photo credit Sonja Clemente, 2006
Not for Itching
A Collection of
the Rev. Ronald F. Marshall
I call this collection of sermons, “Not for Itching
Ears.” This title comes from 2 Timothy 4:2-5 in which the Apostle Paul
tells the young preacher, Timothy, to “be urgent in season and out of
season, convince, rebuke, and exhort.” This is because his listeners
won’t want to “endure sound teaching, but having itching ears
will… wander into myths…. to suit their own likings.” So Timothy and all
preachers will have to push God’s holy Word – since it goes against human
wishes and the sinfulness that infects us all.
Being Offensive
Preachers of Christ therefore must never forget that Jesus came
to his own and they “received him not” (John 1:11). That he offended
those who first heard him (Matthew 11:6). That his words sounded too
hard for them to bear (John 6:60). And that his way, from the beginning,
hated by the worldly because it ran counter to their will and ways
(John 15:19).
have therefore tried in these sermons to smash the myths
St. Paul
condemned, present sound teaching with urgency, and box our itching ears
which lead us so easily astray. In short, I’ve tried to tell the
gospel truth rather than what people
want to hear (Galatians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 2:4).
have not done this gladly. I take no delight in being confrontational
– or preaching, as Stanley Hauerwas has said, “as though I had enemies”
(First Things,
May 1995). Nevertheless I have tried to do this following
St. Paul
who said, “be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist,
fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5).
Preaching Conversion
evangelist? Am I doing the work of an evangelist in these sermons
preached in church? Yes, indeed, I am, for Christians also need to be converted over and
over again. Christians need evangelizing just as much as unbelievers do! [see my
“Deathly Evangelism,” (1995) at google]. We
can’t rest back on our laurels – thinking once we’re saved,
we're always saved. For we can and do “drift away” from so great a
salvation (Hebrews 2:1-3).
Lutherans therefore reject the popular view
that the “godly cannot fall again” [The
Book of
Concord (1580) ed. T. Tappert (Fortress
1959) p. 35]. So that drift has to be stopped. And this can only be done
through the preaching of the Word of God. This in large part is what I have tried
to do in these sermons – asking God to help and guide me.
The Three Part Format
The format of these sermons comes from the Lutheran Confessions.
They say “the sum of the proclamation of the Gospel is to [a] denounce
sin, to [b] offer… righteousness for Christ’s sake…, and to [c]
lead us as regenerated men to do good” (BC, pp. 185-186]. So in my
sermons I follow this three step format – and in the order specified. This
classic format is nearly gone from American churches today. So hearing these
sermons will be a strange and foreign experience for most.
But I hope it will also become
salutary, refreshing and edifying. I hope its formulaic structure will
not bore you but help you understand God's word and what to expect from
it. I also hope it will assure you of hearing "the whole counsel of God"
(Acts 20:27).
Martin Luther
also quote Martin Luther (1483-1546) and his followers throughout these
sermons. That's because in the Lutheran Confessions he is said to be our “most eminent teacher” (BC, p. 576).
And it was Luther, by the way, who said Christians must be
converted over and over again. Most famously he says this in his
Large Catechism (1529) when he argues that baptism is a “daily”
affair (BC, p. 445) (see also Luke 9:23) – something that we
have to go through again and again.
he also makes this point more fully and more exactly in his Isaiah
commentary from the years 1527-1530. There he writes that as it is
“Christ’s business always to forgive, so it is our business, as we
are engulfed by daily cares, to be converted day by day [quottidie
converti]” (Luther’s Works
17:117). Only those Christians who think they are floating into heaven on velvet cushions (LW 23:362) and not bitterly
engulfed in temptations, will shamelessly oppose this quottidie
converti! I have explored this costly error more fully in my
article, “Poisoning Baptism” (The
Bride of Christ, Lent-Easter 1991 and on this webpage under Baptism).
Further Reading on Lutheran Preaching
If you
would like further information on why I preach the way I do, you can
read my articles on “Somber Lutherans,” Lutheran
Forum, Spring 2004 (and on this webpage under Publications); “Preaching Against the Cross,” Lutheran
Partners, September/October 2003; “Christ as a Sign of
Contradiction,” Pro Ecclesia, Fall 1997; and my booklets The Fatal Vice: Standards for Judging Lutheran Pastors
(2006), Kierkegaard
on Preaching for Salvation (2004), Kierkegaard’s
Year 2005 (2005) and Making a New
World: How Lutherans Read the Bible (2003).
One may still wonder why
I've gone to all this bother. There are so many other more famous collections
of sermons already available in
English. So why add my little series of sermons to this already very long list
of sermon collections? Well I do this first because they are my best written witness to Christ
Jesus, and I simply want to get them out as part of my personal
obligation (Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 3:15). I
post them then for all who have "ears to hear"
(Matthew 11:15, 13:15, 43). And I do this knowing full well that I may
be like those famous donkeys on the Greek isle of
, braying at the dark night sky with none interested in listening to
them. But
on the outside chance that there actually are interested readers, I
offer them up them most gratefully (Ezekiel 2:3-7, 3:4-11, 16-22; Mathew 10:16-23).
Like Luther who thought his Postils, or collections of sermons,
were among his best writings (LW 37:147), I hope the same for
my collected sermons.
I do this also because I
think these sermons are fairly out of the ordinary. I think they're some of the clearest,
most pointed and accurate accounts of Christianity and the Christian
life I've seen to date – largely because of what I quote in them. And
I thank God for that, knowing he has helped me with this (Mark
13:10-11). Included in these quotations are passages from the Lutheran
confessions – something rarely, if ever, seen in sermons today.
Finally, the writings of Søren
Kierkegaard (1813-1855) are also a part of these sermons. In an 1848 entry from
his journals (Hong edition, §6283) Kierkegaard writes:
my writings I hope to... leave behind me so accurate a characterization
of Christianity and its relationships in the world that an enthusiastic,
noble-minded young person will be able to find in it a map of
relationships as accurate as any topographical map from the most famous
I think Kierkegaard pulled
this off quite well. I therefore have taken his map, of many thousands
of pages, digested it and then condensed it for these sermons –
all in the name of making his insights more accessible – and doing so
without quoting him at every turn. This makes these sermons, in some
sense, Kierkegaardian – which is another reason why they could be of
May these reasons pique your interest in Not
for Itching Ears. May you read these sermons – perhaps even out
loud to yourself or in the company of other wayfarers – and then take
them to heart. That's my prayer. Soli
deo gloria.
Addendum: That Invisible
"It is a risk to preach, for as I go up into that
holy place – whether the church is packed or as good as empty,
whether I myself am aware of it or not, I have one listener more
than can be seen, an invisible listener, God in heaven, whom I
certainly cannot see but who truly can see me. This listener, he
pays close attention to whether what I am saying is true,
whether it is true in me, that is, he looks to see – and he can
do that, because he is invisible, in a way that makes it
impossible to be on one’s guard against him – he looks to see
whether my life expresses what I am saying. And although I do
not have authority to commit anyone else, I have committed
myself to every word I have said from the pulpit in the sermon –
and God has heard it. Truly it is a risk to preach!…. The
proclaimer of the Christian truth…. should be… true, that is, he
himself should be what he proclaims, or at least strive to be
that, or at least be honest enough to confess about himself that
he is not that."
Kierkegaard, Practice in
Christianity (1850),