail it in to the church. Kathrine Young, Ken
Hovde and Dale Korsmo will be helping with the installation.
Thanks so much!
Extended Ministries Project
For the month of September, the Extended Ministries Committee
will focus on supporting the West Seattle Helpline.
Not as much is known about their organization here in our
community, but their need for assistance is even greater as they
work to help local people by providing them with money to pay
their bills, especially their rent and utility bills, new and
gently used clothing from their “Clothesline,” and referrals and
assistance in finding jobs to support themselves and their
organization was founded in 1989 and has grown considerably
since that time as has the need for their services.
Staffed by a small number of volunteers, this is truly a
committed group of neighborhood individuals who care about the
families in our midst.
With a budget of around $120,000 to provide these
important services, they are always in need of additional
support from members of the community.
the next month, we are asking that everyone in the congregation
contribute something to help the West Seattle Helpline.
This could be a monetary donation given through the
church offering (clearly mark your check for the Helpline), or
donations of new or
gently used clothing for the “Clothesline.” (Please give
clothing that is clean and in good condition.)
Keep in mind that this organization is in regular need of
assistance and financial support from the community.
They are one of our “extended ministries” commitments.
As we are able to help them with our contributions, they
are able to more fully help our neighbors who have needs.
Thank you for caring about the needs of others.
-Larraine King for the Extended Ministries Committee
to the membership for being so willing and generous in
supporting all the Extended Ministries projects, most recently
the Food Bank, Lutheran World Relief, Gospel for Asia, the
school supplies for the Helpline, and the ornaments on the St.
Nicholas Faire "Christmas in July and August" tree. Without
their support we couldn't do any of our projects. So thank you
for caring so much.
Library News...
"As soon as the computer equipment is up and running, a number
of new books will be appearing on the shelves, including a
number of children's picture books, which are much needed. Look
for them this month."
Sunday, December 2, 2012, from
We’re at it again.
Thank you to all who have already begun helping prepare for this
annual fund raising event.
So many of you have stepped up to the plate, or in this
case the “Christmas in July and August” tree, and taken
ornaments. Many of
you have already made your purchases/donations and they have
been catalogued and are waiting to be made into baskets for
purchasing at the Faire.
At this writing, there are still a handful of ornaments
left on the “Christmas in July and August” tree… feel free
to take a few and purchase the items for gift baskets.
And most important, always remember that all our efforts
are to support, in a fun and enjoyable way, two very important
extended ministries – the West Seattle Food Bank and the West
Seattle Helpline.
We are
looking forward to having a super evening of wine tasting, a new
twist on the wine toss game (for prizes!), munchies,
conversation and fellowship, and
“shopping” for Christmas gifts for friends and family.
Where else can you go so close to home to such a party
for two great organizations!
So plan to come and invite your neighbors and family and
Sign-up sheets for helpers for the event will be posted in
October and more details about the event will appear in future
Messengers and bulletin announcements.
Most importantly,
MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!! If you don’t come there will be no
party and no fund raising.
-Larraine King

James 5.13
Monthly Home Bible Study, September 2012, Number 235
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as
a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone then talk
informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44).
We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851
Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous
book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the
whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a
prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because
we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans,
however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW
30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How
Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
Week I.
Read James 5.13 noting
the words suffering
and pray. Why is it
that we should pray for those who are suffering? On this read
John 11.33 noting the words
weeping and
moved. Why do we have
empathy for people who are in pain from their sufferings? On
this read 1 Corinthians 12.12-26 noting the words
all and
together. So we are
not separate individuals, but people who are all linked together
– sharing in the feelings of one another, for good or ill. Why
then do we pray for people who are in pain? On this read Luke
10.37 noting the words go
and do. So we see
here that we are also to help physically relieve people’s pain.
But what about prayer? On this read James 5.15 noting the words
sick and
save. How does prayer
do what surgery and medicine cannot do? On this read James 1.17
noting the line every
perfect gift is from above. What gifts do prayer release
that nothing else can give us? On this read Romans 5.5 noting
the word hope. Read
also Romans 8.24 noting the words
hope and
saved. How powerful
is the positive attitude that hope brings? Powerful enough to
heal the sick? To heal all illnesses? What do you think?
Week II.
Read again James 5.13
noting this time the word
cheerful. What is this experience like? On this read
Ephesians 5.4 noting the words
silly and
levity. If these are
cases of bad cheer, what are the good ones like? On this read
Philippians 4.4 noting the words
rejoice and
Lord. Why is this
cheer better? On this read Galatians 5.16 noting the contest
between the words Spirit
and flesh. On this
score, a cheerful spirit would be better than cheerful flesh.
Why is that? On this read Mathew 26.41 noting the words
flesh and
weak. What weakens
the flesh? On this read 2 Corinthians 4.16 noting the word
wasting. Because of
this lack of durability the cheer based on it isn’t as good. But
read also Galatians 5.19-21 noting the words
impurity and
selfishness. So our
flesh is also diminished because of its inherent impurity lodged
in its desires and passions, like selfishness. This realization
leads to the crucifixion
advised in Galatians 5.24. Check out that advice. Do you agree
with it, and if so, why? And how is this crucifixion done?
Week III.
Reread James 5.13 noting
the same word cheerful.
Following up on last week, what makes this spiritual
cheerfulness so advantageous? On this read John 16.22 noting the
line no one will take
your joy from you. What makes this joy so long-lasting? On
this read Romans 14.17 noting the line
peace and joy in the Holy
Spirit. How is this joy generated out of the Holy Spirit? On
this read Luke 15.7 noting the phrase
more joy and the
words heaven and
repent. If the Holy
Spirit inspires repentance, what is so great about it? On this
read Acts 17.30-31 noting the words
repent and
judge. Read as well
Mark 1.15 noting the words
repent and
believe. Repentance
therefore is essential for salvation. And why is salvation
advantageous? On this read Romans 5.9 noting the line
saved by him from the
wrath of God. So without a penitent heart, one will be stuck
with the horrors of the God’s wrath. Does this then clearly tie
repentance in with spiritual cheerfulness? If so, has repentance
then been mischaracterized by gloom and doom?
Week IV.
Read James 5.13 one last
time noting again the word
Are there any earthly benefits in this spiritual joy? On
this read Proverbs 17.22 noting the connection between the
merry heart and
good medicine. How
does this work? On this read Colossians 3.23-24 noting the words
reward and
serving. Stressing
this word, heartily, are we to believe that joy comes from hard
and fulfilling work? Are we also to believe that without such
cheerfulness we wouldn’t be able to work so heartily? Are we all
then to sing, “Whistle While You Work” (from the 1937 movie,
Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs)? What are the counter-balancing aversions to work?
Meaninglessness and boredom? Do they ruin this correlation
between cheerfulness and work? On this read 2 Thessalonians 3.10
noting the words work
and eat. Does that
reestablish the correlation? If so how?
Remember in prayer before God those
whom He has made your
brothers and sisters through
Louis Koser, Carmen Malmanger, Jeannine
Lingle, Luke Douglass, Connor Bisticas, Richard Hard, Agnes
Arkle, Clara Anderson, Bob Baker, Peggy Wright, Bob & Barbara
Schorn, Rolf & Paul Sponheim, Rosita & Jim Moe, Jim Cunningham,
Tabitha Anderson, Linda Anderson, Susan Lyon, Lee Neuman, Amy
Tabor, Louisa Eden, Annie Crutchfield, Kelsey Ensey, Cameron
Lim, Maureen Baris, Bertil Hansson, Connie Pinter, Joyce Baker,
Chris & Margeen Bowyer, Steven & Donna Coy, John Wallace, Pastor
Albin Fogelquist.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: Clara
Anderson, Pat Hansen, Donna Apman, Agnes Arkle, C. J. Christian,
Vera Gunnarson, Anelma Meeks, Olive Morrison, Dorothy Ryder,
Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Vivian Wheeler, Peggy Wright.
Pray for the newly confirmed members that God may inspire their
discipleship: Soren Sagmoen and Kyra Stromberg.
Pray for those who have suffered the death of a loved one:
Pray that God will bear their grief and lift their
hearts: Pray for
the family and friends of Lorraine Jarvimaki on her death.
Pray for Carmen Malmanger on the death of her husband,
Frank Rowland. Also
our sympathy to the family and friends of Marjorie Kasperson who
died just days after her 101st birthday.
We pray for Cary and Cynthia Natiello on the death of
Cary’s sister, Jill
Jeffry; and to
Aspasia Vassilatos on the death of her father, Harry Vassilatos.
And our sympathy to the Hard family and friends on the
death of Margaret Hard who died at the age of 96.
Pray for our bishops Mark Hanson and Chris Boerger, our pastor
Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew
King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and the holy
office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this
September. Pray for
the mercy of God for these people, and for all in Christ's
church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emmaus in the Skagit Valley that God may
bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist; and Saint Michael
and All Angels.
A Treasury of Prayers
Father, rid me of all selfishness in my praying. In your mercy,
then, come to the burdened, the wretched, the grief-stricken,
those who have been made sad by others, and those who have
brought sadness upon themselves. Lay thy healing hand upon the
victims of nervous tension, of sleepless nights, and fruitless
days. Grant them patience and courage, and let them not doubt
thy goodness and love. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
[For All the
Saints (ALPB, 1994-1996) 4 vols.,
IV:912, altered.]
