September 2013
A New Translation of Sermons
Highlights from
Luther’s Works
Volume 75
Volume 75 of the new series of
Luther’s Works
was published this summer. It is largely a re-translation of
sermon from Lenker’s edition of Luther’s sermons, volumes 1 and
6. Here are some of my favorite passage from LW 75:
“Christ was… laid in a manger, that is,… he is contained [in]
the Old Testament” (10). “[The] Gospel… is to be promoted not
with the pen but with the mouth” (11). “[Man’s] life on earth is
a struggle and a temptation” (20). “[We] must be ashamed when we
see Christ and find ourselves to be so much unlike Him” (25).
“[Whoever] believes in Christ must perceive riches in poverty
[and] joy in sorrow… and hold fast to them” (32). “[The]
beginning of your salvation [is to] despair of yourself” (34).
“You do not seek [God]; He seeks you” (35). “Sin…. naturally
feels that God is the enemy of sin and severely punishes it”
(36). “[The] church is a mouth house, not a pen house” (51n72).
“A Christian lives only to be useful to other people” (69).
“[There] is no greater wrath of God than when He permits His
Word… to perish” (77). “[True] Christians suffocate in great
temptations and persecutions from sin and all kinds of evil, so
that this life becomes bitter and loathsome to them” (103).
“[Judgment] day will be at the same time the highest joy and
safety to the believer and the deepest terror… to the
unbeliever; just as also in this life the truths of the Gospel
are exceedingly sweet to the godly and exceedingly hateful to
the wicked” (104). “[Faith] is nothing other than a constant,
unquestioning, unwavering confidence in divine grace” (129).
“Law and Gospel…. must be carefully distinguished and
recognized, for I tell you that outside of the Scriptures there
never has been a book written to this day… in which these two preachings are correctly and distinctly treated, and yet so very
much depends on knowing this” (143). “[No] on one [loves] God
and righteousness…. by nature” (144). “[God] teaches by the Law
what is to be done and by the promises where….we
are to receive that” (146). “Nothing will be of help to [the
spiritually poor], unless they have a merciful God” (147).
“[True faith] does nothing other than keep quiet, lets [God] do
good and accepts Christ’s work, and lets Christ practice His
love on you. You must be blind, lame, deaf, dead, leprous, and
poor, or you will take offense at Christ” (154). “[How]
difficult it is to acknowledge Christ…. [for although] we must
confess that the Christian life is faith in God and kindness or
love to our needy neighbor,…. [we] always forget the fruit of
faith” (155-56). “[What] does the Gospel promise other than
that… only through Christ… are our sin forgiven, God reconciled,
and our consciences acquitted?.... When this correct faith in
the Gospel is in the heart, then… [it] feels nothing but favor
and grace [with] all kinds of confidence and is unafraid of His
punishments” (158). “[Snotty], filthy human nature” (165). “As
[we] believe, so it happens” (169, 371). “[We] are to use the
Word of God in two ways: as both bread and sword, for feeding
and for fighting, in times of peace and in times of war. With
the one hand we build, improve, teach, and feed Christendom, and
with the other we oppose the devil, the heretics, and the world.
Wherever there is no defense, there the devil ruins the pasture,
of which he is the enemy” (187n2). “[We] must believe [that God]
knows our hearts better than we do, and confess that if our
affairs were not godless and damnable, then He would not have
had His grace proclaimed to stop this. Only a fool would give
medicine to someone who is not sick” (190). “God requires a
heart and a life which exist in His grace and which fear other
ways and life outside of His grace. You can give Him nothing
more than that” (197). “[The Christian] must live contrary to
[the world]…. That means living soberly in a tavern, chastely in
a brothel, godly in a theater, righteously in a den of
murderers” (198). “[In the Christian] evil inclinations remain
in body and soul, just like stench and disease from a prison”
(204). “Teach those who do not know. Admonish those who do know,
so that they do not diminish, become lazy, or give in, but
rather continue against all temptations” (206). “Grace does not
shatter or interfere with nature and its work, but rather
improves and promotes it” (213). “[All] men are spiritual lepers
because of unbelief” (222). “[Preachers] are to be… constantly
engaged with God’s Word” (223).
“[All] of life which a
right-believing Christian lives after Baptism is nothing more
than a waiting for the
revelation of the salvation that he already has”
“[It] is not enough for
salvation if you believe in God as do the Jews…. [You] must
believe in God through Jesus Christ” (244). “It is… faith by
[Christ’s] blood with which… He made satisfaction and thus
become for us a throne of grace” (246). “In the entire Gospel
[Christ] does nothing more than to draw us out of ourselves into
Him” (246). “[A] Christian life consists not in outward conduct,
[therefore] one does not become aware of his Christianity”
(253). “[Whoever] would find Christ must first find the Church”
(254). “Sin is such a great thing [that] the payment for our
sins must be as great as God Himself is, who is offended by
those sins” (267). “Scripture is clear, but our eyes are not
very clear” (276). “[The] Word is God but also… God is the Word”
(284, 249). “[In Christianity, ones] old light is extinguished
and a new light, faith, is kindled” (308). “[The] old man [is]
the enemy of God and His grace” (309). “[True] love has a hard
shell but sweet insides. It is bitter to the old man, but very
sweet to the new man” (327). “True faith… does not rest or take
a vacation” (329). “[What] is the narrow door? It is faith,
which makes a person small, even nothing” (367). “Christ and
nature are totally opposed to each other” (403). “[We] have in
Scripture enough to study for all eternity” (422).
Pastor Marshall
What a Relief to Read Luther
Kierkegaard’s Love for Luther’s Sermons
By Pastor Marshall
Because Kierkegaard was so critical of the church of his
day, some think he hated everything about it. But he was
able to sort the good from the bad. And the sermons of
Martin Luther were among the good! “[What] a relief,” he
writes, “to read Luther. There is a man who can really stay
with a person and preach him farther out instead of
backwards” (JP 3:2464). This is part of what endears
Kierkegaard to me.
One of his favorite sermons “contains the… stringent
assertion that: Christ is not a savior for this life but for
eternal life. Yes, what is more,… he is the very opposite of
a savior for this life [in that] he lets those who believe
in him slog along as if in a bog” (JP 6:6503). In that
sermon Luther says that Christ “is not called a
gulden-Savior.… His name is not Jesus because he provided
enough money for you to become a great lord upon earth….
[No], he is a savior by God’s will against sin, death, devil
and hell, and is able to help us precisely where no one else
could…. Meanwhile, in this world, it often seems as though
we don’t have a God, for he lets us stick in all manner of
physical trouble, does not fend off the wicked rascals who
persecute and plague us, but allows them to… get their fill
of things in this life. That’s why it seems as though he is
not of this present world. But he has promised us that we
shall have something better than this temporal life” (Luther’s
House Postils, 1:191, 193). May we with Kierkegaard
cherish these salutary words.

The Kierkegaard Bicentennial
Our November 17, 2013, Celebration
By Pastor Marshall
We have been commemorating Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) and
his witness to Jesus Christ every November since 1980. In
2005 we had a special celebration for the sesquicentennial
of his death (1855-2055) – with the publication of my
Kierkegaard’s Year
2005 (46 pp.).
This year we are having our largest commemoration
ever for the bicentennial of his birth (1813-2013). We will
celebrate this anniversary in November on his heavenly
birthday, or death date – which for us is the closest Sunday
after the actual date of his death on November 11th – which
is November 17th this year – even though his earthly
birthday was on May 5th.
At our
November 17th
celebration, we will enjoy: a sermon, an Education Hour
lecture, a new musical setting by Carl F. Schalk, a world
premiere fugue, a world premiere poem, the dedication of our
bronze statue of Kierkegaard, free copies of the fall 2013
issue of Lutheran
Forum journal, a book signing, a special guest, a
Scandinavian reception with pastry and dancers, and free
coffee mugs.
What more could one ask for?
Save this date and make plans to attend – inviting your
family and friends!
Larraine King
O, he whom Jesus loved has truly spoken,
That holier worship, which God deigns to bless,
Restores the lost, and heals the spirit broken,
And feeds the widow and the fatherless…..
So begins a hymn text by John Greenleaf Whittier.
Additional verses can be found in the Service Book and
Hymnal (1958) #539.
Its essence is service, caring for our brother, and true
worship. Our entire
purpose is to be of help to others – yes, to help spread the
Gospel by caring for those in need, the hungry, the homeless,
even those with whom we live and daily associate.
According to the dictionary, service is any helpful
activity where assistance or aid is given to others; an
outpouring of our love for God and His Son in a practical and
tangible way.
We have many opportunities to be of service at church.
Currently we are beginning the planning and collecting
process for the St. Nicholas Faire that will be held Sunday,
December 8th to benefit the Helpline and Food Bank.
Many ornaments have been taken from the Christmas in
July/August tree.
However there are still many items that are needed.
Please help us secure items to make into marketable
baskets for sale at the Faire.
The amount of money we make is directly related to the
number and quality of the baskets and items we have for sale.
We also have a chance to support the Lutheran ministry in
the Skagit Valley by donating money to El Camino de Emaus.
There are many Hispanic farmers living and working in
that area, and this ministry has been very helpful to the
The Summer Hymn School was attended by 15 children, and with the
expert help of Jane Harty and Pastor Marshall, they learned a
number of hymns. On
the last day they sang them for some of the residents of Mt. St.
Vincent as well as shared a handmade gift with each attendee.
Thanks to Gina Allen, Kari Ceaicovschi, Matthew Kahn,
Rollie Storbakken, Soren Sagmoen, and Kyra Stromberg for making
this such a successful event.
As a post script, the fundraising for Gospel for Asia
netted $852.61. Ask
the Sunday School students what they decided to buy.
They did a great job and enjoyed choosing the animals.
Financially, we finished the first half of the year acceptably,
with expenses being about $2,000 less than what was budgeted.
However income has been consistently
behind the projected budget amount.
The second quarter Pledge Report shows that 14 members
exceeded their pledge by $3,493; 15 members met their pledge; 12
members fell short of their pledge by $5,316; and 18 members who
had not pledged, gave $12,056.
July was a good month and August is looking promising,
but please don’t forget to give your pledge.
In closing, we are blessed.
We each have special gifts to share with others; we are
able to support our church in its mission; we help our neighbors
at home and abroad.
We are Christ Jesus’ representative to the world.
Or as I have often heard it said, we are each a living
epistle written for the world to read.
Be the best read possible!
…..Gifted by you, we turn to you,
Offering up ourselves in praise;
Thankful song shall rise forever,
Gracious donor of our days.
(Hymn # 408 LBW) |
Stewardship 2013
Month (July)
Year to date (Jan-July)

“With Joy and Thanksgiving”
Merciful Father, We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you
have first given us: Ourselves, our time, and our possessions,
signs of your gracious love.
–Lutheran Book of Worship
We pray this prayer most every Sunday.
This short, direct,
simple prayer reflects what stewardship is. In tithing not only
our income, but also our time and our gifts, we recognize that
all of those things are not really ours.
They belong to God, and
He has granted those gifts to us so that we may further His
kingdom on earth.
So, as a reflection of our joy for the sacrifice God has
provided for our redemption in His son, Christ Jesus, we are to
tithe our money, gifts, and time.
Sometimes it can be easy to assume that stewardship is about
nothing beyond giving a full 10% of our income to the Church.
Stewardship also means that we use our gifts and talents
to further the mission of the Church by participating in and
volunteering within the Church community and outside of it.
For each of us, this will manifest itself in different
ways. For some, it
may be participation in our church’s music programs, for others
it may be helping with worship assistance or altar guild, for
others it will be serving on the council or helping to plan
luncheons and fellowship opportunities within the church, and
for still others it will be helping our congregation plan and
execute its extended ministries outreach programs.
Whatever way each of us is able to offer our time and
ourselves, we should all be constantly thinking of additional
ways that we can use our talents in a way that best serves the
Lord, both within the church and in the world here on earth.
And, as the above prayer reminds us, we should do these
things with joy and thanksgiving in our hearts for all of the
blessings that the Lord has given to us.
-David King, Church Council
Fall Schedules |
Sunday Education
with Pastor Marshall
9:00 to 10:00 am, Room D
I, September 8 -
October 27
Kierkegaard’s Most Famous Book: Fear & Trembling in Genesis 22
This eight week class will study Kierkegaard’s short
book, Fear & Trembling
(1843), on the near sacrifice of Isaac in Genesis 22. He thought
this book would make him “immortal,” and it has – being read
throughout the world, year after year. We will use the new
translation by S. Walsh. Copies will be available in class
November 3 - December 22
A Training Manual for Children: A Study of the Book of Proverbs
In this eight week class we will study the book of
Proverbs – guided by Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way
he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Luther accentuated this verse noting that the whole book of
Proverbs “ought… to be impressed on the young… throughout the
world and put into daily use and practice” by them as soon as
possible (Luther’s Works
Each class session will be based on a worksheet of
questions handed out the week before.
January 5 – 26th
Luther’s Creed – His 1528 Statement of His Basic Beliefs
In this short, four week class, we will study Luther’s
creed, appended to the end of his “Confession Concerning
Christ’s Supper,”
Luther’s Works 37:360-372.
This class is in our series on studies in the Reformation
leading up to the 500th anniversary in 2017 on the Reformation
of the Church in Germany in 1517.
February 2 – March 30
On the Beauty of Christ: A Study on the First Epistle of John
In this eight week class we will study the first of the
three letters of John the Evangelist. On it Luther writes:
“This… outstanding epistle…. can buoy up afflicted hearts,…. so
beautifully… does it picture Christ…. Because we are never
without sins and the danger of death, we should [always]
ruminate on the Word” (Luther’s
Works 30:219)!
Each class session will be based on a worksheet of
questions handed out the week before.
April 6- May 25
God’s Costly Word: Luther’s Famous Sermon from 1532 on 1 Timothy
This eight week class will study in detail Luther famous
sermon, “On the Sum of the Christian Life,”
Luther’s Works
51:259-287. When Luther reviewed the printed version of this
sermon, he exclaimed that it was better than he had remembered
it being after preaching it!
This class is in our series on studies in the Reformation
leading up to the 500th anniversary in 2017 on the Reformation
of the Church in Germany in 1517.
Schedule for
Wednesday Bible Classes
with Pastor Marshall
Morning 10- 11:30 am
Fall: Thessalonians 1 & 2, Colossians, Philippians
Spring: Hosea
1) 1 Thess 1.1-10
9) Col 1.1-29
1) Hosea 1.1-11
9) Hosea 8.1-14
2) 1 Thess 2.1-19
10) Col 2.1-23
2) Hosea 2.1-23
10) Hosea 9.1-17
3) 1 Thess 3.1-13
11) Col 3.1-25
3) Hosea 3.1-5
11) Hosea 10.1-15
4) 1 Thess 4.1-17
12) Col 4.1-18
4) Hosea 4.1-10
12) Hosea 11.1-12
5) 1 Thess 5.1-28
13) Phil 1.1-30
5) Hosea 4.11-19
13) Hosea 12.1-14
6) 2 Thess 1.1-12
14) Phil 2.1-29
6) Hosea 5.1-15
14) Hosea 13.1-9
7) 2 Thess 2.1-17
15) Phil 3.1-21
7) Hosea 6.1-11
15) Hosea 13.10-16
8) 2 Thess 3.1-18
16) Phil 4.1-23
8) Hosea 7.1-16
16) Hosea 14.1-9
Evening 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Fall: Ecclesiastes
Spring: 1 Corinthians
1) Ecclesiastes 1.1-18
9) Ecclesiastes 6.1-12
1) 1 Cor 1.1-31
9) 2 Cor 1.1-24
2) Ecclesiastes 2.1-11
10) Ecclesiastes 7.1-13
2) 1 Cor 2.1-3.23
10) 2 Cor 2.1-3.18
3) Ecclesiastes 2.12-26
11) Ecclesiastes 7.14-29
3) 1 Cor 4.1-5.13
11) 2 Cor 4.1-5.21
4) Ecclesiastes 3.1-9
12) Ecclesiastes 8.1-17
4) 1 Cor 6.1-7.39
12) 2 Cor 6.1-7.16
5) Ecclesiastes 3.10-22
13) Ecclesiastes 9.1-17
5) 1 Cor 8.1-9.27
13) 2 Cor 8.1-9.15
6) Ecclesiastes 4.1-16
14) Ecclesiastes 10.1-20
6) 1 Cor 10.1-11.33
14) 2 Cor 10.1-18
7) Ecclesiastes 5.1-10
15) Ecclesiastes 11.1-10
7) 1 Cor 12.1-13.13
15) 2 Cor 11.1-33
8) Ecclesiastes 5.11-20
16) Ecclesiastes 12.1-14
8) 1 Cor 14.1-16.24
16) 2 Cor 12-1-13.14
With the Mind
in Contemporary Theology with Pastor Marshall
in the Church Lounge, 3-5 pm, the fourth Saturday of each month.
Sept. 28
Caroline Coleman O’Neill,
Loving Søren: A Novel
Oct. 26
Johan Corvino and Maggie Gallagher,
Debating Same-Sex
Marriage (2012).
Nov. 23
Duncan K. Foley, Adam’s
Fallacy: A Guide to Economic Theology (2006).
Dec. 28
Stacy Horn, Imperfect
Harmony: Finding Happiness Singing With Others (2013).
Jan. 25
J. M. Brandt, ed.,
Selections from Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Christian Ethics
[Sittenlehre, 1843]
Feb. 22
Gregg A. Ten Elshof, I
Told Me So: Self-Deception and the Christian Life (2009).
Mar. 22
Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck,
Why I Love the Church: In
Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion (2009).
Apr. 26
Mark A. Gornik,
Word Made Global: Stories of African Christians in New York City
May 24
Richard John Neuhaus,
American Babylon: Notes of a Christian Exile (2009).
September Book
3-5 pm in the Church Lounge, Saturday, September 22nd.
The book for September is
Loving Søren: A
Novel (2011), by Caroline Coleman O’Neill – a first
novel on the broken engagement of Søren Kierkegaard
(1813-1855) to Regine Olsen (1822-1904). A great deal of
historical research has been done trying to figure out
why Kierkegaard broke off his engagement to her after
one year. This well research, historical novel does a
good job trying to answer that question. (I have
provided a lengthy review of it in my new book,
Kierkegaard for
the Church.) And the novel is well written. Note,
for example, how O’Neill describes the first time Regine
see Kierkegaard: “The maid mumbled a name, and a thin
young man strode into the room. His blue eyes, defiant
and questing…. He held his lips in a tight, compressed
smirk that quivered slightly at the edges…. The man’s
face had the nervous intensity and delicate beauty of an
artist. His whole body… radiated an inner zeal” (2).
A copy of O’Neill’s book is
in the church library. If you would like to purchase one
for yourself, contact Pastor Marshall. Feel free to
attend our meeting when we discuss this marvelous,
imaginative introduction to the thought of Kierkegaard. |
by Larraine King
There are a lot of ways that we “extend our ministries.”
So far this year we have focused on the West Seattle Food
Bank and Helpline, and Gospel for Asia.
There is another organization in our general area that
has been quietly operating in the Skagit Valley, ministering to
the many Latino farm workers, that deserves our attention.
It is
El Camino de Emaus.
They worship at Burlington Lutheran Church, with Mary
Bosell serving as their ELCA support pastor.
But their congregation is served by two sons of the
congregation, who came to the United States as young boys,
didn’t even know what a Lutheran was and who also happen to be
cousins – Pastor Esau Cuevas and Pr. Emilio Benitez.
The majority of their work centers on the families of the
farm workers. Last
summer they helped an Episcopal church in the area hold a 2 week
summer day camp, and this year they again helped with the day
camp for children ages 2-13 which ran for 4 weeks.
They offer tutoring in reading, math, and writing for
school age children, day care for younger children, meals, and
field trips. Quite
an undertaking.
Pastor Benitz assists with celebrating the Eucharist for La
Iglesia Episcopal de la Resurrection, which is the sponsoring
church of the day camps.
El Camino also sponsors various youth events, musical
presentations, and potluck get-togethers, in additions to
offering weekly church services.
Since many of the parishioners have small incomes, their need
for additional help is great.
El Camino provides back to school supplies and backpacks
for the children.
They help with utility bills.
They even help families hold on to their houses when
facing foreclosure and help with debt reduction when funds are
Colossians 2.5
Monthly Home Bible Study,
September 2013, Number 247
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as
a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone then talk
informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44).
We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851
Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous
book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the
whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a
prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because
we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans,
however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW
30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study, then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How
Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12).
Week I.
Read Colossians 2.5
noting the word absent.
What’s the point about this absence? On this read Colossians 2.1
noting the line all those
who have not seen my face. So this absence is about Paul
having no physical presence among the Colossians (see also 1
Corinthians 5.3). But why is this an issue? On this read 1
Corinthians 12.12-13 noting the phrase
one body, and
12.26-27 noting the words
together and members.
These verses seem to suggest that the church is a physical
assembly of believing, baptized people. So with Paul being
absent in body, it raises the question of whether or not he is
still a member of the church, which is the body of Christ, when
he’s not there with them in the flesh. On this importance of his
physical presence, see Acts 20.37-38, noting the words
sorrowing and
face. And read also
Romans 1.8-13 noting the words
mutually and
often. For another
witness to the physicality of the church, read 1 Corinthians
11.29 noting the line
discerning the body.
Week II.
Read again Colossians 2.5
noting this time the line
yet I am with you in spirit. But how is this possible if the
church is physical? And what is
this spirit, anyway? On this
read 1 Corinthians 2.6-16, noting the words
discerned and
mind. What we see
here is a realm beyond the physical that links physical
creatures together when they aren’t bodily present or together
with one another. This spiritual dimension, however, doesn’t
oppose the physical. All it does is go beyond it to establish a
more stable basis for the church – which makes it immune to any
and all physical absence. On this read 1 Thessalonians 3.6-13,
noting first the spiritual words
holiness and
saints – setting them
over against the more physical words
supply and
way. On the
superiority of the spiritual over the physical, see 1
Corinthians 1.10-13 noting the contrast between the two lines,
united in the same mind
and quarreling among you.
Therefore it is clear that being together doesn’t guarantee
Week III.
Reread Colossians 2.5
noting this time the line
firmness of your faith in Christ. What does this line say
about the church? Is it that the church is grounded in faith in
Christ regardless of physical absence and separation? On this
read Ephesians 4.11-16 noting the words
doctrine and
together. So can the
church exist when people share the same understanding of Christ
even though apart? Can it exist when they are separated by
different institutions, provided that they share that same,
proper understanding of Christ? On this non-physical view of the
church, read Acts 20.28-30 noting the words
church and
draw. Here we see
that being physically together results in destruction – being
ripped apart by fierce wolves and their false doctrine.
According to Acts 20. 27 it is
the whole counsel of God
that makes the church, and not just being together physically.
Read also 2 Timothy 4.3-4 noting the words
myths and
wander. Here again we
see that people together don’t make the church – but only sound
doctrine. People gathered together around false myths don’t
constitute a church by their sheer togetherness! Do you then see
how far-a-field a church would be that insists on affirming
diversity of opinion for its own well-being and togetherness?
Week IV.
Read Colossians 2.5 one
last time noting the word
Christ. How did he do on keeping everyone together
physically? On this read John 7.43, 9.16 and 10.19 noting the
word division. Why
didn’t Jesus unite everyone? Was he against unity? On this read
Matthew 11.6 and John 6.61 noting the word
offense. Now what
caused these offenses over Jesus which resulted in the divisions
regarding him? On this read John 3.19 noting the line
men loved darkness.
Why would we do that? On this read Mark 7.20-23, noting the
words defiles,
heart and
wickedness. Can these
defilements be washed away so that physical togetherness will
finally be enough for there to be a church? On this read Romans
7.18-25 noting the words
evil, do,
flesh and
serve. Note also
Romans 6.6 on how only
death breaks our slavery to sin. Do you agree? If so, why?
Fall Schedule
starts on Sunday, September 8th.
Adult Bible Class, rm. D and Sunday School, rm. 4, 9:00
am. Confirmation
(6th – 8th grades) meet in the library. The Wednesday pastor’s
classes start on September 11th, at 10:00 am & 7:30 pm, in rm.
luncheons will occur in the late fall and spring of 2013-2014.
Watch for updated information in the coming month's
will start their practice sessions at 7:30 pm on Thursday,
September 19th, in the gallery.
Deo Gloria Ringers
is open to people who have the ability to read music, count, and
wish to participate in our worship services. Contact Larraine
King if you are interested. Rehearsals will likely be after
church on Sundays, or later decided by the group.
Log in to see what’s new.
for September is canned, boxed or instant soup.
by Larraine King
We are pleased to report that we have numerous new additions to
the Church library, with the hope that we can get many more
catalogued and placed on the shelves.
Among the new additions are quite a few children’s books.
We have some new science titles including “Polar Bear”
and “Frogs” from the National Geographic Society; “Oceans” from
the Smithsonian; and “Dinosaur Discovery.”
We have two new Shel Silverstein titles, “Runny Babbit”
and “Falling Up.”
He is a wonderful poet/author and a great way to encourage an
appreciation for poetry.
Besides, his humor appeals to all ages!
We have some stories from around the world, including
“Seal Children,” “Lotus Seed,” and “Hero of the Land of Snow.”
Plus a wonderful title, “Irena and the Children of the
Warsaw Ghetto.” And
for Jan Karon fans, we have “Violet Comes To Stay” a delightful
story about the cat who befriended Father Tim’s neighbor,
Cynthia Coppersmith, characters in the Mitford Series.
We have new DVDs too – The two Black Stallion stories, so
amazingly produced by Francis Ford Coppola, and the two
Princess Diary films starring Ann Hathaway and Julie Andrews.
Plus for the dinosaur lovers, we have “Allasourus.”
For adults we also have some new books – “The
Noticer” by Andy Andrews, a redemption story about everyday
people; “The Visitation” by Frank Peretti, a chilling
novel about the anti-Christ in the church; Carl Braaten’s
memoirs of a Lutheran theologian, “Because of Christ;”
“Porch Talk” by Philip Gulley, author of the “Harmony”
series; and “No Longer Slumdog” by K.P. Yohannen, the founder of
for Asia. We also have some new CDs –
“Feel the Spirit” and “Faure Requiem” conducted by John Rutter;
Volume III of “Greats Hymns of Faith” with the choirs of St.
Olaf College conducted by Anton Armstrong; and the complete
sacred choral works by Antonio Vivaldi.
So we have quite a few new items to choose from, and more on the
way. We are
currently sorting through hardware and software issues with the
computer, be we hope to fix those problems in the near future.
So please come in and browse and see if any of the new
items appeal to you.
As always, we are open to suggested titles and items.
Just let us know.
Putting the Church in Your Will
By Pastor Marshall
Our church endowment fund continues to grow.
We thank God for all who have made gifts to this
fund and the support it provides our church. Especially
we thank God for the major donors to our endowment fund
– George (1925-2003) & Marion (1929-2005) Colvin, Lila
Granaas (1913-2002), Orma Nesheim (1917-2010), and Alida
Rottman (1922-2011).
One significant way to support the fund is to
include the
church in your will.
If you would like to do this and have not done so
already, think of
giving 10% of the residual value of your estate to the
In this way you will be able to tithe the income the
investments of your estate has earned over the years.
This is a fitting way to thank God for the
blessings of prosperity we all enjoy.
Our endowment fund was established in January
1996. The
gifts made to the fund are never spent.
Most of the interest earned is added each year to
help meet our budget.
In this way you can go on supporting our church
long after you have departed to join the church
Glory be to God!
Remember in prayer before
God those whom He has made your
brothers and sisters
through baptism.
Leah Baker, Florence Jenkins, Jim Coile, Agnes Arkle, Clara
Anderson, Peggy & Bill Wright & Wendy, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Ion
Ceaicovschi, Cameron Lim, Luke Bowen, Dano, Karen & W. Erick,
Mary Lou Jensen, Tabitha Anderson, Max Richards, Gloria Belarde,
Anna-Mae Finley, Dee Grenier, Lou & Lori Landino, Richard Uhler,
The Jones Family, Karen Granger, Angel Lynne, Deems Tsutakawa,
Ginny Mitchell, The Khamiss Family, Kirsten Christensen, Marie
Onsum, Jerry Hollenback, Kurt Alfano.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: Clara
Anderson, Agnes Arkle, Donna Apman, Pat Hansen, C. J. Christian,
Vera Gunnarson, Louis Koser, Anelma Meeks, Olive Morrison,
Dorothy Ryder, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Vivian Wheeler,
Peggy Wright.
Pray for our bishops Mark Hanson and Chris Boerger, and the
bishops elect Elizabeth Eaton and Brian Kirby Unti, our pastor
Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew
King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and the holy
office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this
September. Pray for
the mercy of God for these people, and for all in Christ's
church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emaus in the Skagit Valley that God may
bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist; and Saint Michael
and All Angels.
A Treasury
of Prayers
O God, King
of the universe, grant me the purifying
discipline of your burning love! I thank you
for its fire that consumes my dross, for the
blood of Jesus Christ, your Only Son, which
cleanses me from all my sin, for the pain
which purifies, for the despairs of earth
from which the sure hope of heaven is born,
and for the light which leads me out of
darkness. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen..
All the Saints
(ALPB, 1994-1996) 4 vols., III: 1081,