Sermon 99
The Strength of
The Funeral
for Naomi
Natiello (1928–2019)
July 22, 2019
When I think of Naomi and her life as described by her family
today in their written tribute to her, I think of Saint Paul’s
spectacular words about knowing how to both abound with plenty –
as well as be abased in hardships (Philippians 4:12).
And hardships there were for Naomi – as there are for all
Christians (Luther’s Works 56:264)! Recall her life. All
those years – nearly 60 – with her verbally abusive husband. All
those early years – putting up with her teenage derelict son.
All those years – up until 2012 – taking care of her mentally
challenged daughter. And all those years – up to her very death
– being cut off from, and disowned by, her first born daughter.
How did Naomi do it? Why didn’t she collapse under the weight?
How could she plow ahead in spite of these calamities – helping
her family move frequently, always having meals ready, and
keeping the house clean for them all?
Some would say it was due to genetics. Others would say it was
because of her environment. But Saint Paul explains it all very
differently – “I can do all things in him who strengthens me”
(Philippians 4:13). What a claim! It sounds crazy! But Saint
Paul is no sociopath – deprived of all feelings for the losses
he endured. That isn’t why he endured his hardships – simply
because he couldn’t feel any of the pain. No, it rather was
because of Christ! And he adds that this thought is a secret –
the business about Christ getting you through the messes of your
lives. That doesn’t mean it is hidden and kept for a few elite
people. No, it’s instead a secret because nobody pays any
attention to it – and if they were to, they would dismiss it.
Saint Paul will have none of this wayward understanding – and so
he rather lets it be known, far and wide, in hopes that it will
be adopted and implemented daily – that Christ is the one who
While that’s very helpful – and Naomi knew all about it, we also
need to know more. We need to know how this strengthening comes
about. Again, the explanation comes from another neglected part
of the New Testament. In addition, then, to the first secret we
have this second one too – “I consider that the sufferings of
this present time,” Saint Paul writes, “are not worth comparing
with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18)!
Amazing thought, wouldn’t you say? And Saint Paul repeats
himself – “This slight momentary affliction is preparing for us
an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians
4:17). So Christ strengthens us by holding out something better
than anything in this world – that then makes it possible for us
to put up with bad people and tough situations, since we know
that what’s coming in the end will offset any pain now.
And that eternal weight of glory – that “better country”
(Hebrews 11:16) – is heaven, where all bad things and all
difficult times are over (Revelation 21:4). This is what Naomi
now has. This is her reward for believing in Jesus and his
strength. Christ’s fortitude, which kept him up on the cross, to
save us from our sins, when he was tempted to come down and save
himself instead (Matthew 27:40, Philippians 2:8) – that
strength, that fortitude, he now shares with all who believe in
him. That was Naomi – and may it also be the rest of us when
meet our final day. Amen.
(printed as preached but with some