September 2019
“There is no real joy in this world except that which
the Word brings when it is believed.”
This Bible verse is about priests going haywire
and equating the common with the holy. It stands
as a constant warning because we’re always
tempted to draw the unconverted into church
without any initiation rites – which are deemed
obtuse in spite of the harsh judgment practiced
in 1 Corinthians 13:24–25. We erroneously think
that by making entry into the church easy, our
visitors will be more likely to hang around.
This verse – with its strident warning – comes to me by
way of Søren Kierkegaard’s comments on Ecclesiastes 5.1
in his
Christian Discourses
(1848). There he writes that when coming into God’s
house you are first asked “to forget your earthly need.
An odd way to comfort, is it not? Instead of
solicitously asking how you feel, instead of giving you
advice and suggestions,…. instead of having sympathy for
your earthly misery and busily remedying it, an even
heavier weight is laid upon you – you are made a sinner.
What is spoken of, therefore, and truly for upbuilding,
is that there is a deliverance for sinners, comfort for
the repentant…. Therefore the one who flees in here from
the horrors outside is making a mistake – flees to
something still more terrible!” (Kierkegaard’s
17:172–73). And on this verse Martin Luther adds this
helpful background: “In all the affairs of man and God
our way is never safe unless we turn ourselves over
completely to the Word and work of God and take our
stand on it without any debate about it in our mind” (Luther’s
For these reasons I have dedicated my ministry to
inviting people to a church struggling to be holy – and
never to one content with being as common as a bus
station or food market.
And Tithing
As we are
coming into the fall, I’d like to request that we all keep the
church's financial health in mind.
Consciously making the decision to tithe (to give a
portion of what you receive on a regular basis) helps to make
our giving more consistent.
I encourage everyone to work toward tithing to the
church. And if
possible, commit to that tithing through this fall’s pledge card
Tithing is frequently mentioned in scriptures (Genesis 28:20-22,
Leviticus 27:30, Deuteronomy 14:22, Malachi 3:8-10) and serves
many purposes.
Here are just a few reasons to give and work towards a
full tithe:
Spiritual discipline
– giving away a portion of our resources reminds us that God is
our provider.
Financial discipline
- making a commitment to give away part of what you receive may
cause you to more closely monitor how you spend your money and
improve your stewardship in all things.
Maintenance and care for our
facilities - we have
a beautiful facility, and beside general expenses for day-to-day
operation, there are many maintenance costs.
Source of livelihood for our
staff - we have a
talented and hardworking staff whom deserve more than we are
able to compensate them.
At a minimum, we need to meet our commitments to them.
Providing support for those in
need - through our
Extended Ministries programs.
– we have much to be thankful for at FLCWS.
Please prayerfully consider all these things when planning your
giving throughout the year.
“O give thanks unto the
LORD; for he is good and his mercy endures for ever.”
Psalm 106:1
Peter Douglass,
Church Council
Cary Natiello
It’s time for a second quarter of 2019
Year-to-date, through July 2019, we have sustained our solid
financial performance.
Here are the numbers:
Total ENVELOPE GIVING was ~$140,000
(adjusted) against a budget target of ~$130,000.
against a budget target of $57,300.
This has been one of our strongest budget
performance years in recent memory.
My sincere gratitude to everyone for their ongoing
relentless financial support of our church.
Thanks be to God!
Due to Dean stepping down from his role as deacon, the
council has determined that we will wait until the end of the
year to make any decisions about how the salary savings should
be allocated.
Our mid-year congregational meeting was on July 21, 2019.
For a mid-year meeting it was well attended.
Thank you to all who attended.
Among other things, at that meeting we approved updates
and changes to our Mission Statement.
Since my June 2019 President’s report, below is a recap
of the Mass Shootings in the United States.
August 3, 2019
El Paso, Texas
2019 El Paso shooting:
Twenty-two people were killed and twenty-four were
injured at a Walmart near the
Cielo Vista Mall.
The perpetrator was taken into custody
August 4, 2019
Dayton, Ohio
2019 Dayton shooting:
A gunman killed nine people and injured twenty-seven
outside of a bar after he was denied entry, before being
killed by police.
May 31, 2019
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Virginia Beach shooting:
A gunman killed 12 people and injured four others at a
city public works building. The gunman died at the scene
after being shot by police.
July 30, 2019
Southaven, Mississippi
At a
store, a man killed two people then wounded a police
officer before being shot by police and arrested.
July 28, 2019
Gilroy, California
Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting:
Sixteen people were shot, four fatally, including a
gunman and two children, at the
Gilroy Garlic Festival.
July 27, 2019
Brooklyn, New
Thirteen people were shot, one fatally, at a playground
May 7, 2019
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
STEM School Highlands Ranch shooting:
Authorities responded to the
STEM School Highlands Ranch,
at about 1:50 pm on a report of shots fired. One student
was fatally shot and eight others were injured; two
suspects were taken into custody by police.
April 30, 2019
Charlotte, North Carolina
University of North Carolina at Charlotte shooting:
Six people were shot, two fatally, on the last day of
classes at the
University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
The student gunman was taken into custody after he ran
out of ammunition.
Members of Congress are weighing potentially bipartisan
ideas to curb gun violence.
The legislative proposals under consideration include
stronger background checks, “red flag” laws that prevent those
threatening harm to themselves or others from buying or
possessing firearms, and bans on large-capacity magazines or
assault-style firearms.
Is now a good time for each of us to write our
representatives in our government to support the tighter gun
control laws being proposed?
Blessings to you all.
tough time transpired a few years after I was
ordained. It was in the days when we took young
people from the church on overnighters. These
events were bad by design, but everyone was so
desperate to keep kids in church that
entertaining them in this way seemed the right
thing to do. The problem, as you can imagine,
was that nighttime wasn’t for sleeping, but
mischief. At this event the kids wanted to see
the new movie,
Business (1983). I had heard that it had a
couple questionable sex scenes in it, but it
wasn’t rated badly, so I thought it was worth
considering. Plus a couple of the kids said
their parents had already taken them to it and
everyone liked it. After agreeing as a
group on how we
should proceed, we went.
Your a Thief!
I was surprised about the good conversations we had
about the movie when we got back – approaching Luther’s
admonition that we should teach our children “neither to
fear death nor love this life” (LW
A couple days after we returned from the youth outing, I
was accused by the parents who had supposedly taken
their children to the movie beforehand, that I had
forced the kids to see
Business when
they didn’t want to. This problem was soon resolved
after conversations with the kids and their parents
cleared the air with no bad feelings.
But I was wrong about that. At the following annual
meeting, one of the parents set up their kid from that
summer event to charge me with stealing money from the
youth fund to buy a new copier for the church office.
The idea was to drive me out of the church because I was
a thief. But this was an ill-conceived hoax. A new
copier had been purchased, alright, but it was paid for
by approved office funds that could be easily and
reliably traced. After the meeting, none of the accusers
would discuss the matter. So that drama boomeranged on
them. Not long afterwards, those families left the
From this altercation I learned how the youth of the
church can be used by their parents to run out a pastor.
People can be very desperate when they hate their pastor
– even to the point of using their children for
nefarious ends! That’s a good lesson to learn. The other
one is that youth ministry based on a pied piper model
of entertainment is demonic (R. D. Martinson,
Effective Youth
Ministry, 1992, pp. 16–18). And that’s also a good
lesson to learn. For the young of the congregation are
best served by including them in the work and blessings
that we all share in the church already, through our
worship and extended ministries.
─Pastor Marshall
With the Mind
Readings in Contemporary Theology with Pastor Marshall
12-2 pm in the Room C, Sunday,
September 15th.
Sept. 15
Landon Dowden,
Exalting Jesus in Esther: Christ-Centered Exposition (2019).
Nov. 17
LeMieux, Breakfast at
Sally’s: One Homeless Man’s Inspirational Journey (2009).
Jan. 19
Tara Westover,
Educated: A Memoir (2018).
Mar. 15
Matthew Levering,
Dying and the Virtues (2018).
May 17
D. Bruce Hindmarch,
The Spirit of Early
Evangelicalism: True Religion in a Modern World (2018).
September Book
12-2 pm in the Room C, Sunday,
September 15, 2019.
book for September is
Exalting Jesus in
Esther: Christ-Centered Exposition (2019), by Landon
Dowden, a prominent Baptist minister in Georgia. This
book tries to reclaim the Book of Esther for the Church
– given that it never mentioned God in it. Dowden begins
by noting seventeen indirect references to God in Esther
(pp. 9–10). He also notes the centrality of Romans 8:28
in Esther – that all things work for the good (p. 8).
The fact that the Jews are preserved in Esther allows
for the savior eventually to come from among them (John
4:22). Dowden also sees Jesus in Esther by way of a
contrast to its characters (pp. 43, 64, 102, 155, 170,
A copy of this important study on Esther is in
the library. If you would like to purchase one for
yourself, contact Pastor Marshall. Feel free to attend
our meeting when we discuss how the Book of Esther
points to Jesus.
Sunday Education
with Pastor Marshall
9:00 to 10:00 am, Room D
I, September 8 – October 27
Luther’s Favorite Gospel: The
Gospel According to Saint John
This eight week class will study the Gospel of John – Luther’s
favorite Gospel. Worksheets will be provided before every class
to guide your reading.
II, November 3 – December 22
The Bladensburg Peace Cross: The
Supreme Court on Religious Freedom
In this eight week class we will study the recent US Supreme
Court decision, The
American Legion vs.
American Humanist Association (June 20, 2019). In this case
the Court upheld the display of a cross on public property
arguing that it didn’t violate the US Constitution’s provision
on the separation of church and state. Paper copies of the
decision will be available.
SESSION, January 5 – January 26
Why God Doesn’t Change:
Kierkegaard’s Famous 1855 Discourse
In this
four week class we will study Søren Kierkegaard’s 1855 discourse
on the changelessness of God. We will do this by reading Pastor
Marshall’s analysis of it from his book,
Kierkegaard for the
Church (2013).
February 2 – March 29
Back From the Dead: The
Prophet Elijah and Jesus
In this eight week class we will study portions of the
saga on Elijah from the Old Testament. When Jesus was
dying on the cross those standing by thought he cried
out to Elijah to help him (Matthew 27:46–49). This class
will explore that possible connection. Each class
session will be based on a worksheet of questions handed
out the week before.
April 5- May 31
Luther’s Great Treatise:
On Christian Freedom
This eight week class will study Martin Luther’s 1520
treatise on Christian freedom – on the occasion of its
500th anniversary. Our text will be the new translation
and annotated text by Timothy J. Wengert (2016).

Lillian Schneider on her 101st birthday,
June 19, 2019. Lillian
joined FLCWS
on December 21, 1947.
Schedule for
Wednesday Bible Classes
with Pastor Marshall
Morning 10- 11:30 am
Fall: Romans
1) Romans 1.1-32
Romans 9.1-33
1) Genesis
Genesis 28.1-30.43
2) Romans 2.1-29
10) Romans 10.1-21
2) Genesis
10) Genesis
3) Romans 3.1-31
11) Romans 11.1-36
3) Genesis
11) Genesis
4) Romans 4.1-24
12) Romans 12.1-21
4) Genesis
12) Genesis
5) Romans 5.1-21
13) Romans 13.1-14
5) Genesis
13) Genesis
6) Romans 6.1-23
14) Romans 14.1-23
6) Genesis
14) Genesis
7) Romans 7.1-25
15) Romans 15.1-33
7) Genesis
15) Genesis
8) Romans 8.1-39
16) Romans 16.1-27
8) Genesis
16) Genesis
Evening 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Fall: Jeremiah
Spring: Acts
1) Jeremiah 1.1-2.37
Jeremiah 26.1-29.32
1) Acts 1.1-2.47
Acts 16.1-40
2) Jeremiah 3.1-5.31
10) Jeremiah
2) Acts 3.1-4.37
10) Acts
3) Jeremiah 6.1-8.22
11) Jeremiah
3) Acts 5.1-42
11) Acts 19.1-41
4) Jeremiah 9.1-12.17
12) Jeremiah
4) Acts 6.1-8.40
12) Acts 20.1-21.40
5) Jeremiah 13.1-15.21
13) Jeremiah
5) Acts 9.1-10.48
13) Acts
6) Jeremiah 16.1-19.15
14) Jeremiah
6) Acts 11.1-12.25
14) Acts
7) Jeremiah 20.1-22.30
15) Jeremiah
7) Acts 13.1-14.28
15) Acts
8) Jeremiah 23.1-25.38
16) Jeremiah
8) Acts 15.1-41
16) Acts 28-1-31

Word of God, because it is eternal, should apply to all men of
all times. For although in the course of time customs, people,
places, and usages may vary, godliness and ungodliness remain
the same through all the ages.”
Luther’s Works
Saint Nicholas Faire
Sunday, December 15, 2019 from 1:00 to 4:30 pm
We’re working on it again!
Thank you to all who have already begun helping prepare
for this annual fund raising event.
So many of you have stepped up by taking ornaments from
the tree in the lounge, made your purchases, and left them to be
catalogued by the next group of helpers.
Then, later they will be made into baskets for purchasing
at the Faire. At
this writing, there are still many items (ornaments) to be taken
from the tree and turned in.
It would be very helpful if all “ornament” items could be
brought to the church by Sunday, September 22nd.
If you need assistance of any kind getting this done,
please call Valerie Schorn (206-227-6290) or email her (
And please remember to put your name on the item as well
as the retail value.
It takes a lot of time searching the internet to find the
value of an item.
And we need that information to complete the bid sheet.
If you
would prefer, you can donate money designated to the St.
Nicholas Faire and we will do the shopping.
Plus, in late November, we will be purchasing items that
need to be fresh, so they need to be bought closer to the date
of the Faire. If
you would like to help in this way, please let Valerie know and
she can give you a list of items to choose from.
But most important, always remember that all efforts are
to support, in a fun and enjoyable way, TWO very important
extended ministries – the West Seattle Food Bank and the West
Seattle Helpline.
We are
looking forward to having a fun afternoon of wine tasting,
winning prizes at the ring toss game, snacks, conversation and
fellowship, and “shopping” for holiday gifts
for friends and family.
Where else can you go so close to home to such a
And it all benefits two great organizations!
So plan to come and invite your neighbors and
family and friends to come with you.
Sign-up sheets for helpers for the event will be posted
in October and more details about the event will appear
in The Messenger
and bulletin announcements.
We want you there!
We need you there to have this party be a good
time, and raise plenty of funds to help the West Seattle
Food Bank and West Seattle Helpline.
-Valerie Schorn
Isaiah 6.4
Monthly Home Bible Study, September 2019, Number 319
The Reverend Ronald F. Marshall
Along with our other regular study of Scripture, let us join as
a congregation in this home study. We will
study alone then talk
informally about the assigned verses together as we have
opportunity. In this way we can "gather
together around the
Word" even though physically we will not be getting together
(Acts 13.44). (This study uses the RSV translation.)
We need to support each other in this difficult project. In 1851
Kierkegaard wrote that the Bible is "an extremely dangerous
book.... [because] it is an imperious book... – it takes the
whole man and may suddenly and radically change... life on a
prodigious scale" (For
Self-Examination). And in 1967 Thomas Merton wrote that "we
all instinctively know that it is dangerous to become involved
in the Bible" (Opening
the Bible). Indeed this word "kills" us (Hosea 6.5) because
we are "a rebellious people" (Isaiah 30.9)! As Lutherans,
however, we are still to "abide in the womb of the Word" (Luther's
Works 17.93) by constantly "ruminating on the Word" (LW
30.219) so that we may "become like the Word" (LW
29.155) by thinking "in the way Scripture does" (LW
25.261). Before you study then, pray: "Blessed Lord, who caused
all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so
to hear them, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them, that
we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life, which you have given us in Our Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen" (quoted in R. F. Marshall,
Making A New World: How
Lutherans Read the Bible, 2003, p. 12). And don’t give up,
for as Luther said, we “have in Scripture enough to study for
all eternity” (LW
Week I.
Read Isaiah 6.4 noting the word
shook. Martin Luther
believed that this shaking is at the very heart of God’s truth –
terrifying and humbling us so that we will give up on everything
we formally trusted in and abandon all of our self-assurance (LW
16:71). On this read Isaiah 66.2 noting the line
trembles at my word.
Why can’t we be more confident and assertive before God? On this
read Isaiah 30.9 noting the words
rebellious and
lying, and the line
will not hear the
instruction of the Lord, as well as Isaiah 48.4 noting the
words obstinate,
iron and
brass. Is this too
negative an assessment of us? On this read Isaiah 1.5–6 noting
the words whole and
no. Why are we so
sick and unstable? On this read Isaiah 59.14–15 noting the two
lines truth has fallen
and truth is lacking.
Why have we given up on the truth? On this read Isaiah 58.13
noting the line seeking
your own pleasure [and] talking idly. Would truth interrupt
these? On this read Isaiah 48.18–19 noting the
cutting off of the
words peace,
righteousness and
name. What do you
think of that?
Week II.
Read again Isaiah 6.4 noting the same word
shook. What is it
about God that upsets us? On this read Isaiah 5.21 noting the
line woe to those who are
wise in their own eyes. What’s so wrong with that? On this
read Isaiah 9.17 noting the words
evildoer and
folly. Where does
that blindness lead us? On this read Isaiah 5.20 noting the
switching around of the words
evil and
darkness and
bitter and
sweet. What else is
upsetting? On this read Isaiah 40.21–23 noting the words
grasshoppers and
nought. How is it
that God so dominates? On this read Isaiah 41.4 noting the words
first and
last. Where does that
verse put God? On this read Isaiah 41.11–12 noting the words
war and
nothing. Where does
God get such power over war? On this read Isaiah 55.11 noting
the words word,
accomplish and
prosper. How can
God’s word do that? On this read Isaiah 43.3–13 noting the words
henceforth and
hinder. So is God’s
unique power intrinsic to him – and nothing more?
Week III.
Reread Isaiah 6.4 noting again the word
shook. What else is
there about God that’s upsetting? On this read Isaiah 64.6
noting the words
righteous and
polluted. Why don’t our righteous deeds please God? On this
read Isaiah 1.13 noting the words
offerings and
assemblies – both of
which are commanded and good but
vain. Is something
more needed than objectively correct actions? On this read
Isaiah 57.15 noting the words
contrite and
heart. What’s to be
avoided here? On this read Isaiah 9.9 noting the words
pride and
arrogance. How is a
good heart added to good behavior – in order to keep our good
deeds from being polluted? On this read Isaiah 51.7 noting the
words law and
heart. Does this
explain why God replaces
perfume with
rottenness in Isaiah 3.24 – perfume being superficial? Is
that why the beautiful
is equated with the proud
and lofty in Isaiah
Week IV.
Read Isaiah 6.4 one last time noting again that word
shook. Anything else
about God’s truth that’s upsetting? On this read Isaiah 64.8
noting the words we,
clay and
potter. Why does that
rankle us – so much so that we want to switch the words around
and turn them
down as in Isaiah
29.16? On this read Isaiah 64.8 again noting this line
we are all the work of
thy hand. On this read further Isaiah 43.20–21 noting the
line my chosen people…
whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.
This locks us into a life before God worshipping him. But that’s
too confining, we say! On this read Isaiah 30.11 noting the line
let us hear no more of
the Holy One of Israel. Why is that the case? On this read
Isaiah 30.10 noting the category
smooth things. What
are they? On this read Isaiah 32.9–11 noting the double mention
of the words ease and
complacent. Why do we
want the easy way out? On this read Isaiah 24.5 noting the words
violated and
broken. What do these
words make us? On this read Isaiah 5.2 noting the category
wild grapes. How bad
is that? As bad as deeply embedded defiance. Do you agree?
On the third Saturday of each month, between 3 and 5 pm, the
Sacrament of Penance is offered in the Chapel.
This brief liturgy enables people – one at a time – to
confess their sin and receive the blessed assurance of
This liturgy is ancient but largely neglected in recent years in
America. It is
similar to the Roman Catholic confessional, but unlike it, in
that this liturgy is done face to face with the pastor.
Copies of the liturgy are available in the church office.
This individual form of confession is more forceful than the
general form used during Advent and Lent in the Communion
liturgy. It allows
for, but does not require, listing of specific sinful burdens.
It also provides for specific instructions from the
pastor for each penitent.
These additional details make for its greater force in
the life of the believer.
Martin Luther's critique of confession never included the
elimination of individual, private confession.
His critique instead only corrected the way it was being
we continue to honor his words in his
you are a Christian, you should be glad to run more than a
hundred miles for confession.” (BC, page 460).
Plan to come – Saturday,
14th, 3 to 5 pm in the Chapel.
Blessings await you.
DEO GLORIA CANTORES – Choir will start their practice
sessions at 7:30 pm on Thursday, September 19th, in the
Fall Schedule
starts on Sunday, September 8th.
Adult Bible Class, rm. D and Sunday School, rm.
4, 9:00 am.
Confirmation (6th – 8th grades) meet in the library.
The Wednesday
pastor’s classes (10:00 am & 7:30 pm in rm. D) start on
September 11th, and confirmation (3:30 pm in rm. D)
starts on September 11th as well.
FOOD BANK DONATION suggestion for September is canned,
boxed or instant soups or one meal options like corned
beef hash, chili, stews, etc.
Crystal Tudor on her
98th birthday, May 28, 2019.
Crystal joined FLCWS on December 14, 1952.

Remember in prayer before God those whom He has made your
brothers and sisters through baptism.
Bob Baker, Sam & Nancy Lawson, Michael Lingle, Pete Morrison,
Eileen & Dave Nestoss, Bob & Barbara Schorn, Aasha Sagmoen &
Ajani Hammond, Connor Sagmoen, Kyra Stromberg, Tabitha Anderson,
Diana Walker, The Rev. Paul Smith, The Rev. Howard Fosser, The
Rev. Jeff Larson, The Rev. Jim Nestigen, The Rev. Kari Reiten,
Sheila Feichtner, Rebecca Brown, Antonio Ortez, Randy & Mary
Leskovar, Richard Uhler, Marjorie Lorraine Dike, Yuriko
Nishimura, Leslie & Mark Hicks, Kate & Mark Frey, Yao Chu Chang,
Eric Baxter, Deanne Heflin, David Douglass, Geraldine
Martindale, Owen & Noreen Marten, Rebecca, Randy & Ansley Kraus,
John Malmanger, Eileen, Sica & John Daniel Schmitz, Jim & Bonnie
Henningson, Mary Ford, Nancy Wilson.
Also, pray for unbelievers, the abused and harassed.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ may give them
joy: Bob & Mona Ayer,
Bob & Barbara Schorn, Joan Olson, Doris Prescott, C. J.
Christian, Dorothy Ryder, Lillian Schneider, Crystal Tudor, Nora
Vanhala, Mary Goplerud, Anelma Meeks, Martin Nygaard, Gregg &
Jeannine Lingle.
Pray for those who have suffered the death of a loved one:
Pray that God will bear their grief and lift their
hearts: Pray for
the family and friends of James Coile who died in a tragic
accident on June 20th.
His memorial was held on Saturday, July 6th.
And pray for Doris Prescott, family and friends, on the
death of her beloved husband Chuck on June 19th.
A columbarium memorial was held on Saturday, July 13th.
And, pray for Cary Natiello on the death of his mother
Naomi on the 6th of July.
A columbarium memorial was held on Monday, July 22nd.
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Shelly Bryan Wee, our
pastor Ronald Marshall, our deacon Dean Hard and our cantor
Andrew King, that they may be strengthened in faith, love and
the holy office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy in service and
in celebration of Stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a good
steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the Stewardship of our congregation in
these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and homeless this
September. Pray for
the mercy of God for these people, and for all in Christ's
church to see and help those who are in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation:
El Camino de Emmaus in the Skagit Valley that God may
bless and strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and it's ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of the saints:
Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist; and Saint Michael
and All Angels.
Treasury of Prayers
Heavenly Father, grant me insight, so that I
may look deeply into your Scriptures, and not cling to
superficial or shallow understandings. May I keep focused so
that I’m not mesmerized by shadows or illusions, but instead
concentrate on the substance of your Holy Word. In the name of
Jesus I pray.
[For All the
Saints II:265, altered]