September 2022
Looking to the Future
“ thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and
straining forward to what lies ahead...”
Philippians 3:13
Is there a future for First Lutheran Church of
West Seattle? Certainly, without a doubt! But, what kind
of a future will it be? To some extent that depends upon
Over 62 years as a pastor I have seen many
congregations in a condition similar to FLCWS today:
long-term, continued decline in worship attendance, no
Sunday School,
no youth program, because there are too few
youth, no regular fellowship opportunities,
no regular Bible studies because the few that
attend are those who need it least, and no
coordinated outreach to the unchurched in the
community. I have seen only one congregation in that
condition that has been revitalized. (That congregation
had declined to fifteen worshippers; it now has about
350). I hope
and pray that FLCWS will be the second to be restored.
forgetting what lies behind, strain forward!
Join with me in looking to the future. A very
significant date is approaching, 11 September. On that
Sunday, at 12:00 noon, you have the opportunity to
return to the basic themes of our Christian faith. This
is also your opportunity to invite friends, relatives,
and neighbors who do not worship, to join with you.
Invite them to “come and see” They can be introduced to
what you affirm to be the foundation of your faith.
Your response to this invitation is crucial to
the future of FLCWS. The more members who attend, the
greater, I think, the possibility of a renewal to be.
The more non-churched, the more certain I will be that a
vibrant rebirth is beginning.
We need to know how many will be present so that
adequate space is prepared. Please call the church
office and tell the office manager the number of people
that will be in your party. There is no deadline. Anyone
is invited to come, up to the last minute. However, the
earlier we have the names, the easier it will be for
those who have the responsibility to make preparations.
Yours in a common Lord,
Neal Snider, Interim Pastor
P. S. I will be available in the classroom at
approximately 11:45 to share cookies & coffee with you,
and to make a few introductory comments.
Janine Douglass
“Praise and thanks and adoration, Son of God, to you we
For you chose to serve creation, Died that Adam’s heirs
might live.
Dear Lord Jesus, guide my way; Faithful let me day by
Follow where your steps are leading,
Find adventure, joys exceeding!”
This hymn, #469 from LBW, text by Thomas Kingo, is often
sung at the end of the liturgical service and serves as
a reminder that we can fully put our trust in God to
provide in all decisions.
Our council, staff and interim pastor have been busy
over the summer, tending to the needs of the church. At
long last we were able to come together as a church
family and community to remember the life and ministry
of Pastor Ronald F. Marshall and to mourn our loss. True
to form, Pastor Marshall had specific instructions
regarding the details of his memorial service, and had
written the sermon himself some years ago. The challenge
for us now is to discern the best possible way to move
forward, adjusting to our interim pastor, and calling a
permanent pastor beyond that. Transition periods can be
especially tricky, however, I believe that if we
collectively remain steadfast in our
faith and
diligent in our
studies of the scripture we have reason to have
hope in the outcome. Our hope has always been, and
will continue to be, in Christ our rock and redeemer.
Pure and simple.
Our mid-year congregational meeting occurred at the end
of July. Committee reports were provided.
Pastor Snider offered a challenge to our
congregation: to be warm and inviting to others; to
encourage in-person attendance on a regular basis at the
Sunday liturgies and Christian education in order to
nourish our spiritual life; and to work together with
the ELCA as we search for a permanent pastor.
We had some staffing changes in our parish office over
the summer, with the retirement of Sonja Clemente and
the hiring of Justine Tucker. Job descriptions were
updated to reflect current job duties and office hours.
We pray God’s blessing on them both as they make this
Finally, we signed a new contract with the Tilden School
for the next school year. It has been a wonderful and
longstanding partnership and we wish them the best in
the coming year.
Please pray for our Pastor in his duties, and for
discernment within our council and committees as we
navigate the call process.

Giving from Our Gifts
Paul charges the believers in 2 Corinthians 13:5
Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine
yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about
yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed
you fail the test.
Self-testing can be the greatest challenge
because if we are both the tested and the proctor, we
can “cheat.” We can justify, we can rationalize our
answers, and no one will know the difference. That is
why we must allow the Owner to be the proctor as we
examine and test our ways. Are we passing the test, if
He is grading our stewardship?
Stewardship, quite simply, is recognizing that
everything we have and everything we are is a gift from
God and being grateful and generous with those gifts.
God reveals His perfect and infinite love for us most
visibly in His Son, Jesus Christ. A steward makes God's
love visible by imitating Jesus.
Keep in mind you will not be remembered by what
you have kept for yourself. You will be remembered by
what you have given to others
Church Council
Volunteer Opportunities
September is a great time of year to review areas where
we need additional volunteer help. Please consider
giving your time in any of the following areas of
service at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle.
Attendant ‒ The nursery has been cleaned and
refreshed! We would love to see it staffed for the 10:30
Liturgy on Sunday mornings. Do you or someone you know
have a passion for working with children ages four and
under? This could potentially be a paid position (small
stipend per occurrence) for the right candidate. Please
let Janine Douglass or Larraine King know if you are
interested, or have a candidate in mind.
Class ‒ Dean Hard is putting together a class for
new vergers. A verger’s role can range from assisting in
procession, supporting acolyte functions, worship
assistance, etc.
Those interested would learn about how to assist
with the worship service in a variety of ways. Two
members of the church have expressed interest, but we
could use more. Please reach out to Dean if you are
interested or have any questions.
Team Assistance ‒ We have held several in-person
events since the beginning of the year and are in need
of extra assistance. Sonja Clemente has agreed to be the
coordinator for our service teams. Watch for details in
the future regarding how you can be involved with
reception assistance including: baking, setting up
coffee/tea service, room setup, room cleanup and kitchen
duty. Other service team duties in the past have
included Christmas decorating and serving Easter brunch.

Assistance ‒ Do you have a green thumb? Do you love
to work in the dirt? We currently have a need for an
individual or group to water the trees near the church
parking lot and parsonage. In addition, there is a need
for weeds to be pulled from the courtyards. If you’re
interested, please check with someone on the council
facilities committee (Larraine King or David King).
Signups ‒ The signup list for procuring altar
flowers for the Sunday Liturgy is posted in the hall
outside of room C. The information is communicated by
Maxine Foss to the Flower Lab, the florist we use
exclusively for uniformity. After the service, people
can opt to gift the flowers back to the church,
hopefully to be shared with one of our homebound
members, keep the flowers, or gift one and keep one.
Participants usually receive a bill from the florist
within a week or two of the contribution. If you haven’t
already done so, please sign up! There are still a few
openings through the end of the year.
‒Janine Douglass,
After 34 years serving as our Parish Secretary, Sonja
Clemente has announced she will retire as of September
1st. We
will miss her depth of knowledge for the job tasks and
her attention to detail.
We are thankful for her willingness to serve
these many years and we wish her much happiness in her
retirement. Sonja looks forward to spending time
gardening, traveling and enjoying her family. Pictured
below with her final official pay check.

Janine Douglass, congregation president and retiring
parish secretary, Sonja Clemente.
If you are behind on your pledge for 2022, please make
every effort to get caught up.
This summer’s
giving is behind budget and a new pledge season is right
around the corner. Thank
Please join us
in giving a warm welcome to
Tucker, our new Parish Office Manager. Justine
came out of early retirement from United Parcel Service
to join our staff on a part-time basis. When you call or
stop by the church office, be sure to introduce
yourself. Her office hours are: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Thursdays 9am-2pm and Fridays 9am to noon.

church library continues to be updated. Come in and take
a look at the new books which have been added to the
collection. Following is a short synopsis of some of the
books you may want to check out!
Bible Salesman
by Clyde Edgerton:
Preston Clearwater has been a criminal since
stealing 1,600 pairs of aviator sunglasses from the army
during the Second World War. Now on the road in North
Carolina as a member of a car-theft ring, he picks up
Henry Dampier, an innocent 20 year old Bible salesman.
Clearwater immediately recognizes Henry as the smart but
gullible associate he needs.
Bill Myers:
What if Jesus had not come until today? Who would follow
Him? Who would kill Him?
As We Knew It
Susan Beth Pfeffer:
When a meteor hits the moon and knocks it closer
in orbit to the earth, nothing will ever be the same.
Earthquakes. Volcanic eruptions. And that’s just the
beginning. (This is an ALA Best Book for Young Adults.)
Comes for the Deconstructionist
by Daniel Taylor:
Jon Mote – grad school dropout and serial failure
– has been hired to investigate the murder of his
erstwhile mentor, Richard Pratt, a star in the firmament
of literary theory, Feeling unequal to the task, Mote
skitters on the edge of madness, trying to stifle the
increasingly threatening voices in his head. His only
source of hope is the dogged love of his developmentally
disabled sister, Judy, who serves as cheerleader,
critic, and moral compass. (This book is the 2016 Book
Award Winner in fiction by Christianity Today, as well
as a Gold Medal winner for 2016 by Illumination Book
Good Priest’s Son
(Fic Pri) by Reynolds Price:
Flying home to New York after a much needed
getaway, private art conservator Mabry Kincaid learns
that his downtown loft has been devastated by the World
Trade Center attacks. Unable to resume his normal life,
he flies south to North Carolina to visit his aged
father, a widowed Episcopal priest. Mabry is compelled
to explore his tormented relationship with his father
and a world he fondly remembers but has long since
abandoned. Back in New York a week later, Mabry faces
his old life, which lies in ruins before his eyes.
There, he must once again confront change and
uncertainty – and a daunting disease that may prove
fatal. This is one man’s journey to come to terms with
two familiar worlds that have been radically altered.

Personal Safety Nets: getting ready for life’s
inevitable changes and challenges
(362.4 Gib)
by Dr. John W. Gibson and Judy Pigott:
you prepared for an unexpected accident or illness? A
transfer, move, or deployment?
A major job change or retirement?
Divorce and its aftermath? Crises for your
parents or children?
A disaster in your community? This book will show
you how to intentionally create a personal safety net
made up of those plans, systems, resources, and
especially people who strengthen your life. You will not
only read stories of real people with real problems but
also find tools, examples, knowledge, and hope to help
and inspire you.
Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America’s
continuing debate over science and religion
345.73 Lar by Edward J. Larson: In the summer of
1925, the town of Dayton, Tennessee, became the setting
for one of the 20th century’s most
contentious courtroom dramas: the Scopes trial pitting
William Jennings Bryan and the anti-Darwinists against
Clarence Darrow and the ACLU in a timeless battle over
science, religion, and their place in public education.
That trial marked the start of a battle that continues
to this day. (This book received the Pulitzer Prize in
History in 1998 and is the single most authoritative
account of a pivotal event whose combatants remain at
odds in school districts and courtrooms.)
This Cruel War Was Over: soldiers, slavery, and the
Civil War
973.7 Man by Chandra Manning:
Letters, diaries, and regimental newspapers take
the reader inside the minds of Civil War soldiers -
black and white, Northern and Southern – as they fought
and marched across a divided country. Manning explores
how the Union and Confederate soldiers came to identify
slavery as the central issue of the war and what that
meant for a nation in tumult.
Hipster Christianity – When church and cool collide
261.109 McC by Brett McCracken: What happens to the
church when our concern with appearances equals or
outweighs our concern for sound doctrine or faithful
practice? In this probing book, Christian journalist
Brett McCracken examines an emerging category he calls
“Christian hipsters” – an unlikely fusion of the
American obsession with being “cool” and the realities
of a faith that is often seen as anything but.
Told Me So: self-deception and the Christian life
241.673 Ten by Gregg A. Ten Elshof: Socrates famously
asserted that the unexamined life is not worth living,
But Gregg Ten Elshof shows us that we make all sorts of
little deals with ourselves every day in order to stave
off examination and remain happily self-deceived. Most
provocatively, he suggests this is not all bad! This
book is a wonderful example of philosophy serving
spiritual discipline. Ten Elshof’s discussions are
erudite, biblical, searching, and laced with soul
restoring wisdom.
Road: the napalm girl’s journey through the horrors of
war to faith, forgiveness & peace
959.704 Thi by Kim Phuc Phan Thi: More than four
decades ago, her excruciating pain was exposed in a
photo that made headlines around the world. Only now is
she fully revealing the depth of her scarring – to both
body and soul. Left for dead in a hospital morgue, Kim
miraculously survived – but her journey toward healing
was only beginning. When the napalm bombs dropped,
everything Kim knew and relied on exploded along with
them: her beloved home and Vietnamese village, her
country’s freedom, as well as her childhood innocence
and happiness. Kim’s coming years would be marked by
agonizing treatments for her burns, incessant physical
pain throughout her body, and being handled for
political propaganda. In this stunning first-hand
account of struggling to find answers in a world that
only seemed to bring anguish, Kim ultimately discovers
strength in someone who had suffered himself,
transforming her tragedy into an unshakable faith.
selections can be found on the new book shelves.

Mariann Petersen, Janice Lundbeck, Robert Schorn, Kim
Lim, Melanie Johnson, Holly Petersen, Leah and Melissa
Baker, Felicia Wells, Eileen & Dave Nestoss, Kyra
Stromberg, Peter Morrison, The Rev.
Douglas & Paula Lindsay,
The Rev. Howard Fosser, The
Rev. Kari Reiten,
Yuriko Nishimura,
Karen Granger, Angel Lynne, Nick Karlson, Paul Sponheim,
the Ceaicovschi Family
in Moldova, Richard Patishnock, David Ruberg, Judy
Berkenpas, Nicole Coile, Holly Finan,
Phyllis Drakulich.
Pray for our professional health care providers:
Gina Allen, Janine Douglass, Jane Collins, David Juhl,
Dana Kahn, Dean Riskedahl
all those suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.
Pray for the shut-ins that the light of Christ
may give them joy:
Joan Olson, Bob & Mona Ayer, Gregg & Jeannine
Lingle, Robert Schorn, Nora Vanhala, Martin Nygaard, Lou
Pray for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Shelley
Bryan Wee, our interim pastor the Reverend Neal Snider,
our choirmaster Dean Hard and our cantor Andrew King,
that they may be strengthened in faith, love and the
holy office to which they have been called.
Pray that God would give us hearts which find joy
in service and in celebration of stewardship.
Pray that God would work within you to become a
good steward of your time, your talents and finances.
Pray to strengthen the stewardship of our
congregation in these same ways.
Pray for the hungry, ignored, abused, and
homeless this September.
Pray for the mercy of God for these people, and
for all in Christ's church to see and help those who are
in distress.
Pray for our sister congregation, El Camino de
Emaus in the Skagit Valley, that God may bless and
strengthen their ministry.
Also, pray for our parish and its ministry.
Pray that God will bless you through the lives of
the saints:
Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist; and Saint Michael
and All Angels.
Pray for this poor, fallen human race that God
would have mercy on us all.
Pray for this planet, our home, that it and the
creatures on it would be saved from destruction.
Treasury of Prayers
O God, who in thy Son did come among us, and in him will
come again, of thy mercy grant us not to shrink from thy
presence, but to rejoice in it.
Through Jesus
Christ, our Lord. Amen.
All the Saints
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